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Lambert, Shaw, Lallana, Lovren, Chambers, Schneiderlin, Rodriguez....


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Chambers? Schneiderlin? Fonte? Cork? How many losses do you consider acceptable? Whatever way you look at it, no first teamers publicly committing their future here and losing potentially six or more from the first team is disgraceful. I'm sorry but if this happens then the board is a joke and les has lied to the fans.

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Yes, this is a major crisis now, I believe.


The exodus is about to recommence; clearly the remaining first team players are not convinced by the Board or Koeman (not saying that is his fault).


the Cork and Fonte contract situation is just a f**king joke. They managed to get Reed's contract sorted out. I think an asset strip is well under way.


Tadic and Pelle beginning to feel like scraps from the table...


Entering the season with no defence, imo.

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Yes, this is a major crisis now, I believe.


The exodus is about to recommence; clearly the remaining first team players are not convinced by the Board or Koeman (not saying that is his fault).


the Cork and Fonte contract situation is just a f**king joke. They managed to get Reed's contract sorted out. I think an asset strip is well under way.


Tadic and Pelle beginning to feel like scraps from the table...


Entering the season with no defence, imo.


Cork and fonte should have been a quick and easy pr win. For some reason we released that we had offered Jay rod a contract but he isn't signing it and neither would I do in his situation. This far this window has been horrendous and losing chambers would be the final straw IMO. Hopefully the fans will start making their discontent known. It has so far been much worse than even my most negative prediction.

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Chambers? Schneiderlin? Fonte? Cork? How many losses do you consider acceptable? Whatever way you look at it, no first teamers publicly committing their future here and losing potentially six or more from the first team is disgraceful. I'm sorry but if this happens then the board is a joke and les has lied to the fans.


Has lied to the fans, and will lie to the fans...

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Chambers? Schneiderlin? Fonte? Cork? How many losses do you consider acceptable? Whatever way you look at it, no first teamers publicly committing their future here and losing potentially six or more from the first team is disgraceful. I'm sorry but if this happens then the board is a joke and les has lied to the fans.


Despite my earlier concerns at the start of the summer sales, I 'stood down' and was prepared to see how things panned out with new signings etc. If the latest rumours about Chambers are true, I fear we've all been lied to and the club is going through an asset stripping process. Lets hope this is just further media stirring and meddling. I want to believe, but will fear the worse for our club if there is no positive news in the next few days. Where is Guan when you need him?!!

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Sorry but why the fxxk are all these threads based on the same subject. The negativity is getting boring now.

We're all peed off that they've gone, but it's time to look ahead not back.

I for one think a top ten finish is still possible.

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Sorry but why the fxxk are all these threads based on the same subject. The negativity is getting boring now.

We're all peed off that they've gone, but it's time to look ahead not back.

I for one think a top ten finish is still possible.

A load of people who are on this forum moaning every single day have decided to pretend they are shocked and surprised by the fact that we have had to sell Dejan Lovren.


I kinda saw it coming but hey, that's just me. Perceptive.

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just remember a few years back we were in league one , we are not a big club , good players get signed from smaller clubs all the time , everyone is in meltdown about the inevitable , players will go , replacements will come in , if we finish out the bottom three , happy days , lets be honest , who really thought we would get champions league football in the near future? the vultures will always circle around the young talent in the premier league its been happening for years !

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Yes, this is a major crisis now, I believe.


The exodus is about to recommence; clearly the remaining first team players are not convinced by the Board or Koeman (not saying that is his fault).


the Cork and Fonte contract situation is just a f**king joke. They managed to get Reed's contract sorted out. I think an asset strip is well under way.


Tadic and Pelle beginning to feel like scraps from the table...


Entering the season with no defence, imo.


Once Lovren made those comments he was as good as gone,there was no way back for him,I dont believe we will sell Lovren without having a replacement already lined up,I would imagine a signing in the next couple of days

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A load of people who are on this forum moaning every single day have decided to pretend they are shocked and surprised by the fact that we have had to sell Dejan Lovren.


I kinda saw it coming but hey, that's just me. Perceptive.


Hey, Mr. Full-of-yerself, I think you'll find the real shock and eye-opener is Chambers going, not Lovren.

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It's just a garage clearance. New manager, new team. Last year's is so, well, so last year.


Once Lovren made those comments he was as good as gone,there was no way back for him,I dont believe we will sell Lovren without having a replacement already lined up,I would imagine a signing in the next couple of days


Yes, well lets see some action, not words or guessing.

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I've missed this news about Chambers. Can someone direct me to it?


The same guy said Clyne to Arsenal had been agreed in June. Yet he is playing tonight.


The twitter thing? When do clubs like Arsenal get to medical stage without it being reported?


Keep clutching 'em, dudes...

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I didn't consider what we'd already lost as acceptable. Losing lovren and the very likely loss of Morgan beggars belief at the weakness of the board. Fonte, cork, chambers etc would have been unthinkable losses earlier but now seem worryingly likely.

All the talk about ambition for European football is laughable. Club seem intent on pocketing as much money as possible. Equally I can't look at the academy player contracts as anything other than securing fees they want in 9 months time.

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There is not a hope in hell we will reinvest even half of the money we will generate from transfers. I think she is selling the club.


If you (and quite a few others) think KL is out to screw the club then no doubt you would think her selling the club would be the best thing that could happen........

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I think most of us understand our position in the footballing world.


The fact that we have one of the best academys in Euprope is a wonderful thing, unfortunately we're a small club, like it or not that's the fact if the matter.


We will always sell our best players (for the right money) as money talks.


Should Reed and the others have great seasons in the next few yrs, they will also go for big money, as long as the club makes a shed load, its fine with me.


Man United, arguably one of the biggest in the world sold their best player to Real Madrid a few years back, recently Liverpool sold theirs.


Whilst I'm gutted to see what we had last season (Poch aswell as players) end , that's just how it is, and probably always will be.


It's not like a kid who would move club because the teams not very good and moves to better his skills, I doubt it will make them much better players, unfortunately it's all about money, bottom line.


Bale, played for a top 4 team at the time ( I think) - sold

Ronaldo, played for the PL Winners (I think) - Sold

Goofy toothy, played for the PL runners up, Sold


Anyone that thinks we would hold onto these players is out of touch, we may not like it but it's always going to happen, get on with it and support the rest of the squad and RK.

Edited by Saints boy in Leeds
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Can't stop thinking Katharina is in reality selling the club but denying everything so the price will remain high. I have never seen anything similar except when an owner was in the process of selling. The silence of Cortese is mystifying, when he has every right to gloat.

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shocked and surprised by the fact that we have had to sell Dejan Lovren. .


Why did we HAD to sell him? Couldn't we have said no then?


While I'm not into the whole crisis thing I do believe the whole they are unhappy we have to sell excuse is pretty weak.

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Why did we HAD to sell him? Couldn't we have said no then?


While I'm not into the whole crisis thing I do believe the whole they are unhappy we have to sell excuse is pretty weak.

We could have said no but frankly I'm delighted we didn't, and it would have retarded to say no. Absolutely no point in keeping a player who has no desire to be here whatsoever.


Glad he's gone.

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I think most of us understand our position in the footballing world.


The fact that we have one of the best academys in Euprope is a wonderful thing, unfortunately we're a small club, like it or not that's the fact if the matter.


We will always sell our best players (for the right money) as money talks.


Should Reed and the others have great seasons in the next few yrs, they will also go for big money, as long as the club makes a shed load, its fine with me.


Man United, arguably one of the biggest in the world sold their best player to Real Madrid a few years back, recently Liverpool sold theirs.


Whilst I'm gutted to see what we had last season (Poch aswell as players) end , that's just how it is, and probably always will be.


It's not like a kid who would move club because the teams not very good and moves to better his skills, I do it it will make them much better players, unfortunately it's all about money, bottom line.


Bale, played for a top 4 team at the time ( I think) - sold

Ronaldo, played for the PL Winners (I think) - Sold

Goofy toothy, played for the PL runners up, Sold


Anyone that thinks we would hold onto these players is out of touch, we may not like it but it's always going to happen, get on with it and support the rest of the squad and RK.


all long serving saints fans have grown up with us selling players to bigger clubs, but it is the number that are moving on that is, far as i can remember, exceptional last time i can remember anything like this was Leeds after the money dried up or after relegation

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We could have said no but frankly I'm delighted we didn't, and it would have retarded to say no. Absolutely no point in keeping a player who has no desire to be here whatsoever.


Glad he's gone.


I respect your opinion but you can't run a company that way. It sets a precedent that you can decide to leave whenever you want. If they are unhappy and want out send them into isolation like we did with Puncheon. He came back into the fold after admitting he messed up. You got to be strong and stand up to them or what's the point of a contract?

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I respect your opinion but you can't run a company that way. It sets a precedent that you can decide to leave whenever you want. If they are unhappy and want out send them into isolation like we did with Puncheon. He came back into the fold after admitting he messed up. You got to be strong and stand up to them or what's the point of a contract?



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The only person who's opinion I care about is Koeman's. If the moaners above (most are blocked, so this thread is pretty blanked out) are right then koeman will be off pretty soon as well. If that happens i am worried, while he is here I am not. The Lovren development i reckon is more indicative that we are close to the replacement.


And as for "couldn't we say "no"?" comments, well, in reality you can say no and put him on gardening leave for the rest of his contract, or moping about the pitch ****ing off the while team.


The time to assess all this is firt at the end of this transfer window, then the same time n

ext year.

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I respect your opinion but you can't run a company that way. It sets a precedent that you can decide to leave whenever you want. If they are unhappy and want out send them into isolation like we did with Puncheon. He came back into the fold after admitting he messed up. You got to be strong and stand up to them or what's the point of a contract?

Who bid twenty odd million pounds for Jason Puncheon, then?

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I respect your opinion but you can't run a company that way. It sets a precedent that you can decide to leave whenever you want. If they are unhappy and want out send them into isolation like we did with Puncheon. He came back into the fold after admitting he messed up. You got to be strong and stand up to them or what's the point of a contract?


And what happened to Puncheon ? Didn't we sell him - for less than £2Mill ?

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And what happened to Puncheon ? Didn't we sell him - for less than £2Mill ?



There is absolutely no parallel between the situations involving Puncheon and Lovren. If someone had offered Cortese, say, four million quid for him at that time he'd have ripped their hands off.


JP was far more like Joey Barton/Balotelli/Osvaldo like situation - a potential liability to the club, a pain in the backside but impossible to shift easily as they are on a fat comfortable contract.

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Interesting comment from Pardew


Southampton's summer departures offer a warning of the price clubs can pay for missing out on Europe, according to Newcastle manager Alan Pardew.


If you don't make the Champions League, the big teams come for your players," Pardew told BBC Newcastle.


"Look at Southampton. We're pushing every year to try to build and hopefully get to a stage where we make it without losing our players."




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