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What to the board need to do to gain back the trust of the fans?


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Obviously there are a few that still trust the board and fair play to them, but I think it is fair to say that a large section of the fan base have lost faith and my concern is that a few bad results at the start of the season could lead to the discontent spreading and becoming more vocal.


So my question is what do they need to do to regain this trust or is it beyond repair for some fans?


For me, I have no delusions of grandeur this season (or any to be honest - we're a provincial club with a limited fanbase), and 2-3 more signings will allow us to be competitive in this league, and that's enough for me. Am I accepting mediocrity? Maybe, but to me as long as I can go to the games with my Dad and brother, meet up with our mates, have a great day get a bit drunk and give most teams a good game then I'm happy.


They don't need to do ANYTHING o regain that trust. They never lost it, except for a few bedwetters

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Am I accepting mediocrity? Maybe, but to me as long as I can go to the games with my Dad and brother, meet up with our mates, have a great day get a bit drunk and give most teams a good game then I'm happy.


Actually, Maysie, this sort of sums up my feelings as well.


When I think about Saints I tend to recall happy times going to the Dell with my dad, standing on the terraces with my mates, watching St Mary’s being built, taking my son to his first match, or celebrating, commiserating or dreaming with fellow Saints’ fans who otherwise are complete strangers to me – or even celebrating, commiserating or dreaming with just a couple of beers for company.


Yes, of course, I prefer to see us winning rather than losing and watching us play decent football as opposed to carp football; but, to be honest, I don’t spend too much time dwelling on individual players etc: I’ve seen so many come and go over the years – sadly, quite a few of them are now dead – but the club goes on without them.


For me, the most important thing is that Saints remain healthily viable – anything else is a bonus. I remember how devastated I felt when I thought there was a chance of us going under – it would have felt like a big part of my life going missing.


Like you, I ask myself the question: am I accepting mediocrity? I suppose I am, and perhaps this makes me odd and hopelessly lacking in ambition; but that’s just the way it is. We all support the club; all of us in our different ways.

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I do not agree. What has been naive and amateurish has been the way that the media and some posters on here have made up their own mindswhat is going on without any hard evidence and caused a feeding frenzy of negativity. Cortese was clearly a dictator who wanted things done his way with someone elses money. By the look of it KL tried to bring in some corporate control, he spat his dummy out and walked. Pochettino led us a merry dance before jumping ship and the top clubs have come in, not unreasonably, for our top players. From this we hear that KL is selling the club and that a fire sale is going on. The Board have denied both but yet those who only want to believe the wrorst keep perpetuating the negativity. The Board have stated that the club is not for sale (several times), they have brought in a strong manager and are going about rebuilding the squad. They have said that the aim is still Europe but in a timescale shorter than what Cortese was promising everyone. What more do you want and what more can they say? You can either believe them or not, but the proof of the pudding etc so lets see what happens.


There are different ways if selling half the team. There are ways that keep fans on side, assist with the capture if replacements, appease sponsors and keep the wolf-like media from the door. The right way also does its best to prevent concern and unrest spreading to hitherto settled players and their agents.


Don't try and re-write history sog, what we've seen this summer is an object lesson in how to mismanage want away players and several other issues to boot. The examples are plenty and well known and I do not intend to lost them here. I have so far seen nothing that gives me confidence in them.


Cortese, on the other hand did things in a highly professional manner. I watched his actions and listened to his words when he joined and it didn't take long for him to gain my faith. I had real confidence in him. I hope the current board have learned their lessons and take actions that inspire confidence. Not because they have to, not because little me says so, but because being a football fan is so much more enjoyable when you have faith in the people making decisions that affect your club.



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There are different ways if selling half the team. There are ways that keep fans on side, assist with the capture if replacements, appease sponsors and keep the wolf-like media from the door. The right way also does its best to prevent concern and unrest spreading to hitherto settled players and their agents.


Don't try and re-write history sog, what we've seen this summer is an object lesson in how to mismanage want away players and several other issues to boot. The examples are plenty and well known and I do not intend to lost them here. I have so far seen nothing that gives me confidence in them.


Cortese, on the other hand did things in a highly professional manner. I watched his actions and listened to his words when he joined and it didn't take long for him to gain my faith. I had real confidence in him. I hope the current board have learned their lessons and take actions that inspire confidence. Not because they have to, not because little me says so, but because being a football fan is so much more enjoyable when you have faith in the people making decisions that affect your club.




We will have to agree to disgree JM. We dont know what went on behind the scenes but it does look like several of the players who have gone wanted out full stop. Not quite sure what the Board could have done, but what they did do it get top dollar - well over top dollar for Shaw and Lovren. We have already heard that vaious things that were bandied around on here were not actually the case so I am not going to judge the Board on a load of heresay. Like others I will wait ad see how it all plays out.


As regards the Don, I think I have query the highly professional manner bit. He p*ssed many people off, not least some old players, he changed the colours, he was so unprofessional when the owner wanted to bring in more control overspending that he left. Unlike you I didnt have confidence in him The way he trated Pardew and Adkins was shoddy and now he is a busted flush. I dont see other clubs tripping over themselves to employ him at the moment.


We can argue about this until the cows come home but we have a new Board now and I am sure we all hope that they can keeps things moving on and maintain a decent level of football at St Marys.

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Metropolitan areas are totally artificial constructs which just lump together a whole load of disparate towns and villages which happen to be vaguely near each other. South Hampshire is not even a continuous urban sprawl. How does Andover fit into the South Hampshire metropolitan area? or Bognor Regis? They're 70 miles apart and Bognor isnt even in Hampshire. Using that nonsense to claim Southampton is really Metropolitan and bigger than Glasgow, Nottingham, Bristol, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Leicester etc etc is desperate. This is the list that counts - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_localities_in_England_by_population


The truth is somewhere in between, the South Hampshire met area is an amalgamation of two cores, Southampton and Portsmouth. Whilst it includes areas in the sphere of influence of the core a lot of the areas are not within Southamptons sphere, like Bognor. But you can't discount the areas around the border of Southampton, like your West Ends, Tottons, Eastleighs.

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Not worried or concerned about the board, we have had far worse, why should they or the owner explain anything to us, either buy a ticket or don't and if the attendance is low they will get the message. I seem to remember that Keegan was sold after we bought our season tickets so none of this is new just be careful what you wish for, lets face it, our current owner/board won't deliberately want to struggle and will try and get the right players in to retain premiership status, even if it's for their benefit and not the supporters.

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Not worried or concerned about the board, we have had far worse, why should they or the owner explain anything to us, either buy a ticket or don't and if the attendance is low they will get the message. I seem to remember that Keegan was sold after we bought our season tickets so none of this is new just be careful what you wish for, lets face it, our current owner/board won't deliberately want to struggle and will try and get the right players in to retain premiership status, even if it's for their benefit and not the supporters.


Spot on Pedro.

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We will have to agree to disgree JM. We dont know what went on behind the scenes but it does look like several of the players who have gone wanted out full stop. Not quite sure what the Board could have done, but what they did do it get top dollar - well over top dollar for Shaw and Lovren. We have already heard that vaious things that were bandied around on here were not actually the case so I am not going to judge the Board on a load of heresay. Like others I will wait ad see how it all plays out.


As regards the Don, I think I have query the highly professional manner bit. He p*ssed many people off, not least some old players, he changed the colours, he was so unprofessional when the owner wanted to bring in more control overspending that he left. Unlike you I didnt have confidence in him The way he trated Pardew and Adkins was shoddy and now he is a busted flush. I dont see other clubs tripping over themselves to employ him at the moment.


We can argue about this until the cows come home but we have a new Board now and I am sure we all hope that they can keeps things moving on and maintain a decent level of football at St Marys.


Pardew and Adkins were not treated 'shoddily' Cortese did what was best for the club and no one can deny he was right in this respect. He was ruthless yes but fair. We need a board who do what is best for the club and not one that thinks passively towards players saying they want to live out a boyhood dream. This is a club that is progressing and nothing should be allowed to hinder that. Cortese got that- I'm not sure this board do!

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................... We dont know what went on behind the scenes but it does look like several of the players who have gone wanted out full stop. Not quite sure what the Board could have done, but what they did do it get top dollar - well over top dollar for Shaw and Lovren............


Just trying to help with your uncertainty, SOG, with an observation of what the Board COULD have done:- They could have sat down with each player and his agent for an hour and explained that as the player was contracted to Southampton for a lengthy period, and because this club has its own ambitions, a sale would not be contemplated. Impossible? It is what was done with Schneiderlin so it could have been done with any of the others


As for getting "Well over top dollar" - in running a football team the only point of that is if the money can be used to make the team even stronger by more than compensating for the player who is sold. But by only buying 2 to replace 5, the Board have not used the profit on the sales to strengthen the team. Instead we have players on loan, including one in a position where the existing players are arguably better than the one loaned in. As a result we have gaps left by international players who have gone, gaps that have not been filled or not adequately filled.


Anyone who doubts that the Board have suffered a loss of confidence only needs to read some of the articles appearing in the printed and electronic media. Regaining confidence is much harder than losing it but spending the money received on players with a high reputation would help.

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Just trying to help with your uncertainty, SOG, with an observation of what the Board COULD have done:- They could have sat down with each player and his agent for an hour and explained that as the player was contracted to Southampton for a lengthy period, and because this club has its own ambitions, a sale would not be contemplated. Impossible? It is what was done with Schneiderlin so it could have been done with any of the others


As for getting "Well over top dollar" - in running a football team the only point of that is if the money can be used to make the team even stronger by more than compensating for the player who is sold. But by only buying 2 to replace 5, the Board have not used the profit on the sales to strengthen the team. Instead we have players on loan, including one in a position where the existing players are arguably better than the one loaned in. As a result we have gaps left by international players who have gone, gaps that have not been filled or not adequately filled.


Anyone who doubts that the Board have suffered a loss of confidence only needs to read some of the articles appearing in the printed and electronic media. Regaining confidence is much harder than losing it but spending the money received on players with a high reputation would help.


So I will ask you the same question that I have asked others of your ilk ( Without response)..... With the exception of Leighton Baines who doubled his salary ..... please name me one player that the top four + Man Utd. Haven't got, that they have made a play for and that have been approached, but never went? MLT doesn't count. Over to you...............

Edited by Gemmel
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So I will ask you the same question that I have asked others of your ilk ( Without response)..... With the exception of Leighton Baines who doubled his salary ..... please name me one player that the top four + Man Utd. Haven't got, that they have made a play for and that have been approached, but never went? MLT doesn't count. Over to you...............

Sorry to tell you I am not of an 'ilk', just an observer but if you are not aware that clubs do reject transfer requests perhaps you don't follow football as closely as you might think. Transfers are frequently rejected even when requested by the player. The Bosman ruling made this more difficult if the contract period remaining was short as the player could eventually leave for free but this has been countered by clubs putting players on longer contracts so that the period a player might have to wait to leave would be long enough to damage his career if he did not play to his best ability. Leighton Baines was last year's high profile example and I'm afraid you can't reject his case just because it doesn't suit your argument. Freedom of movement only applies at the end of a contract and prior to that it is entirely up to the club whether it wishes to maximise transfer income by selling while an offer is on the table. The key issues are how long is left on the contract and the club's reasons for preferring to have the money rather than the player.

I have no interest in seeking to change your opinion but if you do your own research you will find other high profile examples of transfer requests rejected and others of less high profile by clubs such as WBA and Leicester. Have fun looking.

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The truth is somewhere in between, the South Hampshire met area is an amalgamation of two cores, Southampton and Portsmouth. Whilst it includes areas in the sphere of influence of the core a lot of the areas are not within Southamptons sphere, like Bognor. But you can't discount the areas around the border of Southampton, like your West Ends, Tottons, Eastleighs.


it really is a more complex question (buctootim)..

.......for a start you cannot compare all social factors; like housing or income, nor can you discount areas that share common transport system (trains,buses and the like).


Whereas there are people in all parts of the country who don't actually live in the " urban area " where their club is....many people can travel long distances with apparant ease if they have good access to a motorway link, or a good train network. Some " neutrals " choose to follow a club purely based on ease of access / distance to the stadium, etc)


Some fans have sentimental reasons for following a club, even if they aren't born in the area and so you cannot compare an administrative solution (like a Metropolitan area) with the " spiritual ties " that many of us have to our club. I know of a family who go to SMS every match, but are (logistically speaking) closer to three other (Championship clubs).


The catchment area for fans in the South is larger than it may appear, and is most noticeable with evening games where the gate drops, not because of the nature of the opposition but because families cannot travel as easily, or get time off work in order to travel longer distances midweek evenings - if reliant on public transport.

Although in this respect IOW fans have (historically-speaking) had better luck as Red Funnel is aware of such " local " attractions as an evening match, and more generous with planning of timetables, etc.


There may be a larger fan base out there, but with average gates already around 30K..it'll need a stadium extension to convince some of the possibility of getting a seat, if they travel longer distances.

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As for getting "Well over top dollar" - in running a football team the only point of that is if the money can be used to make the team even stronger by more than compensating for the player who is sold. But by only buying 2 to replace 5, the Board have not used the profit on the sales to strengthen the team. Instead we have players on loan, including one in a position where the existing players are arguably better than the one loaned in. As a result we have gaps left by international players who have gone, gaps that have not been filled or not adequately filled.


Anyone who doubts that the Board have suffered a loss of confidence only needs to read some of the articles appearing in the printed and electronic media. Regaining confidence is much harder than losing it but spending the money received on players with a high reputation would help.


You seem to be a bit confused over this issue of whether buying in players is a better option to loaning some when it comes down to strenghtening a team. Had we loaned Lukako last season, would he have strengthened the team? He seems to have doen a pretty good job of strengthening the last two teams he has been loaned to. Two players to replace 5 "Internationals"? As far as I'm aware, we have brought in 4 replacements of International quality, but you don't seem to count loan players at all in your assessment. The argument has been debated several times already that had we loaned Osvaldo for example, we would have been much better off and had he proven to be as good as he promised to be, we could have bought him. As he was crap, we could easily have rid ourselves of him and not taken such a financial hit as we most likely will.


As for whether Taider is better or worse than our current midfield players, you just don't know, do you? Which midfielder are you making the comparison with? How do you know whether Koeman has specific plans for him to play a particular role that he is better suited to than what we have? How about considering that he might be cover to add depth?


But the opinion that really gets me laughing my head off, is the one where you regard what is printed in the media as a reliable gauge of the lack of confidence in the board. You would rely on the gutter press who sensationalise much of what they write to colour your opinion, would you?


Regaining confidence is not that difficult. You even provide the solution yourself. All the club have to do, is sign a high profile player or two and the likes of the ageing Lambert, the prodigy boy wonder (x2), the wandering head CB and the badge-kisser will all be forgotten soon enough.

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Break the transfer record two or 3 times! This would show the board have no bad intentions or selling up or whatever. 3 big signings like rojo hernandez and jordie clasie and i think the belief would start to come back.

Signing people like bertand on loan isnt going to cut it after the players we have let go!

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Just trying to help with your uncertainty, SOG, with an observation of what the Board COULD have done:- They could have sat down with each player and his agent for an hour and explained that as the player was contracted to Southampton for a lengthy period, and because this club has its own ambitions, a sale would not be contemplated. Impossible? It is what was done with Schneiderlin so it could have been done with any of the others


As for getting "Well over top dollar" - in running a football team the only point of that is if the money can be used to make the team even stronger by more than compensating for the player who is sold. But by only buying 2 to replace 5, the Board have not used the profit on the sales to strengthen the team. Instead we have players on loan, including one in a position where the existing players are arguably better than the one loaned in. As a result we have gaps left by international players who have gone, gaps that have not been filled or not adequately filled.


Anyone who doubts that the Board have suffered a loss of confidence only needs to read some of the articles appearing in the printed and electronic media. Regaining confidence is much harder than losing it but spending the money received on players with a high reputation would help.


That's certainly not the job of the board. They employ managers for that sort of thing.

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You seem to be a bit confused over this issue of whether buying in players is a better option to loaning some when it comes down to strenghtening a team. Had we loaned Lukako last season, would he have strengthened the team? He seems to have doen a pretty good job of strengthening the last two teams he has been loaned to. Two players to replace 5 "Internationals"? As far as I'm aware, we have brought in 4 replacements of International quality, but you don't seem to count loan players at all in your assessment. The argument has been debated several times already that had we loaned Osvaldo for example, we would have been much better off and had he proven to be as good as he promised to be, we could have bought him. As he was crap, we could easily have rid ourselves of him and not taken such a financial hit as we most likely will.


As for whether Taider is better or worse than our current midfield players, you just don't know, do you? Which midfielder are you making the comparison with? How do you know whether Koeman has specific plans for him to play a particular role that he is better suited to than what we have? How about considering that he might be cover to add depth?


But the opinion that really gets me laughing my head off, is the one where you regard what is printed in the media as a reliable gauge of the lack of confidence in the board. You would rely on the gutter press who sensationalise much of what they write to colour your opinion, would you?


Regaining confidence is not that difficult. You even provide the solution yourself. All the club have to do, is sign a high profile player or two and the likes of the ageing Lambert, the prodigy boy wonder (x2), the wandering head CB and the badge-kisser will all be forgotten soon enough.


Rubbish.. All too sensible! :p


(I think that's one of the most sensible posts in a while, and totally agree)

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Personally, I dont think the feeling on this message board represent the feeling of the overall fan base


Saintsweb seems to attract the fanatical "lunitic fringe" that seek out likeminded indivduals to voice their discontent, seeing as saintsweb is one of only a few limited places they can do this the feeling on this board can be a misrepresentation.


All the Saints fans i've spoken to outside of this board are willing to wait and see and make judgements at the end of the transfer window & the end of the season

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The truth is somewhere in between, the South Hampshire met area is an amalgamation of two cores, Southampton and Portsmouth. Whilst it includes areas in the sphere of influence of the core a lot of the areas are not within Southamptons sphere, like Bognor. But you can't discount the areas around the border of Southampton, like your West Ends, Tottons, Eastleighs.


Thats true, and I dont. I was responding to the claim Saints were at the centre of a huge South Hampshire megopolis of 1.5million which therefore made us a big metropolitan club. Having a wider catchment area beyond the immediate city is true for all clubs.

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You seem to be a bit confused over this issue of whether buying in players is a better option to loaning some when it comes down to strenghtening a team. Had we loaned Lukako last season, would he have strengthened the team? He seems to have doen a pretty good job of strengthening the last two teams he has been loaned to. Two players to replace 5 "Internationals"? As far as I'm aware, we have brought in 4 replacements of International quality, but you don't seem to count loan players at all in your assessment. The argument has been debated several times already that had we loaned Osvaldo for example, we would have been much better off and had he proven to be as good as he promised to be, we could have bought him. As he was crap, we could easily have rid ourselves of him and not taken such a financial hit as we most likely will.


As for whether Taider is better or worse than our current midfield players, you just don't know, do you? Which midfielder are you making the comparison with? How do you know whether Koeman has specific plans for him to play a particular role that he is better suited to than what we have? How about considering that he might be cover to add depth?


But the opinion that really gets me laughing my head off, is the one where you regard what is printed in the media as a reliable gauge of the lack of confidence in the board. You would rely on the gutter press who sensationalise much of what they write to colour your opinion, would you?


Regaining confidence is not that difficult. You even provide the solution yourself. All the club have to do, is sign a high profile player or two and the likes of the ageing Lambert, the prodigy boy wonder (x2), the wandering head CB and the badge-kisser will all be forgotten soon enough.

Your last line is of course, correct in the context of what the Board could do to regain trust but whether such signings are likely is another matter. I also think you misread my post, because I referred to the fact that we have only BOUGHT 2 players to replace 5 sales, whereas you refer to BRINGING players in. Loan players may contribute to the team but are less likely to increase confidence amongst the fan base as they represent less of a commitment by the club. Options to buy at the end of the season instead of buying now could be seen as an indication of less confidence in those players and at least one (Bertrand) cannot play in at least two of Saints' fixtures. It seems reasonable to conclude that more trust could be created by purchasing players, as the club has done in the past, and recruiting some who Les Reed said were on the club's list but who don't seem to have materialised at all.


Two other things. The comments in the media I refer to are those written by acknowledged Saints' fans who are journalists, not the sensation stuff in the red tops, which I never read anyway. Re Taider, he will be competing for a place in an area where the squad is full of good players. Users of this site know very well who they all are so listing names for your benefit seems rather pointless.

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Obviously there are a few that still trust the board and fair play to them, but I think it is fair to say that a large section of the fan base have lost faith and my concern is that a few bad results at the start of the season could lead to the discontent spreading and becoming more vocal.


So my question is what do they need to do to regain this trust or is it beyond repair for some fans?


For me, I have no delusions of grandeur this season (or any to be honest - we're a provincial club with a limited fanbase), and 2-3 more signings will allow us to be competitive in this league, and that's enough for me. Am I accepting mediocrity? Maybe, but to me as long as I can go to the games with my Dad and brother, meet up with our mates, have a great day get a bit drunk and give most teams a good game then I'm happy.


I think they have to sack Krueger. Appoint someone with ruthless ambition and knock Everton and Spurs off 5-7th place.


I for one am not a fan who thinks our Club is a provincial little club. If you start with mediocrity as your ambition you will under achieve at some stage... that means relegation. This is an elite league, success breeds success. Reward those with ambition and replace those who under perform.

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Your last line is of course, correct in the context of what the Board could do to regain trust but whether such signings are likely is another matter. I also think you misread my post, because I referred to the fact that we have only BOUGHT 2 players to replace 5 sales, whereas you refer to BRINGING players in. Loan players may contribute to the team but are less likely to increase confidence amongst the fan base as they represent less of a commitment by the club. Options to buy at the end of the season instead of buying now could be seen as an indication of less confidence in those players and at least one (Bertrand) cannot play in at least two of Saints' fixtures. It seems reasonable to conclude that more trust could be created by purchasing players, as the club has done in the past, and recruiting some who Les Reed said were on the club's list but who don't seem to have materialised at all.


Two other things. The comments in the media I refer to are those written by acknowledged Saints' fans who are journalists, not the sensation stuff in the red tops, which I never read anyway. Re Taider, he will be competing for a place in an area where the squad is full of good players. Users of this site know very well who they all are so listing names for your benefit seems rather pointless.


Loan players "may" contribute to the team? If they play, then obviously they will contribute. Whether the contribution is a good one or not will be evident afterwards. But why should their contribution be necessarily less than that from a purchased player? Please explain. Surely they are in the shop window as it were and have more to prove than a player at a club with a 5 year contract?


I suspect that most reasonably intelligent Saints fans would rather look at the quality of the player introduced into the team, rather than whether he was a loan or a purchase. Would you prefer us to have Messi in on a season's loan, or to have bought Osvaldo?


I didn't misread your post at all. I was just surprised that apparently you seemed to be dismissing our loan players as being an irrelevance and not worthy of any consideration towards increasing fan confidence in the team.


I didn't ask you to list our midfield players. I asked you to name the ones that were to your mind better than Taider. On the face of it, he is most like Cork or Davis as a box to box midfielder, or as I pointed out, he could be just there to add squad depth in the event of injury or suspension to others. As you or I don't know how good he will be until we see him play in the PL, it is pointless arriving at conclusions that he isn't worth having before he has even kicked a ball in anger for us.


Which Saints fans are these who are journalists? Anyway, regardless of who they are, I prefer to make up my own mind, rather than have it made for me by some hack, friendly or not. You obviously prefer to believe that the media has a firmer grasp on our situation than the actual fans of this club. But as you yourself admit, it will only take a couple of marquee signings to turn it around anyway, so the media is as shallow and as fickle as anybody else. If you accept that premise, then it is evident that not too much weight needs to be given to their views anyway.

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Thats true, and I dont. I was responding to the claim Saints were at the centre of a huge South Hampshire megopolis of 1.5million which therefore made us a big metropolitan club. Having a wider catchment area beyond the immediate city is true for all clubs.


Yes, every club has a catchment area beyond the immediate city area, but their success in attracting supporters from the surrounding area is also dependent on the competition of rival clubs in that vicinity. The nearest clubs to us in the PL are in London and there are none to the west of us until you get to Swansea. Granted that there will always be a core of support for their local teams that will benefit Portsmouth, Brighton, Swindon, Reading, the Bristol clubs and the smaller ones in between like Yeovil, Aldershot, etc. But as has been pointed out already, there is an element of plastic fans who will support their most local PL club, providing that the transport infrastructure in terms of road and rail make the journey relatively problem free. The dyed in the wool fans will naturally travel much futher, albeit that the more extreme distances will mean that attendance is a lot more patchy as a result. We are lucky that transport links along the coast with the M27, northwards via the A34 and M3 mean that an hours drive will provide a radius of 40 or 50 miles in several directions with no PL clubs within it, although going along the M3 makes the South London clubs attractive by the time you get closer to Guildford/Woking.

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Wes is conducting a discussion that should rightly be on a different thread. This thread should be about what the Board can do to regain trust. It is not about whether a player on loan is as good as a player who has been purchased. The point I have been making is that loans do not have as much impact on confidence, and may even reduce confidence compared with spending the transfer fees generated on new players. If the club were to bring in some international superstar on loan, that might aid confidence, but that isn't what is on offer. Some of our loan players may get into the starting XI, some may settle into a less prominent role but the fact remains that fans were told that fees for the departed players would be spent on the team and for many people it doesn't yet feel as if that is happening. No doubt the sceptics will reassess how they feel if players are bought for positions such as GK, CB and Wing, whereas the loyalists probably trust the Board despite the events that have occurred and have no need to reassess. People are entitled to have blind faith if that's how they feel but it doesn't mean they are necessarily right and, of course that applies equally to the sceptics.

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People are entitled to have blind faith if that's how they feel but it doesn't mean they are necessarily right and, of course that applies equally to the sceptics.


For some of us its not a question of blind faith. For me its a realisation of how lucky we are, compare us to a lot of clubs our size and we are top of the pile. We are in the prem with a good team, good manager, good ground, good infrastructure, money in the bank if we need it, a supportive owner. But all you get is bleating from the masses because someone else won't bank roll their dream. All we hear is spend more money so I can stand tall in the pub with all my southern Man U and Liverpool friends. You lot are even moaning about loanees not being as good as bought players and beseeching the board do something so I can give you my trust.

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For some of us its not a question of blind faith. For me its a realisation of how lucky we are, compare us to a lot of clubs our size and we are top of the pile. We are in the prem with a good team, good manager, good ground, good infrastructure, money in the bank if we need it, a supportive owner. But all you get is bleating from the masses because someone else won't bank roll their dream. All we hear is spend more money so I can stand tall in the pub with all my southern Man U and Liverpool friends. You lot are even moaning about loanees not being as good as bought players and beseeching the board do something so I can give you my trust.


I don't think that's entirely true. Most saints fans I meet are realistic folks who understand where they are in the football hierarchy. That's why I honestly feel most would have been content to lose Adam Luke and Rickie after the initial disappointment. It was the subsequent dismantling and the failure to adequately strengthen that has meant that so many are so annoyed.

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. We are in the prem with a good team.


Very debatable this.


Imagine Fonte gets injured and our two CB's are Jos and Yos. Do you feel confident they would keep the goals out? Like wise if Pelle does not settle in well and can't make the jump up in level do you think Sam will bang in the goals?


As our team is right now in my opinion it is weaker than our first season back where we only survived with one game left.


The board need to bring in quality players. This season is going to be very difficult and I think a lot of people are going to be surprised at how good the team really is i.e not so good right now.

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My perspective of my 'belief in' the board (as opposed to trust)...


Losing Rickie - I believe!! (the emphasis is very much t.i.c here guys, don't flame me)

Losing Lallana - after his 'performance', I still believe

Losing Shaw - was going to happen any way - belief is still there....

Losing Lovren - no way he could stay - yup, belief is healthy....

Losing Chambers - er, what? Why? Belief not so hot now

Losing Osvaldo - who?


Gaining Pelle, Taider and Bernard - believe board and manager are working together well


Any one else in-bound? Time's a-marching guys! - belief getting strained again


MoSh and JRod leave before 02.09.2014 - ffs guys, if you can't stick to your promises you shouldn't make them and I'm beginning to wonder whether you are geared up to compete this season or are looking to put together a very basic EPL team that may be intended to also boost it's saleability. As said elsewhere, we may have a PL team, but very much a Championship squad.


However, right now, I appreciate they do have a difficult task, are very much caught between a rock and a hard place so I'm still, currently, viewing the whole SFC management squad (Directors down) in a favourable light

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As our team is right now in my opinion it is weaker than our first season back where we only survived with one game left.


We started that season with no Rodriguez or Yoshida who were signed on deadline day and Boruc who wasnt signed till later. We started with Kelvin goal and Jos at the back.

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We started that season with no Rodriguez or Yoshida who were signed on deadline day and Boruc who wasnt signed till later. We started with Kelvin goal and Jos at the back.


Indeed and he won't be starting this season either sadly.


But to put some stats on it for you


25 of our 49 goals were scored by players no longer here. Basically 50%. And someone who got 6 in that season is out for sometime.

23 of our 40 assists were provided by people who are no longer here. And a further 8 by Jay who again is out.


In terms of defence our first season we let in 60 goals. While last season having let in only 46 goals. And improvement of around 25%.


Statistically we are weaker than the team in our first season back.

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Indeed and he won't be starting this season either sadly.


But to put some stats on it for you


25 of our 49 goals were scored by players no longer here. Basically 50%. And someone who got 6 in that season is out for sometime.

23 of our 40 assists were provided by people who are no longer here. And a further 8 by Jay who again is out.


In terms of defence our first season we let in 60 goals. While last season having let in only 46 goals. And improvement of around 25%.


Statistically we are weaker than the team in our first season back.



Dont disagree - but we arent weaker than at the same point in pre-season. If we dont sign anybody else between now and the end of the window, then I would be concerned.

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Wes is conducting a discussion that should rightly be on a different thread. This thread should be about what the Board can do to regain trust. It is not about whether a player on loan is as good as a player who has been purchased. The point I have been making is that loans do not have as much impact on confidence, and may even reduce confidence compared with spending the transfer fees generated on new players. If the club were to bring in some international superstar on loan, that might aid confidence, but that isn't what is on offer. Some of our loan players may get into the starting XI, some may settle into a less prominent role but the fact remains that fans were told that fees for the departed players would be spent on the team and for many people it doesn't yet feel as if that is happening. No doubt the sceptics will reassess how they feel if players are bought for positions such as GK, CB and Wing, whereas the loyalists probably trust the Board despite the events that have occurred and have no need to reassess. People are entitled to have blind faith if that's how they feel but it doesn't mean they are necessarily right and, of course that applies equally to the sceptics.


Just because I have countered your arguments one by one, you now say it really shouldn't be on this thread about confidence in the board, even though it was you who raised these issues in the first place. It was you who expressed the opinion that loan players cannot be considered as good as purchased players in terms of confidence building and now at least you accept that it rather depends on who those loan players are.


As for feelings of discontent that promises have not been kept that the money earned from the sale of players will be spent on replacements, of course the response is that the time-frame for doing that has not yet been completed, but as usual it falls on the same deaf ears.


As for the labelling of those who will allow the board the time to prove their ability to manage the situation as loyalists and having blind faith, this is a typical tactic to disparage them. It is suggestive that they are sheep, who can't think for themselves, whereas it is far more likely that it is the impatient and negative posters who have made up their minds before the season begins or the transfer window closes who are the ones with the sight difficulties, as their views are clearly blinkered or short-sighted.

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Just because I have countered your arguments one by one, you now say it really shouldn't be on this thread about confidence in the board, even though it was you who raised these issues in the first place. It was you who expressed the opinion that loan players cannot be considered as good as purchased players in terms of confidence building and now at least you accept that it rather depends on who those loan players are.


As for feelings of discontent that promises have not been kept that the money earned from the sale of players will be spent on replacements, of course the response is that the time-frame for doing that has not yet been completed, but as usual it falls on the same deaf ears.


As for the labelling of those who will allow the board the time to prove their ability to manage the situation as loyalists and having blind faith, this is a typical tactic to disparage them. It is suggestive that they are sheep, who can't think for themselves, whereas it is far more likely that it is the impatient and negative posters who have made up their minds before the season begins or the transfer window closes who are the ones with the sight difficulties, as their views are clearly blinkered or short-sighted.


I'm not a sheep! I'm a cow ripe for milking!

Seriously, I wish the season would hurry up and start so I can get on with watching Saints.

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Indeed and he won't be starting this season either sadly.


But to put some stats on it for you


25 of our 49 goals were scored by players no longer here. Basically 50%. And someone who got 6 in that season is out for sometime.

23 of our 40 assists were provided by people who are no longer here. And a further 8 by Jay who again is out.


In terms of defence our first season we let in 60 goals. While last season having let in only 46 goals. And improvement of around 25%.


Statistically we are weaker than the team in our first season back.


All very well providing stats to show how potent our attack was and how mean our defence was to prove a point, but then the maxim that there are lies, damn lies and statistics appears to be very apposite here, where comparisons are made which disregard several important factors, such as the change of manager, change of tactics, as well as the change in the players. Also worth noting that 99 percent of all statistics only tell 49 percent of the story and that facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.

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Indeed and he won't be starting this season either sadly.


But to put some stats on it for you


25 of our 49 goals were scored by players no longer here. Basically 50%. And someone who got 6 in that season is out for sometime.

23 of our 40 assists were provided by people who are no longer here. And a further 8 by Jay who again is out.


In terms of defence our first season we let in 60 goals. While last season having let in only 46 goals. And improvement of around 25%.


Statistically we are weaker than the team in our first season back.


But that is only because you are treating non BPL goals and assists as meaningless. why not add in the goals and assists from our new players and declare that we are well ahead?

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Assuming Forster signs today that will a brick in the wall of rebuilding confidence in the Board. Strengthening one position is consistent with promises made at the start of the close season. If this is followed by further signings to complete the replacement of departed players it will be seen as an important step in regaining the support of sceptical fans. If the next signing is at CB, and in time to play alongside Fonte at Anfield, things may feel very different.

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Assuming Forster signs today that will a brick in the wall of rebuilding confidence in the Board. Strengthening one position is consistent with promises made at the start of the close season. If this is followed by further signings to complete the replacement of departed players it will be seen as an important step in regaining the support of sceptical fans. If the next signing is at CB, and in time to play alongside Fonte at Anfield, things may feel very different.


I think it helps Les Reeds performance portfolio - as does Koeman. But I am still struggling to see what Krueger brings to the party; still, he's asked us to judge him on 1 Sep.

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I think it helps Les Reeds performance portfolio - as does Koeman. But I am still struggling to see what Krueger brings to the party; still, he's asked us to judge him on 1 Sep.

I'd suggest that's a widely held view and his disappearance for a while could suggest that there may have been a lack of confidence in Kruguer even inside the club. If he is making an effort now because he needs to protect his own position and not just placate the dissatisfied faction amongst the fans, that could be helpful. Fans won't mind what the motivation is, as long as the outcome is an improved squad over what we have now, and ideally over what we had last season. Although 1st Sept is mentioned as the time to judge, quite a few posters have said the same, not having the best team available until September could mean losing some points before the new players are integrated and the manager has assessed his best XI. It's stating the obvious, but points lost early season can never be recovered.

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Assuming Forster signs today that will a brick in the wall of rebuilding confidence in the Board. Strengthening one position is consistent with promises made at the start of the close season. If this is followed by further signings to complete the replacement of departed players it will be seen as an important step in regaining the support of sceptical fans. If the next signing is at CB, and in time to play alongside Fonte at Anfield, things may feel very different.


Forster signed. Now just the CB to come before the Liverpool match and any other signings will be a bonus, yes?

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Obviously there are a few that still trust the board and fair play to them, but I think it is fair to say that a large section of the fan base have lost faith and my concern is that a few bad results at the start of the season could lead to the discontent spreading and becoming more vocal.


So my question is what do they need to do to regain this trust or is it beyond repair for some fans?


For me, I have no delusions of grandeur this season (or any to be honest - we're a provincial club with a limited fanbase), and 2-3 more signings will allow us to be competitive in this league, and that's enough for me. Am I accepting mediocrity?


Maybe, but to me as long as I can go to the games with my Dad and brother, meet up with our mates, have a great day get a bit drunk and give most teams a good game then I'm happy.



I can see that you have some valid questions, but surely a thread like this should have waited until after Sept.1st....and if nothing else had been done..then you'd have a good point.


Statistically, most clubs make most of their signings in the last 2 weeks before the window closes, and I'm hopeful that we'll have a few more on board (including our England-capped goalie) before then.

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1 or 2 CBs

1 Striker


Stick to their guns on Schneiderling)

Agreed based on yesterday we are exactly that away from being good side IMO. Pelle needs someone closer to him like Jay or Ings to run beyond him.

Yoshidas distribution was apalling so hopefully Florin will be a big plus.

I didnt see enough from Isgrove to see him in team much this year - not ready so a loan would be good for him.

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