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Ok, I've just got to the pub. No goat droppings, and no short bloke with long hair.


Am I too late?


I'm the viciously suave bloke sitting near the door, nursing a pint of Dublin Porter trying to stop the pub dog from sniffing his crotch.

Posted (edited)

How long is too long to make imploring eye contact with strangers?


I don't know the answer to that question, but I'm going to quit while I'm ahead - and haven't been punched.


Blown out by a bunch of no-mark, lightweights from an Internet forum.


How did it come to this? (rhet.)

Edited by saintbletch
  saintbletch said:
How long is too long to make imploring eye contact with strangers?


I don't know the answer to that question, but I'm going to quit while I'm ahead - and haven't punched.


Blown out by a bunch of no-mark, lightweights from an Internet forum.


How did it come to this? (rhet.)


Never mind, Bletch. One day your prince will come.


You sure you're at the right pub?


Let me know if you fancy doing some hilarious fun with words, mate. :)

  Goatboy said:
We'll wait for you bletch! Will keep an eye out for the Bickle, T. army jacket.


No solider left behind, eh?


  Halo Stickman said:
Never mind, Bletch. One day your prince will come.


You sure you're at the right pub?


Let me know if you fancy doing some hilarious fun with words, mate. :)


Kismet Halo.


I knew I could count on your virtual friendship above all the other virtual friendships I've cultivated.


The fact that I can turn to your virtual persona for virtual comfort and virtually forget the physical people I could have physically met in the physical world, literally means virtually the world to me, Halo.

  saintbletch said:
Kismet Halo.


I knew I could count on your virtual friendship above all the other virtual friendships I've cultivated.


The fact that I can turn to your virtual persona for virtual comfort and virtually forget the physical people I could have physically met in the physical world, literally means virtually the world to me, Halo.




Have a virtual beer on me, Bletch.

  saintbletch said:
Ok, I've just got to the pub. No goat droppings, and no short bloke with long hair.


Am I too late?


I'm the viciously suave bloke sitting near the door, nursing a pint of Dublin Porter trying to stop the pub dog from sniffing his crotch.


Je suis désolé. In fact, nous sommes tous désolés.


I made my way back to Horndean a shortish time after 5pm; I left in my wake the Goat, pap, Lou, Bucks, SO5 4BW, Ant and Lets B Avenue. We also had Jonnyboy and Sue Whistle with us earlier. What time the others made their way into the sotonian evening I do not know, but did you look in the garden?

  saintbletch said:
Ok, I've just got to the pub. No goat droppings, and no short bloke with long hair.


Am I too late?


I'm the viciously suave bloke sitting near the door, nursing a pint of Dublin Porter trying to stop the pub dog from sniffing his crotch.


Oh ****! Oh man, Bletch. :(:( everyone talked about you. Discussed the possibility of meeting you, hoped you'd make it. But sadly we left about 6.30. Gutted.

  Fowllyd said:
Je suis désolé. In fact, nous sommes tous désolés.


I made my way back to Horndean a shortish time after 5pm; I left in my wake the Goat, pap, Lou, Bucks, SO5 4BW, Ant and Lets B Avenue. We also had Jonnyboy and Sue Whistle with us earlier. What time the others made their way into the sotonian evening I do not know, but did you look in the garden?


Bain marie, Fowlly D. Bain marie.


I should have listened to Turkish. He sent me a PM urging me not to attend - for fear of losing my forum credibility. Prescient Turkish, prescient.


Thankfully he signed off by saying that IF I did attend, then I should make sure I was dressed (to the left) by Paul Smith. Advice I followed to the letter - despite a little **** direction discomfort.


  Coxford_lou said:
Oh ****! Oh man, Bletch. :(:( everyone talked about you. Discussed the possibility of meeting you, hoped you'd make it. But sadly we left about 6.30. Gutted.


Ah Lou, I really thought you could have been the one, but now we'll never know. I'll just have to find someone else to stalk.


I reckon I must have missed you all by about 10 minutes. The smell as I walked into the pub was redolent of a petting zoo at an Iron Maiden concert, so I knew Gay Boot and papster had been there.


Next time.

Posted (edited)

Good to see so many people yesterday! Really nice bunch to hang out with in the sun with after an amazing day ... Good to meet SueWhistle, SO5, jonnyboy, Fowllyd, and Ant, and see the regular gang of Bucks, Goatboy, Pap and Lets be Avenue. Gutted to miss Bletch.


I've been to more games this season than before thanks to you lot ... Very much appreciated. Hope you got something out of it too. See you again in August!


(Oh and f*ck off Turkish!) ;)

Edited by Coxford_lou
  saintbletch said:
Bain marie, Fowlly D. Bain marie.


I should have listened to Turkish. He sent me a PM urging me not to attend - for fear of losing my forum credibility. Prescient Turkish, prescient.


Thankfully he signed off by saying that IF I did attend, then I should make sure I was dressed (to the left) by Paul Smith. Advice I followed to the letter - despite a little **** direction discomfort.




Ah Lou, I really thought you could have been the one, but now we'll never know. I'll just have to find someone else to stalk.


I reckon I must have missed you all by about 10 minutes. The smell as I walked into the pub was redolent of a petting zoo at an Iron Maiden concert, so I knew Gay Boot and papster had been there.


Next time.


Aww, what shame. Next time Bletch! Turkish - always behind the scenes trying to sabotage...always failing... :):):) His empire has long fallen. :)

  Jonnyboy said:
Nice to meet you all guys. Obviously now my image as a carefree, rebellious teenager has been smashed (Mrs and kids popped in too) ;)


Good to finally meet you, Jonnyboy! Your family is lovely. :)

  saintbletch said:
Bain marie, Fowlly D. Bain marie.


I should have listened to Turkish. He sent me a PM urging me not to attend - for fear of losing my forum credibility. Prescient Turkish, prescient.


Thankfully he signed off by saying that IF I did attend, then I should make sure I was dressed (to the left) by Paul Smith. Advice I followed to the letter - despite a little **** direction discomfort.


It is a foolish man indeed who would ignore the wise words of Turkish. Be thankful that your credibility will have taken no more than a minor hit. It could have been so much worse.


  saintbletch said:
Ah Lou, I really thought you could have been the one, but now we'll never know. I'll just have to find someone else to stalk.


I reckon I must have missed you all by about 10 minutes. The smell as I walked into the pub was redolent of a petting zoo at an Iron Maiden concert, so I knew Gay Boot and papster had been there.


Next time.


So Lou will never get to see where the wild roses grow, then? She'll be disappointed, I'm sure.

  Fowllyd said:
It is a foolish man indeed who would ignore the wise words of Turkish. Be thankful that your credibility will have taken no more than a minor hit. It could have been so much worse.


Apparently, like Ed Miliband my forum credibility has actually improved by being stood up.


It's something to do with when you add negative numbers to negative numbers.


I don't claim to understand the details, but I think they call it a "dead cat bounce".

  saintbletch said:
Apparently, like Ed Miliband my forum credibility has actually improved by being stood up.


It's something to do with when you add negative numbers to negative numbers.


I don't claim to understand the details, but I think they call it a "dead cat bounce".


Improved? Ed had to fall on his sword. Ritual disemboweling could be a popular spectator sport.

  saintbletch said:
No solider left behind, eh?




Kismet Halo.


I knew I could count on your virtual friendship above all the other virtual friendships I've cultivated.


The fact that I can turn to your virtual persona for virtual comfort and virtually forget the physical people I could have physically met in the physical world, literally means virtually the world to me, Halo.


I left a solider in the little boy's room. Does that count?

  Coxford_lou said:
See you again in August!


It was an excellent turnout on an all around excellent day. Shame I felt like crap but anyway good to meet the new faces and good to chat to SO5 on the train back.


Lou - txt me your estimated number of games from August onwards. I may yet renew the other seat just to annoy my neighbour ;)


Nice to meet you all. In their absence Lou and myself had an interesting discussion about Bearsy and Bletch, but because we don't want to embarass them we won't tell. My expectations were confounded though, Pap is not fat (I don't know where I got that from), Lou is not a truck driver, Bucks is an immigrant to Berks, Goatboy's laugh wasn't an obscene gurgle, we learnt the etymology of various people's names and I had to leave before I'd my ration of pints and so managed to avoid embarassing myself.


Summer is on its way and my liver can now take it easy..

  suewhistle said:
Nice to meet you all. In their absence Lou and myself had an interesting discussion about Bearsy and Bletch, but because we don't want to embarass them we won't tell. My expectations were confounded though, Pap is not fat (I don't know where I got that from), Lou is not a truck driver, Bucks is an immigrant to Berks, Goatboy's laugh wasn't an obscene gurgle, we learnt the etymology of various people's names and I had to leave before I'd my ration of pints and so managed to avoid embarassing myself.


Summer is on its way and my liver can now take it easy..


Haha! Was nice to meet you Sue, you're much taller than I expected!

  Spudders said:
Hi Lou, I imagine you as being about 5'8" how close am I?




Short enough to make men of whatever height feel manly alongside me. Tall enough to not be a midget.


Glad I came along :) That extraordinary match of football (and the conclusion of our home fixtures) deserved marking and I'll try to pop in more often next year. The South Western's a cracking pub with decent beer. Plus the garden's top class when basked in sunshine.


Stretched my statement of "1 or 2 drinks" to its limit but then it's been one of those weekends. In fact apart from briefly being convinced that I was dying whilst on the train back from London (Saturday AM), I've been hangover-free all weekend despite consecutive days of heavy boozing. Perhaps I should volunteer my body for medical research...


Things I learned: apparently I don't look as expected (despite my Twitter account, as linked in my Location, featuring a recent pic of me ;)); despite my protestations I am still a kid (human, not goat) by 'The Lounge' standards; pap (R.I.P.) is now my chief career adviser; everybody meeting up must either be easygoing and amiable or you were all just on very good behaviour :D


At the risk of labouring the point I agree with the sentiments above - sunshine, a 6-1 win and several beers with pleasant company in a nice pub. And a chat on the train back - thanks Bucks. Would be very happy to do that again next season.


It's also good to know that the forum isn't just populated by internet warriors and children. Some threads have made me wonder!


If anyone London-based fancies catching up for a few beers over the summer let me know

  Coxford_lou said:
Haha! Was nice to meet you Sue, you're much taller than I expected!


It's funny about preconceptions, but I did hint that I was of sporty build and wore sensible shoes! ;-)

Anyway, just bought my season ticket (whimper..) so I'd better start budgetting for next season's beers..

  suewhistle said:
It's funny about preconceptions, but I did hint that I was of sporty build and wore sensible shoes! ;-)

Anyway, just bought my season ticket (whimper..) so I'd better start budgetting for next season's beers..


You must be on £40 per word sw! ;)

  • 3 months later...

Its been a while....but the usual suspects are gathering pre match on Sunday, and we would welcome anyone who wants to join. A bit of banter, catch up, over a beer while we talk ****e about the upcoming match, what's not to like? ;)


Exact time tbc, but safe to assume 2.30 onwards, latest. Likely to be at the Farmhouse again. (Full details might follow, possibly on the other forum....)


Thanks to the usual gang, plus a couple of new faces for making the drinks. With 12 of us making the effort to enjoy a few beers and banter in the sunshine, it turned out to be the best part of the day...

  Bucks Saint said:
Thanks to the usual gang, plus a couple of new faces for making the drinks. With 12 of us making the effort to enjoy a few beers and banter in the sunshine, it turned out to be the best part of the day...


'Drinks' and 'banter' :lol:

  hypochondriac said:
I'm glad they had fun. Why bucks feels the need to put it on here I have no idea!


Sorry that the idea behind this thread is beyond you. And that so many need to take the ****.

  Bucks Saint said:
Sorry that the idea behind this thread is beyond you. And that so many need to take the ****.


Go and have fun on your other site. If people want to meet with you and pap for a drink then they know where to go. Otherwise it appears you're just covertly advertising other websites on here under the guise of drinks.

Posted (edited)
  hypochondriac said:
Go and have fun on your other site. If people want to meet with you and pap for a drink then they know where to go. Otherwise it appears you're just covertly advertising other websites on here under the guise of drinks.


Like I said, I am sorry that the idea behind this is beyond you. Started by Lou in February as an attempt to be social and welcoming pre-match, long before the "other" site. Also a similar idea behind the London drinks, but some still need to take the ****.

Edited by Bucks Saint
Posted (edited)
  Bucks Saint said:
Like I said, I am sorry that the idea behind this is beyond you. Started by Lou in February as an attempt to be social and welcoming, long before the "other" site, but some still need to take the ****. Might be why many posters have cleared off.


Lou and others have left this site. If you want to go and meet up with people who no longer frequent this forum then go ahead but spamming all about the "banter" from there on here just makes you look a bit desperate...


Quite clear what the idea behind your drinks initiative is thanks, not sure why you need to pretend that we don't "get" it. There isn't really anything to get.

Edited by hypochondriac

You asked why I needed to post on this thread. You have a lot of angst: "We"? Really? Is it "them and us " for you now? Does this have to cloud everything, even a drinks invite? Shame

  Bucks Saint said:
You asked why I needed to post on this thread. You have a lot of angst: "We"? Really? Is it "them and us " for you now? Does this have to cloud everything, even a drinks invite? Shame


"We" quite clearly being the people who you claim don't understand your concept of drinks and the people you moan at for taking the p*ss. I would have thought that was obvious.

  adriansfc said:
Sorry I haven't made any drinks yet. Always looking for places to watch saints games in London so next time london drinks are organised for some game on tv let me know.


No need to apologise Adrian, no one gives a sh*t.

  hypochondriac said:
I'm glad they had fun. Why bucks feels the need to put it on here I have no idea!


You can only imagine how epic the #bantz was from the 12 bantersaurus rexes of forums. Pap is obviously the archbishop of banterbury, with Jeff turning up in his bantmobile, if Lou was a footballer she'd be Eric Bantona, Bucks could fill the role of Bantonio Banteras with aplomb. In fact if their meet up was a stage show it'd be Bantom of the Opera. SAdly i dont think i'll ever make drinks with the bantonomists as when it comes to #bantz i'm only a bantom weight.

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