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  • 6 months later...
London saints has over 200 members and is still going strong around 25 members on average go to every away game


I was going to join that but then I had to fill in forms and send a cheque (I don't have a chequebook anymore) and it all became hassle.


What we need is a simple group of fans in London that all'sit in one email group, and someone sends out an email everytime a game is on.


Guess the answer to both the last question and the OP is 'no'. I'd be up for watching any evening games in a pub in London.

I can't guarantee getting away from work early enough to get down to SMS these days

My bro used to be one of the people who ran it. I'll ask him tomorrow whats happening now.


It's too late, Tim. Their rubbish website, lack of activity, and zero response, has led me to the impression they're just a bunch of old f*rts! I think we should start our own cooler London gathering. Griffo can be the leader.

Posted (edited)
Their rubbish website, lack of activity, and zero response, has led me to the impression they're just a bunch of old f*rts!


I think that's exactly what it is! mostly a group of fans who have known each other for years

Edited by buctootim
Posted (edited)
Who leads / organises it, or is that the issue, i.e. no one does anymore?


If you're talking about London Saints, it's Mick Strickland. London Saints is still going strong but revolves principally around away games (useful for cheap train tickets). It has a social side but it's pretty crusty and irregular (e.g. a get together at the end of the season as well as other activities in the summer but theyre only for a hardened few who go back years).


In other words, there's a niche if saints fans living in the smoke just want to meet up and watch a game in the pub.

Edited by shurlock

Think most of the London Saints activity is organising to get down to matches so the field is clear for televised matches. Cooler London gathering sounds good.

If you're talking about London Saints, it's Mick Strickland. London Saints is still going strong but revolves principally around away games (useful for cheap train tickets). It has a social side but it's pretty crusty and irregular (e.g. a get together at the end of the season as well as other activities in the summer but theyre only for a hardened few who go back years).


In other words, there's a niche if saints fans living in the smoke just want to meet up and watch a game in the pub.


Hmm. Slightly put off by the 'crusty' description...

Think most of the London Saints activity is organising to get down to matches so the field is clear for televised matches. Cooler London gathering sounds good.


I'll wait for you to organise, SO5!

I'll wait for you to organise, SO5!
But the identification of the problem (post #1) and suggested solution (#9) were both yours Lou - you sound like a natural organiser!
But the identification of the problem (post #1) and suggested solution (#9) were both yours Lou - you sound like a natural organiser!


Yeah, but I already get the **** take out of me too much, just for organising drinks in Southampton. If I start organising ones in London too, I'll get a reputation!


Plus no one is going to meet up with a girl in London. I need a couple of guys to set something up before they'll have the nerve to invite a girl along... But let me know once you've done that!


Ok, ok - for the sake of your reputation!


The TV matches I'd be up for are midweek rather then at weekends (either home in leafy Surrey then or at SMS) so I'll organise something for the first one of next season. Champions league away leg, that sort of thing...

Ok, ok - for the sake of your reputation!


The TV matches I'd be up for are midweek rather then at weekends (either home in leafy Surrey then or at SMS) so I'll organise something for the first one of next season. Champions league away leg, that sort of thing...


But that's not London!

It's too late, Tim. Their rubbish website, lack of activity, and zero response, has led me to the impression they're just a bunch of old f*rts! I think we should start our own cooler London gathering. Griffo can be the leader.



That's not a nice thing to say about website, as Mr Grant who is moderator on here responsible for Website !



we may be old Farts In your opinion, with most knowing each other for years, but we have had many younger fans join in recent years, we've also arranged meetings with ex-Saints in London and raised substantial money for charities over the years


Best events were when we had players come to end of season parties after Wimbledon (Great escape season), West Ham (Bally in charge) and Arsenal (when we lost 5 -1)


However it has proved impossible to get players to come to these do's in recent years


I tried London Saints when I first came to live in London 15 years ago. But it did seem to be mostly a group of old friends who had known each other for years and were now mostly living back in places like Salisbury and Winchester, so not really London concentric at all. I would be up for meets to watch games with other Saints in a pub.

That's not a nice thing to say about website, as Mr Grant who is moderator on here responsible for Website !



we may be old Farts In your opinion, with most knowing each other for years, but we have had many younger fans join in recent years, we've also arranged meetings with ex-Saints in London and raised substantial money for charities over the years


Best events were when we had players come to end of season parties after Wimbledon (Great escape season), West Ham (Bally in charge) and Arsenal (when we lost 5 -1)


However it has proved impossible to get players to come to these do's in recent years


Aw, I was just teasing oldsarum! I didn't mean it. It's just hard to figure what it's all about from the website.

Lou, did you make a new years resolution to meet as many Saints fans as possible this year or summat?


:) No, I just don't have any friends who support the Saints, and I don't like going to games on my own. It's easy for boys - boys have lots of boy gangs who watch football. I don't.

:) No, I just don't have any friends who support the Saints, and I don't like going to games on my own. It's easy for boys - boys have lots of boy gangs who watch football. I don't.


You say that, but none of my friends support Saints so I have literally no-one to go to matches with. When I go into tend to go either on my own, or I'll try to meet up with those on her, for instance I went to the Arsenal away game with one of adriansfc's mates.


Can usually get someone to come to the pub to watch it though.

I'm in the same boat as Lou & Jeff. Never lived in Soton, so know no other Saints fans IRL.


Would be up for London based viewings, trips to sms etc.


Shame there are no more midweek games to go watch in the pub.


Actually I suppose a meeting doesn't have to wait for a game - especially as there aren't any more evening televised games this season. Happy to do a beer after work sometime. Am away over Easter hols though


Depending on where and when, might be around. Am bang in the middle of spurs and gooner country, so would welcome the relief, especially if we make it to Europe.

I'm more than happy to arrange something, everyone about on the week of the 6th? I could set up a mail via the PM's with everyone on it if people wanted me too?


Am still away that week but definitely up for w/c 13th April


Thanks for offering to arrange

Right, so shall we go for Tuesday 14th April? Champions League night as well I believe...


I'm on holiday that week, but my weekday evenings get pretty stuffed anyway, so don't worry about me. I'm probably always going to be a last minute addition if I can make it!

I'm on holiday that week, but my weekday evenings get pretty stuffed anyway, so don't worry about me. I'm probably always going to be a last minute addition if I can make it!


What it is to have a proper social life....!

I'm on holiday that week, but my weekday evenings get pretty stuffed anyway, so don't worry about me. I'm probably always going to be a last minute addition if I can make it!


Lou loves a good stuffing on a week night.



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