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State of the forum thread: Endless random negative musing threads

Matthew Le God

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Everyone knows exactly the rubbish you were spouting in those threads. Just admit it.


I talked about many of the things they mention, but not in the way that CB Fry and Batman describe as they've twisted them, added elements that weren't there and taken them out of the context they were written. You have as well it appears.

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I'm not being negative though am I? I'm saying give Koeman time and judge the board on the transfer activity in this window when it shuts, not on day 2 of pre-season. That is the rational way to approach it. If our squad looks poor in early September then I'll criticise the board as negativity will then be deserved, it isn't at the moment.


Go suit yourself mate, I'm not telling you what to do or what to be thinking at any one given time. Guess we'll talk in September.

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I love how the original post was about boring, pointless threads from posters yet this is the most boring and pointless thread of the last few weeks.


Well of course this thread was going to be boring, it is about people that start pointless and boring (sometimes trolling) threads so they were likely to try and defend themselves and attack me. Inevitable then this thread would be a car crash, but it hopefully it has an outside chance of creating a by-pass around the countless random musing threads. In itself it is also a random musing thread, but I'm raising the issue.

Edited by Matthew Le God
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Well of course this thread was going to be boring, it is about people that start pointless and boring (sometimes trolling) threads so they were likely to try and defend themselves and attack me. Inevitable then this thread would be a car crash, but it hopefully it has an outside chance of creating a by-pass around the countless random musing threads. In itself it is also a random musing thread, but I'm raising the issue.


Are you including yourself in the "people who start boring and pointless threads" list? Because I can think of quite a few examples.

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Are you including yourself in the "people who start boring and pointless threads" list? Because I can think of quite a few examples.


See you've twisted it already, the thread title is "random negative musing threads". Can you provide examples of those I have ever made?

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Can you let me know which of the threads I have started prompted you to add me to the list?


Mainly your posts rather than threads you've started, but here is one...




Strange thing is, I used to like your posts. As Mark Clattenburg would say... "you've changed".

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See you've twisted it already, the thread title is "random negative musing threads". Can you provide examples of those I have ever made?


You just said yourself it was about people started by pointless and boring threads! That would very much include yourself.

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I'm only logging in to get quick updates on signings etc. I mean let's face it, players will leave, players will arrive, but we don't have any control over any of it. Come the start of the season we'll cheer on our team. Sure it's disappointing to lose good players etc but at the end of the day almost all of us couldn't go and cheer for anyone else so we make the best of what we have, who knows how it will turn out? Great players often fail and underwhelming signings sometimes do really well. Let's wait and see eh?

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Good idea. Probably shouldn't have started such an inflammatory thread in the first place given that it makes you look so hypocritical.


In a few days he'll deny he ever started this thread and accuse people who say he did of "twisting things out of context".

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I'm not sure you can have a go at other posters just because their opinion differs from the norm.

The problem isn't about other posters having different opinions, it's the fact that they feel the need to repeat them literally hundreds of times. On many many many different threads. And when they've flooded those threads to extinction, they start another one. And another. Ad nauseum.

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This thread is just feeding the trolls if people ignored them they wouldn't post but everyone piles into an alpine thread to feed his attention seeking tolling so of course he carries on doing it!


I find the forum much more readable since I made use of the ignore list function (only forum I've ever put someone on it) now if people would just stop quoting the crap that certain people perpetuate then I would be free of it for good.


PS wind your neck in son, this thread makes you look like a tosser as does your continued pedantic nit picking of the forum.

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I love how the original post was about boring, pointless threads from posters yet this is the most boring and pointless thread of the last few weeks.


So pointless that you have posted 8 posts on it.


For what it's worth I enjoy MLG contributions more than some others. The negativity on here is at epidemic proportions at the moment.


My mum has dementia and I used to get really cross in the beginning (before we knew what was happening) because she wouldn't listen, now I let her do what she wants and we are all less stressed.

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Personally I enjoy the 'negative' posters (not in a sexual way you understand) as much as the positive posters, the rational posters and the posters who are outright bonkers. Alpine, for example, truly cracks me up. I don't care if people have a different opinion to me about the state of our club. I know what I think and I think it's interesting to hear how other people think, even if they have polar opposite opinions and personalities to me.


I come here to catch up with everyone's 'inside' info which I don't have and to kick back and chill out a bit. I don't see too much wrong with the forum in that respect to be honest. Let the 'negative' guys carry on. It would be boring as hell if everyone was only bigging us up in every post.

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Twisted, taking things out of context, ********.


You do lean towards the boring side but your ok, whereas the bell that

is CB FRY only posts to antagonise others and wind people up and i find him a bit of a tool...But it takes all sorts i suppose

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I will be brief.


If there is a problem it is not the number of ‘random’ threads, but that posters don’t read and analyse O’Ps, and roam off topic, often posting inanities.


Most threads that are hotly debated create spin-off topics of their own. To contain them in one thread such as player comings and goings would end up inordinately long. Spin-off threads are like sub-chapters and deserve threads of their own, and everyone has a right to debate and focus on them.

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I like MLG - one of my favourite posters, not least because he annoys the forum WUMs and antagonists better than I ever could :)


And he's often quoted out of context where it suits. MLG's posts are always laced with caveats to temper his views but you'll rarely find the usual suspects quoting those bits....


All good fun :)

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I dont have a problem with different views but it is the constant, relentless negativity that drains the life out of this place that I dont like. You will always get some glass half full or half empty views but there are a number of people who for whom there is nothing at all in the glass and they seem to be borderline manic depressives. To say that they labour the point to death is not an exageration. I can understand when facts are thin on the ground you will get opinions and conjecture, but when people start making up their own facts to suit their agenda it does get tiresome. There clearly has not been a firesale and no asset stripping. A manager has been left and replaced by someone of standing in the game. Three players have been sold and new ones are coming in yet if you were to believe the negative posters we are a club in turmoil and are in meltdown. No we are not but through their constant whinning and negativity even the most rational people start to feel that maybe there is something in that. There clearly isnt and the people running the club are given a harder job because they need to fight that in order to keep the club progressing. I know where MLG is coming from as yesterday I said the same thing on a thred strated by one of the Usual Suspects. That perosn had written countless negative posts and then topped it all by starting a negative thread regurgitating all of the negative stuff he had spouted before. It just becomes soul destroying. I used to post a lot on here but thankfully moved to a place where there was poor internet connection so stopped posting but did read occasionally. Sanity returned! Having now moved and with a better connection I started to read and post more to the point that I thought I would register again. Now I am wondering why I bothered. Whereas before there was the occasional negative poster that seems to have grown into a small group (unless it is the same person posting under different names) who infect the Board and just constantly drag everything down. Yes, of course there is concern about change. Koeman could turn out to be better, the same or worse than Pochettino. The players replacing Lallana, Shaw and Lambert could be better, the same or worse, but for goodness sakes, to summise that they will be worse straight away without any evidence to back up that assertion is delusional and makes no sense whatsoever. To say there is a firesale or that asset are being stripped or that the Board do not know what they are doing when all that is happening is people leaving and being replaced is just nonsense. There are views and there are agendas. People with agendas will take everything that is happening and twist it to suit their position. No grey areas, just black and white. Do you know what? Cortese is not the only person who can have a plan or a vision. Everyone running a business (for that is what this is) has a business plan. Some work, some dont. After a period of instabilty and poor performance we then went through a period of (relative) stability (this doesnt include managers) and relative success (although we only won one competition in that time). It is a rollercoaster ride and there will always be ups and downs yet to read this forum you would think that SFC (or Engalnd for that matter) are immune to the natural order of things and that downs are not allowed. People make decisions evey day, some good some bad. It doesnt make them "idiots" it makes them human (fallible). To spend hours of your day expecting and reflecting on a failure that hasnt even (and may never) materialise is not at all healthy.

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I dont have a problem with different views but it is the constant, relentless negativity that drains the life out of this place that I dont like. You will always get some glass half full or half empty views but there are a number of people who for whom there is nothing at all in the glass and they seem to be borderline manic depressives. To say that they labour the point to death is not an exageration. I can understand when facts are thin on the ground you will get opinions and conjecture, but when people start making up their own facts to suit their agenda it does get tiresome. There clearly has not been a firesale and no asset stripping. A manager has been left and replaced by someone of standing in the game. Three players have been sold and new ones are coming in yet if you were to believe the negative posters we are a club in turmoil and are in meltdown. No we are not but through their constant whinning and negativity even the most rational people start to feel that maybe there is something in that. There clearly isnt and the people running the club are given a harder job because they need to fight that in order to keep the club progressing. I know where MLG is coming from as yesterday I said the same thing on a thred strated by one of the Usual Suspects. That perosn had written countless negative posts and then topped it all by starting a negative thread regurgitating all of the negative stuff he had spouted before. It just becomes soul destroying. I used to post a lot on here but thankfully moved to a place where there was poor internet connection so stopped posting but did read occasionally. Sanity returned! Having now moved and with a better connection I started to read and post more to the point that I thought I would register again. Now I am wondering why I bothered. Whereas before there was the occasional negative poster that seems to have grown into a small group (unless it is the same person posting under different names) who infect the Board and just constantly drag everything down. Yes, of course there is concern about change. Koeman could turn out to be better, the same or worse than Pochettino. The players replacing Lallana, Shaw and Lambert could be better, the same or worse, but for goodness sakes, to summise that they will be worse straight away without any evidence to back up that assertion is delusional and makes no sense whatsoever. To say there is a firesale or that asset are being stripped or that the Board do not know what they are doing when all that is happening is people leaving and being replaced is just nonsense. There are views and there are agendas. People with agendas will take everything that is happening and twist it to suit their position. No grey areas, just black and white. Do you know what? Cortese is not the only person who can have a plan or a vision. Everyone running a business (for that is what this is) has a business plan. Some work, some dont. After a period of instabilty and poor performance we then went through a period of (relative) stability (this doesnt include managers) and relative success (although we only won one competition in that time). It is a rollercoaster ride and there will always be ups and downs yet to read this forum you would think that SFC (or Engalnd for that matter) are immune to the natural order of things and that downs are not allowed. People make decisions evey day, some good some bad. It doesnt make them "idiots" it makes them human (fallible). To spend hours of your day expecting and reflecting on a failure that hasnt even (and may never) materialise is not at all healthy.


If Carlsberg did 47 sentence paragraphs....


(sorry, cheap shot...couldn't resist....)



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I dont have a problem with different views but it is the constant, relentless negativity that drains the life out of this place that I dont like. You will always get some glass half full or half empty views but there are a number of people who for whom there is nothing at all in the glass and they seem to be borderline manic depressives. To say that they labour the point to death is not an exageration. I can understand when facts are thin on the ground you will get opinions and conjecture, but when people start making up their own facts to suit their agenda it does get tiresome. There clearly has not been a firesale and no asset stripping. A manager has been left and replaced by someone of standing in the game. Three players have been sold and new ones are coming in yet if you were to believe the negative posters we are a club in turmoil and are in meltdown. No we are not but through their constant whinning and negativity even the most rational people start to feel that maybe there is something in that. There clearly isnt and the people running the club are given a harder job because they need to fight that in order to keep the club progressing. I know where MLG is coming from as yesterday I said the same thing on a thred strated by one of the Usual Suspects. That perosn had written countless negative posts and then topped it all by starting a negative thread regurgitating all of the negative stuff he had spouted before. It just becomes soul destroying. I used to post a lot on here but thankfully moved to a place where there was poor internet connection so stopped posting but did read occasionally. Sanity returned! Having now moved and with a better connection I started to read and post more to the point that I thought I would register again. Now I am wondering why I bothered. Whereas before there was the occasional negative poster that seems to have grown into a small group (unless it is the same person posting under different names) who infect the Board and just constantly drag everything down. Yes, of course there is concern about change. Koeman could turn out to be better, the same or worse than Pochettino. The players replacing Lallana, Shaw and Lambert could be better, the same or worse, but for goodness sakes, to summise that they will be worse straight away without any evidence to back up that assertion is delusional and makes no sense whatsoever. To say there is a firesale or that asset are being stripped or that the Board do not know what they are doing when all that is happening is people leaving and being replaced is just nonsense. There are views and there are agendas. People with agendas will take everything that is happening and twist it to suit their position. No grey areas, just black and white. Do you know what? Cortese is not the only person who can have a plan or a vision. Everyone running a business (for that is what this is) has a business plan. Some work, some dont. After a period of instabilty and poor performance we then went through a period of (relative) stability (this doesnt include managers) and relative success (although we only won one competition in that time). It is a rollercoaster ride and there will always be ups and downs yet to read this forum you would think that SFC (or Engalnd for that matter) are immune to the natural order of things and that downs are not allowed. People make decisions evey day, some good some bad. It doesnt make them "idiots" it makes them human (fallible). To spend hours of your day expecting and reflecting on a failure that hasnt even (and may never) materialise is not at all healthy.


Carriage Return.

Carriage Return.


(Sorry, please take that as positive criticism!)


Otherwise; great post. Agree.

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So pointless that you have posted 8 posts on it.


For what it's worth I enjoy MLG contributions more than some others. The negativity on here is at epidemic proportions at the moment.


My mum has dementia and I used to get really cross in the beginning (before we knew what was happening) because she wouldn't listen, now I let her do what she wants and we are all less stressed.


Not sure how me posting on it makes it any less pointless in the first place. I can also understand why there is an air of negativity around at present, it's because all our best players have left or are in the process of leaving/on strike.

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I like MLG - one of my favourite posters, not least because he annoys the forum WUMs and antagonists better than I ever could :)


And he's often quoted out of context where it suits. MLG's posts are always laced with caveats to temper his views but you'll rarely find the usual suspects quoting those bits....


All good fun :)


That's because he never wants to commit himself to an opinion about anything ever. Heaven forbid that future events could find out that he was wrong.

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I wish there was an 'eliminate all posters from a thread PERMANENTLY' button.


I realise I too have now contributed to this thread but I would gladly take one for the team...


They're all here... we could once and for all banish these morons.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion negative or not rational or not
Agree, but when they endlessly reapeat it and modify it and contradict it and repeat it............................. it does get a tad tiresome, more quality less quantity and less abuse wouldny go amiss.
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Do anything about it? What on earth would a forum poster do about it in any month?
more negativity.we can force the club into signing players before it is too late. In sept, if we haven't signed anyone then it will be too late. We could pressure the board by posting our opinions on here and then we will have to wait till jan before we sign anyone, unless they are free agents. Why not be proactive and post complaints NOW so that the board have to buy players.
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I dont have a problem with different views but it is the constant, relentless negativity that drains the life out of this place that I dont like. You will always get some glass half full or half empty views but there are a number of people who for whom there is nothing at all in the glass and they seem to be borderline manic depressives. To say that they labour the point to death is not an exageration. I can understand when facts are thin on the ground you will get opinions and conjecture, but when people start making up their own facts to suit their agenda it does get tiresome. There clearly has not been a firesale and no asset stripping. A manager has been left and replaced by someone of standing in the game. Three players have been sold and new ones are coming in yet if you were to believe the negative posters we are a club in turmoil and are in meltdown. No we are not but through their constant whinning and negativity even the most rational people start to feel that maybe there is something in that. There clearly isnt and the people running the club are given a harder job because they need to fight that in order to keep the club progressing. I know where MLG is coming from as yesterday I said the same thing on a thred strated by one of the Usual Suspects. That perosn had written countless negative posts and then topped it all by starting a negative thread regurgitating all of the negative stuff he had spouted before. It just becomes soul destroying. I used to post a lot on here but thankfully moved to a place where there was poor internet connection so stopped posting but did read occasionally. Sanity returned! Having now moved and with a better connection I started to read and post more to the point that I thought I would register again. Now I am wondering why I bothered. Whereas before there was the occasional negative poster that seems to have grown into a small group (unless it is the same person posting under different names) who infect the Board and just constantly drag everything down. Yes, of course there is concern about change. Koeman could turn out to be better, the same or worse than Pochettino. The players replacing Lallana, Shaw and Lambert could be better, the same or worse, but for goodness sakes, to summise that they will be worse straight away without any evidence to back up that assertion is delusional and makes no sense whatsoever. To say there is a firesale or that asset are being stripped or that the Board do not know what they are doing when all that is happening is people leaving and being replaced is just nonsense. There are views and there are agendas. People with agendas will take everything that is happening and twist it to suit their position. No grey areas, just black and white. Do you know what? Cortese is not the only person who can have a plan or a vision. Everyone running a business (for that is what this is) has a business plan. Some work, some dont. After a period of instabilty and poor performance we then went through a period of (relative) stability (this doesnt include managers) and relative success (although we only won one competition in that time). It is a rollercoaster ride and there will always be ups and downs yet to read this forum you would think that SFC (or Engalnd for that matter) are immune to the natural order of things and that downs are not allowed. People make decisions evey day, some good some bad. It doesnt make them "idiots" it makes them human (fallible). To spend hours of your day expecting and reflecting on a failure that hasnt even (and may never) materialise is not at all healthy.


Can someone bullet point this for me ?

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Can someone bullet point this for me ?


* I dont have a problem with different views but it is the constant, relentless negativity that drains the life out of this place that I dont like. You will always get some glass half full or half empty views but there are a number of people who for whom there is nothing at all in the glass and they seem to be borderline manic depressives. To say that they labour the point to death is not an exageration. I can understand when facts are thin on the ground you will get opinions and conjecture, but when people start making up their own facts to suit their agenda it does get tiresome. There clearly has not been a firesale and no asset stripping. A manager has been left and replaced by someone of standing in the game. Three players have been sold and new ones are coming in yet if you were to believe the negative posters we are a club in turmoil and are in meltdown. No we are not but through their constant whinning and negativity even the most rational people start to feel that maybe there is something in that. There clearly isnt and the people running the club are given a harder job because they need to fight that in order to keep the club progressing. I know where MLG is coming from as yesterday I said the same thing on a thred strated by one of the Usual Suspects. That perosn had written countless negative posts and then topped it all by starting a negative thread regurgitating all of the negative stuff he had spouted before. It just becomes soul destroying. I used to post a lot on here but thankfully moved to a place where there was poor internet connection so stopped posting but did read occasionally. Sanity returned! Having now moved and with a better connection I started to read and post more to the point that I thought I would register again. Now I am wondering why I bothered. Whereas before there was the occasional negative poster that seems to have grown into a small group (unless it is the same person posting under different names) who infect the Board and just constantly drag everything down. Yes, of course there is concern about change. Koeman could turn out to be better, the same or worse than Pochettino. The players replacing Lallana, Shaw and Lambert could be better, the same or worse, but for goodness sakes, to summise that they will be worse straight away without any evidence to back up that assertion is delusional and makes no sense whatsoever. To say there is a firesale or that asset are being stripped or that the Board do not know what they are doing when all that is happening is people leaving and being replaced is just nonsense. There are views and there are agendas. People with agendas will take everything that is happening and twist it to suit their position. No grey areas, just black and white. Do you know what? Cortese is not the only person who can have a plan or a vision. Everyone running a business (for that is what this is) has a business plan. Some work, some dont. After a period of instabilty and poor performance we then went through a period of (relative) stability (this doesnt include managers) and relative success (although we only won one competition in that time). It is a rollercoaster ride and there will always be ups and downs yet to read this forum you would think that SFC (or Engalnd for that matter) are immune to the natural order of things and that downs are not allowed. People make decisions evey day, some good some bad. It doesnt make them "idiots" it makes them human (fallible). To spend hours of your day expecting and reflecting on a failure that hasnt even (and may never) materialise is not at all healthy.

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Can someone bullet point this for me ?


Have given it the Neil Allen treatment....


I dont have a problem with different views but it is the constant, relentless negativity that drains the life out of this place that I dont like.


You will always get some glass half full or half empty views but there are a number of people who for whom there is nothing at all in the glass and they seem to be borderline manic depressives.


To say that they labour the point to death is not an exageration.


I can understand when facts are thin on the ground you will get opinions and conjecture, but when people start making up their own facts to suit their agenda it does get tiresome.


There clearly has not been a firesale and no asset stripping.


A manager has been left and replaced by someone of standing in the game.


Three players have been sold and new ones are coming in yet if you were to believe the negative posters we are a club in turmoil and are in meltdown.


No we are not but through their constant whinning and negativity even the most rational people start to feel that maybe there is something in that.


There clearly isnt and the people running the club are given a harder job because they need to fight that in order to keep the club progressing.


I know where MLG is coming from as yesterday I said the same thing on a thred strated by one of the Usual Suspects.


That perosn had written countless negative posts and then topped it all by starting a negative thread regurgitating all of the negative stuff he had spouted before.


It just becomes soul destroying.


I used to post a lot on here but thankfully moved to a place where there was poor internet connection so stopped posting but did read occasionally.


Sanity returned! Having now moved and with a better connection I started to read and post more to the point that I thought I would register again.


Now I am wondering why I bothered.


Whereas before there was the occasional negative poster that seems to have grown into a small group (unless it is the same person posting under different names) who infect the Board and just constantly drag everything down.


Yes, of course there is concern about change.


Koeman could turn out to be better, the same or worse than Pochettino.


The players replacing Lallana, Shaw and Lambert could be better, the same or worse, but for goodness sakes, to summise that they will be worse straight away without any evidence to back up that assertion is delusional and makes no sense whatsoever.


To say there is a firesale or that asset are being stripped or that the Board do not know what they are doing when all that is happening is people leaving and being replaced is just nonsense.


There are views and there are agendas.


People with agendas will take everything that is happening and twist it to suit their position. No grey areas, just black and white. Do you know what?


Cortese is not the only person who can have a plan or a vision.


Everyone running a business (for that is what this is) has a business plan.


Some work, some dont.


After a period of instabilty and poor performance we then went through a period of (relative) stability (this doesnt include managers) and relative success (although we only won one competition in that time).


It is a rollercoaster ride and there will always be ups and downs yet to read this forum you would think that SFC (or Engalnd for that matter) are immune to the natural order of things and that downs are not allowed.


People make decisions evey day, some good some bad.


It doesnt make them "idiots" it makes them human (fallible).


To spend hours of your day expecting and reflecting on a failure that hasnt even (and may never) materialise is not at all healthy.



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