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Gaston Ramirez


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Oh yeah....but he only played 49 minutes in the whole tournament. Does that merit a longer holiday?


I'm speculating here, but I suspect he may still have had to train between matches, as opposed to sitting on a beach somewhere.

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Uruguay went out in the last 16, Croatia didn't make it out of the group stages.


So worst-case he will be back 1 week after Yoshi and Lovren (both who played 3 full matches), will he ?




I have never understood the kid gloves treatment where this wastrell is concerned.

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give the guy a break. granted he has not been the most effective but his conduct has been exemplary all these while. even when he found himself down the pecking order, he never moaned about wanting to move back to Italy. you can see the guy is trying his best, and he has the talent, it's just a pity he is so injury prone. cut him some slack, and if you feel that deep need to scapegoat a player (as is always the case with saints fans) osvaldo's your man.

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I saw Alpine had posted to the Gaston thread so I whizzed over to see what it was.


Pleased I did; 'wastrel' is such an underused put-down, nice one Alps!


Aha. still sent from my effing nexus 4, but I have found the setting now dammit.

Also, kid gloves treatment is effing fantastic when he's been given the pre -agreed time off in relation to how his country performed in the tournament. No kid gloves, no special treatment.


I imagine Alps will be back to say that he never ever said kid gloves and I've resorted to making stuff up.

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So worst-case he will be back 1 week after Yoshi and Lovren (both who played 3 full matches), will he ?




I have never understood the kid gloves treatment where this wastrell is concerned.


Sounds about right mate.

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It's probably the training everyday and travelling that warrants a holiday.


Give the kid a break.


The club have given him loads of breaks (as well as ca. 7m in pay for f**k-all return), and now it seems hes going to get a bigger one than his team mates who made a bigger contribution to the WC (his biggest contribution was trying to get Chiellini to cover his shoulder up), and in the case of Yoshi, couldnt pop home to Mama like he could. He had to fly across the world twice, not once. And we seem to have forgotten he had a nice 2 month rest BEFORE the WC.


I really dont get the Gashton apologists on here; he's taking the p*ss out of the club.

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The club have given him loads of breaks (as well as ca. 7m in pay for f**k-all return), and now it seems hes going to get a bigger one than his team mates who made a bigger contribution to the WC (his biggest contribution was trying to get Chiellini to cover his shoulder up), and in the case of Yoshi, couldnt pop home to Mama like he could. He had to fly across the world twice, not once. And we seem to have forgotten he had a nice 2 month rest BEFORE the WC.


I really dont get the Gashton apologists on here; he's taking the p*ss out of the club.


You really have turned being a tw at into an art form.

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The club have given him loads of breaks (as well as ca. 7m in pay for f**k-all return), and now it seems hes going to get a bigger one than his team mates who made a bigger contribution to the WC (his biggest contribution was trying to get Chiellini to cover his shoulder up), and in the case of Yoshi, couldnt pop home to Mama like he could. He had to fly across the world twice, not once. And we seem to have forgotten he had a nice 2 month rest BEFORE the WC.


I really dont get the Gashton apologists on here; he's taking the p*ss out of the club.


By rest, you mean being injured right?


Also, read the thread. I'm not apologising for him. He hasn't produced enough yet and yes he needs to step up. I've shown clearly what my stance is, based on fact and logic.


You, as is par for the course, base your 'opinion' on blind emotion. That rarely ends well for you. You keep going on about the money like it's coming out of your pocket. It isn't, it's also not his fault that at 21 someone offered him a massive contract. Would you have turned it down? I'm sure as sh!t I would not have done.


To suggest he is taking the p*ss out of the club is utterly laughable. But again, par for the course.


EDIT: Actually, how much did Yoshi play last season? She he also have got no rest because of this? Can you not understand that being involved in a World Cup, travelling training and carrying that expectation is pretty draining. Both physically and mentally. Neither played a great deal last season, I hardly see that being through choice.

Edited by KelvinsRightGlove
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You really have turned being a tw at into an art form.


Explain to me what I have written that is incorrect.


The money ?

his contribution so far ?

His absence before the WC ?

Covering Chiellini's shoulder up ?


No, you lot cannot see the truth because he makes the occasional pretty move in between losing the ball and he has "potential"


The mark of a really good player is USING your potential.

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Explain to me what I have written that is incorrect.


The money ?

his contribution so far ?

His absence before the WC ?

Covering Chiellini's shoulder up ?


No, you lot cannot see the truth because he makes the occasional pretty move in between losing the ball and he has "potential"


The mark of a really good player is USING your potential.


Money = as I said, would you have turned it down? It's not like he held a gun to someone's head and forced us to pay him that.


Contribution = again, look at the stats. Matched Lallana & outperformed Puncheon in his only full season.


Absence = Injury from a pretty rough tackle. Nothing to do with being lightweight - just a very hard tackle. Could have happened to anyone. Are you criticising Jay for missing the end of the season? He wasn't even tackled - WHAT A DISGRACE!!! :hunt:


Chiellini = Player sticking up for his team-mate. What a pr*ck

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The club have given him loads of breaks (as well as ca. 7m in pay for f**k-all return), and now it seems hes going to get a bigger one than his team mates who made a bigger contribution to the WC (his biggest contribution was trying to get Chiellini to cover his shoulder up), and in the case of Yoshi, couldnt pop home to Mama like he could. He had to fly across the world twice, not once. And we seem to have forgotten he had a nice 2 month rest BEFORE the WC.


I really dont get the Gashton apologists on here; he's taking the p*ss out of the club.

This is why people love you Alpine!


"(Gaston's) biggest contribution was trying to get Chiellini to cover his shoulder up."


I must therefore assume you turned off in disgust after that and missed Gaston take the corner and gain an assist for the winning goal?


And you have a go at other people cherry picking to suit their arguments!?


Keep up the good work sir. Truly staggering.

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Money = as I said, would you have turned it down? It's not like he held a gun to someone's head and forced us to pay him that.


Contribution = again, look at the stats. Matched Lallana & outperformed Puncheon in his only full season.


Absence = Injury from a pretty rough tackle. Nothing to do with being lightweight - just a very hard tackle. Could have happened to anyone. Are you criticising Jay for missing the end of the season? He wasn't even tackled - WHAT A DISGRACE!!! :hunt:


Chiellini = Player sticking up for his team-mate. What a pr*ck


Jay won't be playing until Xmas...but he still got on the plane!

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Indeed. In my opinion he has never been interested in our club.


The opinion of a racist who has never seen Ramirez play.


Don't expect him to be able to justify it against stats, facts, views of professional players, his international manager, or fans who have seen him & appreciate talent.


Remember he also wrote off Lallana, Schneiderlin, and JayRod


Clearly not fancied by MP, and suffered injuries but he has looked decent in his limited appearances recently.

As a flair player the stars often look bad, however, a few quick examples-

Liverpool home, 85% pass, 3 successful tackles (both better than AL).


West Ham away, only on 30 mins, 2 tackles - 2nd highest, 4 shots 2nd highest, best pass accuracy 96%, 3 dribbles - 2nd highest, lost possession 0 - (AL 5.)


Cardiff played 60, 3 shots (2nd), 1 key pass, 86% pass, lost possession 0 (AL 4), highest successful tackles.


Everton away, 25 mins, one of 2 players with shot on target, despite playing ¼ of game 2nd in key passes and dribbles, ONLY player not to lose possession.


Wba, 30 mins, most shots on target, highest pass accuracy 94%, 1 dribble, lost possession 1.


Norwich home, 60 mins, sort of game we struggle to break down, most key passes - 3 more than AL, most successful through balls, 5 players lost possession more, best pass accuracy 95%, (AL 79%).


Chelsea, most key passes, lost possession 2 (AL 7).


Know stats aren't everything, but don't normally do his style of player justice. Certainly doesn't support criticism given


Lets not forget he lacks those all important quality that Saints fans love of running around a lot.


Or being English.


Funny how in his first season Gaston was level with Adam for goals & assists (combined) provided, and ahead of Puncheon. This despite it being his first year in England (it does take time to adjust, I don't care what anyone says), a string of injuries, a family bereavement and a change of manager. Against this backdrop only the South American was victimised, funny eh?


He hasn't been amazing, of course he hasn't. He does need to step us soon, absolutely. He can go missing sometimes, that is totally true - but can anyone name me a #10 type player that doesn't? If you can, can you name one that isn't playing at a top club - i.e. out of reach of Southampton? But, the stick he gets on here is beyond a joke. There's a fallacy that he is lazy, again it's untrue (same was said of Guly who then became the go to workhorse - what's the link there?). I also love that the people that criticise him for losing the ball are often the same people that criticise the possession football. So you want a man that will try and thread a through ball, and open up a defence - but when someone tries to do that they are still criticised.




I hope the lad does come good, he doesn't seem to have a bad attitude and is often mentioned the boy has great talent. He didn't really strop last season, and when played actually looked pretty useful. That assist against West Brom was brilliant (his detractors were quick to dismiss it as a fluke - despite him clearly looking for Adam's run before he receives the ball). He is the sort of player I love watching, he can make things happen - that isn't to say he can't be effing frustrating also.


And he isn't good English lad so doesnt appeal to Alpine's racist views.

Poor bulldog Cork, not fair he is on bench as just because Wanyama and Schneiderlin playing well, must keep him happy.


Gash Carlos Kickabout lazy and happy to be paid fortune to sit on bench just because Lallana playing so well.


Its some reassurance knowing those who don't see his ability haven't ever seen him play!


Remember, Lambert said he has never played with a player who has such good vision.

Neville - best player played against in12/13


Good ratings in world cup.


But on here he is rubbish!

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I would have thought fresh start with a new manager...he would jump at the chance to get back as early as possible and impress?


I'm sorry but I just don't get this...he's taking time off which was pre-agreed with the club before he left for the World Cup. Why shouldn't he take the time off he's entitled to?

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I'm sorry but I just don't get this...he's taking time off which was pre-agreed with the club before he left for the World Cup. Why shouldn't he take the time off he's entitled to?


Too right, plus I'd rather have Gaston come back refreshed rather that mentally and physically exhausted.

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The Gaston abuse has got to be one of the most irritating things on this forum, which is saying something.


He is clearly a very talented young player who had a decent enough debut season (during which he played most games and was equally if not more effective than Lallana, who has since been sold for double the value we paid for Gaston) and had a very dis-jointed season last time round through injuries and a manager that didn't fancy him


No doubt this season is his last chance to show what he can do and i'm hoping that RK recognises the talent he has and finds a way to get the best out of him. At his best he is the most talented creative player in the squad - i'd argue that his performance against Villa in the first Prem season was the best individual display from a Saints player in the entire two years we've been back in this league.


It sounds ludicrous to say it but i do genuinely believe that there are people on here who be annoyed if he does have a good season as they won't be able to abuse him every week.

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The Gaston abuse has got to be one of the most irritating things on this forum, which is saying something.


He is clearly a very talented young player who had a decent enough debut season (during which he played most games and was equally if not more effective than Lallana, who has since been sold for double the value we paid for Gaston) and had a very dis-jointed season last time round through injuries and a manager that didn't fancy him


No doubt this season is his last chance to show what he can do and i'm hoping that RK recognises the talent he has and finds a way to get the best out of him. At his best he is the most talented creative player in the squad - i'd argue that his performance against Villa in the first Prem season was the best individual display from a Saints player in the entire two years we've been back in this league.


It sounds ludicrous to say it but i do genuinely believe that there are people on here who be annoyed if he does have a good season as they won't be able to abuse him every week.


Well said...great player...if anyone cannot see this must be crazy!!!

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The club have given him loads of breaks (as well as ca. 7m in pay for f**k-all return), and now it seems hes going to get a bigger one than his team mates who made a bigger contribution to the WC (his biggest contribution was trying to get Chiellini to cover his shoulder up), and in the case of Yoshi, couldnt pop home to Mama like he could. He had to fly across the world twice, not once. And we seem to have forgotten he had a nice 2 month rest BEFORE the WC.


I really dont get the Gashton apologists on here; he's taking the p*ss out of the club.

FFS Alpine. Players get 3 weeks off when their team is knocked out of the WC. Nothing to do with the Club, it is a FIFA agreement. I guess you will be saying that Morgan is a wastrel as well will you? You have realised he is not back yet either. Our German contingent will not be returning for 3 weeks (so we won't see our new signings Gotze, Schweinsteiger and Neuer) until early August. Think you will find Gaston will be back this weekend as planned. If he's not then you a right to moan, otherwise just STFU.

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The Gaston abuse has got to be one of the most irritating things on this forum, which is saying something.


He is clearly a very talented young player who had a decent enough debut season (during which he played most games and was equally if not more effective than Lallana, who has since been sold for double the value we paid for Gaston) and had a very dis-jointed season last time round through injuries and a manager that didn't fancy him


No doubt this season is his last chance to show what he can do and i'm hoping that RK recognises the talent he has and finds a way to get the best out of him. At his best he is the most talented creative player in the squad - i'd argue that his performance against Villa in the first Prem season was the best individual display from a Saints player in the entire two years we've been back in this league.


It sounds ludicrous to say it but i do genuinely believe that there are people on here who be annoyed if he does have a good season as they won't be able to abuse him every week.


The name-calling is pathetic for any player.


I think the stats above somewhat masked the lack of effectiveness of Ramirez. Lallana's role was to get the ball in tight or difficult positions and get it somewhere else where things could be created - he wasn't an assister or a goalscorer, whereas Gaston is seen as a direct creator.


To me Ramirez looked better at keeping the ball in the dribble and had shown improvements in strength and decision-making over the previous season. He was used sparingly because of his previous tendencies to give the ball away or get muscled off it, but didn't do those things anything like as often when he played - but he still didn't have enough impact on the vast majority of matches for my liking.


I do (still) think that with a run of matches and a run-maker in front of him he can improve a lot, but I was saying this a year ago and he's still not done anything like enough to justify a starting position when we have Steven Davis doing a lot of the creative stuff with a much more consistent workrate. Which is not to say Ramirez doesn't work back - he does, he just doesn't close down all over midfield as much as some of our players who specialise in that.


I think I saw a stat saying Steven Davis was our top assister last season as well, which says a lot about the system - and that system has gone, so maybe different kinds of players will fit the new one better.

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The guy is being giving the standard 3 weeks off after a tournament which all players are given in such cases and people see fit to have a pop at the player for this. Were we all having a dig at Yoshida, Lovren, Schneiderlin and would we have done the same to Shaw, Lallana and Lambert if they were still at the club and England had gone further? A big resounding NO!


Give Gaston a break, he is having time off that he is entitled to. He may not have played much in the tournament but he still did all the travelling, media work, team analysis and meetings as well as training daily. Some of you are acting like dinlows and making complete mugs of yourself. I assume Schneirlin is next on your list as his time on the pitch at the world cup was not to dissimilar to Gaston's?

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The opinion of a racist who has never seen Ramirez play.


Don't expect him to be able to justify it against stats, facts, views of professional players, his international manager, or fans who have seen him & appreciate talent.


Remember he also wrote off Lallana, Schneiderlin, and JayRod


You post the same crap every time I comment on him.



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FFS Alpine. Players get 3 weeks off when their team is knocked out of the WC. Nothing to do with the Club, it is a FIFA agreement. I guess you will be saying that Morgan is a wastrel as well will you? You have realised he is not back yet either. Our German contingent will not be returning for 3 weeks (so we won't see our new signings Gotze, Schweinsteiger and Neuer) until early August. Think you will find Gaston will be back this weekend as planned. If he's not then you a right to moan, otherwise just STFU.


usual b*ll*cks.


Uruguay went out in the second round. Croatia went out in group stage. So, if He aint back next weekend, what will your excuse be ?


Morgan played in a QF, so is entitled to come back later. As I said, b*ll*cks from you...

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Explain to me what I have written that is incorrect.


The money ?

his contribution so far ?

His absence before the WC ?

Covering Chiellini's shoulder up ?


No, you lot cannot see the truth because he makes the occasional pretty move in between losing the ball and he has "potential"


The mark of a really good player is USING your potential.

Still on this thread then Alps?


Would you care to retract, at the very least, the comment about Gaston's only contribution at the WC?


Or are we ignoring the assist for the winning goal?

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Still on this thread then Alps?


Would you care to retract, at the very least, the comment about Gaston's only contribution at the WC?


Or are we ignoring the assist for the winning goal?


Didnt say "only", I said "biggest"


TSW Illiteracy strikes again......

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usual b*ll*cks.


Uruguay went out in the second round. Croatia went out in group stage. So, if He aint back next weekend, what will your excuse be ?


Morgan played in a QF, so is entitled to come back later. As I said, b*ll*cks from you...

What will your excuse be if he is back this weekend?


Oh, I think we know already.


The mating call of the Alpine weasel.


"It's easy in hindsight".

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Didnt say "only", I said "biggest"


TSW Illiteracy strikes again......

So you think a two second spat with a defender is a bigger contribution than an assist for a winning goal?


I think, when it comes to illiteracy, you need to look up the difference, meanings and correct usage of superlative adjectives.


But again, bless you for trying! I just hoped that you would and it is rather amusing.

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Gaston has the potential to be better than Lallana IMO. So surely this a player we want to keep and play often?


Alpine do you/ have you played football at a competitive level?


You give an indication that you're the sort of person that never has and hates a player if he doesn't 'run around enough' and 'takes too many risks' (loses possesion too often)

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usual b*ll*cks.


Uruguay went out in the second round. Croatia went out in group stage. So, if He aint back next weekend, what will your excuse be ?


Morgan played in a QF, so is entitled to come back later. As I said, b*ll*cks from you...


Your basic maths says that Lovren will be back first (and was, on Sunday), then Ramirez, then Schneiderlin. So far we've seen no evidence that this is not the case. So why are you whining?

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I wish Gaston could take a break from international duties for a while. Not likely obviously, but frustrating that he's called up for so many trips over the other side of the world just to play 20 mins here and there.


His fitness has always been a problem (can't think of a game where he's lasted 90 mins,) so would love it if he could just concentrate on his club football for an extended period. He seems to either be with Uruguay (not doing much) or nursing an injury.

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Still on this thread then Alps?


Would you care to retract, at the very least, the comment about Gaston's only contribution at the WC?


Or are we ignoring the assist for the winning goal?


He also piggy-backed onto one of the biggest stories in the World Cup by pulling Chiellini's shirt over the bitemarks, cunningly raising his worldwide profile in case we want to sell him. Above and beyond the cause, I'd say.

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