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Koeman promises not to use Saints as a stepping stone


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Let´s say he does a very fine job here, and in the summer 2016 he gets offered the manager job for Hollands national team...


What do you think he will do?


In fairness 2 seasons would make him one of the longest serving managers in the Prem...

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"Koeman, who today takes charge of his first competitive game in the English top flight at Liverpool, signed a three-year deal with the Saints and sees no reason why he will not fulfil it – unless he proves a failure!"


Glad to hear it, an expression of loyalty is refreshing to see. Shame some on here can't take it on face value.

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Koeman's frankness and honesty has been a breath of fresh air. When he is asked questions you might expect him to try to avoid, he doesn't and instead he answers them. This man could be the best manager Saints have had for a very long time. Ultimately, many people will judge him on results but he can only work with the players he is given and if he gets the best out of them a top half finish will be a very good start to his first three years. The future will then depend on whether the board have the determination to support him.

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Ha, he is a big hit for himself.


What if he is so bad club sack him first?!


Just saying. That is a pr exercise to get fans on side after ponch mess


Just saying. Maybe, our manager has signed a better goalkeeper and your "friend" will have to bide his time on the bench. On fab wages :)

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What he's said is what he's demonstrated in the past, he'll stay to the end of his contract. Not really long term but he'll commit to his contract. After that, I'f he's been successful, he'll go onto bigger and better things and he will go with my blessing.

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I have a feeling he will be a superb manager for us. It is obvious he will say what he thinks - even if it upsets some people. PLayers will know where they stand with him and he has already made a stance re. Schneiderlin and shown real leadership.


Hopefully, after 10 games, we will be solid mid-table and can grow from there.

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What, to see out his contract? He will have no say in the matter if the board decide to sack him. Like I said before, why not take what he says at face value and be glad that he wants to stay and be successful.


CB Fry is right. In the incredibly unlikely event that he was incredible for us and barca came in for him, he would be off like a shot probably with the club's backing. You don't say no in situations like that.

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Koeman promises he won't use Saints as a PL stepping stone as Poch did, and is there long term.




According to the article, "Koeman’s predecessor Mauricio Pochettino walked out after just 16 moths to take over at Tottenham." Does that mean that if we had just done something about our insect infestation, Pochettino would have stayed?

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What, to see out his contract? He will have no say in the matter if the board decide to sack him. Like I said before, why not take what he says at face value and be glad that he wants to stay and be successful.

Maybe the club should promise not to sack him too.


The sentiment is fine, but it isn't worth saying.


I was happy with him and his commitment to do well with us before these quotes came out: I think 99% of Saints fans are already. Therefore, pointless thing to say.

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Nice words by Koeman. The problem is that If he has 2 storming seasons with us, Luis Enrique fails at Barca and they come knocking at our door, he'll be off! He'd be mad not to take up a job at the worlds biggest club, and in many ways 'his' club.


But saying that, Barca is probably the only team who could tempt him I feel. But if they do come calling, then you know that we've had 2 of the most amazing seasons - ever!

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