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Bournemouth Observations


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1. Since I was last there when Branfoot was manager, BFC have turned their ground into a decent little stadium

2. Tickets in away end so able to have a decent pie and (expensive) pint in their Social club

3. Why were there so many empty seats in the Saints end when the allocation was apparently sold out!!

4. Vocal support was excellent, especially in the first half.

5. Thought the montage of photos around one part of the ground was very interesting. ( a la Chelsea/Arsenal)

Would be good for us to consider although the loss of so many decent players would tug at too many heartstrings at the moment.

6. Thought our 1st half performance was decent but a long way from where we would hope to be.

7. Isgrove lively and liked the look of Sam Mcqueen.

8. Clyne and Jose looked solid.

9. Targett a year or so away from a 1st team regular spot. Good prospect though.

10. Two new lads should do Ok for us.

11. Gaston put in the typical curates egg performance - good in parts.

12. Corky looked off the pace.

13. Jos SO slow.

14. Jack Stephens is not a midfield player.

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