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*Positive thread alert* - Matt Targett


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thought he did alright


just hope he can handle anfield and sterling in a few weeks


Well this is it. One thing to look good in a friendly against a team In a lower league, quite another to do it against international players in huge stadiums. Early signs are good though.

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Don't you know we are club in crisis, and in the midst of a fire sale ? Look at it logically, all he has done is put himself in the shop window - he'll now be linked to Liverpool and Arsenal in the Sunday papers.


Hasn't he already been linked with them and Chelsea?!!

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Yeah he's got potential but not happy if he ends up being the extent of our options as natural left backs for a club apparently with ambitions of europe.

Would have preferred to have kept Shaw for a year whilst he got the odd prem game and cup games under his belt.

As for long term replacement for Shaw. Well i'd need some indication that if he's good he won't be sold next summer before claiming he's a long term replacement.

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Well this is it. One thing to look good in a friendly against a team In a lower league, quite another to do it against international players in huge stadiums. Early signs are good though.


And Liverpool is one game.

I'm hoping that by the end of the season there is no doubt that MT is our no.1 left back.

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I thought he did well but it's important that we have another specialist LB in the squad otherwise we will be exposed to injury/ consistency/ inexperience/ loss of form etc..

The lad has great potential but we don't even have the likes of Danny (aargh..) Fox to back him up at this moment in time !

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Watched the Bournemouth game online, and must say I was impressed. Would have no qualms with this lad being our long term replacement for Shaw, looked very solid and didn't put a foot wrong.


When you say long term, you mean the whole of the season before his head is turned and sold to a top 4/5/6 club?

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Odd thing to say. He's either good enough or he isn't, time will tell.


its not odd

we just received £30m for our starting left back. I would like to see us invest part of that into a replacement of real quality to start/provide competition

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Still need decent cover and competition, shaw didn't / couldn't play every game in his emergent season.


But we are genuinely lucky as fans to have such a phenomenal academy who always seem to be producing the next generation of exceptional players. Left backs seem a specialty

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So Targett is either not good enough, which is bad, or he is, in which case he'll sign for Chelsea, Liverpool or Arsenal next summer.


Yeap, I actually can't see a way out of this situation, I mean if it's happening now with the current board/leadership/whatever you want to call it, what's going to change? If we survive next season, it'll be Targett, Sims and McQueen or whoever out the door to the rich teams.

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Koeman doesn't feel he's ready, when answering a question about Targett he said.....''Yes, well, Marcos.., umm..Targett did very well, but we will see. we will get a new left back''


Glad I wasn't the only one to notice that. hopefully he has just let slip that we're signing Rojo.


Targett though looked good. Good back up to have provided we sign a quality left back who is ready now.


Shame he will be gone to Arse/City/Man U/Liverpool/Chelsea by January or next summer by the latest.

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Don't wanna rain on anyone's parade but I suspect he just slipped and said "Margett" as a combo of Matt and Target.

Love to be wrong though and learn it was a Rojo reference.

Not quite at wrist slitting stage with some others but I am feeling a little glum lately.

Hopefully it will pick up shortly.

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Don't wanna rain on anyone's parade but I suspect he just slipped and said "Margett" as a combo of Matt and Target.

Love to be wrong though and learn it was a Rojo reference.

Not quite at wrist slitting stage with some others but I am feeling a little glum lately.

Hopefully it will pick up shortly.


Nah, It was Marcos he said. After saying that we needed a new left back, we will get one, and it will be a high quality one. Total slip of the tongue, and probably our next signing.

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Nah, It was Marcos he said. After saying that we needed a new left back, we will get one, and it will be a high quality one. Total slip of the tongue, and probably our next signing.


I also wondered if he made the "Margett" mistake but it really sounds like Marcos, as there's an "s" sound at the end.


We need some techie to slow it down and phoneticise it!

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I also wondered if he made the "Margett" mistake but it really sounds like Marcos, as there's an "s" sound at the end.


We need some techie to slow it down and phoneticise it!


Listened a couple more times. Still unconvinced.

But, like Fox Mulder, I WANT to believe :)

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Even a positive thread doesn't take long to turn into a "let's all slit our wrists" thread. **** me there are some pessimists on this site. I vote that we all just let the board do what they have to do & get behind whatever team starts the season & laugh at **** beard and his poorly knee.

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Even a positive thread doesn't take long to turn into a "let's all slit our wrists" thread. **** me there are some pessimists on this site. I vote that we all just let the board do what they have to do & get behind whatever team starts the season & laugh at **** beard and his poorly knee.



So a lad doing alright is something to be positive about? Jeeez thats setting the bar low.

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