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Viking Warrior

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Entered transfer window with a plan

Didnt intend to sell

Multiple player wanting short cut to champions league

Set premiums on players and premiums were met

Players wanted to leave, didnt make quick deals

Strong position to reinvest

FFP not involved, not impacting sales.

Excited to start rebuilding

Will make transfers

Understands frustration

Morgan and Jay part of the core, NOT FOR SALE

Will not be sold!!

Talk / judge again september 1st

3 deals close, no commitment on time

RoKo has done a great job pre season

We need depth, but need right players

Deals need to be right

Working quickly as possible

RoKo excited by academy and facilities

Wants a squad pulling in right direction

RoKo leads by example, no ego, long term vision

RoKo is patient, knows it will be a challenge

Fans will be pleased with final product

New board, new coaching setup.... No commitments to ambitions

Attractive, competitive team by Liverpool game

Results will come

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Entered transfer window with a plan

Didnt intend to sell

Multiple player wanting short cut to champions league

Set premiums on players and premiums were met

Players wanted to leave, didnt make quick deals

Strong position to reinvest

FFP not involved, not impacting sales.

Excited to start rebuilding

Will make transfers

Understands frustration

Morgan and Jay part of the core, NOT FOR SALE

Will not be sold!!

Talk / judge again september 1st

3 deals close, no commitment on time

RoKo has done a great job pre season

We need depth, but need right players

Deals need to be right

Working quickly as possible

RoKo excited by academy and facilities

Wants a squad pulling in right direction

RoKo leads by example, no ego, long term vision

RoKo is patient, knows it will be a challenge

Fans will be pleased with final product

New board, new coaching setup.... No commitments to ambitions

Attractive, competitive team by Liverpool game

Results will come


thanks for posting this up :)

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The reporter raised the question about JRod and Morgan as they were subject to transfer speculation, to which Krueger responded accordingly


Fair point but could have been a good chance to place assurances on any others though.

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Pulled together (aka nicked) from @connorarmstrong by TractorSaint


Our fans will be pleased with the final product, I am sure.


Ronald has become a key piece of keeping the Saints on that level. We know it's going to be a challenging season.


He is a person who is there for Southampton. He wants to build with us, long-term.


If you look at the facts, since January we have built an entirely new board, coaching staff and new playing staff.


If you look at Koeman's background, he could come in with a swagger. He leads by example.


We are looking to truly have a squad that has everybody pulling in the same direction.


For Ronald, it's best to get the players in tomorrow. We are working as quickly as possible.


I believe that we are very close to a few deals.


It's about getting the right players in the right deal, that fits the way Ronald wants to play and we want to play.


We know that he needs more players and we need more depth in our line up.


Ronald Koeman has done an outstanding job with his staff so far.


Come September, it is judgement day. We are in a process and it is far from over.


Jay Rodriguez and Morgan Schneiderlin are not for sale and will be a part of our club as we enter the new season.


We needed to stay silent to bring in the best deals for the club.


We are completely ready to have players stay where others did not meet our prices. Even against their will.


There was interest brewing before the World Cup and quite clearly we stayed patient and didn't make quick deals.


We will continue to build forward with players and with a team that are prepared to go the hard way into Europe.


It is in the best interest of the club and the rebuild. We set premiums on the players and we reached those premiums.


It was quite clear that we had multiple players interested in taking a short-cut to the Champions League.


We did not put any players for sale. What we did say is, we would watch the process and listen


Quite clearly, we entered the transfer window with a plan. We have a clear strategic approach.

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no credibility whatsoever...


It is quite telling that he says precisely what fans have wanted to hear for some time and few actually believe him.


I'm not calling him a liar or "unaware of the full facts" when he made the guarantee, but I am definitely in the waitansee tribe

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The club have obviously decided to take today as an opportunity to get out there and try and re-assert their message. It could still be more bluff and bluster, but I've got a feeling what Krueger is being fairly truthful with what he is saying there. We'll know the truth soon enough either way.

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First time that he did actually talk a very good game. Couldn't have done a better interview IMO. Whether any of it is true is another thing, but he came across as very confident.

Who has hacked Charlie's account then?

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First time that he did actually talk a very good game. Couldn't have done a better interview IMO. Whether any of it is true is another thing, but he came across as very confident.


Well bloody hell, if Saint Charlie is saying stuff like this we have officially turned a corner !

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First time that he did actually talk a very good game. Couldn't have done a better interview IMO. Whether any of it is true is another thing, but he came across as very confident.


Yep good interview. The statements that have been needed. I'm taking it as evidence of a directional shift in boardroom rather than Ralph being hung out as a Guy Fawkes to be burnt a week down the line.

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Krueger handled himself well in the face of some difficult questions. The most significant statement made by him is that Schneiderlin and Rodriguez are staying. Whether that is because they have both confirmed that they wish to stay because they have been pursuaded that they can both play a significant part in an exciting season with quality new additions around them, or because the club have told them that any offers for them will be rejected, remains to be seen. If the former, then that is the best news of the past few days, as it will be possible to build a good team around them with a few decent additions. If the press feeding frenzy continues unabated and they take the Lallana / Lovren Judas route, then what could we do? Surely Krueger has been able to give these guarantees because the players have been pursuaded to stay, otherwise his stock will plummet.

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Krueger handled himself well in the face of some difficult questions. The most significant statement made by him is that Schneiderlin and Rodriguez are staying. Whether that is because they have both confirmed that they wish to stay because they have been pursuaded that they can both play a significant part in an exciting season with quality new additions around them, or because the club have told them that any offers for them will be rejected, remains to be seen. If the former, then that is the best news of the past few days, as it will be possible to build a good team around them with a few decent additions. If the press feeding frenzy continues unabated and they take the Lallana / Lovren Judas route, then what could we do? Surely Krueger has been able to give these guarantees because the players have been pursuaded to stay, otherwise his stock will plummet.


His stock had plummeted to rock bottom. He has nothing to lose.

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Only a complete moron would guarantee live on radio that two players will not be sold if he thought there was any chance of them being sold...................wouldn't they?


To be honest I was sceptical that any club would risk buying J-rod in his current condition but I had pretty much come to terms with Morgan leaving but the club have painted themselves into a corner now they can't sell either player (at least until January) without bringing down a s hitstorm.

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