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If you are clever you can install xbmc on an android phone (as I have with my s4.) you can then get the sportsnation and offside streams adding if you have them and watch whenever you like.


or not, in my case, as it keeps crashing all the time :(

If you've got Serviio installed then you're nearly there, you just need to set up the 'online streams'. Check out this link:




PM me for any help.... I was watching the QPR game this afternoon in full HD - fantastic!


Hi Tractor_Saint


I tried PM but it said you weren't accepting PMs. I tried email via the Saints Web interface but I don't know if it got to you. I now have my RPi and its just a matter of finding time to set it up. I'm going to try my best to get Serviio etc set up myself but if I get really stuck, I might contact you on here.



TS says it works really well.


When I set my RP up, I'm going to write down everything I did so it might be useful to others on here.

Anyone comment on how good (or bad) Xbmc, watching films, programmes and saints games on it is??? (Raspberry Pi)

The pi is excellent for watching anything tbh it will play anything you can throw at it. You need to be aware though that going through the xbmc menus on the pi compared to say a pc is a bit slower so you need a bit of patience at times but after I over clocked mine and started running it from a usb stick it made alot of difference to the speed and In fact plays hd content better than my htpc.

Hi Tractor_Saint


I tried PM but it said you weren't accepting PMs. I tried email via the Saints Web interface but I don't know if it got to you. I now have my RPi and its just a matter of finding time to set it up. I'm going to try my best to get Serviio etc set up myself but if I get really stuck, I might contact you on here.


Ah! Try tractorsaint at gmail dot com :) Happy to help - watching a great HD feed of Sky sports 1 for the Pompey game and now the Rugby :)

  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Thanks Tractor and everyone else who threw in help/suggestions. I'm now running a Raspberry Pi on SportsNation HD and I'm very happy with it. My son has learnt quite a bit about real computing and the sort of thing a real programmer might do. Here's a link to SNHD if you need one...



I go to all home games so I just get the one day or one week subscription when aways are on. It saves a lot of hassle searching for unrelaible free streams with dodgy popups. EG I watched Burnley/Saints for £2.63. Shame about the result though.


Here are the notes I took as I was building the RPi. Its not a crystal clear step-by-step guide but it might help someone.


On pc install extraputty



on pc install Vnc viewer


Set router to assign fixed, easy to remember ip address to RP eg


Plug NOOB micro sd card into RP board.

Put feet on case

Put RP in case

On RP, plugin mouse, keyboard, hdmi TV, wifi adapter

Plugin power supply

Select RaspianBMC option

Wait a few minutes for install to complete

Goto programs raspberry pi settings

Change network mode to wireless

Scan networks and select your home wireless network

Enter wifi key and click OK

RP will reboot a few times and install updates – takes approx. 10 minutes

Run putty on RP ip address

Select locale en GB utf-8 utf-8

To run VNC (its very slow)

Unplug hdmi connector otherwise its very very slow

Or in system settings, set video resolution to 720x480p

Run putty on RP ip address


Run putty on RP ip address

Service vnc start

Start vnc viewer on RP ip address:5900

I had limited success with vnc viewer but I’m sure I could have got it working if I had persisted.

wget http://sportsnationhd.tv/plugin.video.sportsnationhdtv1.4b.zip

On RPi, go to video/addons/install from zipfile/home folder

Improve wireless connection eg..

On wireless router set ‘n’ only

On wireless router, kick everybody off except the Rpi

Move RPi so it has best line of sight view of the wireless router

To find mac address of WiPi, use putty to ssh into the RPi (user pi, password raspberry) and type ifconfig or iwconfig. You might need to add the interface name of the wipi eg wlan0

My internet connection is 6mbits/sec which sometimes struggles on an HD feed but is usually watchable

Edited by Mr Dad

Is the simple answer that NO you can not stream games direct from an LG Smart TV and need an extra piece of kit to do this Just got a new LG Smart TV and was hoping to investigate how to do this myself but I am not technically minded.


My LG TV is older and wouldn't play streams directly. You could try it on yours..

Assuming that the TV is connected to the internet (my TV has a wireless connection to my home router).

You could try the TVs web browser



and try the streams on there.


There is sometimes a free wrestling stream playing which you could try.

Posted (edited)


I just tried sportsnationhd on my TV. I clicked on internet icon, typed in the sportsnation URL


There's no live streams playing right now but I went to on demand/football and selected the saints/ManU link. Its now playing!

I scrolled down and pressed the small full screen icon at the bottom and it looks OK actually!

The game is playing in full screen on my 60inch LG and its very watchable.

I don't know how that method would work on a real live stream but its worth a try.

A one day subscription to sports nation is $4 (£2.63) so it might be worth a punt for you. There are no free streams playing right now. Even if there were, you still have to set up an account on sportsnation.

Its probably easier to subscribe on your PC as typing is much easier. But type in the same username/password on the TV and you should see the menus.

Make sure that if you are logging in twice (TV and PC) that both devices are on the same home network.

For example, if you log on from your mobile phone and on your TV, you will probably get banned as you are only allowed to use one ip address. Your phone and home network will have different ip addresses if you use your phones data allowance.

I'm going to watch Saints/Sheffield tonight but I'll probably use the raspberry pi.

If it fails on your TV, you can always watch it on your PC.

I don't know whats been upgraded (LGTV or sportsnationhd) but when I tried the same thing a while back, it didn't work. Thats why I started this thread.

I think its worth trying.

Oh, if you have a slow connection, tell any children, husband, wife etc not to use the internet while you are watching the game. If you have sky fibre, bt infinity etc you should be OK

BTW, after approx 20 mins, my TV web browser crashed. A grumpy face was shown on a black screen. I had to power off TV and start again with password etc to get the on demand game running again.

Edited by Mr Dad

Thanks for info, unfortunately I went to the game last night as I do most of them so don't really want it for Saints matches but other football matches. I will give the above a try and let you know how I get on. Still new to the TV and not really sure how to use the Smart part as got it for the 4K but will investigate.

Posted (edited)
Thanks Tractor and everyone else who threw in help/suggestions. I'm now running a Raspberry Pi on SportsNation HD and I'm very happy with it. My son has learnt quite a bit about real computing and the sort of thing a real programmer might do. Here's a link to SNHD if you need one...



I go to all home games so I just get the one day or one week subscription when aways are on. It saves a lot of hassle searching for unrelaible free streams with dodgy popups. EG I watched Burnley/Saints for £2.63. Shame about the result though.


Here are the notes I took as I was building the RPi. Its not a crystal clear step-by-step guide but it might help someone.


On pc install extraputty



on pc install Vnc viewer


Set router to assign fixed, easy to remember ip address to RP eg


Plug NOOB micro sd card into RP board.

Put feet on case

Put RP in case

On RP, plugin mouse, keyboard, hdmi TV, wifi adapter

Plugin power supply

Select RaspianBMC option

Wait a few minutes for install to complete

Goto programs raspberry pi settings

Change network mode to wireless

Scan networks and select your home wireless network

Enter wifi key and click OK

RP will reboot a few times and install updates – takes approx. 10 minutes

Run putty on RP ip address

Select locale en GB utf-8 utf-8

To run VNC (its very slow)

Unplug hdmi connector otherwise its very very slow

Or in system settings, set video resolution to 720x480p

Run putty on RP ip address


Run putty on RP ip address

Service vnc start

Start vnc viewer on RP ip address:5900

I had limited success with vnc viewer but I’m sure I could have got it working if I had persisted.

wget http://sportsnationhd.tv/plugin.video.sportsnationhdtv1.4b.zip

On RPi, go to video/addons/install from zipfile/home folder

Improve wireless connection eg..

On wireless router set ‘n’ only

On wireless router, kick everybody off except the Rpi

Move RPi so it has best line of sight view of the wireless router

To find mac address of WiPi, use putty to ssh into the RPi (user pi, password raspberry) and type ifconfig or iwconfig. You might need to add the interface name of the wipi eg wlan0

My internet connection is 6mbits/sec which sometimes struggles on an HD feed but is usually watchable

On your Pi have you tried changing the clocking in setting to super that will help it will run the overclocking easily. It is worth investigating the top 10 hints for the raspberry pi and without doubt through programs load Navi X it is superb for films.

Edited by mcjwills

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