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'Never had it so good!'


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Think last season was a good at gets.

Make the most of it if you were there!

Everything just slotted into place at the right time at the start of the season.

Board, manager, team, brilliant football.

8th position.

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Think last season was a good at gets.

Make the most of it if you were there!

Everything just slotted into place at the right time at the start of the season.

Board, manager, team, brilliant football.

8th position.

I guess there are a few three month old babies gutted they weren't around for last season's eighth place finish.


They all make more sense than you do, though.

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Not sure how many games you saw 9-3 to make such a statement.

I would counter with we never came back to win a game after going behind; dropped silly points - at home to Cardiff and at Tottenham readily spring to mind; lost a very winnable FA Cup game at Sunderland; and rarely witnessed a plan B when we couldn't walk the ball into the net , so all told I would say Koeman could easily do as well as last season's efforts.

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In terms of results 76 better, late 70's early 80s better, didn't we end up 2nd once?


In terms of enjoyment the Lawrie mac era and the two back-to-back promotion years do it for me.


8th? I am only mildly bothered we were 8th instead of 7th or 9th

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Many people cling to the monotony of a " regular team sheet ", and fear rears its ugly head as soon as we have an injured player, or someone subbed, when the sub.isn't upto the same standard.


Last season, there were numerous Doomsday critics who appeared whenever..... Lallana was injured, or Lambert went three games without scoring.

The truth is that a team (any team) is in flux all the time. Every game is one game closer to the end of " someone's career " , or when a new face appears on the bench threatening the status quo.


Like (most) of us, I enjoyed many performances last season, but it stands to reason that we would be looking for a replacement for Rickie Lambert (Pochettino tried last season with Osvaldo - and everyone saw what happened). Any new manager would certainly be looking to gracefully " phrase him out " and find yet another new striker .....whilst RL would spend more time on the bench than on the pitch.


Many of of us noted that Adam Lallana often failed to play a full 90 mins. (17 subs. in 37 starts). Q - Was he being " nursed " through a permanent injury crisis. Liverpool will find the answer to that one.


Many great performances from Luke Shaw, and didn't he look exciting going forward?.. but did he look " so good " because of good covering from fellow players.

But £27 million for an unfit 19 y.o.:badger:is surely a " no brainer ". I hope for his sake that he gets " Gaal-fit " and can DAJF them but, what if last season turns out to be the peak of his career, but then again, he does have the comfort of that £100K /week contract.


In a way, a bit sorry to see Lovren go, but the manner of his leaving was quite un-professional and opportunistic ....(rather like our former manager.)


A lot has happened, but the bank balance has never looked so good, and this maybe the start of something better. Maybe we can (paraphrase the OP) and say..."we haven't had it so good - up until now".


Another quote from a statesman came to mind. Former French President Charles De Gaulle who said ..something along the lines of .... " the graveyards are full of irreplaceable men "

Edited by david in sweden
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I think those around in 76 will have a different view from yours. I was three then so can't truly vouch for them.

I went to the Semi-final in 76 against Palace at Stamford Bridge but couldn't get a Final ticket so watched on TV from the comfort of an armchair pulled up in front of the telly at home. When Stokes scored, the next thing I remember was that I was dancing round the room, with the armchair held above my head! I was pleased we came 8th last year, but not that pleased...... and the points total was a bit disappointing after the good start to the season.

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How many times do we lose after going in front? Eighth? Lost too many silly games and as an earlier poster says 'passing the ball into the net' is not the way to win a game. Yes. I was happy with our play but the Cup games? You have to be joking.


And draws from being 2-0 up. We were not very good at coming from behind.

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