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Dedicated thread for Bedwetter vs. Happy Clappy discussion

Spaceman Spiff

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In order to cleanse every other thread on the forum of endless bedwetter vs happy clappy arguments, how about you stick it all on this thread.


If it helps to get the ball rolling, both sides are wrong. It could go either way. Live with it. If you want certainty, go support Chelsea. Or Portsmouth, if you prefer a darker kind of certainty.


OK thanks.

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In order to cleanse every other thread on the forum of endless bedwetter vs happy clappy arguments, how about you stick it all on this thread.


If it helps to get the ball rolling, both sides are wrong. It could go either way. Live with it. If you want certainty, go support Chelsea. Or Portsmouth, if you prefer a darker kind of certainty.


OK thanks.

I think this forum is not for you.

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Spaceman would it not better to have an automatic filter . The negative posts / trolls can automatically be filtered to the negative only threads and the happy clappers like me can automatically be redirected to the positive threads


Happy talk, keep talkin' happy talk,

Talk about things you'd like to do.

You got to have a dream,

If you don't have a dream,

How you gonna have a dream come true?

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Generally people do not like change. The greater the change the greater the anxiety. Some people cope with it better than others. We have seen a number of changes this year that have come after a period of success and growth which itself followed a period of decline and change. I can understand the anxiety but it is important to look for evidence. There has been prescious little evidence of a firesale, asset stripping or sale of the club yet many have added 2 + 2 and come up with everything configeration except 4.


We lost a manager and have potentially recruited one who could be just as good if not better. We have lost three quality players but are looking to recruit and already have 2 players in who look promising. Lallana had a really good season last year but will that continue? Would he had been as good if he had stayed? Maybe but it isnt a certainty.


We were hoping to consolidate and hopefully progress a bit more this season. That has now been thrown into doubt but if no one had left there is still the possiblity that this season would not have been as good.


It would be silly to suggest that we are going to challenge for the top four right now, but in my opinion it is also silly to suggest that we will go down.


The evidence for any conclusion based on anything other than complete idle speculation will not be in until the squad is assembled by the end of the transfer window.


The Board have had a torrid time this summer, most of which is down to circumastances outside of their control. They have responded in a calm and measured way and whilst we can argue that they have been naive at times, they are clearly doing what they can not only to steady the ship but also to move things forward.


Whether a happy clapper or a bedwetter, this should be evident to all.


I would say to he happy clappers, thanks for your optimism and thanks for the positive vibes. To the bedwetters, rumours are just that. Rumours. If Clyne, Spiderman and Lovren go, then by all means get upset and complain. But dont get upset and complain about a bunch of media spculation that may have no basis in fact. A great deal of what is written about every day doesnt come to pass and that means you have lost hours of your time that you will never get back getting worked up about nothing!

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I am 6 weeks dry! I haven't wet the bed since Lambart got sold. I am still on rubber sheets tho, you can't be too careful :(


I can see that rubber sheets protect the mattress Bearsy, but they do leave a sea of p*ss floating about that needs to be dealt with. A lose lose situation methinks. Better to deal with the leakage situation at source? :)

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In order to cleanse every other thread on the forum of endless bedwetter vs happy clappy arguments, how about you stick it all on this thread.


If it helps to get the ball rolling, both sides are wrong. It could go either way. Live with it. If you want certainty, go support Chelsea. Or Portsmouth, if you prefer a darker kind of certainty.


OK thanks.


Are you sure this is the mongboard for you sir?

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