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Morgan's head gone- Update: It has been re-attached


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What a load of krap, even one of his greatest fans from Day 1 finds it difficult to accept your stomach churning whinging "not ready in the head to play for Southampton". FFS Morgan, you're a bloody footballer not an brain surgeon, get your effing boots on and get out there and start kicking the ball instead of your toys out of the pram!


Stick him in the development squad Ron and if he still refuses to play put him on lawn mowing duties.

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SSN now running with Koeman Press Conference comments too.



"The player makes it difficult... the situation is not changed, we don't sell Schneiderlin and he has to accept that, he is tomorrow not in the squad because he said he's not in a physical but even more not in a mental way prepared for tomorrow. On one side I can understand that, but we said ok, we'll give you the weekend off to think about this situation, and Monday morning we have training session, and we have one week to prepare to the first away match against Liverpool, you continue as football player of Southampton, and now it's up to him".


Will he stay?


"I don't know, I like that he say... key player... like him to stay..."

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I had pretty much accepted as we entered the summer that he was going to go and was surprised offers didn't come in immediately, but after the recent statement I thought for a second that maybe the club will someone how hold firm. Koeman and club certainly seemed defiant. However, this situation can only end in tears really and Saints wont come out winners. Annoying. Like Fonte said, he is one of the best midfielders in the PL and his departure will leave a massive gap in our midfield no matter what people say about victor and Cork.

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I really hope the club hold firm on this one. Far to many players have been calling the shots this summer time for the club to put their foot down even if means Morgan seeing out his contract in the development squad. I suspect that he will be forced to stay this summer and be gone in the Jan transfer window.

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Well I hope we do hold firm. If it means MS training with the youth team, so be it. He still has 4 years left on his contract so plenty of time to think about his behavior and attitude.


Plus if Spurs truly have offered 10 million for him, that is just plain insulting.

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He will go. If he has gone on strike since last week he isn't suddenly going to turn up on Monday buzzing for the season to start. Good on Saints for sticking to their guns, but it usually ends with an acceptable offer being made, and the player leaving having ruined his relationship with the club. No reason this won't happen again.


Schneiderlin is obviously sure he has at least one very good option (Spurs) and will be happy to sit it out until the end of August in order to get his way. If anything, it lessens our bargaining power because Spurs know eventually we will have to sell him.


Player power at its worst.

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Steve Grant mentioned the Spurs offer was about £10m. I thought Krueger let that drop in one of his interviews last week. If Schneiderlin thinks we would let him go for less than half his value to us he is deluded. As for having to sell him, if he doesn't honour his contract we can fine him every two weeks.

Edited by derry
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The problem now is Spurs know he wants out so the chances of them improving the offer and meeting our target is gone,they will smell blood and try and get him on the cheap,it really will be a case of who blinks first.

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The players hold the aces now - once they want out it is rare they stay. I have an old saying, "when the pendulum needs to swing make sure it doesn't swing too far". Players needed emancipation in the 60s but look at how ridiculous it has become and now Ralph Krueger has dug himself a big hole

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Charlie you are wrong. We don't have to sell. Contract is king. But of course we all know the practicalities.


I am sadly, right. It shouldnt be that way, but it is. Nothing will change his mind now, and it would be so embarassing for him to u-turn, he will push it all the way until there is no nothing option but for us to sell and reinvest in someone who wants to be at the club.

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The problem now is Spurs know he wants out so the chances of them improving the offer and meeting our target is gone,they will smell blood and try and get him on the cheap,it really will be a case of who blinks first.


oh I think they already knew that, the whole episode is totally avoidable if only Krusty had kept his trap shut, that's his problem he can't, it's what he does, gabbing.

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It's not his head but his heart. His heart is ruling his head. He's throwing away everything including his career with France. Following Pochettino is one hell of a risky gamble. He may succeed but then again he may not and then where would it leave the likes of Morgan. Morgan is too sensitive and unable to see what he's doing to his future.


Wenger showed his class today by selling their center back that Man U wanted to Barcelona.

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Sell and get rid, the sooner all fekkin primadonnas leave the club the better. Find someone willing to pay £20m and it´s just get rid and get Clasie and Banega in for that money.


If we´re already rebuilding, rebuild completely and cut out those who dont want to be part of it.

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And I said at the time it wasnt going to happen because Spurs offer was a joke.


Poor Morgan. He's f**ked until someone matches our valuation..


isn't the difference between the two valuations about £17m? If it is that's a big difference.

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Theres 2 options that would make me happy here.


1 Do not back down to snidy**** let him rot in reserves or do whatever it takes to keep him at the club.this is getting beyond money, we need to put our foot down and not be bullied by players,this needs to happen so it doesnt continue in the future.


2) get jordie clasie in who has potential to be better then the snidyone and get as much as we can for mongan.


I still prefer option one

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Not entirely sure what he wants? Is he going to give us the extra £15m we need?


Because we're not going to give you away Morgan, it doesn't actually work like that. If Spurs don't have the money, and Arsenal don't want you, then get your head down or ruin your career. 2 options.


What a bunch of precious individuals we had/have at this club. Corteses reign was built on a pyramid of plastic cups.

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The problem now is Spurs know he wants out so the chances of them improving the offer and meeting our target is gone,they will smell blood and try and get him on the cheap,it really will be a case of who blinks first.


I think that they are making a serious error of judgement if they believe that they (Levy) have a stronger hand to offer a pathetically reduced price because Schneiderlin has thrown his toys out of the pram. Because Krueger has stated publically that he isn't for sale pretty well at any price, the worst strategy that Spurs could employ would be to try and get him on the cheap. If we arrive at the stage that we have signed a marquee replacement with the cash that is sploshing around from the sales of the other players and if we decided that he was a disruptive influence, then we might be in a position to wriggle out of it by putting a mega-premium price on him and then saying the offer would be too good to turn down. That figure for me would be about £30 million.


Otherwise, I'd feel inclined to let him rot in the reserves to send out a message to other players that there is a club prepared to make a stand against over-powerful players and that signing a contract ought to carry some weight in the way of obligations on the player's part as well as the club's.


If Schneiderlin doesn't relent soon, he will do his chances of ever playing for France again serious damage, as well as it affecting his standing in the game when he wishes to move on in future. Stay here another season, or even until the January window, behave yourself and knuckle down in the meantime and then you can maybe get an even better move, especially as Pochettino might well have left Spurs by then and you will breathe a sigh of relief and be thankful that you missed being stuck there without him.

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And I said at the time it wasnt going to happen because Spurs offer was a joke.


Poor Morgan. He's f**ked until someone matches our valuation..


He's made a very ill advised move imo. Lallana was making waves in order to force his move but that was backed by a very good offer from Liverpool. Morgan should have been realistic enough to see that the club were never going to let him go for £10m and two players we didnt want. Backing himself into a corner.

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Koeman confirmed to the media after the PC


" Schneiderlin trained with his team-mates this week, albeit spending two days separately as he regains fitness following an extended rest after the World Cup. I spoke to him and the situation has not changed - we don't sell Schneiderlin and he has to accept that"


"The situation is difficult, the player makes it difficult," Koeman said.


"I spoke to him with our chairman and the situation has not changed - we don't sell Schneiderlin and he has to accept that.


"He will continue as a football player of Southampton. Now it is up to him."

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I think this is outrageous - as was the whole Lovren business. Clubs are generally so weak. If we don't handle this well, and end up letting him go as a result of this petulance, then the board will well and truly have lost our respect.


I think it's clear that he will go if we get the 'premium' we so desire. The issue for Morgan is that up until now, not a single club is willing to pay that premium.


If we do give in and end up selling him for peanuts then we will be shown up as being incredibly weak and then any player will know exactly what to do when they want to go. We hold all the cards here, no matter how much Morgan wants to cry. We own his registration and his contract is legally binding.


We have all the power so we need to use it.

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Very disappointing. How sure are we that Spurs offered £10mil because if that's true then it looks like a coordinated attempt to rip us off, and any sympathy I felt for MS will dissipate rapidly.


No they didn't offer 10 miilion, it was 10 million + 2 players by all accounts but Krusty just forgot to mention that bit no doubt.


10 million, Holtby Chichires, it's all out there, then they tried Chadli but he doesn't want to know and we want CASH.

We always want cash, loads of it to not spend on new players you see. Saving it for a rainy day I expect.

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Not entirely sure what he wants? Is he going to give us the extra £15m we need?


Because we're not going to give you away Morgan, it doesn't actually work like that. If Spurs don't have the money, and Arsenal don't want you, then get your head down or ruin your career. 2 options.


What a bunch of precious individuals we had/have at this club. Corteses reign was built on a pyramid of plastic cups.


Great post SClarke. I know where Charlie and Windows coming from and had Saints not sold 5 others for mostly huge bucks, Morgan might have had some leverage. The club don't need the money and he's got 3 years left on his contract. So if he won't play for the club he'd either better push Levy into upping his offer or offering us some players in part-ex that Koeman really wants or enjoy the U21s until January. If he chooses option 3, he's mad but so be it, he's totally brought it on himself.

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Koeman confirmed to the media after the PC


" Schneiderlin trained with his team-mates this week, albeit spending two days separately as he regains fitness following an extended rest after the World Cup.


been on strike since sunday and not trained at club since.


So, which one of these is correct?

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So, which one of these is correct?


I cannot see the club officially saying he's on strike, as that weakens our position somewhat. But reading between the lines from Koeman saying he's not mentally prepared, and K,Billy with the strike info....I think it's safe to say he is refusing to play, so is in essence on strike.

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The players hold the aces now - once they want out it is rare they stay. I have an old saying, "when the pendulum needs to swing make sure it doesn't swing too far". Players needed emancipation in the 60s but look at how ridiculous it has become and now Ralph Krueger has dug himself a big hole


A hole fans were screaming for him to dig TBF

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Someone - no idea who now - said he trained alone for two days. Maybe a mix up in communication?


Koeman said he trained alone for 2 days, as he was doing isolated training/more fitness training away from the rest due to his late recall to the squad (world cup duties).

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Sell and get rid, the sooner all fekkin primadonnas leave the club the better. Find someone willing to pay £20m and it´s just get rid and get Clasie and Banega in for that money.


If we´re already rebuilding, rebuild completely and cut out those who dont want to be part of it.




Sent from my GT-S5301 using Tapatalk

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Koeman said he trained alone for 2 days, as he was doing isolated training/more fitness training away from the rest due to his late recall to the squad (world cup duties).


That was it thanks. Cant believe I couldnt remember something from 2.5 hours ago...

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