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If we already knew we were going to sell all these players, why was Guly released. In the current team we have right now, we could have done a job.

Another player off the wage bill, simply this?

we probably didn't plan/expect to sell all these players.
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If we already knew we were going to sell all these players, why was Guly released. In the current team we have right now, we could have done a job.

Another player off the wage bill, simply this?



He was out of contract Stevy, wasn't doing much and it was probably decided that we might as well try to get some rendement out of Mayuka or Sharp who are in contract.

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Incredible, about 10 weeks ago everything was fine, now we're talking about whether we should have kept Guly! Has it really come to this??!!?


Yup. I'm personally conflicted. On the one hand, I'm alarmed at all the crap that is going on with the club. On the other, I'm just amazed at the sense of entitlement, whether that's tweets or pointless new threads.

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Which ones?


I have no idea on specifics and am certainly not ITK. It's just my perception of what has happened over a very short period of time. I might be wide of the mark but I don't believe so. I've just mentioned it on the Guided Missile thread but there's a good chance that Reed is doing a fantastic job of achieving top-end (and beyond) transfer fees on behalf of KL.


The JRod situation is particularly bizarre and maybe that is one of the examples as apparently Ralph met with Spurs representatives in Canada last week. To sell a player not yet in full training after an ACL operation has got to be a first.

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I have no idea on specifics and am certainly not ITK. It's just my perception of what has happened over a very short period of time. I might be wide of the mark but I don't believe so. I've just mentioned it on the Guided Missile thread but there's a good chance that Reed is doing a fantastic job of achieving top-end (and beyond) transfer fees on behalf of KL.


The JRod situation is particularly bizarre and maybe that is one of the examples as apparently Ralph met with Spurs representatives in Canada last week. To sell a player not yet in full training after an ACL operation has got to be a first.

So you think we were proactive in the sales of Lovren and Lallana to Liverpool?
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So you think we were proactive in the sales of Lovren and Lallana to Liverpool?


Those two? Probably not who knows but it's not beyond the realms of possibility we approached LFC. It would be quite likely with Rickie as we seemingly had already agreed for him to leave in January.


It's just a view. It might be totally wrong. You don't have to agree, it's not a problem.

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I think we made it so difficult for them to stay they were left with little choice and I believe we could have kept them!


So difficult to stay in the sense that we didn't immediately offer them double their wages or Champions League football?

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