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I haven't left this site, thanks very much. I'm still a full member. Get yer facts straight,

Hypo... :lol:


Well if you want to be pedantic about it then lou hasn't left but she now contributes once every four months.

Go and have fun on your other site. If people want to meet with you and pap for a drink then they know where to go. Otherwise it appears you're just covertly advertising other websites on here under the guise of drinks.


Which other websites?

Posted (edited)
Well if you want to be pedantic about it then lou hasn't left but she now contributes once every four months.


Most of those who came together for a beer on Sunday have not left; some only post here and nowhere else. A couple dont post anywhere! Not sure why any of this matters when saints fans meet up for a beer, but it seems it does to you.

Edited by Bucks Saint
"hilarious" photoshop are more suited to your other forum. I don't think the plebs on here are intelligent enough to get the subtle humour.


Thanks for keeping me up to date with what is and isn't appropriate for this forum though Hypes. I think the place would fall apart without your policing.

Go and have fun on your other site. If people want to meet with you and pap for a drink then they know where to go. Otherwise it appears you're just covertly advertising other websites on here under the guise of drinks.


I am confused here Hypo because there is a Hypo that also posts on the other site which I thought was you? Any, to more important matters, it is not an exclusive club and anyone who supports Saints can join. I used to meet posters from another forum a few years back and it was good to meet people that I had only chatted too online. Not sure why you are getting so worked up about it but I would imagine that the meetings would be between people who have or do frequent(ed) both sites. Is that a bad thing?

Oh god they're all coming back to have a pop. Can't you all just stay over there and just send Bearsy once in a while?


I have never left but you are the one who comes across as someone who doesn't have a lot of joy. Why be bothered? Takes a special type of person who wants to get angry with people being friendly

You can only imagine how epic the #bantz was from the 12 bantersaurus rexes of forums. Pap is obviously the archbishop of banterbury, with Jeff turning up in his bantmobile, if Lou was a footballer she'd be Eric Bantona, Bucks could fill the role of Bantonio Banteras with aplomb. In fact if their meet up was a stage show it'd be Bantom of the Opera. SAdly i dont think i'll ever make drinks with the bantonomists as when it comes to #bantz i'm only a bantom weight.


How do you know who was there?

I have never left but you are the one who comes across as someone who doesn't have a lot of joy. Why be bothered? Takes a special type of person who wants to get angry with people being friendly


Weird that you think some words on a screen make someone angry. If you do believe that then seek help.

Weird that you think some words on a screen make someone angry. If you do believe that then seek help.


You keep coming up with this and don't believe you fail to see in emotion in words..

You keep coming up with this and don't believe you fail to see in emotion in words..


I tap a few words into my phone to reply on here whilst doing other things. I rarely feel any emotion whilst replying, certainly not anger.

I tap a few words into my phone to reply on here whilst doing other things. I rarely feel any emotion whilst replying, certainly not anger.


I hope you've got a wipe clean cover on that phone.

I tap a few words into my phone to reply on here whilst doing other things. I rarely feel any emotion whilst replying, certainly not anger.


"Oh God, they are all coming back...to have a pop..." HELP!

Hypo hasn't learnt that when you're in a hole you stop digging. I don't think he meant to make me laugh... with incredulity.


Thanks for the life advice sue. Truly valued from someone such as yourself.

Good to meet Rallyboy yesterday and enjoy a few pints in the sun.

Looking forward to the Leicester meet up.


If Rallyboy cant make the Leics beers, I hope he shares the nailed on score prediction some other way £££££££


A mystery man wandered in, predicted the future, bent some spoons with his mind and then left....


Perhaps he'll stop while he's ahead and protect that 100% record.


Of course.....and you are going to travel and meet a tall dark stranger. :)


Well, I normally drink elsewhere pre-match, but the opportunity to meet the legend of the PTS thread is sorely tempting.. ;-)

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