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I think a lot of Scots are as much voting 'No to Westminster' (and a continuation of two - who am I kidding, one - party politics) as they are voting Yes to Independence.


And which one of us wouldn't fancy that as a protest vote?

Just been trawling around Twitter and other forums


The YES are celebrating already (online)


They are going to get independence I feel.


The opposite to the indyref and everything Ive looked at, to me it seems its a no, its close though

They can insist all they want. Doesn't mean anyone else has to agree to it.

The pound Stirling is from errrmmm Stirling. The bank of England was created by a Scottish banker. I would say they have as fair a claim as anyone to the currency.

Betfair paid out on those backing the no vote 3 days ago, 6 figure sums as well. I don't think they'd have done that if it wasn't a sure thing.


How could they possibly know more than anyone else?

The pound Stirling is from errrmmm Stirling. The bank of England was created by a Scottish banker. I would say they have as fair a claim as anyone to the currency.


I've honestly never heard that, I thought it was derived from an old Anglo-saxon word meaning "silver star" or something similar.

How could they possibly know more than anyone else?


No idea. Might be worth an investigation of some sort if it is a no vote. Seems strange to me as well, but they have literally nothing to gain from paying out early if they're not sure.

No idea. Might be worth an investigation of some sort if it is a no vote. Seems strange to me as well, but they have literally nothing to gain from paying out early if they're not sure.


Generates a fair bit of publicity I would imagine.

Just been trawling around Twitter and other forums


The YES are celebrating already (online)


They are going to get independence I feel.


Everything I've seen signals a no vote, fingers crossed


You are correct as well. It was a pound of silver coins to the Anglo Saxons and a pound Scots to the Scots. After the union the pound Scots was abolished and the pound Stirling was the agreed merged currency. It was a joint 'agreement' and all parties have as much right to it as the other.


Definitely think it's going to be a no. Hope that we can give them more devolution though as there is a majority who want devolution just not a majority who would go for independence.

Definitely think it's going to be a no. Hope that we can give them more devolution though as there is a majority who want devolution just not a majority who would go for independence.


More devolution - yes

More money - fook off


May I just take this opportunity before the result is announced to say that I had never actually visited Scotland (apart from a 4 day conference in Edinburgh) so back in May my wife and I spent 9 days driving up to the top of Scotland and staying around the edges visiting Inverness, John O'Groats, Orkney, Outer and Inner Hebrides amongst others and we found the people delightful and charming, the scenery magnificent and the whole experience a remarkable eye-opener. 2000 miles in total but well worth it and I recommend anyone to pay it a visit if they haven't before.


Can someone get Nick Robinson off the telly? He has the style of a man trying to convince a wary pedestrian into a Transit.

Posted (edited)

investigations of fraud in glasgow - police are involved

10 reports so far



pap, adam boulton is miles better. he does not have to be as impartial and pushes them more than the BBC do...watch Sky News


nearly all of the YES lot being interviewed seem to be a bit resigning about it all and playing down their chances. Salmond has cancelled his visit to a count and wont go to any through the night

Edited by Batman
May I just take this opportunity before the result is announced to say that I had never actually visited Scotland (apart from a 4 day conference in Edinburgh) so back in May my wife and I spent 9 days driving up to the top of Scotland and staying around the edges visiting Inverness, John O'Groats, Orkney, Outer and Inner Hebrides amongst others and we found the people delightful and charming, the scenery magnificent and the whole experience a remarkable eye-opener. 2000 miles in total but well worth it and I recommend anyone to pay it a visit if they haven't before.




We did a Grand Tour of Britain back in 2008 and the Scottish part was ace. Very similar route to you but we didn't get to the islands, unless Skye counts! Would also recommend it above almost any other road trip choice!


Got to see ICT and St.Miran play out an almost comically stereotypical dull and awful 0-0 draw in the ****ing rain. Perfect really.


Watching the BBC Scotland coverage, Gordon Wilson causing trouble! All the pundits seem to think that this referendum has put forward a case for "balkanisation" of the UK though.


The yes were so confidence of winning Orkney. I have a lot of friends who are yes voters but equally we have some real yes numpties . I wasn't expecting such a big majority for the no vote . This post comes direct from Kirkwall

The yes were so confidence of winning Orkney. I have a lot of friends who are yes voters but equally we have some real yes numpties . I wasn't expecting such a big majority for the no vote . This post comes direct from Kirkwall


The Yes were confident of Orkney?! Who have you been talking to? Orkney is solid Lib Dem area and was always going to be decidedly No.

The Yes were confident of Orkney?! Who have you been talking to? Orkney is solid Lib Dem area and was always going to be decidedly No.


I'm guessing he would have been talking to people in Orkney


The eastern island territories were always going to vote No, that's been set in stone for a while. Will be interesting to see how Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee vote as they're the ones where there seems to have been a lot of groundswell for Yes although it does seem to be leaning quite heavily towards No from the snippets we've heard so far.

That's that then.


Can there be another referendum any time soon, or is that it?


Even the Salmon man didn't sound keen. Another 50 yrs of slavery I reckon! Turkey's vote for Christmas! Hahahahaha! In yr face Salmon man + Scottish bros!

That's that then.


Can there be another referendum any time soon, or is that it?


Thats it, I reckon.


Westminster will give them a few more powers like an owner throws a bone to a dog.


By the time this gets anywhere near being on the table again (reckon 10 yrs), reduction in oil reserves will make Scotland even more unviable than it is now.


Laughing at Pie-Face and Wee Jimmy Krankie, but recognise the whinging and blaming the English for everything wont stop.... :(


How long before AS trots out the "if it wasn't for the institutional bullying tactics of Westminster" mantra?


AS should adopt the EU approach to referendums and keep having them until he gets the answer he wants

How long before AS trots out the "if it wasn't for the institutional bullying tactics of Westminster" mantra?



I've already heard one of his acolytes trot that line out on Sky News. Along with Class War crap about the poor of Glasgow vs the rich land owners in the Highlands.


He will never accept or respect this result.


Shocked by just how much Edinburgh gave him the bird..


Scotland to raise its own taxes, lol Salmond and co will then be the fall guys if things go wrong. They will not be able to blame Westminster then.

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