jjsaint Posted 23 October, 2015 Posted 23 October, 2015 I use 'limey' a lot, although normally to describe a flavour that is close to 'lemony'.
Micky Posted 23 October, 2015 Posted 23 October, 2015 Saint George said: @ ****ing doughnut man Mikey...... Strangely though, I've never been bottled, glassed, knifed or shot in the US, nope, never, not once and not even personally seen anything that even came close and i live in the party capital New Orleans....Cant say the same about my time in the UK though....Peeps getting punched, kicked, glassed, bottled or knifed was not uncommon on Saturday nights, Soccer games, concerts or any other time or place....Never been burgled here either, or even know anyone that has, don't even here of it in the news......again, can't say the same same about the UK, where getting burgled is a way of life and pretty much guaranteed....anyway, no need to "despair" or burst a blood vessel, because at the end of the day the way we live in our Country has **** all to do with you....You should save your hand wringing for the fvking huge problems that exist right on your own doorstep and the even bigger ones that ya'll are sleep walking right into. You're ranting mate - again. One more time, just for you, the thread is about gun (that's gun) control (or the lack of it) within the United States. I totally understand that you are against gun control - but you need to at least try to put up some sort of cogent argument as to why the current legislation doesn't need reform. Your last rant was all about knife crime - not guns. Do we have a problem with knife crime here in the UK - hell yes we do! Are we trying to overcome it with knife amnesties and initiatives in inner city areas where gang culture is rife - yes we are. But again, it has little bearing on the thread, and dare I suggest that I'd rather be facing our predicament with knives than I would America's with guns. Just my opinion - but I think most would agree. I don't know where you used to live while you were here, but I kinda feel a little sorry for you, all that trouble and burglary as well. I've lived down south, up north, Northern Ireland and currently live in the midlands - never had a problem and, rather strangely, never been burgled on this Isle of Violence....! Very interested to read that your response to somebody being knifed over here would be to allow everybody to carry guns for defence reasons, and then you wonder why people can't take you seriously. Perhaps you should go back to the beginning of this thread and re-read it.
aintforever Posted 23 October, 2015 Posted 23 October, 2015 Poor old St George is just getting defensive because he knows we are right and the truth hurts, especially coming from a bunch of Limeys who naturally have a superiority complex. I loved every minute of it when I was over in the states, it's a fantastic country. But they need to sort their gun problem out - any right minded Yank would say the same.
Goatboy Posted 23 October, 2015 Posted 23 October, 2015 aintforever said: Poor old St George is just getting defensive because he knows we are right and the truth hurts, especially coming from a bunch of Limeys who naturally have a superiority complex. I loved every minute of it when I was over in the states, it's a fantastic country. But they need to sort their gun problem out - any right minded Yank would say the same. SG is neither of those.
CHAPEL END CHARLIE Posted 24 October, 2015 Posted 24 October, 2015 I had thought that this old thread would die from natural causes soon after our erstwhile Canadian friend got himself banned due to excessive stupidity. How very wrong I was! But in plea of mitigation, how could I have possibly been expected to realised that even the vast North American continent was populous enough to contain yet another Saintsweb member of near equal density? So what have we learnt recently? Well it seems that violent crime exists not only in the United States but here in the UK too. Now I can't speak for any other 'little englanders' on here, but having only spent a mere half a century living in this country this stunning 'no sh1te Sherlock' revelation certainly comes as a bit of a bombshell to me. Naturally ten bloody months of trying to hammer home the perfectly obvious (and statistically proven) point that because of our lack of a US style gun culture the UK's homicide rate is actually a mere fraction of the US one is not enough. Perhaps twenty months will suffice to finally get the message across to our more 'hard of thinking' members. In other news, it seems that the moribund old insult 'Limey' has been resurrected for some reason and brought back to vigorous health again. Wow - I can only wonder what derogatory term of choice anyone IDIOTIC enough to use this type of prejudicial language would employ against other groups they did not happen to like - such as black people perhaps? Strike that question, methinks I already know the answer ...
sadoldgit Posted 25 October, 2015 Posted 25 October, 2015 CHAPEL END CHARLIE said: I had thought that this old thread would die from natural causes soon after our erstwhile Canadian friend got himself banned due to excessive stupidity. How very wrong I was! But in plea of mitigation, how could I have possibly been expected to realised that even the vast North American continent was populous enough to contain yet another Saintsweb member of near equal density? So what have we learnt recently? Well it seems that violent crime exists not only in the United States but here in the UK too. Now I can't speak for any other 'little englanders' on here, but having only spent a mere half a century living in this country this stunning 'no sh1te Sherlock' revelation certainly comes as a bit of a bombshell to me. Naturally ten bloody months of trying to hammer home the perfectly obvious (and statistically proven) point that because of our lack of a US style gun culture the UK's homicide rate is actually a mere fraction of the US one is not enough. Perhaps twenty months will suffice to finally get the message across to our more 'hard of thinking' members. In other news, it seems that the moribund old insult 'Limey' has been resurrected for some reason and brought back to vigorous health again. Wow - I can only wonder what derogatory term of choice anyone IDIOTIC enough to use this type of prejudicial language would employ against other groups they did not happen to like - such as black people perhaps? Strike that question, methinks I already know the answer ... Spot on mate.
Saint George Posted 26 October, 2015 Posted 26 October, 2015 doddisalegend said: Another shooting. An actor re-enacting the OK corral shootout in Tombstone shot another actor and a bystander after accidentally loading his six shooter with live rounds instead of blanks http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11941776/OK-Corral-shootout-reenactment-leaves-two-people-shot.html Dumb **** limey Cop injures a 7 yr old girl with live ammunition a during school demonstration...where was your face palm and outrage then? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/11214404/Girl-seven-injured-as-police-officer-fires-gun-during-prize-winners-visit.html A few days ago 6 limey Cops armed with "machine guns" enter a home and shoot a guy over a "domestic dispute"....Seems it barely made more than a few lines in the news...where's the outrage? RoswellSaint said: LOL. Really? Funny, you rarely hear Americans use "limey" these days, if they ever really did. I don't deny I am English at heart. I am proud to have been born there and grown up there but I am proud of my adopted home too. Have I said a word that is anti-American? Pretty sure I haven't. I am honest enough to admit that both countries have their problems and I am willing to indulge in sensible debate on those and how to fix them. What did England do to you that has made you so bitter about the place and to want to disown it? And tough to live down south?! Nah, not at all. Southerners are among the most open and welcoming people in the world. Saint George - relax and enjoy life more. Don't be so angry. No anger here...just holding a mirror up to bunch of whiny self-righteous and ignorant foreigners who have no concept of the fact the world doesn’t revolve around them. As for the south.....95% of all these great welcoming warm and friendly people down here are just like me, own guns, hunt and believe in the right to self-defense and will do what's necessary to protect those rights......Id say it was you who's the turtle on the post around these parts, but that's OK, this is America and we can all be what we want to be....How do you feel about Georgia's 'Stand your ground' law's and 'Castle doctrine'?...do you own a gun?....have you ever been hunting? As for "limey" If you got out into the country you'd probably be surprised ........It's still a pretty benign phrase though, but i see a few hypocrites on here are getting bit uppity over it... My father in law's next door neighbors very first words to me as we were shaking hands were..."So you're a limey huh?" But yeah, it's making a comeback, it's not quite the term of endearment that "Brit" was associated with. The internet has given more and more Americans a far better insight into the up-tightness and toxicity of the UK and especially their general bitterness toward the US.....more and more "Train spotting" and less Hugh Grant and the Queen... So why have you and Ohio felt the need to join in with the mob on here while they round on anyone with a differing opinion and doesn't necessarily agree there's anything much wrong with the way we live?.....We had 42 pages of mostly obnoxious ignorance on this thread before i even made a post and 10 pages of obsessed playground hysteria since....How about the "septic tank" comments, or "only thing wrong with America is Americans" "Dumb Yanks" "Thick Yanks" yada yada yada ....How come you didn't feel the need to post anything to correct all these foreigners when those comments were being aimed at you?...after all, you're a "dumb and thick septic tanks",no? ...What about all those warm friendly and open folks you know....Do they know you're part of a limey hate mob abusing them on an internet forum?...I'm guessing you don't really feel those comments were aimed at you as your clearly still very much a limey at heart, not that there's anything wrong with that, it probably just makes you more Emily Blunt than 'apple pie' and explains why you don't get me or most of the peeps that live outside your bubble. But hey, as you know, it's a free Country.
Saint George Posted 26 October, 2015 Posted 26 October, 2015 Micky said: You're ranting mate - again. One more time, just for you, the thread is about gun (that's gun) control (or the lack of it) within the United States. I totally understand that you are against gun control - "but you need to at least try to put up some sort of cogent argument as to why the current legislation doesn't need reform". Your last rant was all about knife crime - not guns. Do we have a problem with knife crime here in the UK - hell yes we do! Are we trying to overcome it with knife amnesties and initiatives in inner city areas where gang culture is rife - yes we are. But again, it has little bearing on the thread, and dare I suggest that I'd rather be facing our predicament with knives than I would America's with guns. Just my opinion - but I think most would agree. I don't know where you used to live while you were here, but I kinda feel a little sorry for you, all that trouble and burglary as well. I've lived down south, up north, Northern Ireland and currently live in the midlands - never had a problem and, rather strangely, never been burgled on this Isle of Violence....! Very interested to read that your response to somebody being knifed over here would be to allow everybody to carry guns for defence reasons, and then you wonder why people can't take you seriously. Perhaps you should go back to the beginning of this thread and re-read it. aintforever said: Poor old St George is just getting defensive because he knows we are right and the truth hurts, especially coming from a bunch of Limeys who naturally have a superiority complex. I loved every minute of it when I was over in the states, it's a fantastic country. But they need to sort their gun problem out - any right minded Yank would say the same. Get this guys.....Sorry to burst your bubbles, but we don't 'need' to do a damned thing, especially not to appease a bunch of hysterical hand wringing foreigners. Your collective angst would be far better directed at your own ever worsening problems on your own door step....At least with some effort you have a minuscule chance of resolving them. If you don't like the way we live, that's OK, just stop vacationing here and obsessively reading and talking about us every chance you get...It's not hard and we won't miss you that much, really
aintforever Posted 26 October, 2015 Posted 26 October, 2015 Saint George said: Get this guys.....Sorry to burst your bubbles, but we don't 'need' to do a damned thing, especially not to appease a bunch of hysterical hand wringing foreigners. Your collective angst would be far better directed at your own ever worsening problems on your own door step....At least with some effort you have a minuscule chance of resolving them. If you don't like the way we live, that's OK, just stop vacationing here and obsessively reading and talking about us every chance you get...It's not hard and we won't miss you that much, really Not sure why you get so defensive, I'm guessing it's because deep down you know we are right and that bugs you. You also probably realise that with ever massacre there is, people with your attitude have blood on their hands because you are the reason nothing is changing. There is plenty wrong with the UK, but that's not the subject of this thread.
CB Fry Posted 26 October, 2015 Posted 26 October, 2015 Saint George said: Get this guys.....Sorry to burst your bubbles, but we don't 'need' to do a damned thing, especially not to appease a bunch of hysterical hand wringing foreigners. Your collective angst would be far better directed at your own ever worsening problems on your own door step....At least with some effort you have a minuscule chance of resolving them. If you don't like the way we live, that's OK, just stop vacationing here and obsessively reading and talking about us every chance you get...It's not hard and we won't miss you that much, really You're trying so hard, and I for one think it's lovely.
badgerx16 Posted 26 October, 2015 Posted 26 October, 2015 (edited) As of October 1st, there had been 274 days in 2015 and 294 incidents of mass shooting - defined as where 4 or more people were shot. Yet SG doesn't think there is a problem, and continues in vain to find parallels with the UK. Edited 26 October, 2015 by badgerx16
NI Saint Posted 26 October, 2015 Posted 26 October, 2015 Even dogs have started shooting people in America... http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/oct/26/dog-trigger-shoots-owner-hunt-indiana?CMP=twt_gu
whelk Posted 27 October, 2015 Posted 27 October, 2015 Terrible story http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3283014/I-m-lost-without-Widow-jogger-allegedly-hacked-death-ex-Texas-M-star-pays-tribute-wonderful-husband-25-years.html I thought it was only limeys who had to worry about random stabbings
doddisalegend Posted 27 October, 2015 Posted 27 October, 2015 American police officer handing out Justice to a school girl US style (including a nice video of the incident) A US sheriff's department says it is investigating after a video emerged showing an officer throwing a female pupil across a classroom. The footage posted online on Monday was said to be filmed in a school in Columbia, South Carolina. US media said the pupil had refused to leave the classroom when asked. The officer, a school monitor, was called. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-34644336
Ohio Saint Posted 27 October, 2015 Posted 27 October, 2015 In answer to the original question of what is wrong with America......The answer is "Not too much" SG seems to forget though, that the real intent of this this thread is to highlight the problems of almost zero gun control. Lack of gun control is seen by most sane people as a problem rather than a solution to violent crime. I have lost count of the amount of gun related incidents in my own (mostly rural) part of the country. I have not yet heard of any drive-by stabbings though. What SG forgets is that shootings can be random. Any a-hole with a gun can shoot another person from a distance......A stabbing is a whole different thing. It's up close and personal. If you are a victim of a stabbing, you most likely put yourself in that area of risk by your own actions. On a side note, I can't believe I'm still being sucked into replying to the antics of a retard.
Goatboy Posted 27 October, 2015 Posted 27 October, 2015 Ohio Saint said: In answer to the original question of what is wrong with America......The answer is "Not too much" SG seems to forget though, that the real intent of this this thread is to highlight the problems of almost zero gun control. Lack of gun control is seen by most sane people as a problem rather than a solution to violent crime. I have lost count of the amount of gun related incidents in my own (mostly rural) part of the country. I have not yet heard of any drive-by stabbings though. What SG forgets is that shootings can be random. Any a-hole with a gun can shoot another person from a distance......A stabbing is a whole different thing. It's up close and personal. If you are a victim of a stabbing, you most likely put yourself in that area of risk by your own actions. On a side note, I can't believe I'm still being sucked into replying to the antics of a retard. That's marriage for you;)
Saint George Posted 27 October, 2015 Posted 27 October, 2015 doddisalegend said: American police officer handing out Justice to a school girl US style (including a nice video of the incident) A US sheriff's department says it is investigating after a video emerged showing an officer throwing a female pupil across a classroom. The footage posted online on Monday was said to be filmed in a school in Columbia, South Carolina. US media said the pupil had refused to leave the classroom when asked. The officer, a school monitor, was called. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-34644336 The obsession's strong again today i see...up to 2565 post's now....I guess that's happens when peeps get all starry eyed and infatuated....was it Hollywood movies that did it? Pplenty of hand wringing material in that edited 'lefty porn video" there.....Would never happen in a school on the isle of violence these days because the kids are untouchable and get to lord it over the teachers, but hey, that's the culture you guys developed so I'm not going to judge....This kid on the other hand has probably just learnt her first lesson in consequences and poor choices....This had clearly escalated beyond the control of the classroom teacher or he/she wouldn't have called the cop in the first place... She'll leave the classroom when told the next time and the other kids can get on with their education without disruption....Not dissimilar to the way schools were run on the isle of violence before the 70's and the great liberal hijacking....it was all downhill from there.
sadoldgit Posted 27 October, 2015 Posted 27 October, 2015 I love this. Problem with a kid? Call the police. Reasonable response.....really???
CB Fry Posted 27 October, 2015 Posted 27 October, 2015 Saint George said: The obsession's strong again today i see...up to 2565 post's now....I guess that's happens when peeps get all starry eyed and infatuated....was it Hollywood movies that did it? Pplenty of hand wringing material in that edited 'lefty porn video" there.....Would never happen in a school on the isle of violence these days because the kids are untouchable and get to lord it over the teachers, but hey, that's the culture you guys developed so I'm not going to judge....This kid on the other hand has probably just learnt her first lesson in consequences and poor choices....This had clearly escalated beyond the control of the classroom teacher or he/she wouldn't have called the cop in the first place... She'll leave the classroom when told the next time and the other kids can get on with their education without disruption....Not dissimilar to the way schools were run on the isle of violence before the 70's and the great liberal hijacking....it was all downhill from there. Not as good as yesterday but still plenty of clankingly obvious troll comments so clearly telegraphed you could see them from space. 5.6.
Goatboy Posted 27 October, 2015 Posted 27 October, 2015 sadoldgit said: I love this. Problem with a kid? Call the police. Reasonable response.....really??? If I was that girl I'd be packing some hardware next time I've got double physics.
spyinthesky Posted 27 October, 2015 Posted 27 October, 2015 Interesting statistic 10.9m guns were produced in the US in 2013 compared to 5.6m in 2009 Apparently the upsurge in production was due to widespread belief that President Obama is looking to ban most, if not all, firearms.
Ohio Saint Posted 28 October, 2015 Posted 28 October, 2015 Saint George said: Pplenty of hand wringing material in that edited 'lefty porn video" there.....Would never happen in a school on the isle of violence these days because the kids are untouchable and get to lord it over the teachers, but hey, that's the culture you guys developed so I'm not going to judge....This kid on the other hand has probably just learnt her first lesson in consequences and poor choices....This had clearly escalated beyond the control of the classroom teacher or he/she wouldn't have called the cop in the first place... She'll leave the classroom when told the next time and the other kids can get on with their education without disruption....Not dissimilar to the way schools were run on the isle of violence before the 70's and the great liberal hijacking....it was all downhill from there. Nothing there for that leftist pansy FBI to investigate then.......Unless of course they have decided to investigate it.
Saint George Posted 28 October, 2015 Posted 28 October, 2015 sadoldgit said: I love this. Problem with a kid? Call the police. Reasonable response.....really??? The Cop was the school resource officer, he was already on the premises, one of his duties other than the school safety is to remove disruptive students...South Carolina state legislators deemed it preferable for this to be done by a Cop rather than leave it in the hands of teachers....Sadly, liberal hand wringers have ensured school teachers have lost the right of discipline in many places. So this kid not only point blank refused any direction from the class teacher to put her phone away or to leave the classroom, she also point blank refused to do the same after the vice principle had been called, who then needed to resort to calling the school resource officer (the cop) to "remove" the disruptive pupil.....The other video clearly shows the cop using standard procedure placing his hand under her leg and arm around the back of her head to protect it while lifting her from her chair At that point the kid then punches the cop, which then leads to her being taken to the ground, restrained and arrested....This whole incident is down to her actions and her belief that she could do what the hell she wanted, when she wanted. Now more info about the incident is coming out, even that liberal institution CNN are starting to consider the possibility the cop may have been justified in his actions...The only travesty in this case is the fact the cop, who's previously received commendations for his work in schools. and a recipient of a Culture of Excellence award and was doing his job in accordance with SC State Law was fired and hung out to dry by his hand wringing liberal drama queen boss...In the mean time it looks like we'll have a self entitled brat about to grow up thinking the world owes her a favor and she can get away with whatever she want's with no consequences. Hell, i had worse that from 'teachers' when i was at school...I was dragged out of class and all the way to the headmasters office by my freaking ear, then made to wait an hour before getting caned for causing disruption....Did i ever hold any ill will toward the teacher and head master?...nope, not after a while any way, it was my own fault, i made poor choices...did i disrupt class again after that?...yup, but, only once, and nothing like as bad....did i learn any thing from it?....It was certainly a life lesson and helped me on the way to making good choices and considering consequences. Learning those lessons early in life are way better than later when the consequences of poor choices can be far more severe.
Saint George Posted 28 October, 2015 Posted 28 October, 2015 So I was reading an article about demand for guns in Austria being so high that the entire Country has sold out, when i followed a link that led me to this guy named ‘Derrick Bird’. WTF?!?! So just 5 years ago in the Country with the world’s tightest gun control, where to ‘legally’ purchase a firearm you need to …and I’m quoting from the BBC here…. “Getting a license is a long and complicated business. Every stage of the process is designed to reduce the likelihood of a gun falling into the wrong hands. It starts with an application form which asks specific questions about why the individual wants a gun, telling them they need to show "good reason". Independent referees provide confidential character statements in which they are expected to answer in detail about the applicant's mental state, home life and attitude towards guns. Officers check the Police National Computer for a criminal record and they speak to the applicant's GP for evidence of alcoholism, drug abuse or signs of personality disorder. Social services can also be asked for reasons to turn down an applicant. Finally, senior officers must be sure that prospective shotgun holders have a secure location for the weapon, typically a dedicated gun cabinet. Each certificate is valid for five years.” So having gone through all that ****, mental check and everything, this Derrick Bird guy still goes out on the streets of Cumbria and shoots 23 defenseless people and killing 12? …why didn't all those checks, restrictions, rules and regulations work?...why didn't those innocent people on the street have any means to defend them selves? Well guess what?...there’s even quotes from senior cops saying that even with the tightest gun control in the world, “it’s impossible to stop” I guess unlike the good people of Austria you guys are going to be up **** creek without a paddle sometime in the future, especially when you consider the ever increasing number of illegal firearms entering your Country every year and no means of self defense for your everyday citizens....You cant even keep legal gun owners in check. even with all your rules and regulations. We have 2k+ posts on here from obsessed limeys wringing their hands and screaming at the US to impose UK type gun control and yet this travesty happened just 5 years ago in your own back yard, with the very gun control in place that you insist the US should adopt!.....And that’s on top of the thousands of incidents of gun crime you have on your island every year. And guess what? I did a quick search on this forum and could barely find it mentioned, unbelievable. I’ve already said I believe most people posting on this thread are hand wringing hypocrites…. Now I know it.
aintforever Posted 28 October, 2015 Posted 28 October, 2015 Our gun control laws are the reason a Derek Bird type incident doesn't happen every few months like in the US you dumb ***t.
CB Fry Posted 28 October, 2015 Posted 28 October, 2015 Saint George said: So I was reading an article about demand for guns in Austria being so high that the entire Country has sold out, when i followed a link that led me to this guy named ‘Derrick Bird’. WTF?!?! So just 5 years ago in the Country with the world’s tightest gun control, where to ‘legally’ purchase a firearm you need to …and I’m quoting from the BBC here…. “Getting a license is a long and complicated business. Every stage of the process is designed to reduce the likelihood of a gun falling into the wrong hands. It starts with an application form which asks specific questions about why the individual wants a gun, telling them they need to show "good reason". Independent referees provide confidential character statements in which they are expected to answer in detail about the applicant's mental state, home life and attitude towards guns. Officers check the Police National Computer for a criminal record and they speak to the applicant's GP for evidence of alcoholism, drug abuse or signs of personality disorder. Social services can also be asked for reasons to turn down an applicant. Finally, senior officers must be sure that prospective shotgun holders have a secure location for the weapon, typically a dedicated gun cabinet. Each certificate is valid for five years.” So having gone through all that ****, mental check and everything, this Derrick Bird guy still goes out on the streets of Cumbria and shoots 23 defenseless people and killing 12? …why didn't all those checks, restrictions, rules and regulations work?...why didn't those innocent people on the street have any means to defend them selves? Well guess what?...there’s even quotes from senior cops saying that even with the tightest gun control in the world, “it’s impossible to stop” I guess unlike the good people of Austria you guys are going to be up **** creek without a paddle sometime in the future, especially when you consider the ever increasing number of illegal firearms entering your Country every year and no means of self defense for your everyday citizens....You cant even keep legal gun owners in check. even with all your rules and regulations. We have 2k+ posts on here from obsessed limeys wringing their hands and screaming at the US to impose UK type gun control and yet this travesty happened just 5 years ago in your own back yard, with the very gun control in place that you insist the US should adopt!.....And that’s on top of the thousands of incidents of gun crime you have on your island every year. And guess what? I did a quick search on this forum and could barely find it mentioned, unbelievable. I’ve already said I believe most people posting on this thread are hand wringing hypocrites…. Now I know it. Weak. You missed a golden opportunity to berate us about the Hungerford massacre. 4.6
buctootim Posted 28 October, 2015 Posted 28 October, 2015 New Orleans average murder rate 58 per 100,000. In London its 1.6 In New Orleans murders are up 35% this year. In London they are down to levels not seen since the 1960s. Why not try sleeping with the window open George?
hutch Posted 29 October, 2015 Posted 29 October, 2015 aintforever said: Our gun control laws are the reason a Derek Bird type incident doesn't happen every few months like in the US you dumb ***t. Just for the sake of accuracy, there is a multiple shooting incident every day in the US, not every few months.
buctootim Posted 29 October, 2015 Posted 29 October, 2015 Bath Saint said: He's gonna need that for his toe nails. Clippers have got no chance.
Saint George Posted 29 October, 2015 Posted 29 October, 2015 Keep it up guys, this obsession ya'll have is starting to get amusing, in a bizarre kinda way. It's funny to watch how ya'll care so much about how foreigners live half way round the world. The way you so dutifully trot off and spend hours digging up stats and links and burst blood vessels hurling abuse ......In the mean time, right on your own doorstep there's a 16yr old kid who went to school a few days back and gets a knife stuck in his gut "up close and personal and eye to eye" as Ohio Saint would say http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3293684/Schoolboy-taken-hospital-injuries-male-held-police-incident-secondary-school.html And guess what?...yup not a squeak to to be seen or heard any where on here...I guess it's just another day on the Isle of Violence, just another slaying with Britain's favorite weapon and not worthy of discussion eh?...At least a good old limey 20 on 1 punch up gets a honorary mention but if the victim hadn't been a Saint's fan, I'm guessing that would have also passed by with less than a shrug of the shoulder As ya'll are so concerned about cops with with guns, how about the 6 cops, "armed with machine guns" who just killed a guy in his own home over a "domestic despite" in leafy Duck Lane, St Notes, Cambridgeshire? again still not a squeak from the self righteous on here, so it's only cops with guns in the US that concern ya'll right?...When anything like the above happens in the US you're all over it like a rash... I'm really starting to wonder if you guys don't have some kind of deep rooted inferiority complex towards the US, you've certainly got issues for sure. I can't think of any other logical explanation for the bizarre behavioral patterns on here.
CB Fry Posted 29 October, 2015 Posted 29 October, 2015 Saint George said: Keep it up guys, this obsession ya'll have is starting to get amusing, in a bizarre kinda way. It's funny to watch how ya'll care so much about how foreigners live half way round the world. The way you so dutifully trot off and spend hours digging up stats and links and burst blood vessels hurling abuse ......In the mean time, right on your own doorstep there's a 16yr old kid who went to school a few days back and gets a knife stuck in his gut "up close and personal and eye to eye" as Ohio Saint would say http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3293684/Schoolboy-taken-hospital-injuries-male-held-police-incident-secondary-school.html And guess what?...yup not a squeak to to be seen or heard any where on here...I guess it's just another day on the Isle of Violence, just another slaying with Britain's favorite weapon and not worthy of discussion eh?...At least a good old limey 20 on 1 punch up gets a honorary mention but if the victim hadn't been a Saint's fan, I'm guessing that would have also passed by with less than a shrug of the shoulder As ya'll are so concerned about cops with with guns, how about the 6 cops, "armed with machine guns" who just killed a guy in his own home over a "domestic despite" in leafy Duck Lane, St Notes, Cambridgeshire? again still not a squeak from the self righteous on here, so it's only cops with guns in the US that concern ya'll right?...When anything like the above happens in the US you're all over it like a rash... I'm really starting to wonder if you guys don't have some kind of deep rooted inferiority complex towards the US, you've certainly got issues for sure. I can't think of any other logical explanation for the bizarre behavioral patterns on here. Never has a forum contributor been so patently, painfully obviously not American. Y'all, eight times. Okay then.
BoscombeScummer Posted 30 October, 2015 Posted 30 October, 2015 I lived in New Orleans for 8 years up until around 2012. SG's ramblings make for very unreliable fantasy. They make me cringe.
whelk Posted 30 October, 2015 Posted 30 October, 2015 BoscombeScummer said: I lived in New Orleans for 8 years up until around 2012. SG's ramblings make for very unreliable fantasy. They make me cringe. Is that the part of the US he fantasises about being from?
doddisalegend Posted 30 October, 2015 Posted 30 October, 2015 For a bit of balance not all American cops deal with heated situations with a gun or violence A Washington D.C. police officer arrived on the scene of a fight to break it up, but ended up in a dance-off instead. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3295611/We-need-cops-like-Teen-challenges-police-officer-Nae-Nae-dance-shocked-accepts-epic-dance-ensues.html Though I guess SG would have preferred the girl to be tazered and beaten to teach her a lesson....
Ohio Saint Posted 31 October, 2015 Posted 31 October, 2015 OK, it's Friday night here, and I'm up for a bit of a rant. Mr. George....I don't know exactly which right wing circles you are mixing in, but after 15 years here, there is one thing I do know. Despite what you think, you are NOT making yourself popular with your new American buddies by "denouncing" your country of birth. Quite the opposite. Most normal Americans are very patriotic, and expect the same of others. While they absolutely appreciate someone who makes the allegiance to their flag, they never, ever expect you to deny your roots. While you think that you are making yourself popular, you are making your buddies take stock and they will be wondering just how easily you are turned. I can guarantee that 90% of them still identify themselves in degrees of national pride regarding their historical background. Sure, an American is American first, but they have a real problem with all that denunciation of their roots thing. Your buddies most likely see you as a traitor to your roots. Now, The gun death statistics...Honestly, you just can't combat stats like the US having a mass shooting every single day of the year by saying "Well, what about that incident in surrey where someone was shot"........Can you NOT see the difference there? My favorite though, is that you see everyone here as bursting blood vessels, getting in a rage, yada yada yada.......You, my non-friend is the one that is doing the ranting here. Not only are you failing at being a new American, you are failing at internet trolldom. Please, look around you and seriously consider your friends and their motives. I do the same, and I am in a good place.
sadoldgit Posted 31 October, 2015 Posted 31 October, 2015 I struggle with how someone who decries his roots so much uses the name St George and still follows an English football club? I also agree with Ohio. I have known many Americans who spend a great deal of time researching their family history and are very proud of where they come from originally. I have been contacted by some who have followed our family line back to Germany in the 17th century. I also spent some time in Seattle where there are many families with German origins and they were all proud to talk about their heritage. There was even a German café in Sumner with picture of Bavaria all over the walls.
View From The Top Posted 31 October, 2015 Posted 31 October, 2015 sadoldgit said: I struggle with how someone who decries his roots so much uses the name St George and still follows an English football club? I also agree with Ohio. I have known many Americans who spend a great deal of time researching their family history and are very proud of where they come from originally. I have been contacted by some who have followed our family line back to Germany in the 17th century. I also spent some time in Seattle where there are many families with German origins and they were all proud to talk about their heritage. There was even a German café in Sumner with picture of Bavaria all over the walls. It's just an act. He's just a really sh_it troll who we all think is a co_ck.
Goatboy Posted 31 October, 2015 Posted 31 October, 2015 Ohio Saint said: OK, it's Friday night here, and I'm up for a bit of a rant. Mr. George....I don't know exactly which right wing circles you are mixing in, but after 15 years here, there is one thing I do know. Despite what you think, you are NOT making yourself popular with your new American buddies by "denouncing" your country of birth. Quite the opposite. Most normal Americans are very patriotic, and expect the same of others. While they absolutely appreciate someone who makes the allegiance to their flag, they never, ever expect you to deny your roots. While you think that you are making yourself popular, you are making your buddies take stock and they will be wondering just how easily you are turned. I can guarantee that 90% of them still identify themselves in degrees of national pride regarding their historical background. Sure, an American is American first, but they have a real problem with all that denunciation of their roots thing. Your buddies most likely see you as a traitor to your roots. Now, The gun death statistics...Honestly, you just can't combat stats like the US having a mass shooting every single day of the year by saying "Well, what about that incident in surrey where someone was shot"........Can you NOT see the difference there? My favorite though, is that you see everyone here as bursting blood vessels, getting in a rage, yada yada yada.......You, my non-friend is the one that is doing the ranting here. Not only are you failing at being a new American, you are failing at internet trolldom. Please, look around you and seriously consider your friends and their motives. I do the same, and I am in a good place. vote up
Saint George Posted 2 November, 2015 Posted 2 November, 2015 Ohio Saint said: OK, it's Friday night here, and I'm up for a bit of a rant. Mr. George....I don't know exactly which right wing circles you are mixing in, but after 15 years here, there is one thing I do know. Despite what you think, you are NOT making yourself popular with your new American buddies by "denouncing" your country of birth. Quite the opposite. Most normal Americans are very patriotic, and expect the same of others. While they absolutely appreciate someone who makes the allegiance to their flag, they never, ever expect you to deny your roots. While you think that you are making yourself popular, you are making your buddies take stock and they will be wondering just how easily you are turned. I can guarantee that 90% of them still identify themselves in degrees of national pride regarding their historical background. Sure, an American is American first, but they have a real problem with all that denunciation of their roots thing. Your buddies most likely see you as a traitor to your roots. Now, The gun death statistics...Honestly, you just can't combat stats like the US having a mass shooting every single day of the year by saying "Well, what about that incident in surrey where someone was shot"........Can you NOT see the difference there? My favorite though, is that you see everyone here as bursting blood vessels, getting in a rage, yada yada yada.......You, my non-friend is the one that is doing the ranting here. Not only are you failing at being a new American, you are failing at internet trolldom. Please, look around you and seriously consider your friends and their motives. I do the same, and I am in a good place. No problem...I'll be sure to let peeps know there's a limey in Ohio telling them how they should be thinking and how I'm failing at being an American.....I'm sure they'll understand...Not sure why you and others keep insisting I'm ranting, I'm just putting my opinion forward, responding to a few post's and holding a mirror up to the obsessed and ignorant hypocrites on here...I guess i shouldn't expect any other kind of reaction from a herd of limeys though, being different from the crowd will get you punched, kicked, glassed or knifed on your average Saturday night down the pub for sure and you can see same herd mentality on here. BTW...I saw the UK for what it was when i left the country the for first time back in the late 70's when it was self destructing prior to Maggie and has absolutely nothing to do with living in the US.....I'm here because i choose to live among like minded people, my disdain for that socialistic and near totalitarian state way precedes my arrival and totally unrelated other than to provide the motivation to get the hell out of Dodge....To coin a phrase from here......Only thing wrong with the UK is it's full of limeys. @ The Bedroom general...that's a relief to know....I'd be concerned if i had anything in common with a groveling coward...say's a lot about you and peer pressure when you feel the need to use the word "we" behind your insults....real sheeple playground stuff there, true to form buddy, keep it up @boscombescummer So you've lived here for 10 years but you're going "home" for a month in December...Is that to mommy?...Cringe away buddy, no one's going to stop you.
CB Fry Posted 2 November, 2015 Posted 2 November, 2015 Saint George said: No problem...I'll be sure to let peeps know there's a limey in Ohio telling them how they should be thinking and how I'm failing at being an American.....I'm sure they'll understand...Not sure why you and others keep insisting I'm ranting, I'm just putting my opinion forward, responding to a few post's and holding a mirror up to the obsessed and ignorant hypocrites on here...I guess i shouldn't expect any other kind of reaction from a herd of limeys though, being different from the crowd will get you punched, kicked, glassed or knifed on your average Saturday night down the pub for sure and you can see same herd mentality on here. BTW...I saw the UK for what it was when i left the country the for first time back in the late 70's when it was self destructing prior to Maggie and has absolutely nothing to do with living in the US.....I'm here because i choose to live among like minded people, my disdain for that socialistic and near totalitarian state way precedes my arrival and totally unrelated other than to provide the motivation to get the hell out of Dodge....To coin a phrase from here......Only thing wrong with the UK is it's full of limeys. @ The Bedroom general...that's a relief to know....I'd be concerned if i had anything in common with a groveling coward...say's a lot about you and peer pressure when you feel the need to use the word "we" behind your insults....real sheeple playground stuff there, true to form buddy, keep it up @boscombescummer So you've lived here for 10 years but you're going "home" for a month in December...Is that to mommy?...Cringe away buddy, no one's going to stop you. Clang, clang, clang. Did someone ring the patently-obvious-troll-bell? Yes, yes they did.
Saint George Posted 2 November, 2015 Posted 2 November, 2015 sadoldgit said: I struggle with how someone who decries his roots so much uses the name St George and still follows an English football club? I also agree with Ohio. I have known many Americans who spend a great deal of time researching their family history and are very proud of where they come from originally. I have been contacted by some who have followed our family line back to Germany in the 17th century. I also spent some time in Seattle where there are many families with German origins and they were all proud to talk about their heritage. There was even a German café in Sumner with picture of Bavaria all over the walls. Most Americans don't get the experience of actually living over there so for a long time viewed The UK etc through Hugh Grant and Queen tinted glasses. They see friendly bobbies on the street and quaint English pubs etc and assume there is a lot in common in the very fabric of the two countries...There's also a tendency to gloss over the bad stuff, especially when your business relies on happy customers...Did the German Cafe have any Nazi paraphernalia on it's walls?...I'm guessing not...And Germany is not the UK What they don't see, is the thousands of armed response cops lurking in vans in the back streets at any given night around the UK, the State camera's on every street corner, the near uncontrolled mayhem, violence and stabbings in city centers and elsewhere, the virtual removal of the right to self defense and the right to protect your property, the removal of cops in many towns, the grip the State has on it's citizens from planning and building control, MOT's. Health and Safety, garbage can inspections, TV licensees, huge tax's on Gas, not to mention the NHS etc, etc, etc....Sure we have some similar laws in parts of the US but not even close to the rigidity and pedanticness of the UK...Even the most ardent liberals over here who love their Government regulation would run a mile if they saw what you folks had to go through to get a simple brake tag for their vehicle, or getting arrested for not paying a TV license or even putting a coke can or cardboard box in their garbage can etc. Perception is changing though...The internet is outing a more realistic view of the UK from here...like i said before, less Hugh Grant and more Train spotting....Not that anyone would really care enough to say anything much, you're not going to find a 2.5k unprovoked thread about all the **** wrong with Britain anywhere on an American football forum...Most peeps respect choices here, we'll make our choices to live the way we see fit and leave others to do the same...unless of course they **** with our interest's
CB Fry Posted 2 November, 2015 Posted 2 November, 2015 Saint George said: Most Americans don't get the experience of actually living over there so for a long time viewed The UK etc through Hugh Grant and Queen tinted glasses. They see friendly bobbies on the street and quaint English pubs etc and assume there is a lot in common in the very fabric of the two countries...There's also a tendency to gloss over the bad stuff, especially when your business relies on happy customers...Did the German Cafe have any Nazi paraphernalia on it's walls?...I'm guessing not...And Germany is not the UK What they don't see, is the thousands of armed response cops lurking in vans in the back streets at any given night around the UK, the State camera's on every street corner, the near uncontrolled mayhem, violence and stabbings in city centers and elsewhere, the virtual removal of the right to self defense and the right to protect your property, the removal of cops in many towns, the grip the State has on it's citizens from planning and building control, MOT's. Health and Safety, garbage can inspections, TV licensees, huge tax's on Gas, not to mention the NHS etc, etc, etc....Sure we have some similar laws in parts of the US but not even close to the rigidity and pedanticness of the UK...Even the most ardent liberals over here who love their Government regulation would run a mile if they saw what you folks had to go through to get a simple brake tag for their vehicle, or getting arrested for not paying a TV license or even putting a coke can or cardboard box in their garbage can etc. Perception is changing though...The internet is outing a more realistic view of the UK from here...like i said before, less Hugh Grant and more Train spotting....Not that anyone would really care enough to say anything much, you're not going to find a 2.5k unprovoked thread about all the **** wrong with Britain anywhere on an American football forum...Most peeps respect choices here, we'll make our choices to live the way we see fit and leave others to do the same...unless of course they **** with our interest's Clang, clang, clang.
aintforever Posted 2 November, 2015 Posted 2 November, 2015 Saint George said: Most Americans don't get the experience of actually living over there so for a long time viewed The UK etc through Hugh Grant and Queen tinted glasses. They see friendly bobbies on the street and quaint English pubs etc and assume there is a lot in common in the very fabric of the two countries...There's also a tendency to gloss over the bad stuff, especially when your business relies on happy customers...Did the German Cafe have any Nazi paraphernalia on it's walls?...I'm guessing not...And Germany is not the UK What they don't see, is the thousands of armed response cops lurking in vans in the back streets at any given night around the UK, the State camera's on every street corner, the near uncontrolled mayhem, violence and stabbings in city centers and elsewhere, the virtual removal of the right to self defense and the right to protect your property, the removal of cops in many towns, the grip the State has on it's citizens from planning and building control, MOT's. Health and Safety, garbage can inspections, TV licensees, huge tax's on Gas, not to mention the NHS etc, etc, etc....Sure we have some similar laws in parts of the US but not even close to the rigidity and pedanticness of the UK...Even the most ardent liberals over here who love their Government regulation would run a mile if they saw what you folks had to go through to get a simple brake tag for their vehicle, or getting arrested for not paying a TV license or even putting a coke can or cardboard box in their garbage can etc. Perception is changing though...The internet is outing a more realistic view of the UK from here...like i said before, less Hugh Grant and more Train spotting....Not that anyone would really care enough to say anything much, you're not going to find a 2.5k unprovoked thread about all the **** wrong with Britain anywhere on an American football forum...Most peeps respect choices here, we'll make our choices to live the way we see fit and leave others to do the same...unless of course they **** with our interest's Mate, give it a rest, we all know you live in Sholing. This caricature of an American idiot is not fooling anyone.
Trader Posted 2 November, 2015 Posted 2 November, 2015 Saint George said: Most Americans don't get the experience of actually living over there so for a long time viewed The UK etc through Hugh Grant and Queen tinted glasses. They see friendly bobbies on the street and quaint English pubs etc and assume there is a lot in common in the very fabric of the two countries...There's also a tendency to gloss over the bad stuff, especially when your business relies on happy customers...Did the German Cafe have any Nazi paraphernalia on it's walls?...I'm guessing not...And Germany is not the UK What they don't see, is the thousands of armed response cops lurking in vans in the back streets at any given night around the UK, the State camera's on every street corner, the near uncontrolled mayhem, violence and stabbings in city centers and elsewhere, the virtual removal of the right to self defense and the right to protect your property, the removal of cops in many towns, the grip the State has on it's citizens from planning and building control, MOT's. Health and Safety, garbage can inspections, TV licensees, huge tax's on Gas, not to mention the NHS etc, etc, etc....Sure we have some similar laws in parts of the US but not even close to the rigidity and pedanticness of the UK...Even the most ardent liberals over here who love their Government regulation would run a mile if they saw what you folks had to go through to get a simple brake tag for their vehicle, or getting arrested for not paying a TV license or even putting a coke can or cardboard box in their garbage can etc. Perception is changing though...The internet is outing a more realistic view of the UK from here...like i said before, less Hugh Grant and more Train spotting....Not that anyone would really care enough to say anything much, you're not going to find a 2.5k unprovoked thread about all the **** wrong with Britain anywhere on an American football forum...Most peeps respect choices here, we'll make our choices to live the way we see fit and leave others to do the same...unless of course they **** with our interest's Jesus Christ mate, you're not very well are you? If I were you, I'd get psychiatric help immediately.
Lighthouse Posted 2 November, 2015 Posted 2 November, 2015 aintforever said: Mate, give it a rest, we all know you live in Sholing. This caricature of an American idiot is not fooling anyone. Speak for yourself. All this talk of y'all, Gas and color has me completely convinced. Howdy George, you have yourself a swell day.
View From The Top Posted 2 November, 2015 Posted 2 November, 2015 Saint George said: No problem...I'll be sure to let peeps know there's a limey in Ohio telling them how they should be thinking and how I'm failing at being an American.....I'm sure they'll understand...Not sure why you and others keep insisting I'm ranting, I'm just putting my opinion forward, responding to a few post's and holding a mirror up to the obsessed and ignorant hypocrites on here...I guess i shouldn't expect any other kind of reaction from a herd of limeys though, being different from the crowd will get you punched, kicked, glassed or knifed on your average Saturday night down the pub for sure and you can see same herd mentality on here. BTW...I saw the UK for what it was when i left the country the for first time back in the late 70's when it was self destructing prior to Maggie and has absolutely nothing to do with living in the US.....I'm here because i choose to live among like minded people, my disdain for that socialistic and near totalitarian state way precedes my arrival and totally unrelated other than to provide the motivation to get the hell out of Dodge....To coin a phrase from here......Only thing wrong with the UK is it's full of limeys. @ The Bedroom general...that's a relief to know....I'd be concerned if i had anything in common with a groveling coward...say's a lot about you and peer pressure when you feel the need to use the word "we" behind your insults....real sheeple playground stuff there, true to form buddy, keep it up @boscombescummer So you've lived here for 10 years but you're going "home" for a month in December...Is that to mommy?...Cringe away buddy, no one's going to stop you. Bless, you try so, so hard.
Saint George Posted 3 November, 2015 Posted 3 November, 2015 Ohio Saint said: OK, it's Friday night here, and I'm up for a bit of a rant. Now, The gun death statistics...Honestly, you just can't combat stats like the US having a mass shooting every single day of the year by saying "Well, what about that incident in surrey where someone was shot"........Can you NOT see the difference there? Interesting you say this about me but were happy to nod along and even join with the year long and 2.5k "Dumb yank" stereotyping thread based on exactly the same type of post's...But now it's different....yeah, that makes you a hypocrite too. Ive even said several times some of the issues here are part of the cost of freedom....Those folks over on the Isle of violence gave up their freedom to be wrapped up in cotton wool by their Government and still didn't get to be safe, far from it....I just happen to agree with Ben, even 200 years ago he had it nailed. “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”...... Ben Franklin
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