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Lallana completes move to LFC for a fee of around £25m


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Great summary on The Ugly. Captures the feeling of the whole club.



Adam Lallana's Daily Echo Statement Backfires

Wednesday, 2nd Jul 2014 10:36

When it was announced that Adam Lallana was going to thank the fans in a full page advert in the Daily Echo it seemed a good way for the now ex Saints Captain to make up with the supporters, but that has not turned out to be the case.


Saints supporters expecting a heartfelt message straight from the heart of Adam Lallana as was the case with Rickie Lambert's departure a month ago' were to be sorely disappointed and judging by comments on social media sites, the full page message actually seems to have been counter productive in that it has further fuelled rumour that Lallana has changed from a down to earth all round nice guy to a person who has found it quite easy to turn his back on those supporters who have worshipped him.


The full page in today's Daily Echo seems little more than a pr stunt dream't up by his people, rather than a personal message written by Lallana himself, most of the page is taken up by a picture of Lallana himself followed by a very short few words reading.



"14 unforgettable years, the memories will last a lifetime, thank you Saints fans for your endless support, a place in my heart forever"


This has lead to indignation across social media sites, whilst most Saints fans can appreciate the reasons why Lallana should want to move, they are struggling with the alleged reports in the press about his behaviour, here Lallana had the chance to say a few things to the fans on a personal level as Rickie Lambert did, but he chose to put in a few words that said nothing.


Pointedly the Southampton Football Club's own official statement was just as short as Lallana's message, it merely confirmed that the player had left and that the fee although undisclosed would help the club further develop the squad. It was a cold and emotionless statement unlike the warm words that accompanied Shaw & Lambert's departure.


When both Rickie Lambert and Luke Shaw left the Club statement's were far more extensive and wished both players well with their new clubs, seemingly suggesting that transfer negotiations had been conducted in the right manner and that Saints felt that the move was not only right for the players but also for the club itself.


Saints short and sweet statement lends credence to an article in the Daily Star this morning that suggests that Lallana had told the club he would never play for them again if they did not sell him to Liverpool.


Certainly rumours in the press after the end of last season suggested that unlike Shaw & Lambert, Lallana was making demands about his potential move, the other two seemed content to sit back and let events take their course, or at least publicly they did meaning the supporters could wave them off with no animosity.


But with Lallana there was that whiff of something that stank in the air, at best Lallana was just plain naive, certainly the signing of a Liverpool shirt in Miami and the comment to the fan that he hoped he would be moving to Anfield was ill advised, but that could all be put down to it being just another naive, arrogant professional footballer who had no idea of anything bar his own self.


The sad thing was that Adam Lallana was never that type of footballer, over the years he had always come across as a humble person with his feet firmly on the ground and it should be remembered that in the past he has shown great loyalty to this club, if anyone in the squad truly deserved a big money move, it was him for the service he has given us, in fact he really should have gone with the fans wishes ringing in his ears and not some newspaper report allegedly showing him up as being just what Mark Clattenberg alleged up at Goodison Park last December.


The Daily Star is clearly getting its info from someone close to the club, football clubs usually retain their dignity and rarely get involved in wars of words publicly, but that doesn't stop them getting their side of the story out through friendly journos in the national press.




"A club source said: "Adam threw his toys out of the pram and said he would never play for the club again if they did not accept Liverpool's offer. It left a bitter taste."


As was reported in today's Daily Star, you can bet your bottom dollar that this is coming from a club source very close to the corridors of power, it is not just on the words of the car park attendant.


I can understand why Lallana should be desperate for this move, the irony is that if he had kept quiet and let things run there course then like Shaw and Lambert it would probably have happened, the reality is that a year ago Adam Lallana signed a five year deal knowing that there were few other premier clubs interested in him and those that where would not have been interested in paying much over £5 million, one good season later and his value has rocketed, the truth is this is perhaps a much better deal for Saints than some would realise, Lallana was always going to go at that price the only real question was for how much, Saints were within their rights to hold out and try to push the price up, Lallana didn't think they were and if the Daily Star is to be believed issued these ultimatums.


Whatever way you look at it Lallana hasn't come out of this smelling of roses, only he and the club know the real truth, however with this full page ad he had the chance to set a few things straight, he had the chance to leave with his dignity intact and the supporters who loved him for so long and supported him through thick and thin to wish him well.


If he had written the piece from the heart and not dismissed us with so few words that could have been the case, to be blunt I have had better thank you's in Macdonalds when buying a burger, if he had done that then we would remember him fondly, now even the most avid Lallana supporter feels cheated and that these are the actions of a man that if these allegations are true did not deserve our affections.


Good luck Adam Lallana I hope that you find happiness and what you want to achieve, somehow I think that you won't truly do so, as your alleged behavior showed that perhaps you are not as confident in your abilities as you will perhaps need to be at a club like Liverpool


That is actually a good, well balanced read. Thanks for posting.

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I somehow think that we got less than 20 million for the move.


Liverpool forum suggesting fee was £16m to Saints with £4m to Bournemouth. Fee rises to £23m based on performance clauses etc.


Not sure if Bournemouth net any more from the performance payments or their share is final.

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That is actually a good, well balanced read. Thanks for posting.


But he should have just posted a link because this stuff is copyrighted. Not that I think Nick would mind but you never know. These articles appear on another website and no-one has the right to regurgitate them here (or anywhere else) without permission. It's not my problem but it could be for the owners of the site. Perhaps the admin need to put out a little reminder about copyright and libel again.

Edited by Window Cleaner
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But he should have just posted a link because this stuff is copyrighted. Not that I think Nick would mind but you never know. These articles appear on another website and no-one has the right to regurgitate them here (or anywhere else) without permission. It's not my problem but it could be for the owners of the site. Perhaps the admin need to put out a little reminder about copyright and libel again.


He credited the Ugly website so don't think there's any copyright issues.

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And did ou ask Nick if you could reproduce his article here, No? thought not.


Oh behave, nowt would get posted on here at if we had to seek permission everytime. Also, if its already in the public domain there is no issue.

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He credited the Ugly website so don't think there's any copyright issues.



Yes there are, read the terms and conditions on any site.Just saying where it comes from does not give you the right to reproduce it elsewhere.

By looking at the Ugly you see their adverts etc. For instance the fixture list for football, you aren't allowed to reproduce it and say Oh yes it comes from the FA. It's copyright you can't reproduce it without express permission of the owner.

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But he should have just posted a link because this stuff is copyrighted. Not that I think Nick would mind but you never know. These articles appear on another website and no-one has the right to regurgitate them here (or anywhere else) without permission. It's not my problem but it could be for the owners of the site. Perhaps the admin need to put out a little reminder about copyright and libel again.


apparently Nick has started legal proceedings.

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Oh behave, nowt would get posted on here at if we had to seek permission everytime. Also, if its already in the public domain there is no issue.


total fallacy, copyright and intellectual property are exactly that, the property of the owner and cannot be reproduced without permission. Try copying out a bestseller and putting it up on the internet and see where it gets you.

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Yes there are, read the terms and conditions on any site.Just saying where it comes from does not give you the right to reproduce it elsewhere.

By looking at the Ugly you see their adverts etc. For instance the fixture list for football, you aren't allowed to reproduce it and say Oh yes it comes from the FA. It's copyright you can't reproduce it without express permission of the owner.


You just copied my post you c*nt.

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But he should have just posted a link because this stuff is copyrighted. Not that I think Nick would mind but you never know. These articles appear on another website and no-one has the right to regurgitate them here (or anywhere else) without permission. It's not my problem but it could be for the owners of the site. Perhaps the admin need to put out a little reminder about copyright and libel again.
to be fair the original letter is using quotes from the Star. I do get your drift though
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Loads of LFC tweets saying its only 16mil + addons


That's come from Indyknob which was copied by a nobody. I think they are confused as that is probably the fee Saints got with Bournemouth being paid their fee separately.

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Loads of LFC tweets saying its only 16mil + addons


As I said, total confusion and we'll never ever know the real figures, exactly as in the case of Shaw. Lallana has gone for a figure that the club eventually judged acceptable. Liverpool fans will file it down, ours will crank it up, each to satisfy their own desire not to have been ripped off.

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It also ignores that the Bournemouth chief executive said sacrifices had to be made...




if they'd taken a hit down to say 20% 16+4 would be about right actually. Depends on exactly what constitutes the transfer fee and the role of VAT in all that.

16 for Saints,4 for Bournemouth and 5 for the tax man, total 25 million, as I said we'll never know.

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You really do come across as a tit


OK... If that's what pointing out forum rules generates I've no problem with it. I'll let the admin sort out their problems and adherence to their rules next time.

  • DO NOT copy and paste entire articles from other websites on the forum. It is almost certainly a breach of copyright, and we get a lot of hassle from people at the Echo and the like because of it.

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if they'd taken a hit down to say 20% 16+4 would be about right actually. Depends on exactly what constitutes the transfer fee and the role of VAT in all that.

16 for Saints,4 for Bournemouth and 5 for the tax man, total 25 million, as I said we'll never know.


I don't think anyone talks VAT in a business where buyers will be claiming VAT back on purchases. and where the international market won't pay VAT.

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I for one, agree. Everyone has had their say and judged on what they have seen and heard. Let's just put this to bed and hope for a new signing today or early tomorrow! :p:p:p:p


Agree. And hopefully by the time I get back from being under the dentist's drill, I will have something to cheer me up.

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I for one, agree. Everyone has had their say and judged on what they have seen and heard. Let's just put this to bed and hope for a new signing today or early tomorrow! :p:p:p:p


Out of interest you mentioned a couple of times that after the first deal all others will be undisclosed. Now if I was to put my cynical hat on I would say that was because we don't intend on spending all the money we have taken in on sales this summer on recruits in.


So I guess the question is do you think we will spend as a minimum everything that we bring in plus the additional transfer pot that was already allocated?

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Out of interest you mentioned a couple of times that after the first deal all others will be undisclosed. Now if I was to put my cynical hat on I would say that was because we don't intend on spending all the money we have taken in on sales this summer on recruits in.


So I guess the question is do you think we will spend as a minimum everything that we bring in plus the additional transfer pot that was already allocated?


Disclosing transfer fees also gives other clubs an indication of how much we're willing to shell out. If we let the world know we've (hypothetically) paid £10m for Pelle then nobody's going to accept less for their striker.

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I for one, agree. Everyone has had their say and judged on what they have seen and heard. Let's just put this to bed and hope for a new signing today or early tomorrow! :p:p:p:p


Agreed. If this saga has taught us anything it is to set and stick to standards. So from now on Guan, one smiley winky thing per imminent new signing, please!!

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Yes there are, read the terms and conditions on any site.Just saying where it comes from does not give you the right to reproduce it elsewhere.

By looking at the Ugly you see their adverts etc. For instance the fixture list for football, you aren't allowed to reproduce it and say Oh yes it comes from the FA. It's copyright you can't reproduce it without express permission of the owner.


Right, I've got a game for us to play! It's called "Guess who's had his fingers burnt by copyright laws before"!

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Right, I've got a game for us to play! It's called "Guess who's had his fingers burnt by copyright laws before"!



Not me but I did contribute to some software which picks up blatant plagiat (can't remember the English word for that) in academic works. It's basically to help Uni lecturers pick up giant chunks of scientific papers being used in Undergrad essays but it has other uses. I just don't like people lifting other's work that's all. The forum has rules and it would be a better place if we observed most of them most of the time.

I also take the stance that if Nick wanted to share his opinions with us on this site then he'd take the time to do so. He doesn't, he operates his own outfit so we can at least be decent enough not to plagiarise it here. He has a right to keep his stuff on his site and for those interested in his opinions to go over there and seek them. Help his hit counters a bit as well.

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Dear Window Cleaner - next time look up the spelling of negotiate too! :)

Love from your favourite pink-jacketed militant


Ahh FF, I have difficulty with some words that are similar in the 2 languages and sometimes pick the wrong one, I also sometimes put in the occasional bastardisation of the 2.

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Liverpool supporter here in peace.


I've been reading this forum since the Lallana rumours surfaced.


I actually do understand your anger towards him in the way he went. I said I understand it not that I agree with it for reasons I'll explain. But firstly yes I understand your anger. I went through with the Gerrard to Chelsea rumours in 04 and 05 and whilst he never left, the gut wrenching feeling I had at that time, I suppose is similar to how you feel now. Also when Torres left us I had that same feeling. True he never came through our system but the feeling I believe is similar.


So I do understand your anger as to how he left and the way he left.


But it is a two way street.



If the stories are true that your board were ignoring his calls and other forms of contact over the situation, then I'm not surprised that he got a bit ****ed and was blunt about not playing another game for you. Albeit that wouldn't be the road I'd have gone in, in that situation, if I was mucked around like that I could well feel aggrieved by it.


I DO agree some of his words in his first interview with LFC TV were a bit disrespectful. Especially about wanting to play for us during our run in whilst still your captain. For me that was disrespectful.


However on the other hand Lallana has given you 14 years of good service and 14 years of commitment and you will get £20m.


Suarez will do the same to us but I won't be biter (pun intended ;) ) as he has given me some fantastic memories that will live with me forever and on the pitch has always given everything, so i don't begrudge him a move. So long as we get a respectful offer I will respect Suarez's decision.


I have come onto this forum not for a slanging match or a shouting exchange and whilst I'll probably get abuse no doubt, I just wanted to post this message.


Oh and yes I am extremely delighted to have signed Lallana by the way!

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Liverpool supporter here in peace.


I've been reading this forum since the Lallana rumours surfaced.


I actually do understand your anger towards him in the way he went. I said I understand it not that I agree with it for reasons I'll explain. But firstly yes I understand your anger. I went through with the Gerrard to Chelsea rumours in 04 and 05 and whilst he never left, the gut wrenching feeling I had at that time, I suppose is similar to how you feel now. Also when Torres left us I had that same feeling. True he never came through our system but the feeling I believe is similar.


So I do understand your anger as to how he left and the way he left.


But it is a two way street.



If the stories are true that your board were ignoring his calls and other forms of contact over the situation, then I'm not surprised that he got a bit ****ed and was blunt about not playing another game for you. Albeit that wouldn't be the road I'd have gone in, in that situation, if I was mucked around like that I could well feel aggrieved by it.


I DO agree some of his words in his first interview with LFC TV were a bit disrespectful. Especially about wanting to play for us during our run in whilst still your captain. For me that was disrespectful.


However on the other hand Lallana has given you 14 years of good service and 14 years of commitment and you will get £20m.


Suarez will do the same to us but I won't be biter (pun intended ;) ) as he has given me some fantastic memories that will live with me forever and on the pitch has always given everything, so i don't begrudge him a move. So long as we get a respectful offer I will respect Suarez's decision.


I have come onto this forum not for a slanging match or a shouting exchange and whilst I'll probably get abuse no doubt, I just wanted to post this message.


Oh and yes I am extremely delighted to have signed Lallana by the way!


I think you're just about spot on. We're nowhere near the truth about the phone calls or refusal to play, but taking the smal handful of reports at face value you can see why the relationship between club and captain soured. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your new player!

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I don't think many are so angry with him leaving as they are with how he handled it. You bring up 2 points, the board supposedly not calling him back and his statement that he wanted to play at LFC during their run for the title. Don't you think they're a little contradictory? Did he leave because the board supposedly ignored him or, as he implied, he was posturing a move to Merseyside the whole time? To tie this back to my first point, he handled it poorly and you'll see no anger displayed towards Lambert or Shaw, who's deals were done in quiet, behind closed doors.

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Anyone else seen the quotes that Lallana was threatening to strike back in 2008 when he was trying to get a move?


He'll be getting plenty of stick from everyone that I know due to the way he has orchestrated this move and weakened the club's position, in addition to his quotes.


He's obviously a good player, he'll strengthen Liverpool's squad, but he's not first XI level player for a team competing for the title or in against decent opposition in the Champions League in my eyes.

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Liverpool supporter here in peace.


I've been reading this forum since the Lallana rumours surfaced.


I actually do understand your anger towards him in the way he went. I said I understand it not that I agree with it for reasons I'll explain. But firstly yes I understand your anger. I went through with the Gerrard to Chelsea rumours in 04 and 05 and whilst he never left, the gut wrenching feeling I had at that time, I suppose is similar to how you feel now. Also when Torres left us I had that same feeling. True he never came through our system but the feeling I believe is similar.


So I do understand your anger as to how he left and the way he left.


But it is a two way street.



If the stories are true that your board were ignoring his calls and other forms of contact over the situation, then I'm not surprised that he got a bit ****ed and was blunt about not playing another game for you. Albeit that wouldn't be the road I'd have gone in, in that situation, if I was mucked around like that I could well feel aggrieved by it.


I DO agree some of his words in his first interview with LFC TV were a bit disrespectful. Especially about wanting to play for us during our run in whilst still your captain. For me that was disrespectful.


However on the other hand Lallana has given you 14 years of good service and 14 years of commitment and you will get £20m.


Suarez will do the same to us but I won't be biter (pun intended ;) ) as he has given me some fantastic memories that will live with me forever and on the pitch has always given everything, so i don't begrudge him a move. So long as we get a respectful offer I will respect Suarez's decision.


I have come onto this forum not for a slanging match or a shouting exchange and whilst I'll probably get abuse no doubt, I just wanted to post this message.


Oh and yes I am extremely delighted to have signed Lallana by the way!


If Suarez joins Arsenal and says he was dreaming of playing for them whilst playing against them for Liverpool you scousers would want blood.

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Liverpool supporter here in peace.


I've been reading this forum since the Lallana rumours surfaced.


I actually do understand your anger towards him in the way he went. I said I understand it not that I agree with it for reasons I'll explain. But firstly yes I understand your anger. I went through with the Gerrard to Chelsea rumours in 04 and 05 and whilst he never left, the gut wrenching feeling I had at that time, I suppose is similar to how you feel now. Also when Torres left us I had that same feeling. True he never came through our system but the feeling I believe is similar.


So I do understand your anger as to how he left and the way he left.


But it is a two way street.



If the stories are true that your board were ignoring his calls and other forms of contact over the situation, then I'm not surprised that he got a bit ****ed and was blunt about not playing another game for you. Albeit that wouldn't be the road I'd have gone in, in that situation, if I was mucked around like that I could well feel aggrieved by it.


I DO agree some of his words in his first interview with LFC TV were a bit disrespectful. Especially about wanting to play for us during our run in whilst still your captain. For me that was disrespectful.


However on the other hand Lallana has given you 14 years of good service and 14 years of commitment and you will get £20m.


Suarez will do the same to us but I won't be biter (pun intended ;) ) as he has given me some fantastic memories that will live with me forever and on the pitch has always given everything, so i don't begrudge him a move. So long as we get a respectful offer I will respect Suarez's decision.


I have come onto this forum not for a slanging match or a shouting exchange and whilst I'll probably get abuse no doubt, I just wanted to post this message.


Oh and yes I am extremely delighted to have signed Lallana by the way!


Appreciate your sentiments but tbh and from my perspective he went about it the wrong way - didn't show any respect to club, team mates or the fans. If he had the reaction would be very similar to the reaction that SRL had. AL was the captain of the team has been with us through thick and thin but he just went about it the wrong way. I couldn't care less that we got a good fee for him or that he has gone to you. It's all about the right or wrong way of doing things. Oh and regarding the reaction to his leaving - I cannot remember a worse one to any if our players leaving not the Ox not Walcott not bale etc etc.


It's going to be a weird atmosphere at SMS when we play you - standing ovation for SRL and constant abuse for AL.

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Liverpool supporter here in peace.


I've been reading this forum since the Lallana rumours surfaced.


I actually do understand your anger towards him in the way he went. I said I understand it not that I agree with it for reasons I'll explain. But firstly yes I understand your anger. I went through with the Gerrard to Chelsea rumours in 04 and 05 and whilst he never left, the gut wrenching feeling I had at that time, I suppose is similar to how you feel now. Also when Torres left us I had that same feeling. True he never came through our system but the feeling I believe is similar.


So I do understand your anger as to how he left and the way he left.


But it is a two way street.



If the stories are true that your board were ignoring his calls and other forms of contact over the situation, then I'm not surprised that he got a bit ****ed and was blunt about not playing another game for you. Albeit that wouldn't be the road I'd have gone in, in that situation, if I was mucked around like that I could well feel aggrieved by it.


I DO agree some of his words in his first interview with LFC TV were a bit disrespectful. Especially about wanting to play for us during our run in whilst still your captain. For me that was disrespectful.


However on the other hand Lallana has given you 14 years of good service and 14 years of commitment and you will get £20m.


Suarez will do the same to us but I won't be biter (pun intended ;) ) as he has given me some fantastic memories that will live with me forever and on the pitch has always given everything, so i don't begrudge him a move. So long as we get a respectful offer I will respect Suarez's decision.


I have come onto this forum not for a slanging match or a shouting exchange and whilst I'll probably get abuse no doubt, I just wanted to post this message.


Oh and yes I am extremely delighted to have signed Lallana by the way!

I am not sad he has gone as I believe we have got a fantastic price for a player who has tricky feet but cannot hit the ball with any pace, the amount of times he scuffs shots is ridiculous for a professional footballer, as for heading the ball!! I really cannot remember him ever doing so.

You will ask why all the angst? I think it is seeing a large part of our club being torn away with Lambert and. Pottichino leaving at the same time let alone others may follow. Of all the players to leave AL was one who has been with us during the fall and rise and so many look on him as one of us, and the indecent way he left us/angled for a move.

He apparently is an Everton fan and so his love of Liverpool is somewhat strange, I don't think his appetite to join you would be the same if he was getting a pay-cut. Liverpool is a massive club and so it is natural for a players head to be turned, I look forward to see how the fans react if Suarez is sold and AL is the new provider. Enjoy the 60-70 minutes he will bring to your team on match day, but I suppose that's all you will need from a 25m substitute.

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Goatboy you can slag me off in a minute for coming back I wont be long,just popped in to say talk of AL striking is utter ******** and a lot of other crap that is being chucked about is way of the mark,i think people need to have a good hard look at those in the higher ranks in SFC.The dream died when NC and MP Left unfortunately.Farewell for the second time

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Goatboy you can slag me off in a minute for coming back I wont be long,just popped in to say talk of AL striking is utter ******** and a lot of other crap that is being chucked about is way of the mark,i think people need to have a good hard look at those in the higher ranks in SFC.The dream died when NC and MP Left unfortunately.Farewell for the second time


Farewell to you VMAN and thanks for the info, not that most will take heed of it though.

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It's going to be a weird atmosphere at SMS when we play you - standing ovation for SRL and constant abuse for AL.

or in time the penny will drop and fans will realise that RL has played a part like Gerrard in persuading AL and you never know Lovren away. I accept him leaving to go back to Liverpool but I do not feel happy if he has also kicked us by encouraging others to join him.
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