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The Saints Play - Nuffield Theatre Playing Field (Guildhall Square)

um pahars

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Would recommend an evening out to go and watch this performance. Venue is really great, and performance itself pretty good.


Very topical and some funny references to our current predicament!!!


Anyone else go tonight??? Or planning on going???

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,


just wanted to let you know that The Saints play is still on until this Sunday 17 August at our open air venue/ football stadium-cum-theatre in Guildhall Square (Nuffield Playing Field). It's a play about a Saints fan and the history of the club, featuring Matt Le Tissier and Francis Benali who have cameo roles on the big screens.

You can find more info here: http://www.nuffieldtheatre.co.uk/whats-on/the-saints


We're also doing a crowdfunding campaing called 'Be a Saint' - you can get some great rewards if you donate: http://www.nuffieldtheatre.co.uk/support-us/be-a-saint


Thanks and any questions, please let me know!

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