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That Clyne Goal....


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I repeat, why do any Saints fans want Clyne (or any of our English players) to be called up for England? :? Haven't Shaw, Lambert and Lallana taught us anything?


I agree to a point, but footballers want to play for their National teams. If he continues not to be recognised playing for Saints, it's possible he may want a move to a club where you only have to fart in the changing room to get a call up. Of course it's a vicious circle, as International recognition and good form prompt bigger clubs as to their class.

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I agree to a point, but footballers want to play for their National teams. If he continues not to be recognised playing for Saints, it's possible he may want a move to a club where you only have to fart in the changing room to get a call up. Of course it's a vicious circle, as International recognition and good form prompt bigger clubs as to their class.

True to a degree, but we know that if they do get called up their heads are turned.

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I repeat, why do any Saints fans want Clyne (or any of our English players) to be called up for England? :? Haven't Shaw, Lambert and Lallana taught us anything?


Do people really believe in this myth about heads being turned on international duty? The players were all hot property with or without england caps how does chambers fit this silly story or Walcott and Ox? How about Forster should we hope he gets dropped?


Clyne should be England's current right back on form and I hope hodgson picks him as he deserves it! One day he will probably leave for a shed load of money to a top Four side but that will be nothing to do with strive g taping him up on england duty!

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Wenger said they went down to 2 stupid goals - no class that man , could have least have acknowledged what a great strike it was.


Impressed that our players are having cracks now rather than dicking about with the ball and retaining possession at all costs. Perhaps if MP had played it would have ended up back with our goalie rather than in the back of their net

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Wenger said they went down to 2 stupid goals - no class that man , could have least have acknowledged what a great strike it was.


Here's the full quote from Wenger. I'd say it's fairly classy, he gives us a lot of praise.


“We made two unneeded errors on the two goals, and big ones,” said Wenger. “We lacked a bit of experience at the back but the first reason of our defeat is the quality of our opponent and the performance of our opponent.”

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Do people really believe in this myth about heads being turned on international duty? The players were all hot property with or without england caps how does chambers fit this silly story or Walcott and Ox? How about Forster should we hope he gets dropped?


Clyne should be England's current right back on form and I hope hodgson picks him as he deserves it! One day he will probably leave for a shed load of money to a top Four side but that will be nothing to do with strive g taping him up on england duty!


Blimey. Is that the sort of thing that goes on? No wonder players have their heads turned.

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Do people really believe in this myth about heads being turned on international duty?

Do people really believe this is a myth? Gerrard turned the heads of Lambo and Lallana. Hopefully it will not be such a problem in the future given that Old Slowcoach has retired from England duty. Same happened in years gone by with Bridge.

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Cracking goal, reminded me of one Chris Baird scored against Cardiff many moons ago.

Just about to post the same, and that was from a right back too and a bit closer as well, but a memorable strike made all the better in that it looked like we had pigged up the free kick in the first place.


But last nights strike from Nathaniel was absolutely stunning, the kind of strike that rightly gets football fans moist at seeing. And as mentioned above a potent weapon he seems to have in his armoury.

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Goals from right backs stick in my mind. There was Wayne Thomas's against Ipswich in the cup, that was a corker, and for some reason I remember a Jason Dodd screamer he scored with his left foot (iirc) though I forget against who. Then there's Golacs, though I'm too young for that. Clyne's was top class though.

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Here's the full quote from Wenger. I'd say it's fairly classy, he gives us a lot of praise.


“We made two unneeded errors on the two goals, and big ones,” said Wenger. “We lacked a bit of experience at the back but the first reason of our defeat is the quality of our opponent and the performance of our opponent.”


Well, Wenger said the problem with the second goal was not closing Clyne down. And the person not closing him down properly, was....Wilshere. Hardly inexperienced, but then I am not sure he expected Clyne to riflt it in for 30+ yards

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Eat my goal. The Goalie has got football pie all over his shirt.


AND AGAIN! Liquid etc etc.


As said before, the players have the freedom to tvat it in this team, and it has worked out well. For Clyne's sake, I think he he should picked for England, for Saints' sake, no thanks.

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Well, Wenger said the problem with the second goal was not closing Clyne down. And the person not closing him down properly, was....Wilshere. Hardly inexperienced, but then I am not sure he expected Clyne to riflt it in for 30+ yards


I don't think anyone expected it! It's one thing having a pop but that goes in what, 1 in 10 times?


Still reckon Forster would have saved it.

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From where we were at the opposite end, I thought at first the keeper should have saved it, but now I've seen the replays, I actually think he didn't have much chance. In his starting position he had 2 players blocking his view of the ball being struck, it came past those 2, and as soon as he saw it he moved right - but the ball had enough swerve on it to take it away from him a couple of feet, and at that pace, he had no time to recover. If you pause the video right after he strikes it, the trajectory of the ball is quite a bit to the right of where it ended up.

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On a separate note, I was directly behind Forster for their goal and don't for the life of me understand why keepers have a wall that stops them seeing the free kick taker. I said to the bloke next to me that if he hits the target it's going in because the first Forster would see of the ball is when it appears over the wall - too late. Am I too naive too think keepers would stand a better chance with just a wall of 2?

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I was at the opposite end. There was a massive swerve on the ball which is what beat the keeper.


Massive swerve is the perfect description, there keeper was going to his right, then as you said the ball just suddenly went to his left, amazing, whether Clyne mean't that to happen I guess we will never know, either way a fantastic goal.

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There is a graphic analysis on the Mai today:


31.4 yds

64.2 mph

Time from boot to goal 1.0 secs


I was right behind the shot in row 10 and my instant thought was that the goalkeeper would have it. Glad I was wrong :)


Thanks for this. I thought I was right behind it too, and I started celebrating just after he hit it. I did not think it would miss or be saved, but that was probably much more to do with the beers consumed than any foresight :)

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There is a graphic analysis on the Mai today:


31.4 yds

64.2 mph

Time from boot to goal 1.0 secs


I was right behind the shot in row 10 and my instant thought was that the goalkeeper would have it. Glad I was wrong :)


That can't be right. A quick look around using the power of the internet says the average speed of the ball after being kicked is at least 60mph, and the hardest shot recorded is over 130mph. It must have been quicker than 64.2mph or else it really was keeper error!

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That can't be right. A quick look around using the power of the internet says the average speed of the ball after being kicked is at least 60mph, and the hardest shot recorded is over 130mph. It must have been quicker than 64.2mph or else it really was keeper error!


If the distance and time are right then the power of math tells me the that speed is correct as well. The distance is about right so it all depends on how long the ball took to hit the net (exactly 1 second seems convenient).

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