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Jack Cork - WBA

Killers Knee

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Was reading the West Brom forum a few weeks back and a poster suggested he'd like them to move for Cork before being shot down by the other posters who told him they need to aim higher than Cork and that he'd probably just be good cover for Yacob. Prats.


Yacob is a better player than Cork though. As is Mulumbu. In actual fact I don't think they need him.

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Yacob is a better player than Cork though. As is Mulumbu. In actual fact I don't think they need him.


I like Mulumbu, MOTM at their place on the opening game of the season, but Yacob wasn't better than Cork last season.

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For whatever reason Cork must not look great in Pre season, but every time we get into real games he looks absolute quality and holds the position. Maybe he is just a player who performs in the moment and needs competitive games? Clutching at straws I guess.

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For whatever reason Cork must not look great in Pre season, but every time we get into real games he looks absolute quality and holds the position. Maybe he is just a player who performs in the moment and needs competitive games? Clutching at straws I guess.


I would imagine that RoKo has watched a number of our games from last season and wont solely rely on pre-season games.


If he couldnt see Jacks undoubted quality in our games last season then id be worried.


wasnt Jack MOTM for us in 5 consecutive games last season?

Edited by Heisenberg
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Maybe, just maybe, he isn't. MP didn't rate him and it also looks like Koeman doesn't. Maybe we're the ones that are wrong on this one?


I'm not the world's biggest Cork fan and I feel like the sentiment around him is because he's a nice guy. I don't hate him but I feel like the urge to keep him is similar to hoping the hometown boy goes off and does well, he'll be loved regardless.


I have yet to see him pass forward.

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Still think he is as good as, or maybe better than, Wanyama. It would be shockingly bad management to lose him for peanuts just because we haven't sorted out a reasonable contract for him...... especially if we then have to pay through the nose to replace him.

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I'm not the world's biggest Cork fan and I feel like the sentiment around him is because he's a nice guy. I don't hate him but I feel like the urge to keep him is similar to hoping the hometown boy goes off and does well, he'll be loved regardless.


I have yet to see him pass forward.


You missed that one pass against Hull away then?

Cant blaim you, not that it found it´s target (it hit the cross bar) but at least it was forward... :)

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I'm not the world's biggest Cork fan and I feel like the sentiment around him is because he's a nice guy. I don't hate him but I feel like the urge to keep him is similar to hoping the hometown boy goes off and does well, he'll be loved regardless.


I have yet to see him pass forward.


I have no idea if he's a nice guy or not, but what I see on the pitch is someone that gives absolutely everything and that degree of effort and robustness complimented our skill players brilliantly last season. There will be other more talented players out there, but you need workers too. Any player that is willing to tackle with his head if called for (as he did last season) gets my vote.


Now whether his contract demands are realistic are another matter. I suspect he wants a huge pay rise and that will be the stumbling block here. Koeman will want time to see if he is actually worth the 40,50,60 or whatever thousand pound a week he wants.

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I would imagine that RoKo has watched a number of our games from last season and wont solely rely on pre-season games.


If he couldnt see Jacks undoubted quality in our games last season then id be worried.

wasnt Jack MOTM for us in 5 consecutive games last season?



You really think Koeman has any say in who goes ?? You really think that ??


Cork is more money for Kat's Koffers, but, of course you can't see that ? Kreuger only went out on a limb about Schneiderlin and J Rod


What a way to run an army


More insults please, I don't give a monkey's

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You really think Koeman has any say in who goes ?? You really think that ??


Cork is more money for Kat's Koffers, but, of course you can't see that ? Kreuger only went out on a limb about Schneiderlin and J Rod


What a way to run an army


More insults please, I don't give a monkey's


I think you're just massively mistaken.

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You really think Koeman has any say in who goes ?? You really think that ??


Cork is more money for Kat's Koffers, but, of course you can't see that ? Kreuger only went out on a limb about Schneiderlin and J Rod


What a way to run an army


More insults please, I don't give a monkey's


Please tell us about these koffers. How have they been doing over the last few years, up or down? Even then, it's none of our business, quite literally.

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Why would a class player like Jack Cork want to go to a club like West Brom with an inexperienced manager when he can play for a top club with a top and experienced manager like Koeman. Besides we've just brought his best mate to the club for the season.

Why do our posters never use logic and see it's a rehash from last season when Ryan Bertrand was playing for Villa and the media speculated Jack was wanting a move there to be near his good mate.


Saints will be giving him a new contract. Ronald said he would take 3 weeks to have a look at everyone and then see to the contracts.

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Don't know why this has been allowed to become an issue. Fair enough the recruitment department are under massive pressure to get signings over the line at the moment, but what were they so wrapped up in between January and May that they couldn't offer Cork or Fonte a new deal? Krueger acknowledged the situation in interviews with Blackmore but we've still seen no progress, and with Alan Cork giving not-so-subtle hints about it on twitter we can assume that no new deal has been offered yet. Perhaps he is just not that highly rated from within the club. Utter madness if that is the case.

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Don't know why this has been allowed to become an issue. Fair enough the recruitment department are under massive pressure to get signings over the line at the moment, but what were they so wrapped up in between January and May that they couldn't offer Cork or Fonte a new deal? Krueger acknowledged the situation in interviews with Blackmore but we've still seen no progress, and with Alan Cork giving not-so-subtle hints about it on twitter we can assume that no new deal has been offered yet. Perhaps he is just not that highly rated from within the club. Utter madness if that is the case.


There may be significant tax reasons for delaying the new contracts, something to do with revaluing the assets.

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Don't know why this has been allowed to become an issue. Fair enough the recruitment department are under massive pressure to get signings over the line at the moment, but what were they so wrapped up in between January and May that they couldn't offer Cork or Fonte a new deal? Krueger acknowledged the situation in interviews with Blackmore but we've still seen no progress, and with Alan Cork giving not-so-subtle hints about it on twitter we can assume that no new deal has been offered yet. Perhaps he is just not that highly rated from within the club. Utter madness if that is the case.

My assessment is that Pochettino never rated him particularly highly (hence rushing Wanyama back to play at Fulham when he clearly wasn't fit and Cork was arguably our best player at the time), and as contract extensions for the first team squad would largely be up to the manager to decide whether to offer or not, MP opted for the latter. Now he's gone, it's now down to Koeman to decide, and naturally he wants to get a proper look at everyone before making that sort of decision.

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More insults please


I've had many cases of love that were just infatuation, but this hate I feel for you is the real thing.

You're the best at all you do - and all you do is make people hate you.

Don't you realize that there are enough people to hate in the world already without your working so hard to give us another?

The thing that terrifies me the most is that someone might hate me as much as I loathe you.

When you get run over by a car it shouldn't be listed under accidents.

All of your ancestors must number in the millions; its hard to believe that many people are to blame for producing you.

Ever since I saw you in your family tree I've wanted to cut it down.

I hear that when you were a child your mother wanted to hire someone to take care of you but the Mafia wanted too much.

I hear that when your mother first saw you she decided to leave you on the front steps of a police station while she turned herself in.

You were the answer to a prayer. Your parents prayed that the world would be made to suffer and here you came along.

I hear the only place you're ever invited is outside.

I would like the pleasure of your company but it only gives me displeasure.

You have nothing to fear from my baser instincts; its my finer ones that tell me to kill you.

It's your life --- but I wish you'd let us have it.

I don't consider you a vulture. I consider you something a vulture would eat.

I think you should live for the moment. But after that I doubt I'll think so.

Man alive! But I wish you weren't.

I believe in respect for the dead; in fact I could only respect you if you WERE dead.

I admire your because I've never had the courage it takes to be a liar, a thief and a cheat.

You're acquitting yourself in such a way that no jury ever would.

You have a face only a mother could love - and she hates it!

You're so stupid, that you got fired from the M & M factory for throwing away all the W's.

You're so stupid, it takes you an hour to cook minute rice.

You're so ugly when you walk into a bank, they turn the cameras off!

You're so ugly, if you stuck your head out the window, they'd arrest you for mooning!

You're so ugly if you joined an ugly contest, they'd say "Sorry, no professionals!"

You're so ugly your face is closed on weekends!

You're so ugly when you were born the doctor slapped your mother!

You're so ugly when you were born, your mother saw the afterbirth and said "Twins!"

You're so ugly they know what time you were born, because your face stopped the clock!

You're so ugly, your mother had to feed you with a sling shot.

You're so ugly, your mother had to tie a steak around your neck to get the dog to play with you.

You're so fat when you sit around the house, you sit AROUND the HOUSE

You're so fat a picture of you would fall off the wall!

You're so fat if you weighed five more pounds, you could get group insurance!

You're so fat you get clothes in three sizes: extra large, jumbo, and oh-my-god-it's-coming-towards-us!

You're so fat if you got your shoes shined, you'd have to take his word for it!

You're so fat that you have to strap a beeper on your belt to warn people you are backing up.

I'm looking forward to the pleasure of your company since I haven't had it yet.

When you pass away and people ask me what the cause of your death was, I'll say your stupidity.

Well I'll see you in my dreams - if I eat too much.

Edited by buctootim
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Your negative attitude is self-defeating.


Your agenda might be to cripple and corrode the spirit and positivity of us happy clappers

You want . Why don't you stop moaning and start to appreciate what we have as a club


I have seen more fizz and positive in a flat bottle of champagne than I read in your posts

Maybe positive thinking doesn't work for you however You are one very toxic forum poster

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My assessment is that Pochettino never rated him particularly highly (hence rushing Wanyama back to play at Fulham when he clearly wasn't fit and Cork was arguably our best player at the time), and as contract extensions for the first team squad would largely be up to the manager to decide whether to offer or not, MP opted for the latter. Now he's gone, it's now down to Koeman to decide, and naturally he wants to get a proper look at everyone before making that sort of decision.



Doesn't explain Fonte's contractual situation. A player who was rated in a position where we're pretty threadbare.

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My assessment is that Pochettino never rated him particularly highly (hence rushing Wanyama back to play at Fulham when he clearly wasn't fit and Cork was arguably our best player at the time), and as contract extensions for the first team squad would largely be up to the manager to decide whether to offer or not, MP opted for the latter. Now he's gone, it's now down to Koeman to decide, and naturally he wants to get a proper look at everyone before making that sort of decision.


I guess it is a little unclear how Les Reed, the management team, and the recruitment department work together to make those kinds of decisions on contract renewals. Reed has repeatedly talked about player contracts being his domain (suggesting some level of autonomy) so would Poch's view on Cork or Fonte have necessarily been the most significant? I did sense that Poch wasn't Cork's biggest fan (and vice versa), but you'd think Reed and his team would already have formed a strong opinion on his worth to the club and made preliminary efforts to start contract negotiations (which seems to be the case with Fonte but not Cork), as well as strong recommendations to Koeman that we should keep him on. Hopefully it will all be sorted soon, but does seem to be dragging on far too long.

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My assessment is that Pochettino never rated him particularly highly (hence rushing Wanyama back to play at Fulham when he clearly wasn't fit and Cork was arguably our best player at the time), and as contract extensions for the first team squad would largely be up to the manager to decide whether to offer or not, MP opted for the latter. Now he's gone, it's now down to Koeman to decide, and naturally he wants to get a proper look at everyone before making that sort of decision.


What's Jack's dad saying on the subject these days. Did he not think Koeman was taking overlong to assess his son whilst the injured JRod had been offered a new 5 year contract.

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