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Vlaar an option?


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From Dutch paper De Telegraaf http://www.telegraaf.nl/telesport/voetbal/buitenlands/22872217/__Koeman___Vlaar_een_optie___.html


Koeman: 'Vlaar een optie'


Van onze Telesportredactie

Sinds Ronald Koeman aantrad bij Southampton werden Dusan Tadic en Graziano Pelle al aangetrokken door de club. De Nederlandse manager zou de komst van Ron Vlaar ook toejuichen. Koeman en de 29-jarige verdediger werkten in 2011 en 2012 samen bij Feyenoord.

Southampton heeft wellicht nog een verdediger nodig. Dejan Lovren heeft aangegeven graag naar Liverpool te willen verkassen. Als de Kroaat vertrekt, komt de verdediger van Oranje in beeld. " Vlaar zou zeker een optie zijn. Maar hij is nu niet goedkoop, denk ik. Nou ja, we gaan het zien", zei Koeman tegen FOX Sports.

Vlaar speelt sinds 2012 voor Aston Villa. Bij die ploeg uit de Premier League is hij vanaf zijn debuut een vaste waarde. Vlaar maakte tijdens het WK in Brazilië een ijzersterke indruk. In zeven wedstrijden kreeg door Vlaar geleide defensie van Oranje maar vier doelpunten tegen.




Koeman:’ Vlaar an option’


Since Ronald Koeman’s arrival at Southampton the club has acquired Dusan Tadic and Graziano Pelle. The Dutch manager would also welcome the arrival of Ron Vlaar. Koeman and the 29 year old defender worked together at Feijenoord in 2011 and 2012.


Southampton may need another defender. Dejan Lovren has made it clear he would like to move to Liverpool. If the Croatian departs the defender of the orange team will come into the picture. Koeman told Fox Sports: “Vlaar would certainly be an option, but it won’t be cheap I think. We’ll have to see”


Vlaar plays for Aston Villa since 2012, and has been very valuable since his debut for the club. During the World cup in Brazil he made a very strong impression. In seven matches the defense, led by Vlaar, conceded only 4 goals.

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Vlaar? No hope. We're linked today with that journeyman Tosic. He's had a multitude of clubs. In 2010 couldn't get into pompeys side and since 2006 has played 11 times for Serbia. That's the type of player we're after.



What because the Daily Mail says so? Please. Tosic never played for Pompey because of their ****ed up financial situation. Nothing to do with his ability on the field, of which I admit I am ignorant.

Seems odd to me that Koeman would choose to make ANY comment on Vlaar unless he was comfortable with any negotiations as they stand. He hasn't been rushed to any decisions since coming on board so I don't see him starting now.

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We should be trying to sign him regardless of Lovren, my concern would be Lovren and Schneiderlin leaving really late in the window leaving us stuck for replacements.

I think its very unlikely we will be spending all the money we receive for transfers so you had better get used to being linked with Tosic and the like.

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It is.


Just imagine if, don't know, Liverpool were talking about one of our players as an "option"


Angry mob..... Rightly so

I've been waiting for some outrage, because plenty on this forum are disgusted at this type of behaviour.


Funny how quiet it's all been. Not one word on here about reporting Koeman to the FA for tapping up.

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It is.


Just imagine if, don't know, Liverpool were talking about one of our players as an "option"


Angry mob..... Rightly so

Seems straight froward enough to me.He is saying he is an option if we can afford him but if hes to expensive he is not a option.

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Seems straight froward enough to me.He is saying he is an option if we can afford him but if hes to expensive he is not a option.


Talking about another player as an option is not cool


Who is to say villa see him as an option to leave to a club as a league rival?


Maybe, he is not even for sale?

Maybe villa want to keep him?


As we have seen recently, not nice other clubs talking about your players as if they can just swan in and take them

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Talking about another player as an option is not cool


Who is to say villa see him as an option to leave to a club as a league rival?


Maybe, he is not even for sale?

Maybe villa want to keep him?


As we have seen recently, not nice other clubs talking about your players as if they can just swan in and take them


Sure, it's not nice, but we support Southampton and not Villa, right? We want the club to do as well as possible and if that means unsettling a player a tiny bit then so be it.


I for one would be more than happy with Vlaar.

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Talking about another player as an option is not cool


Who is to say villa see him as an option to leave to a club as a league rival?


Maybe, he is not even for sale?

Maybe villa want to keep him?


As we have seen recently, not nice other clubs talking about your players as if they can just swan in and take them


According to an agent I heard in the radio the other day his head is already at southampton.

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I'm worried that he's assembling a group of old boys that he's managed at previous clubs. That's Redknapp and Allardyce's style of transfer policy.


Reed was keen to big up the recruitment team in June and said we were moving in on targets and lots of players wanted to play for us.


Wonder if either of our two signings were on the list, or if thats all been sacked off now.

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Reed was keen to big up the recruitment team in June and said we were moving in on targets and lots of players wanted to play for us.


Wonder if either of our two signings were on the list, or if thats all been sacked off now.


I'm sure they were, we were reading about Pelle for weeks before he (or even Koeman) signed.

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There were certainly stories about him around the time Koeman entered the frame if not before.


The club will have been looking at players and managers at the same time. A plus point to Koeman's appointment would have been his ability to attract former players/Dutch or Eredivisie stars, so I expect we were aware of Pelle at that point.

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I've been waiting for some outrage, because plenty on this forum are disgusted at this type of behaviour.


Funny how quiet it's all been. Not one word on here about reporting Koeman to the FA for tapping up.


Posted at 7am on a Sunday, yeah thats when we're all up and about getting outraged at a forum.

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Thought he looked very solid in the WC. The Dutch call him Beton Ron. Which means Concrete Ron. :-)



I heard that reference during the WC commentary. Thought it mildly appropriate as my recollection was seeing him for Villa against us once and it appeared his feet had been cemented into wellington boots judging on that performance.


Should have got. Vlaar when he signed for Villa. Uncompromising, experienced, and would be a good addition...


Had he impressed prior to the WC for Villa ? From an onlookers view looking at their team he looked fairly slow and cumbersome. But happy to be proven wrong if he joined us.

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Had he impressed prior to the WC for Villa ? From an onlookers view looking at their team he looked fairly slow and cumbersome. But happy to be proven wrong if he joined us.


He honestly hasn't been that good. The best of a bad bunch in the Villa defence, but his lack of pace is exposed by their terrible organisation, more than it is for the Netherlands or would be for us. He might do well

Edited by DuncanRG
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He was woeful in the 4-1 at SMS but is usually fairly solid.


Would have been a great buy to partner Lovren, but hard to get excited about him as a replacement as he is a worse player than Lovren is, so result is a weaker defence overall.


Have to say thought Vlaar was rock solid at WC whereas Lovren looked average! Certainly don't think we would be weaker!

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I'm worried that he's assembling a group of old boys that he's managed at previous clubs. That's Redknapp and Allardyce's style of transfer policy.


But assuming our transfer committee is still in place, and some discussion on recruitment takes place, then this should be a 'safety net' to prevent the signing of 'old boys' etc.

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Have to say thought Vlaar was rock solid at WC whereas Lovren looked average! Certainly don't think we would be weaker!


Lovren is IMO a better player than Vlaar. He was better in the league last season, and is very well suited to the PL. Vlaar is decent, but nobody would happily swap a fit and happy Lovren for Vlaar, would they?

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I think they'd be terrific as a duo. Lovren is the ball player, far better footballer, but Vlaar wouldn't have made some of Lovren's mistakes because he doesn't take the same risks, more of a basic strong defender.


Even if Lovren went, if we signed Vlaar while we'd be slightly worse off overall, I wouldn't be worrying about relegation with a Fonte/Vlaar partnership. Don't know much about the Celtic CB. Surely he's likely to leave the most pointless league in Europe this summer?


Totally agree with this. He'd certainly be good enough with Fonte to keep us up, possibly even mid table, but not challenging for an improvement to 8th. But then I fail to see how we can currently attract anyone better, unless it is through Koemans personal reputation.


FWIW, I can't see Vlaar wanting to come to Saints unless it was for Koeman, one mid - bottom half team for another given the squad as it stands today. But then there's tomorrow.... and a big pot of cash of course to reinvest!

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Though the logic is sound; that having a former CB as a manager would mean we are likely to have good CBs...


...it could be argued that Saints had their worst set of Goalkeepers (and trouble signing GKs) when we had a former keeper as a manager!


(Okay, different class but still, it was a blind spot!)

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Disappointing that it is dependant on the Lovern deal - I would have thought we would be looking at an additional Centre Half regardless of what happens to with Dejan.


And concrete Ron was as good as any other centre back who appeared in the World Cup!

That would be some signing to get excited about...

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Would be a crucial signing for us if we want to avoid shipping goals every weekend. Seems like good captaincy material too


He is excellent skipper material - I know its only rumours at this stage but he is a realistic target and one to get a bit excited about!

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See its already posted above, Paul Lambert says Vlaar wont be leaving.


It's a tactic from Lambert. Remember Villa are in a bit of financial trouble and Lerner wants to sell the club. If Lerner sells Vlaar for a decent price he'll have recouped some of the money that's been wiped off the value of the club.


If Lambert states he doesn't want Vlaar to go, and then is sold from underneath him, it paints him in a good light with the fans (who largely don't like him) and gives him a ready made excuse when they inevitably start the season badly

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