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buying a genetic code breakdown at 23andme...

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I've did this a couple of years ago. It was really interesting and you find out loads of stuff. It's nice to know which diseases you're more genetically inclined to, so that you can be a little more careful with your lifestyle. For example I'm more than average genetically susceptible to diabetes 2. It doesn't mean I'm actually more likely to get it, it means that more than average numbers of people with my genes have had it in the past, so I'll be careful with my diet. It's worth doing it with your partner to see if there are any diseases that are super-likely in your kids because you both carry the same recessive gene.


There are also little oddities you find that are interesting. People with my genes are more likely to become quickly addicted to opiates, so I'll have to avoid the skag from now on, but we also generally have a high tolerance to caffiene. sometimes you'll quickly see things that although genetically high probability for you, don't apply: low chance of hayfever my arse.


You also find out what percentage of the neanderthal gene you carry (2.9%) and what parts of the world your genetic make up comes from. I am 100% European, with 66.6% British/Irish, my wife was almost 100% Scandinavian.


Most of the value is in changing any bad habits to prevent more likely diseases and just for the fun of it. Also, if you enjoy spending 30 minutes dribbling into a test tube, it's for you.


Just don't reveal the results to your life insurance company.

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