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Well I must say, this is all looking very promising. However, we have all been lulled into a false sense of drinking security before. The inaugural meeting featured only three SaintsWeb members; had to bring Young Adult Unit #1 along to make up the numbers.


If any of you are wavering, allow me to sway you with a stirring line or two that will force you into action.


It's the last home game of the season.

Get on it, you tarts.


Henry II got nothing on me.


Not trying to claim like oneupmanship or nuffink, but the while the first home swf drinks had only three members; the inaugural season opener at Arsenal had only two. Onwards ever since

Make it happen, Sue!


I'll try..


Sod me, a sentence of 81 words to translate. It's meant to be on an explanatory panel for tourists/visitors - awful run-on style. I think my English version is going to be easier to read!

Be careful! I married someone I met through this site, happy to say we are currently getting divorced


Thanks for the advice Jillyanne - I'll be mindful of that!


Are you joining us? Might be able to hook you up with husband number two...;)

Not trying to claim like oneupmanship or nuffink, but the while the first home swf drinks had only three members; the inaugural season opener at Arsenal had only two. Onwards ever since


And when Bucks first agreed to join me for a drink, he had zero to go on as I hardly posted in those days. I could have been a weirdo for all he knew! That took guts. :)


I miss those heady days of Highbury meet ups with a 10 minute walk home...

And when Bucks first agreed to join me for a drink, he had zero to go on as I hardly posted in those days. I could have been a weirdo for all he knew! That took guts. :)


I miss those heady days of Highbury meet ups with a 10 minute walk home...


Nice of you but not all that brave, I had my Arsenal gang with me for safety just in case you had an axe ;)

Nice of you but not all that brave, I had my Arsenal gang with me for safety just in case you had an axe ;)


That's true. I was on my own, definitely the braver one.

Woah! What's occurred with Papster?????


If he has been banned, then my guess is it was probably for something like sharing Verbal's name again or something similar. He hasn't been banned before to my knowledge so he will be back soon enough.

Yeah, we're worth more than a "if I'm free I'm in" ! Talk about playing hard to get. Sort it out, Ant! ;)


Fine, I'm a definite! :)


Have remembered it's my team's presentation evening on Saturday though so I'll only be good for one or two.

Fine, I'm a definite! :)


Have remembered it's my team's presentation evening on Saturday though so I'll only be good for one or two.


Well, now Pap has been banned, you definitely can't miss it for the behind the scenes gossip.


One or two is acceptable :)

Well, now Pap has been banned, you definitely can't miss it for the behind the scenes gossip.


One or two is acceptable :)


Was thinking the same. Is there going to be a march to ground in protest?



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Was thinking the same. Is there going to be a march to ground in protest?



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Are you joining us, Whelk. For moral support?!

If he has been banned, then my guess is it was probably for something like sharing Verbal's name again or something similar. He hasn't been banned before to my knowledge so he will be back soon enough.


Worst kept secret on this board, who Verbal is. Not going to name him mind.

Worst kept secret on this board, who Verbal is. Not going to name him mind.


Well, I don't know who he is, and I'm fine with that. I do think, like Pap, he's a pretty interesting character though. Which is a good thing for this place.


Neither know, nor care. But how long does it take for you all to get to the SW? I've got long legs and will probably be on my first pint by the time some of you arrive. I'd like to get the 15.49 from St D, or definitely the one an hour later! Change of clothes ready on the bed, the consensus amongst the 18 year olds is dresses and heels !!!, quick shower and an attempt to not slur my words to the taxi driver - last year it was the first day of Ramadan! I'm glad to say that other team-mates are of the same opinion that the venue is a bit grot, although mine is more based on nothing decent to drink..


Anyway, this bottle of beer I'm drinking is celebration that I've finished my translation: longest sentence 99 words... I must get Bletch to do an Italian word cloud, I'm sure it would be fascinating...

Are you joining us, Whelk. For moral support?!


A very slim chance. Pretty much go for a few beers after every game but family commitments on Saturday may stop me this time.

South Western Arms is a great pub although wrong direction for me which doesn't help.

But as I said still a slight chance

It really isn't. The vast vast majority have no idea who he is.


I'm in that group and tbh couldn't care less. Having a name wouldn't help me anyway.

I'm in that group and tbh couldn't care less. Having a name wouldn't help me anyway.


Same here!! There again, I can't even remember which posters posted what!!


I read the post, and generally don't even bother to look at the posters name and move on to the next post. As, (I think it was Batman said) on another thread ... Play the ball not the man.


I keep forgetting that this innernetz is serious business!!

Yep, one or two sounds perfect:



'kin ell. You know you're getting old when you look at that pic and your first thought is "I like that jumper" :(

Neither know, nor care. But how long does it take for you all to get to the SW? I've got long legs and will probably be on my first pint by the time some of you arrive. I'd like to get the 15.49 from St D, or definitely the one an hour later! Change of clothes ready on the bed, the consensus amongst the 18 year olds is dresses and heels !!!, quick shower and an attempt to not slur my words to the taxi driver - last year it was the first day of Ramadan! I'm glad to say that other team-mates are of the same opinion that the venue is a bit grot, although mine is more based on nothing decent to drink..


Anyway, this bottle of beer I'm drinking is celebration that I've finished my translation: longest sentence 99 words... I must get Bletch to do an Italian word cloud, I'm sure it would be fascinating...


You'll be getting the first round in then sw?

Neither know, nor care. But how long does it take for you all to get to the SW? I've got long legs and will probably be on my first pint by the time some of you arrive. I'd like to get the 15.49 from St D, or definitely the one an hour later! Change of clothes ready on the bed, the consensus amongst the 18 year olds is dresses and heels !!!, quick shower and an attempt to not slur my words to the taxi driver - last year it was the first day of Ramadan! I'm glad to say that other team-mates are of the same opinion that the venue is a bit grot, although mine is more based on nothing decent to drink..


Anyway, this bottle of beer I'm drinking is celebration that I've finished my translation: longest sentence 99 words... I must get Bletch to do an Italian word cloud, I'm sure it would be fascinating...


Mrs Bletch is actually learning Italian, which means that by osmosis so am I. I often find my wife in bed with the Italian lady from the Duolingo app - not the threesome I was hoping for I can tell you Sue.


Ci vediamo domani?

:lol: you consider that spiteful? Wow, I knew a lot of Saints fans were delicate flowers but it's worse than I thought on saintsweb!


Just cos your at the gym doesn't mean you have to start posting like Turkish.


Aaaaaaanyway, getting this thread back on topic. Friendly, merry, everyone welcome DRINKS are still on tomorrow after the game to celebrate end of the season. Head straight to the pub in St Denys that I always get the name wrong, after the game (Great South Western??). Should be sunny, so we'll likely be in the garden. If you're nervous about finding us, PM me and we can exchange mobile numbers. Or look for Pap. Everyone is very very friendly in real life.


Now I really do need a drink!


I've not had a beer of lower ABV than 8% tonight and finished with one rated 15%. If I'm capable of words tomorrow, I'll be impressed.

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