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Do we want to be the new Pompey?

Ohio Saint

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I understand the dismay at all our sales, and am very, very worried about what comes next.


However, with the exception of RL, the players are leaving because they can get close to double their money elsewhere or to join legend clubs. Any talk of Euro footy is nonsense. It's mostly about the cash.


With that in mind, what are Saints supposed to do? Up the wage budget to compete in a scenario that could easily lead to financial ruin? Or reboot and start again with a plan that could possibly repeat our problems with players leaving if we have another successful season?


I'm not happy with either scenario if I'm honest, but really, I'd rather have this uncertainty than to hear that we were spunking double the cash on players wages when those players are here on such a tenuous affiliation.


I have not wet the bed yet, but I'm having to pinch it off a little. However, I'll take our financial security over taking the Pompey route any day!!!!

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We've been through it a million times about what the club can do to reduce the impact of player departures and ensure they don't all leave at the same time. If you haven't got it by now then there is no hope for u.


Yeah, but 21,000 of those posts were yours....So I didn't read them.

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Took your time to read and reply to this post I see. Pointless thread.


And if anyone knows a pointless thread, or even how to make it pointless - it's definitely you Hypo. You're so desperate to be right all the time, did your parents not appreciate you enough when you were little or something? Grow up and realise that everyone has a different opinion about what's going on and you have no right to act so holier than thou about your witterings.

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Pretty sure the two options aren't sell all the best players for huge sums or be the next Portsmouth.


There is another option. That is to use the academy, sell the players that want to go. Don't spunk all the sales cash on new players and hold back half the transfer fees to increase wages over time, maybe five years.


That way, we become a bigger club over time rather than have a do or die situation. This has been a very scary summer, but we do not know the plans of the board yet. It could all still work out well in the end, I think.

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We've been through it a million times about what the club can do to reduce the impact of player departures and ensure they don't all leave at the same time. If you haven't got it by now then there is no hope for u.

Have you never stopped to wonder why, after repeating yourself a million times, some people still don't agree with you?

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I see it like this:


KL: Ok, what do we need to do to get CL?


Advisors: You need to buy a 30m striker and spend another 50-60m on 3 or 4 more players. Then you might have a chance.


KL: How do we get a 30m striker?


Advisors: Well, you'll need to pay him 100k pw, oh and the others too.


KL: oh, we can't afford to do that! Can we just carry on as we were?


Advisors: yeah, but our star players are getting itchy for CL football. You'll have to double their wages or.....


KL: or what?


Advisors: ..or sell them to CL clubs.


KL: ok, let's start by selling Shaw to Man Utd!


Advisors: Um, they're not in the CL.


KL: are you kidding me?


And so on......

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There is another option. That is to use the academy, sell the players that want to go. Don't spunk all the sales cash on new players and hold back half the transfer fees to increase wages over time, maybe five years.


That way, we become a bigger club over time rather than have a do or die situation. This has been a very scary summer, but we do not know the plans of the board yet. It could all still work out well in the end, I think.

We don't become a bigger club over time with that. We stay in the mid area of the top league, at absolute best. Which is fine.


What seem to be doing right now is not going to keep us mid table, it's a short cut to relegation.

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Have you never stopped to wonder why, after repeating yourself a million times, some people still don't agree with you?


If I was wrong then every team who has a half decent season and isn't one of the top five would be losing six or seven players a season. It's never happened before so it's clear that it is possible to have a managed exodus of players.

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Nick reply. Classic saibtsweb attacking the post and not the poster.


Yep. It's like everyone comes on here for some kind of emotional support so gets all upset when people are negative because it wrecks the frame of mind they're trying to sustain. F#ck that, I'm rightly ****ed off with the club so will say so.

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We've been through it a million times about what the club can do to reduce the impact of player departures and ensure they don't all leave at the same time. If you haven't got it by now then there is no hope for u.


Nice reply. Classic saintsweb attacking the poster and not the post.


The first quote (yours) is the very first response in this thread.

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