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Schadenfreude is something we are good at on here............. And we have 3 prime suspects to keep our hunger for it fed for a while.

You would hope that by 25 in a position you have been playing in for years you, would have gotten an idea as to how to lead in your job especially as you have just become one of the more expensive defenders in world football and handsomely paid too, as they always say the grass always looks greener...............

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Tough ****. As has been said, Karma's a *****. I really hope that they all see and realise that the grass is not always greener elsewhere (although their bank balances might not agree). I think AL will have the fans on his back pretty soon unless he starts doing well (and in fairness he has just come back from injury). SRL - he will get the fans whinging as well, but then he really is an impact sub only. As for others, I actually hope LS comes good - he's not the brightest spark and it would be sad if he is spat out. CC a little ambivalent.

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Hey I am only young (er, no, 25), new to this country (er, no), new to playing at this level (er, no agin, plus had recent world cup), not used to first team (er, no, sorry) and only cost £20m so you should not expect too much (lol!)


Not really surprising that he has no concept of the truth or reality

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teams are rarely totally dependant on one man, and whilst many can point to Lovren's many good performances last season, let's not forget much of the time he was partnered by Jose Fonte.

Together, they were a good combination, knew each others' game and they worked well together.


Look back and recall the adulation that Michael Svensson had 10-12 years ago, but I'm sure he would be first to admit that his partnership with Claus Lunderkvam was one of the main reasons for that.


Jose (like Claus)... are / were...." the quiet ones " who didn't always get the glory, but helped make their partner the success they later became.


The " big guy who gets stuck in" gets most of the attention, but Lovren didn't do it alone and got good cover from his partner. Dejan is finding life ...a bit tougher... without Jose back there to cover for him.

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When he came, I remember the excitement and anticipation on here. Pride also. I think he picked up on this in 'real life' and it may have rubbed off on him and his game.


As well as the team spirit encouraged by 'The Project'. Now he's a small fish in a big 'pool and his confidence seems undermined.


Maybe the board dropped a bloolck my not ensuring this team spirit continued, but it is being rebuilt, without you Dejan.

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teams are rarely totally dependant on one man, and whilst many can point to Lovren's many good performances last season, let's not forget much of the time he was partnered by Jose Fonte.

Together, they were a good combination, knew each others' game and they worked well together.


Look back and recall the adulation that Michael Svensson had 10-12 years ago, but I'm sure he would be first to admit that his partnership with Claus Lunderkvam was one of the main reasons for that.


Jose (like Claus)... are / were...." the quiet ones " who didn't always get the glory, but helped make their partner the success they later became.


The " big guy who gets stuck in" gets most of the attention, but Lovren didn't do it alone and got good cover from his partner. Dejan is finding life ...a bit tougher... without Jose back there to cover for him.


To be fair David I think it was Killer who made Claus a better player rather than the other way around.

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These greedy bastard glory-hunter players are starting to realise a few home truths. They can console themselves with earning two or three times the money, but they have to accept that with the higher wages comes much higher expectations of their abilities. They are also realising that they looked good playing here because they were surrounded by very able players who shielded them, complemented them, they played for each other and were a unit. In the same way that they were nurtured from a young age here, or imported from teams where their abilities were not fully recognised, our academy or our scouting network are capable of replacing them.


Despite losing the likes of Lovren, Chambers and Shaw, our defence is arguably still as good as it was, and it is indeed debateable that our defence and midfield is better than Liverpool's, despite the turmoil over the summer. More mediocre performances from Lovren and Lallana and they will increasingly be spending more and more time warming the bench. Unless they improve substantially, the next step is either being loaned out, or being sold to a lesser team, their careers and reputations damaged. With luck, not only will they eventually realise that they might have been happier staying here, but they will be a great example to anybody else here who may think of leaving whenever a glory club comes knocking.

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After just one game, admittedly against a weak NUFC, I wonder how many would swap Toby for Lovren. Toby, like Lovren last season, looked assured, composed and confident in his own abilities. Lovren this year doesn't look confident. Some of the Scousers on their boards think that he might be trying too hard rather than letting the natural game come through.

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Lovren looks cack because Liverpool still don't have a decent defensive midfielder, and with a big space in front of him for the attacking players to do what they want, you're not going to be able to stop everything.


Unfortunately this just means we'll probably end up selling Schneiderlin and Wanyama to Liverpool as well (and they'll sit on the bench until Gerrard explodes a leg or something, he should have been dropped or played somewhere else months ago).

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Sometimes things work out for a reason. Lovren clealry has talent but does he have the mental strength to back it up? He has been poor for liverpool this season so far and had some poor games for us last season to be fair. He was caught out of position a few times in the WC and I do wonder if he will cut it in the CL. The point is though that we could well have found ourselves a better CH so whatever he does at Liverpool I am not fussed because we seem to have sorted our defence out.

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Did they buy the wrong centre back Fonte?

As a few realised last season, especially second half of the season, Lovren was carried quite often and got out holes by Jose. Lovren now admits in the article " I was used to other players leading before" what some saw. yes, you could argue that Pool signed the wrong centre back, but what they should have actually done is sign both. Fortunately for us they weren't bright enough to see or do this, and hence we have sold a replaceable player for way over the odds and replaced him with someone who may turn out to be better, and hopefully if he does we could actually buy him before anyone really notices. One of the few areas of the squad where we have clearly strengthened since last season, not only bringing in Toby but offloading Jos and replacing him with Florian who looks on the minimum evidence available so far to be at least adequate. Our Captain is the key to our defence this season, along with as others have said the strong defensive MFs in front of them.

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Its gerrard that is holding them back

and it is funny watching it


sure, he will have a couple of good games, but in general, he is now a hinderance rather than an asset


As noted on MNF yesterday, he's tying up an opposing striker/midfielder whenever Liverpool have the ball, but because of the man-marking job on him (Ward-Prowse, Agbonlahor, etc) he now doesn't get the opportunity to ping 40 yard Hollywood balls to Sterling, and as he's a defensive liability with the loss of pace and especially significantly reduced agility, he is now basically just a passenger without the physical capacity to get away from his marker and affect the game.


They also noted that if he switched with Henderson occasionally that would at least give the marker something to think about, but of course it would also take Henderson away from where he's most effective, winning the ball on the half way line and playing it into a runner.

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Sometimes things work out for a reason. Lovren clealry has talent but does he have the mental strength to back it up? He has been poor for liverpool this season so far and had some poor games for us last season to be fair. He was caught out of position a few times in the WC and I do wonder if he will cut it in the CL. The point is though that we could well have found ourselves a better CH so whatever he does at Liverpool I am not fussed because we seem to have sorted our defence out.


Two that I can think of, the Sunderland game he got injured in, and the Spurs home game where he just started hacking at stuff. That's not a bad return from 40-odd matches. Yes, he might have been reacting to Fonte's calls, but communication works both ways, and you don't become a bad player just because there are bad players around you.


It is obvious that he and Skrtel haven't got that stuff sorted yet and the number of times Skrtel has failed to tell Lovren to push across because he's already marking the man Lovren is worried about and Lovren has 10 yards of space next to him (which is then exploited by a striker) has been repeatedly highlighted on Sky in analysis, most obviously against Man City.

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Two that I can think of, the Sunderland game he got injured in, and the Spurs home game where he just started hacking at stuff. That's not a bad return from 40-odd matches. Yes, he might have been reacting to Fonte's calls, but communication works both ways, and you don't become a bad player just because there are bad players around you.


It is obvious that he and Skrtel haven't got that stuff sorted yet and the number of times Skrtel has failed to tell Lovren to push across because he's already marking the man Lovren is worried about and Lovren has 10 yards of space next to him (which is then exploited by a striker) has been repeatedly highlighted on Sky in analysis, most obviously against Man City.


I thought there were certainly a few more than that - Spurs away springs to mind. For me, he was nowhere near as dominant in the second half of the season but, by that point, Gary Neville and co had already done a few features on him saying how great he was, so he could do no wrong in the eyes of many.

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All this says to me is how important Jose Fonte is to our defence and how key it was we kept him this summer. Oh and to think some people were saying the two new signings should be our centre back pairing for the Newcastle game, dinlows! :mcinnes:


"It is not so easy to lead all the time. I was used to other players leading before
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All this says to me is how important Jose Fonte is to our defence and how key it was we kept him this summer. Oh and to think some people were saying the two new signings should be our centre back pairing for the Newcastle game, dinlows! :mcinnes:


They might yet be better, how would you know without seeing them?

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He had a pretty awful season for Lyon before he came to us (pretty much how he came to us) one good season last year might be the exception not the rule.


I watched the Liverpool game and it had a very 'saints' feel to it from last year,. like watching us huff and puff against the likes of Sunderland at home.

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They might yet be better, how would you know without seeing them?


Which can be switched right back at you.


I am personally happy for an experienced top performer with premier league experience from the past two years who is now our captain to continue in his rightful place. Do new signings not have to earn their place any more?

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