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Overseas Premier League games...


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The idea is back...



Thoughts? I think last time this idea raised its head, we were still in League 1. Have Saints had any official say on the matter yet?


Are we all agreed that we don't want this to ever happen? Or does a match between Southampton and Burnley played in New Delhi actually appeal to some people?

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The idea is back...



Thoughts? I think last time this idea raised its head, we were still in League 1. Have Saints had any official say on the matter yet?


Are we all agreed that we don't want this to ever happen? Or does a match between Southampton and Burnley played in New Delhi actually appeal to some people?


That would just be currying favour.

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Think this is a very good idea. Just a cursory glance at the premier league will tell you that it is in dire need of more money, pour in a couple more billion and we can enjoy the disappearance of the league up it's own @rse. Can't wait until all games are played in the back garden of some sheik / glorious party leader...good times ahead.

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The whole idea seems bizarre to me purely a money maker for the PL and clubs (which means it will be inevitable). The thing is only some clubs would bringing in the big crowds I doubt Saints V Burnley would be a fixture that would excite the overseas fans they'd only want to see Man U and Arsenal games. No doubt, over time, it would end up like the TV rights with the big clubs playing more overseas games and getting even more money at the expense of the smaller PL clubs.

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It will probably happen. Games abroad and B team leagues, all ruining the entire point of the football leagues.


If a club isn't playing at home, neither club, then what the hell is this club? It just becomes a brand. It's one thing for US sports, where away followings are pretty limited anyway, but the best thing about our football is local fans and plenty of away support.


And more practically, how do you have a fixture on neutral ground and let it count to the table? The reverse fixture would also need to be played neutrally or it becomes completely unfair.


TBF a game in the far east for Man U or Arsenal would probably be just like a home game..........

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Another nail in the coffin as football moves further and further away from it's roots. EPL is special because of the supporters (as games in Holland, Germany, etc are). Having been to a fair few games in Ligue 1 when I lived in France, away support was diabolical compared to most EPL games. Football represents the local community and going overseas you miss out on this very important point.


And really, why do they need to do it? More money? Do we really need to make more money? Bastardise the game for the sake of a few pieces of silver? If it does happen, then I hope that the biggest crowd gets a 0-0 bore draw between Burnley and Leicester or who ever they are. And who gives a **** about NFL playing a game at Wembley? Different sport.

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Am/was heavily anti the 39th game notion, where the notion of everyone playing everyone else at home and away once was abandoned by adding an additional fixture.

If they decide to go the NFL route with one fixture from the regular schedule played abroad etc i'd view it as not great but acceptable. There would have to be fair way of choosing rota for who loses a real home fixture and compensation for season ticket holders who lose out on one home fixture.

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With every year i get closer and closer to stopping going altogether and it's things like this that are the reason. I'm absolutely ****ing sick of the premier league, champions league and greed that goes with it. Part of me wishes for a total collapse in football so we can kick these ****s out and start again.

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With every year i get closer and closer to stopping going altogether and it's things like this that are the reason. I'm absolutely ****ing sick of the premier league, champions league and greed that goes with it. Part of me wishes for a total collapse in football so we can kick these ****s out and start again.


I second that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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With every year i get closer and closer to stopping going altogether and it's things like this that are the reason. I'm absolutely ****ing sick of the premier league, champions league and greed that goes with it. Part of me wishes for a total collapse in football so we can kick these ****s out and start again.




I wrote in another topic that it won't be long before a PL club moves to another place because it's owner doesn't like the current town or city or because there's more money to make. "Football is a product which has to be sold...", you can see the dollar signs in the eyes of the marketing t***s. Thank God that no one abroad is interested in Dutch football.

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Am/was heavily anti the 39th game notion, where the notion of everyone playing everyone else at home and away once was abandoned by adding an additional fixture.

If they decide to go the NFL route with one fixture from the regular schedule played abroad etc i'd view it as not great but acceptable. There would have to be fair way of choosing rota for who loses a real home fixture and compensation for season ticket holders who lose out on one home fixture.


Not sure you could ever fairly compensate a team for losing a proper home fixture let alone their S/T holders. A team that gets relegated having only played 18 home games compared against others who have had the full 19 would be rightly aggrieved and given the financial implications of relegation might pursue some sort of legal challenge. Imagine playing Man Utd as your 'home' game in the States where they obviously have a particularly strong brand presence. The crowd would be mainly Utd fans, so in effect, you'd be playing 18 home games and 20 away games in a season. That scenario would probably be the same if playing any of Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, City, or Spurs. Just not sure how it would ever be workable, but when there is £ to be made the idea will keep rearing its ugly head.

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With every year i get closer and closer to stopping going altogether and it's things like this that are the reason. I'm absolutely ****ing sick of the premier league, champions league and greed that goes with it. Part of me wishes for a total collapse in football so we can kick these ****s out and start again.


Same here.

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With every year i get closer and closer to stopping going altogether and it's things like this that are the reason. I'm absolutely ****ing sick of the premier league, champions league and greed that goes with it. Part of me wishes for a total collapse in football so we can kick these ****s out and start again.


Absolutely!! I totally agree.


I hope whoever makes the final desicion kicks this purely money making idea into touch once and for all.


This is no doubt instigated by the so called big clubs to enable them to spend even more ludicrous amounts

on purchasing players and keeping them in the lifestyle they are now accustomed too.


Football seriously needs a rocket up its a r s e before the disenchanted start to lose interest.

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With every year i get closer and closer to stopping going altogether and it's things like this that are the reason. I'm absolutely ****ing sick of the premier league, champions league and greed that goes with it. Part of me wishes for a total collapse in football so we can kick these ****s out and start again.


Seems a lot of us are in agreement with you. Kick business out and get sport back. Players do not need to earn 6 figure weekly salaries, and that is where it has all gone wrong. Sky don't need to charge £50-70 a month. They don't need to pay PL £1bn over 3 years etc etc

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Seems a lot of us are in agreement with you. Kick business out and get sport back. Players do not need to earn 6 figure weekly salaries, and that is where it has all gone wrong. Sky don't need to charge £50-70 a month. They don't need to pay PL £1bn over 3 years etc etc


Jesus, is that what they charge nowadays?? I always steal it on a stream.

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If you have a Sky Sports subscription, you're (a small) part of the problem, and overseas TV revenues dwarf even the current Sky deal.


Matchday attendance is increasingly irrelevant to the PL clubs in revenue terms. We're seemingly only at the grounds to provide a colourful and noisy backdrop to the Global TV Product they now market.

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I'm off to see Bordeaux v Caen next week. Because it is on the TV, it's buy one get one free. €14 for the two of us to sit behind the goal.


I know that the standard is not as high as the PL, but compare that to a WBA fan paying £42 last week for a restricted view seat at Anfieid, where he could only see one of the goals.


The PL has a lot of things to sort out before they start moving fixtures to Asia and the US.

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Matchday attendance is increasingly irrelevant to the PL clubs in revenue terms. We're seemingly only at the grounds to provide a colourful and noisy backdrop to the Global TV Product they now market.


Agree. Such a shame that money, the root of all evil, has ruined the beautiful game. I keep on threatening to give up on the game, yet I still keep on going. Even if I give up, there will be others to probably take my place. And really, Saints are an irrelevance. This is really for the benefit of Man Utd and Liverpool. Who in America is really going to look forward to watching us play against any of the teams that finished beneath us last season? Why would they? Why should they?


If this is the way things are going, then maybe we would be better off in the Championship. At least things are more honest there and TV/money doesn't run the whole show (just part of it). Strewth, what would happen to the TV companies here if we or someone else managed to take one or two CL spots from the usual lot.

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I worry we (the board) would vote in favour of this. It wouldn't benefit us financially anyway as nobody (relatively speaking) really cares about Southampton outside of Southampton, and probably never will.

This, any form of "re-branding" or moving the club outside Southampton would see me give up with the sport. Or go and support Eastleigh or something.

As said above, I'd love to see the football bubble burst.

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Gotta say, Im in the pro camp. I go to the NFL game most years since it has come over to our shores. Its a brill experience and I can see from a marketing point that it benefits the league. However I am against the 39th game. The game aborad should just be a few random games each year as part of the reg season.

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Gotta say, Im in the pro camp. I go to the NFL game most years since it has come over to our shores. Its a brill experience and I can see from a marketing point that it benefits the league. However I am against the 39th game. The game aborad should just be a few random games each year as part of the reg season.


NFL is a completely different game (obviously) so don't see why PL should be treated the same. Next you will be saying that we should have one game played over a period of 4 hours as that's what NFL do.

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Matchday attendance is increasingly irrelevant to the PL clubs in revenue terms. We're seemingly only at the grounds to provide a colourful and noisy backdrop to the Global TV Product they now market.


If that's true why would clubs expand grounds? Spurs Liverpool and man city are currently looking to expand Chelsea seem desperate too as do Everton? Maybe you could argue that they do it for the prestige? Or to have the largest income from gate receipts in the case of leaner times if the sky bubble bursts?


I don't see that they want to disengage from their support just they want to make the brand available to the widest possible audience, perhaps the fear is that if the brand is not growing it will shrink. After all if it were not for sky we would not currently have a team fielding with so many 10 million pound players?

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And more practically, how do you have a fixture on neutral ground and let it count to the table? The reverse fixture would also need to be played neutrally or it becomes completely unfair.

Well if it's a 39th game, why not let it be a final game "position" match: 1 vs. 2, 3 vs. 4, etc. Potentially quite exciting matches at both the top and bottom.

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the italian super cup will be held in Qatar next year


because of this, the Premier League will push like never before to have something abroad.


Apparently, it will be a round of fixtures within a normal season

5 cities around the world hosting 2 games over 2 days.


Also, heard on various things on the radio that the premier league will try to get clubs to cap/drop ticket prices for fans when the new TV deal comes in to start the 'softening up' process



but either way, now Italy are starting to do it, there is no way the Premier League wont

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the italian super cup will be held in Qatar next year


because of this, the Premier League will push like never before to have something abroad.


Apparently, it will be a round of fixtures within a normal season

5 cities around the world hosting 2 games over 2 days.


Also, heard on various things on the radio that the premier league will try to get clubs to cap/drop ticket prices for fans when the new TV deal comes in to start the 'softening up' process



but either way, now Italy are starting to do it, there is no way the Premier League wont


The early stages of a breakaway PL?

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Can't see it happening. The Yanks only want to watch the top teams.


However, if it does, then I will not be renewing my season ticket and I will give up going to football, hoping the whole rotten ship sinks. Or maybe Bashley FC might be fun.

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With every year i get closer and closer to stopping going altogether and it's things like this that are the reason. I'm absolutely ****ing sick of the premier league, champions league and greed that goes with it. Part of me wishes for a total collapse in football so we can kick these ****s out and start again.


Agree mate.


If they EVER do this stupid "regular round" match abroad, I hope many more vote with their feet. Utterly, utterly ridiculous.


Even the term "regular round". WTF? This isn't Gridiron, it's Football, it's a match, a league match, played at your home ground or the away team's ground, not abroad just so they can milk some more money from people who probably don't really care "who wins".

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The idea is back...



Thoughts? I think last time this idea raised its head, we were still in League 1. Have Saints had any official say on the matter yet?


Are we all agreed that we don't want this to ever happen? Or does a match between Southampton and Burnley played in New Delhi actually appeal to some people?


That would just be currying favour.


Ridiculous idea, bit of a naan starter as far as I'm concerned.

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WTF is going on.....


I see news emerging that England, or rather the FA, might consider staging games away from Wembley from 2018 if Wembely becomes home of a NFL franchise.


Soon the Yanks will have all of soccer being in ¼s so that they can run adverts.

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NFL is a completely different game (obviously) so don't see why PL should be treated the same. Next you will be saying that we should have one game played over a period of 4 hours as that's what NFL do.

? What? Really? My point is a good point and Im not saying to copy the sport. Im talking about marketing, on a forum where generally people can put across their opinions without snide, unintelligent replies. Obviously not.

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