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Samuel with a dig at saints


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He has a point and it is fair comment IMHO. The evidence is there that we have sold 3 of our best players from last season. Yes we have replaced a couple but we do not know how they will perform yet, they could be worse than those sold but will hopefully improve us. Tadic and Pelle whilst very good players are not exactly household names to the British media and other clubs fans so you can see why they will think we wont be as good as last season. The jury is out.

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What is there to argue with, saints say they aren't a selling club but sell the best three players in Shaw lambert and Lallana..


This has already been debated on the Lovren thread, I think it was. The general ire at the oaf Samuels, is because of his definition of a selling club. In his eyes, we are the paupers of the Lowe era, that had to sell to keep afloat. He doesn't appear to realise that we no longer have to sell and had in fact stated that we wished to keep all of our best players and add to the squad. So we are not a selling club by his definition. But all clubs in this country are selling clubs in that they cannot keep players who want to leave, like Bale, Ronaldo and now Suarez. But I don't see him labelling Liverpool, Man Utd, Arsenal or Spurs as selling clubs. And if we have drawn a line under any further sales, will he now conclude that Saints are now no longer a selling club?

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The thing that saddens me about this sort of article is his stance is a sort of "told you so" one. Does he really want to see a PL that has 6 teams in it, with 3 that can realistically win it? Rhetorical because like all other journalists, the answer is "yes". It is so sad to see football die in this manner especially as the (so called) journalists don't question it. A few teams at the top, fans priced out of things, corporate being the way forward and **** every one else, especially those outside PL and grass roots. How can a serious journalist not see what is happening and not care or write about it?


Premier league not being able to attract the best - for those old enough to remember pre-Sky days, can they honestly tell me that football was any less exciting?

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What I detest about hacks like Samuels is that they always go for the easy story and regurgitate old news as if there's some kind of new angle, rather than go after the root cause of the decline of English football or the top 4 teams illegally tapping up players for example. It's lazy rubbish at best.

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Yeah, pointless little dig from Samuel there, he is an odd one, if you'd offered Lovren the choice of Saints, man U or Liverpool 12 months ago, he wouldn't have chosen us then either, so what, nothing has changed in that regard.


But Samuls is outdone in terms of utterly pointless articles by this http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/anybody-home-see-depleted-southampton-3861281

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Selling club, oh i swear we rejected bids for every player that was sold and told the buying club mainly Liverpool come back with a better offer or your not having them.



I agree finishing 8th or even 9th will be tough this season but i feel 10th is achievable and allow RK to blend in his team as they year will be a building progress, if we can then add 2-3 players next summer rather then a whole new team like this summer we can the slowly bring in players and have a great top 8 side who fight for 6th and FA/League cups.

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Why do people even bother reading what that fat, f*cking greasy drip writes, let alone care about it? Who even buys newspapers now anyway? That probably has an audience of 52 and that includes the greasy drip's family and this forum.


he is up there with the Custis brothers where they think and talk football like it is more important than life and their view is complete gospel


some of the crap they spout around the table on the sunday supplement is hillarious


there are a few decent journos (who write good and bad stuff about us)

paddy barclay, springs to mind

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Why do people even bother reading what that fat, f*cking greasy drip writes, let alone care about it? Who even buys newspapers now anyway? That probably has an audience of 52 and that includes the greasy drip's family and this forum.


Jizz mopping Mong, yes?

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he is up there with the Custis brothers where they think and talk football like it is more important than life and their view is complete gospel


some of the crap they spout around the table on the sunday supplement is hillarious


there are a few decent journos (who write good and bad stuff about us)

paddy barclay, springs to mind


Paddy Barclay is a to$$er - can't stand the whiny, nostalgia porn he peddles and seems to have a massive chip on his shoulder when it comes to the other broadsheet journos.


As for Samuel, the anyone-but-Cortese brigade were creaming themselves in Jan when he was downplaying the significance of Cortese's resignation.

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Paddy Barclay is a to$$er, probably a scouser in a previous life - can't stand the nostalgia porn he peddles and seems to have a massive chip on his shoulder when it comes to the other broadsheet journos.


As for Samuel, the anyone-but-Cortese brigade couldn't get enough of his s**t when he was downplaying Cortese's resignation in Jan.


They loved the fat **** when he was having his pops at Cortese. The Cult of Kat are an odd bunch.

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Got to say I can't remember a single thing Samuels ever said about Cortese.


Until I read those last two posts I probably would have lumped him in with the fawning acolytes the short legged one managed to smarm up to.

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But Samuls is outdone in terms of utterly pointless articles by this http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/anybody-home-see-depleted-southampton-3861281


Oh that's great. I see Swansea are attracting a bit of attention now, and they are also being sold off left right and centre. It's the typical English thing, of bigging people up (or at least being complimentary and encouraging) before rounding on them and trying to shoot them down. Oh how I wish to finish above Liverpool and Spurs this forthcoming season - not that I expect to - just to give the bird to the journos who seem to have lost all perspective of objectivity.


Love this bit - The Saints will start life without numerous stars after the likes of Adam Lallana, Luke Shaw and Rickie Lambert left for pastures new this summer. "Numerous star the likes of".....and they go and list the only ones to have left, and of course fail to mention the replacements save in passing, who may or may not be better than Lallana and Lambert. What happens then?? Or maybe he was referring to the likes of Forte and Gully?

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To be fair, Samuel isn't a journalist now - he's a columnist paid to give an opinion. A rent-a-gob if you like. Of course that's not exclusive to him - it's true for any columnist and part of their remit is to spark debate or controversy; if he were the "voice of reason" he'd probably produce quite dull articles.


The thing about columnists is they have nothing to recommend them except an opinion and who wants that? You can get that here, or anywhere, if you really want to know an opinion other than yours. I'm not really bothered about his opinion and it's only valid if you want to pay attention to it. Bit like pundits doing a post match analysis - if you've seen the game then you know everything about it. There are some good ones out there but generally they're a bit pointless.


Anyway, this is my opinion - I'd probably ignore it though.

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I would say that Koeman getting Dejan somewhere on the bus is a positive.

What makes me smile is Samuel said Rooney grew up on the streets playing football and that he was made for the game against the Macaronis......... Just shows the guy knows the square root of zip in reality!

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To be fair, Samuel isn't a journalist now - he's a columnist paid to give an opinion. A rent-a-gob if you like. Of course that's not exclusive to him - it's true for any columnist and part of their remit is to spark debate or controversy; if he were the "voice of reason" he'd probably produce quite dull articles.

That was a god awful dull article. Had he tried to be the voice of reason, he could have perhaps debated the futility of clubs like us producing good players only to have them taken away from us by the predatory big clubs. He might also have followed on with something a bit more thought-provoking about how clubs like ours with good academies could produce the players that could affect the future prospects of the national team and contrast it against how Germany have managed to develop the best team on the planet by keeping a large proportion of their best players in their own leagues.


But then that would be beyond his intellect and wasted on the Mail readers.

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Yeah, pointless little dig from Samuel there, he is an odd one, if you'd offered Lovren the choice of Saints, man U or Liverpool 12 months ago, he wouldn't have chosen us then either, so what, nothing has changed in that regard.


But Samuls is outdone in terms of utterly pointless articles by this http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/anybody-home-see-depleted-southampton-3861281


That clown that wrote the mirror article has admitted on twitter he didn't know they were in Belgium and had to edit the article. How embarrassing. :lol:

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it's the hypocrisy whch gets me... England are cr*p because managers take the easy option of buying in cheaper foreign stars rather than developing their own.... but when a club develops their own... the media swarm like vultures as they can't understand why those players wouldn't want to leave to go to bigger clubs...which is hy England will always be rubbish...

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One of the most pointless and meaningless expressions in football is describing a club as a selling club. All but about 4 clubs in the world can be described as that.it means nothing.


True, this annoys me as well


The only thing I have issue with is the "Premier League can no long attract the best" - it never has.


Also true. Very few genuine world stars have come to England in their prime. I reckon I could count them on two hands.

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he is up there with the Custis brothers where they think and talk football like it is more important than life and their view is complete gospel


some of the crap they spout around the table on the sunday supplement is hillarious


there are a few decent journos (who write good and bad stuff about us)

paddy barclay, springs to mind


Barclay was on The Press Pass doing a world cup preview. At the end they were all asked who would win and how would england do. Spain was paddys tip and semi final for England. He really knows his stuff lol.

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He has a point and it is fair comment IMHO. The evidence is there that we have sold 3 of our best players from last season.

Yes we have replaced a couple but we do not know how they will perform yet, they could be worse than those sold but will hopefully improve us.

Tadic and Pelle whilst very good players are not exactly household names to the British media and other clubs fans so you can see why they will think we wont be as good as last season.

The jury is out.



......isn't this what finding new, relatively unknown talent is all about.


This time last season...not many people had heard the name ...Dejan Lovren !

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Saints are a selling club, all clubs outside the very top are. But t doesn't help when c u n t s like Samuel and his Daily Mail buddies seem to have spent more column inches hawking our players around the top 6 clubs than actually reporting on any transfer that have happened.


Today's Saints player for sale in the Fail - Calum Chambers




It actually makes you wonder if any of these so-called journalists are paid by the top 6 to help unsettle certain transfer targets.

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He's paid to be a gob-****e, so lets not be surprised when he behaves like one.


He can tout all the players around as much as he likes bt if we don't want to sell or the fee is'nt good enough then nothing he can say will make a blind bit of difference.

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We aren't a selling club any more than any club is. We sold players to teams above us, in the same way that Suarez went to Barcelona.

We clearly have ambition as we have appointed RK and bought what looks like quality - we didn't go for the cheap option of promoting a coach and buying some BOGOF sweeds

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Samuels has always had a bit of a downer on Saints since he worked for the Sunday Times and Lowe sued for libel in an article about Dave Jones' dismissal and won £250,000 damages.


But as a columnist he needs a selective memory to make his points. It would not suit his point that Saints are a selling club, for example, to point out Lallana's conduct in manufacturing his move.


As others have said above, he's actually a good columnist from the Mail's point of view.


Columnists do not have to be liked, but they do need to have an opinion to spark debate.


One of the BBC website's most popular and widely-read columnists is Geoffrey Boycott, and he is a good columnist. You may not like him or what he says, but at least he isn't afraid to express an opinion. The worst type of columnist is one that doesn't stick his neck out and remains firmly sitting on the fence. Alan Hansen springs to mind.


So Samuel has written a piece with an anti-Saints slant. We have free speech in this country. He's free to express an opinion, and the Mail does provide the mechanism for its readers to express their opinions on it.


It's nothing to blow your top over. Nobody died.

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We really ought to be grateful for him for all the free publicity. As a result of tw*ts like him and his counterparts in the other red-top rags like the Express and the Star, our club's profile has received an incredible boost. We received loads of mentions in the press for what a well-run club we were before the end of last season and then for having so many players either in or on the fringes of the England World Cup team. Currently, pretty well every player in the first team has been linked with a move to the top glory clubs both here and even abroad.


The neutral observers are inclined to think that we are a pretty good team if so many of the glory teams covet our players. Liverpool especially will be questioned in peoples' minds for wanting quite so many of our players, leading to some wits asking why they don't just buy the entire club and have done with it.


So when the journos have done us down, a selling club selling all of its star players, we will quietly rebuild, replacing those players with others as good or maybe even better and when the new season starts, we might produce some major upsets to get those same journos sitting up and taking notice anew. There is a very good reason why our first match of the new season against Liverpool is going to be televised. Apart from them being without Suarez, they want to see how our ex-players fare against us, but also how our replacement players fare in comparison against them.


I do hope that we give them a hammering, so that we can see how those journos react to having egg all over their faces, but I won't hold my breath that they would have the decency to acknowledge that they can ever be wrong.

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Samuels has always had a bit of a downer on Saints since he worked for the Sunday Times and Lowe sued for libel in an article about Dave Jones' dismissal and won £250,000 damages.


But as a columnist he needs a selective memory to make his points. It would not suit his point that Saints are a selling club, for example, to point out Lallana's conduct in manufacturing his move.


As others have said above, he's actually a good columnist from the Mail's point of view.


Columnists do not have to be liked, but they do need to have an opinion to spark debate.


One of the BBC website's most popular and widely-read columnists is Geoffrey Boycott, and he is a good columnist. You may not like him or what he says, but at least he isn't afraid to express an opinion. The worst type of columnist is one that doesn't stick his neck out and remains firmly sitting on the fence. Alan Hansen springs to mind.


So Samuel has written a piece with an anti-Saints slant. We have free speech in this country. He's free to express an opinion, and the Mail does provide the mechanism for its readers to express their opinions on it.


It's nothing to blow your top over. Nobody died.


Spot on. He's still embarrassed at being taken to cleaners by Lowe - about the only thing Lowe ever won in his time at Saints. He's just an old has-been London tabloid hack, no different to the planks on Talksport or Factless Allen, he's just older and uglier. No doubt we'll see more factless 'opinion' gems from the Mail nearer the election, especially now their favourite far right loon Liam Fox looks set to be restored to the cabinet (great judgement again by Cameron after Fox's adviser scandal). Don't know who is worse - Cameron, Miliband or Clegg. Might abstain in 2015.

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