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A question on the Techie Forum re posting photos.


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Thanks for the replies!


I have the photos in an Album. I am scanning them onto my desktop. PS, you mention a photo album online, is this what I can do with Photobucket? Put all the photos into an album and then put the link to the album on here? (Not sure how to do that but will look online for guideance) No idea what Tapatalk or imgur are.

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Select all the picture files in windows then drop them onto the middle of this page, ('upload' pops up).

Select 'create album', and then 'start upload.'


Thanks for the link to imgur. Having uploaded the photos to an album, is it a case of copy and paste the album link on here?

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Thanks for the link to imgur. Having uploaded the photos to an album, is it a case of copy and paste the album link on here?


I think from a quick look (never having used Imgur before) if you want a picture to axctually appear with the post you just copy the address on the right of the picture when you're in Imgur - BBCode (message boards & forums) - and then use the insert image icon on Saintsweb in the normal way.


Personally I find using http://www.tinypic.com much quicker and easier if you just want to post pics here - only three steps 1. browse your device for the picture 2. press upload 3. copy the address to here.

Edited by buctootim
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