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JWP - Offered New Contract


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I like him, but if he's a central figure, who is missing out? Davis? Or more likely, Schneiderlin?


We wouldn't sign a better Schneiderlin replacement than JWP to be fair.


Note: I have not said JWP is better than Schneiderlin in the above sentence, he isn't.


Nor are they similar players.

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I like him, but if he's a central figure, who is missing out? Davis? Or more likely, Schneiderlin?


We wouldn't sign a better Schneiderlin replacement than JWP to be fair.


Note: I have not said JWP is better than Schneiderlin in the above sentence, he isn't.


Our midfield area is pretty strong to be honest, if there's one area that could absorb a sale it's the midfield area. Not that I want us to lose anyone, but we'd still be pretty competitive in there.

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It's mid-year review time at the office. I might see how asking for a 'modest' £10k p/w goes down.


How does he cope on that pittance, eh? No wonder are players are desperate to get out and earn a wedge for which they can survive off of.



Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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Seriously just what the **** kind of life can you have on £10k per week?


Shall we organise a bucket collection for James tonight at Swindon?


Oh, and I thought everyone was too busy and hectic to be handing out contract extensions hence why nothing for Fonte and Cork?



No need to offer new contracts to the only two who aren't wanted by anyone else is there ?

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No need to offer new contracts to the only two who aren't wanted by anyone else is there ?


Both have interest and the club could get 5/6 million for the pair at least. At the end of the forthcoming season both can leave for nothing on a Bosman. Leaving them in limbo only adds to the low morale within the playing staff. Les Reed appears to be on some sort of power trip which makes no commercial or footballing sense as regards Fonte and Cork.


Other than that excellent analysis.

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Both have interest and the club could get 5/6 million for the pair at least. At the end of the forthcoming season both can leave for nothing on a Bosman. Leaving them in limbo only adds to the low morale within the playing staff. Les Reed appears to be on some sort of power trip which makes no commercial or footballing sense as regards Fonte and Cork.


Other than that excellent analysis.


You do realise Koeman is waiting to offer contracts until after he assesses the squad. Fonte and Cork will prove there worth and sign 2 and 4 year contracts respectively before the liverpool game

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JWP in for Morgan wouldn't be the worst move. Would pin all the defensive role on Cork/Wanyama though


I'm in the minority group believing that JWP would be nothing like a good enough replacement for Morgan. If/when Morgan goes, and if he isn't replaced by a new arrival, then the consolation for me is that Harrison Reed is very likely to step up to the level needed.

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I'm in the minority group believing that JWP would be nothing like a good enough replacement for Morgan. If/when Morgan goes, and if he isn't replaced by a new arrival, then the consolation for me is that Harrison Reed is very likely to step up to the level needed.


I fully agree with your post. JWP to date only threatens from set pieces. He has little impact during open play. Harrison Reed is the one that people within the footballing fraternity rave about and have high hopes for. Hopefully he will be given similar game time to what JWP had last season.


To play both we would be very lightweight in the midfield even with big Vic in there.

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I seem to remember someone basically saying that he'd been played out of position on the wing as an inside forward with the argie. Perhaps if given a more central role he can start to live up to expectations?

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It'll be interesting to see if Ward-Prowse jumps forward this summer as much as he did last, when he added some pretty awesome set-piece delivery to his skillset and immediately gave himself that angle to get into the squad.

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Too lightweight for the central role in all the games I saw him play in last season. Has to push on big time this season and make an impact.


People have said the same about Steven Davis but he was one of our best players last season (although admittedly not playing in a central position for much of it). He has built a pretty successful career as a CM.

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A lot of people said that Paul Wooton was better than Morgan Schneiderlin for a lot of the same reasons people are saying JWP isn't that special here. But then a remarkable amount of our support know remarkably little about football (and spotting a good player).


JWP is a very, very good player in the making and people like Gary Neville would not have compared him to a young Paul Scholes for no reason. Not to say he'll get to that level but he is far better than a lot think

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A lot of people said that Paul Wooton was better than Morgan Schneiderlin for a lot of the same reasons people are saying JWP isn't that special here. But then a remarkable amount of our support know remarkably little about football (and spotting a good player).


JWP is a very, very good player in the making and people like Gary Neville would not have compared him to a young Paul Scholes for no reason. Not to say he'll get to that level but he is far better than a lot think


No they didn't. They might have said Schneiderlin was more lightweight than Wotton, but they didn't say Wotton was better overall.

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