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Four players, one club – any precedent?


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With Brendan Rodgers buying or attempting to buy four players from Saints this summer, I've been wondering if this sets some kind of league record? Can anyone think of any other time when one team has signed/tried to sign so many players from the same club all at once? I can't think of one myself, but then I'm not that old. Maybe some of you with memories that go back further than the early 90s can think of any similar situations.

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Blackburn bought Flowers, Kenna and Shearer but it was slightly staggered IIRC.


Just looked it up. Pretty spread out.


Flowers went in November 1993.

Kenna went in March 1995

Shearer went some time in 1992.

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Isnt that 1 player?


Yeah I think it's just Pelle, as Tadic was signed from FC Twente.


Perhaps a better example would be Paul Williams & Paul Telfer who join Strachan from Coventry when he joined?


Still it does seem quite unusual as there's no real link between Liverpool and Saints to trigger all this interest, plus it's been strongly suggested that they're interested in signing a total of 4 of our players, 2 already having left (Lambert & Lallana) and Lovern supposedly on the verge of a move and interest in J Rod. It feels as if there should be a limit on how many players you can sign from one club before the FA sanction a merger between the two.

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What I find strange is the journalists reaction to this. They give some sarcastic chuckle and ask is anyone going to be left in some pathetically flippant manner that I guess is supposed to be (Schadenfreude) humour. They may also bang on about Cortese, ambition, broken promises (!!!) and the such, but they singularly fail to ask the pertinent questions as to why a moderately successful side in a strong financial position cannot keep it's best players who only recently signed contracts. (And no, this is not an attempt to cover this ground yet again, just that the journos seem oblivious to what is going on).


I can see this situation happening more and more as the riches of the top clubs increases at a far faster rate than the rest.

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