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He does ? Blimey, had no idea. Maybe it doesn't waft down to the Chapel.


Give us a clue then....ta.


He has at least two.


The one to the tune of Brown Girl in the Ring (aka "Morgan Schneiderlin lalalalala") and "Morgan Schneiderlin Football Genius" as nicked from Chrissy Marsden and various others. Think that one began sarcastically in the Championship pre-relegation.

very nice:D... except Toby is Belgian ....and the song refers to Austria.....


Don't spoil my dream. I sort of imagine the whole crowd swaying side to side holding flowers, then we can through them on the pitch at the end. We could get known for it like the Man City thing where they turn there backs.............................

To-by alderwereild tra la la la la


To-by alderwereild tra la la la la la


To-by alderwereild tra la la la la


To the tune of brown girl in the ring


Followed by poetry in motion tra la la la la




To we've got the whole world:


We've got alderweireld in our team,

We've got alderweireld in our team,

We've got alderweireld in our team,

We've got alderweireld in our team,




Take two.


To the tune of AC/DC's Highway to Hell.


Toby Alderweireld!

..... Alderweireld!


Rinse and repeat.


I claim my Cortese memorial spoon in presentation box.

I think this would work:


We've got Toby Alderveirweld in our hands, We've got Toby Alderveirweld in our hands,


repeated indefinitely to the classic football tune of

He's got the whole world in his hands


Talksport commented that this was genius.

Talksport commented that this was genius.


Bob Mills to be exact, on the Colin Murray and Friends show. The only show I'd tune the radio for on TalkSh*te, even Perry 'thanks for nothing' Groves is the voice of reason on there, I quite like him now!


But yeah, let's be honest, it's simple, easy to sing, and works, so the only chance there is of it catching on with our fans.

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