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C'mon, Jeff's just doing the same old trick the media like to do at demonstrations.


Going by the TV footage of demos, you'd think that they were all violent agitants looking to rush the police. That's because non-violent protest isn't news. Instead, they'll focus on the one bit they think is newsworthy (the few toerags at the front) and pretend that's the whole thing.


If he had his own TV company, he'd be quids in. As it is, he's just a mug on an Internet forum making the same point loads of other mugs on Internet forums have made.

No. The 'rabid left' is a group of lefties that get all hot and bothered over everything the Conservatives do.


'Hot and bothered'??


I think even the rabid left would be disappointed with this definition.

I'd like to help you Jeff but I'm no match for those currently rabidly attacking you.


It's like a pack mentality, how wolves attack their pray. Relentless, and from all angles. It's alright though, it's fair game because they 'care' more.

It's like a pack mentality, how wolves attack their pray. Relentless, and from all angles. It's alright though, it's fair game because they 'care' more.


I don't think you understand how football forums work Jeff. You say something stupid, you get mocked. It doesn't matter if you're left or right, saying stupid things is the key here.


If this was a Conservative 'joke', you guys would be utterly losing your ****.

Post up 50 right now.


I'll start with 2 -Michael Gove and Ian Duncan Smith.

I'd like to help you Jeff but I'm no match for those currently rabidly attacking you.


It's like a pack mentality, how wolves attack their pray. Relentless, and from all angles. It's alright though, it's fair game because they 'care' more.



No. The 'rabid left' is a group of lefties that get all hot and bothered over everything the Conservatives do.


Or as some of us call it 'living in a democracy'. Just because we've had an election it doesn't mean everybody has to 100% fall-in behind the winners for the next 5 years. Debate, disagreement, alternatives, choices (and more regrettably hatred and bigotry) all carry on regardless, and for the most part that's a jolly good thing too.


(Sorry if this doesn't relate to the link, I haven't read that, just replying to UJ's reds-under-the-bed paranoia).!

Or as some of us call it 'living in a democracy'. Just because we've had an election it doesn't mean everybody has to 100% fall-in behind the winners for the next 5 years. Debate, disagreement, alternatives, choices (and more regrettably hatred and bigotry) all carry on regardless, and for the most part that's a jolly good thing too.


(Sorry if this doesn't relate to the link, I haven't read that, just replying to UJ's reds-under-the-bed paranoia).!


I think he was more referring to the small riots in London, saying that defacing war memorials is OK if it says something derogatory about the Tories and all the jumping up and down and stamping of feet and refusing to accept the legitimacy of the result that has gone on since the result.

I think he was more referring to the small riots in London, saying that defacing war memorials is OK if it says something derogatory about the Tories and all the jumping up and down and stamping of feet and refusing to accept the legitimacy of the result that has gone on since the result.


Nobody has condoned that incident, stop trying to suggest that.


With the passage of several days, the indignant supporters of the losing parties have calmed down to the extent that the main topic of conversation is centered around such trite matters such as these blackboards from Labour supporting businesses. The first one was mildly amusing, but the copy-cat versions show a complete lack of original thought.


The increasing irrelevance of some of these posts mean that it won't be long now until this thread starts its descent downwards in the hierarchy. Soon new political developments will deserve their own threads, rendering this one as redundant as the two Eds.

I think he was more referring to the small riots in London, saying that defacing war memorials is OK if it says something derogatory about the Tories and all the jumping up and down and stamping of feet and refusing to accept the legitimacy of the result that has gone on since the result.


He's using pound shop EDL tactics because he's upset that no-one is losing their shít here.


When they can't find extremism locally, they go global, and try and make out like that happens everywhere.


The only ones I can see that have "lost their shít" since the result are all the crowing cowards that crawled out of the woodwork afterwards. "Shy" Tories, I believe they call them.

He's using pound shop EDL tactics because he's upset that no-one is losing their shít here.


When they can't find extremism locally, they go global, and try and make out like that happens everywhere.


The only ones I can see that have "lost their shít" since the result are all the crowing cowards that crawled out of the woodwork afterwards. "Shy" Tories, I believe they call them.


Hockey_saint is an example of losing their **** on here.


Ah, fk it. I'll play.




"Hur hur. That's right wingers that is. All of them. If you vote Tory, that's what you are"

Nobody has condoned that incident, stop trying to suggest that.


And anyway, he was referring to the guy with the cafe, not the riots. And defined rabid lefties as people who get hot and bothered about anything the Tories do.


I don't know about you, but I quite like the idea of getting hot and bothered. Sounds good fun!


Moving on from giving Jeff abuse, did anyone see the chubster on ITV (urgh) News last night bemoaning the loss of automatic housing benefit for under-21s? He's a working apprentice and moaned that because his entitlement to housing benefit has been removed, he wouldn't be able to get his own place now.


I'm sorry, but is that what housing benefit really should be used for? Should this guy be entitled to his own place, paid for by the taxpayer, just because he wants it? He's obviously not homeless right now but presumably can't afford his own place without help but so what? Plenty of young working people who receive no benefits can't afford their own places either, and it's always been that way.


Vid is the bottom of this page, he appears about a minute in:



Ah, fk it. I'll play.




"Hur hur. That's right wingers that is. All of them. If you vote Tory, that's what you are"


Looks like a bunch of away fans being escorted from the station to the ground. What is is, Rochdale v Gillingham?

Posted (edited)
Ok, so that's 1 out of 60,000,000. Brb, just going to conduct a quick survey.


So someone did condone the incident and my point stands. When Jeff made the point about rabid lefties, these were the types of people he was talking about I am sure.

Edited by hypochondriac
So someone did condone the incident and my point stands.


Your intended wife is one lucky girl. She gets this standard of argument forever.

She's not a rabid lefty on a mongboard so I have no reason to argue.

Ah cool. I didn't realise that troubledbrides.com had those search facilities.


What we need is a good old Labour Party leadership election thread, to kick this one in to touch. Don't the NEC announce something today?


I would love to be able to vote labour again. Unfortunately, until they take control of the Party away from the Trade Unions, I cant see that happening.

I think that's the third time you've attempted a variation on that funny. Go for a new angle.

I've found every attempt incredibly amusing.


If it's alright with you, I'd like a few more years on this point.

As a Bill Hicks fan I expected better.


Yeah, but sometimes there's a collective sense of a person which just makes certain jokes fit better.


You have, in your posting history, pretended to be your own girlfriend and have referenced girlfriends far too readily, just to let us know that you have one. At the same time, you're resolutely against any sort of public outing for yourself.


The "doth protest too much", "pretend to be your own girlfriend" and impending marriage all conjure some colourful kaleidoscope of you, hunched over your computer, lad in hand, ordering wives off troubledbrides.com.


I'm sure there's better, more general material that doesn't specifically apply to you. But that's hardly the point, is it?

So someone did condone the incident and my point stands. When Jeff made the point about rabid lefties, these were the types of people he was talking about I am sure.


I'd suggest you read your post back, you may realise how pathetic you come across sometimes.

Yeah, but sometimes there's a collective sense of a person which just makes certain jokes fit better.


You have, in your posting history, pretended to be your own girlfriend and have referenced girlfriends far too readily, just to let us know that you have one. At the same time, you're resolutely against any sort of public outing for yourself.


The "doth protest too much", "pretend to be your own girlfriend" and impending marriage all conjure some colourful kaleidoscope of you, hunched over your computer, lad in hand, ordering wives off troubledbrides.com.


I'm sure there's better, more general material that doesn't specifically apply to you. But that's hardly the point, is it?


I didn't pretend to be my own girlfriend.

I'd suggest you read your post back, you may realise how pathetic you come across sometimes.


I disagree. You told me off for suggesting that and that no one had said that. They had.

I disagree. You told me off for suggesting that and that no one had said that. They had.


One person has said they "don't have a problem" with it - not exactly overwhelming is it? All lefties must support the desecration of war memorials if it's against the Tories though, because one person said they did. So does that mean that all UKIP voters want to deport "every last muslim" out of the country like one Tweet I saw from a supporter of theirs during the debates?


"Rabid lefties" is such a crass generalisation that really means nothing at all. If it makes you feel better about yourself though, carry on using it.

What we need is a good old Labour Party leadership election thread, to kick this one in to touch. Don't the NEC announce something today?


I would love to be able to vote labour again. Unfortunately, until they take control of the Party away from the Trade Unions, I cant see that happening.


This I partly do not understand. Labour draws it's roots from the trade unions. When the conservative party remove backing from wealthy banking corporations and such then that would be fine. Also, Hypo, as a disabled person I just find some of yours and the electorate's views astonishing....ask a lot of disabled people, they will tell you the same.

What we need is a good old Labour Party leadership election thread, to kick this one in to touch. Don't the NEC announce something today?


I would love to be able to vote labour again. Unfortunately, until they take control of the Party away from the Trade Unions, I cant see that happening.


They did that with one member one vote IMHO.

This I partly do not understand. Labour draws it's roots from the trade unions. When the conservative party remove backing from wealthy banking corporations and such then that would be fine. Also, Hypo, as a disabled person I just find some of yours and the electorate's views astonishing....ask a lot of disabled people, they will tell you the same.


I really cannot understand this. Cameron has experienced first hand what must surely be one of the most painful experiences anyone can ever go through, having and subsequently losing a disabled child. How someone that has been through that, and still allows the vicious callow attacks on disabled people in society is baffling. It is personally one of my biggest problems with the man.

They did that with one member one vote IMHO.

In 2010 (I think I'm right in saying) in every round of voting of the Parliamentary Party, David won. In every round of voting of the Party members, David won. In every round of voting by Union members, Ed won.


It's just disappointing that, with the current system, unless another chameleon like Blair manages to slip through their net, they will never be electable.

I really cannot understand this. Cameron has experienced first hand what must surely be one of the most painful experiences anyone can ever go through, having and subsequently losing a disabled child. How someone that has been through that, and still allows the vicious callow attacks on disabled people in society is baffling. It is personally one of my biggest problems with the man.


It's the biggest problem for me. I do not care if you are right or left. You do not attack the poorest in society to make political or economic gain. I agree with a number of things the conservative party stand for. I've said before, in every TV interview when mentioning attacks on the disabled, Cameron "loses his sh it" as Hypo puts it and will completely change the topic. There are things that Thatcher did that were right, there were also things she got very very wrong (and that's why people like Tarzan removed her) so please don't wear rose tinted-glasses Mr Cameron and think that because she didn't manage to push it through that it needs to be completed.

In 2010 (I think I'm right in saying) in every round of voting of the Parliamentary Party, David won. In every round of voting of the Party members, David won. In every round of voting by Union members, Ed won.


It's just disappointing that, with the current system, unless another chameleon like Blair manages to slip through their net, they will never be electable.


The rules to elect the Labour Party leader changed since Ed was in charge. He instigated the change I think following the Collins report in 2014.



You have said in the past that all Conservatives are "selfish ****s..."


I believe bletch quoted "The Thick of It", which used the phrase "solid bed of c**ts".


That's probably closer to how I feel.

Posted (edited)
I believe bletch quoted "The Thick of It", which used the phrase "solid bed of c**ts".


That's probably closer to how I feel.


But you have yourself said that they are all selfish ****s - there has been many a debate about it on this thread. Why are you allowed to stereotype, but not others?

Edited by Unbelievable Jeff
Lack of punctuation.

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