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10 Merlins all at once

Saint in Paradise

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What a sight and sound ! :thumbup: :toppa: :adore:







Thanks for that. One of those Lancasters is based at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum - right here in Hamilton. A Twenty minute drive away. It often flies right over my house each weekend during the summer. You can hear it coming from quite a distance, because of the unique sound of those four engines.



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I went to the same uni as Chadwick. Who knew...


Apparently the two lancasters are doing a couple of displays with XH558 over the next few weeks too. That will be a sight as well.


I remember a few years ago when back in Soton standing in my parents garden on a Sunday afternoon when I head a sound getting louder that could only have been Thumper. Sure enough, she went straight over our house in Swaything. After she has gone, I turned round, and the neighbours over every house in both directions has all come out as well.


Then a couple of years ago I was sat in the park next to the Royal Yacht Club in Cowes on the weekend of the Bournemouth air show when she went past again heading east to west to Bournemouth between the island and Lepe / Calshot. Amazing sight. (XH558 went past on the same route as we boarded the Red Funnel ferry to come back to Soton)


There really is no sound like a Merlin. Imagine what entire squadrons of Lancasters taking off sounded like...


I really hope the CAA give Just Jane flight clearance when her restoration is finished.

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Saw it this afternoon, magnificent sight and beautiful sound. Moving and a bit sad as well. Would have been incredible to see a sky full of them.

They have painted the Canadian plane in RAF livery for the tour pretty sure the old publicity shots had her in black.

The spits always have a profound effect on me as well.

Tornado was awesome

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to go to school (and live) not far from Biggin Hill. Every year we'd have Lancasters and Spifires fly over and every time people would stop and look in awe as they flew over. Went to Leeds Castle this year and two Spits did a display. Awesome machines.

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Did anybody else see the Spitfire and Hurricane over town last Saturday? We were walking over the Northam bridge at the time. I presume they were on their way to Bournemouth.


Isnt the Bournemouth airshow this week ?


Yes, 28-31 August, the Vulcan is due to fly today.


I presume that the BOB will be based ther this week. The Spitfire and Hurricane that we saw last Saturday weren't just doing a flyover, they were doing a few circuits and swoops over the docks area, maybe there was a special event on there. I didn't see the Lancaster though.

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If you're interested,


R. J. Mitchell's house in 2 Russell Place Portswood complete with blue plaque:




and Roy Chadwick's at 38 Chessel Avenue:




I wonder if they ever went to the Dell?

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Did anybody else see the Spitfire and Hurricane over town last Saturday? We were walking over the Northam bridge at the time. I presume they were on their way to Bournemouth.


I was at St Marys quite early, just after 2pm and you could see them flying around from inside the stadium, also saw a sign for some sort of 'waterfront event' on the way into town so probably something to do with that.


Used to love going to the Bournemouth airshow when I was little, obviously loved the red arrows but never really appreciated the old war planes as a kid:rolleyes: need to go again some time

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We are in Oslo today and walking back from the Fram museum this afternoon I thought I heard a Merlin approaching from the east so I turned round to see a Spitfire passing overhead. It's amazing where you find them :)


Thats quite a way from home. Maybe it was the single solitary Sptifire airworthy in Scandinavia (Angelholm, Sweden; ca. 300 miles away from Oslo).


Changing the subject, seems the single solitary Hurricane survivor of the Battle of Britain is up for sale and likely to go to the US. :(

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It might have been one from Goodood:



And this might have had something to do with it:




Either way it was a lovely surprise b


I'm horrified to hear about the Hurricane. If it was a sculpture by Canova there'd be a public appeal.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I used to go to school (and live) not far from Biggin Hill. Every year we'd have Lancasters and Spifires fly over and every time people would stop and look in awe as they flew over. Went to Leeds Castle this year and two Spits did a display. Awesome machines.


I grew up in North Kent and as my father was in the RAF in North Africa during the second world war, working on Spits, he used to go to Biggin Hill Air Show every year.

I went with him most years in my youth. The sound of the merlin engine still get the hairs on the back of my neck up.


I worked on a new multi storey building at Great Ormond Street Hospital in 1985, and during the VE Day 40th anniversary celebrations eight ( I believe) Spitfires flew along the Thames then banked around passing very low over us, fantastic memories.


Great to see a couple flying over the docks the other week before the WBA game.

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