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Dusan Tadic - DONE DEAL, official and everything


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feck me, I think we actually agree on something quite big at the club...


right now, we need a starting LB, Creative midfielder and striker just to bloody break even


Doesn't happen often! Yes we do agree. Quite prepared to see how it's the layers fault but we should have handled this a lot better. From a PR perspective we should have at least a player or two in by now. Of we don't have at least a couple in by next week then it will be looking even more desperate.

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Dusan Tadic was de grote afwezige tijdens de eerste oefenwedstrijd van FC Twente. De aanvaller was door trainer Alfred Schreuder uit voorzorg aan de kant gehouden. Volgens de oefenmeester gebeurde dat omdat de transfer naar Southampton zo goed als rond is.



Tegen RTV Oost vertelde Schreuder dat de overgang naar de nieuwe club van manager Ronald Koeman in de komende dagen wordt afgerond. Het is niet bekend wat Twente krijgt voor de Servische smaakmaker. Volgens geruchten zou het transferbedrag rond de 12 miljoen euro liggen.



Transfer Dusan Tadic naar Southampton binnen enkele dagen afgerond



Dusan Tadic gaat van FC Twente naar het Engelse Southampton. De aanvaller deed vanmiddag niet mee in het oefenduel tegen vv Oldenzaal.



Alfred Schreuder gaf na afloop aan dat Tadic niet meedeed om het risico op een blessure te voorkomen. De trainer verwacht dat de transfer binnen een paar dagen wordt afgerond. Er waren meerdere clubs geïnteresseerd in de diensten van de Serviër, maar de ploeg van trainer Ronald Koeman gaat nu dus aan het langste eind trekken.


Tadic restes because his transfer to Saints is allmost done according to FC Twentes coach (Schreuder).

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The next week or two is HUGE!


Im still optimistic it will come good.


We need this signing, we need any signing just now.


Koeman described Tadic as the best player in the dutch league, would hate to lose him to Everton


You do know that just by making someone slightly bigger, it doesn't actually add any depth to your posts, right, Glasgow?

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If we miss out here, it clearly speaks volumes about the incompetence of the pathetic new board.


Please show us how it does this. You are obviously ITK about the Boards activities so please do illuminate us.

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Or alternatively you could show us proof of their competance ?


I don't have to, the onus of proof is on the OP - as I requested. Your presumption is that I disagree with that statement whereas I may obviously only asking for clarification.


If that clarification is not forthcoming, the conclusion is it must be a fallacy.

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I don't have to, the onus of proof is on the OP - as I requested. Your presumption is that I disagree with that statement whereas I may obviously only asking for clarification.


If that clarification is not forthcoming, the conclusion is it must be a fallacy.


Theres no onus of proof anywhere you tit, this isnt court


Id say that in balance the new board has ultimately proven to have more failings then achieved anything positive. Fans openly criticising ST costs, a player exodus that doesnt look like stopping, losing our manager and no players currently inbound.


Still, we have our stripes I suppose.

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If Everton pinch Tadic I'll never buy their mints again!




Everton view on Tadic. Seem fairly confident! Didn't someone say they'd spotted him out in Southampton last night though? Hopefully we've got him holed up somewhere ready to sign soon...

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Liverpool. We signed him today, but they've now put a bid in and lured him away.


p.s - cheers for the info Steve. I believe your source is a good one, so this is almost done I'd say!


Did he claim lack of ambition from Saints and refuse to play or turn up for training?

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Not sure if serious :-)


stevegrant owns you and everything you say on here. Granted (lolz) that doesn't mean he is reliable but being the owner of the website, I think most people would have reason to generally rely upon the accuracy of his words and sources.

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Yes, this summer. But whilst we lost Poch, Shaw, Lallana and Lambert they have got Martinez tied to a long term contract, Coleman signed up lomg term, Baines tied down, Barkley saying he loves the club and not going anywhere...


And a very promising CB in Stones. Seemingly if Stones and Barkley were with us Liverpool or Man U would be trying to lure them away. Everton's stability is hard not to be envious of.

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stevegrant owns you and everything you say on here. Granted (lolz) that doesn't mean he is reliable but being the owner of the website, I think most people would have reason to generally rely upon the accuracy of his words and sources.



You learn something new everyday,would be great if true as Tadic will show the rest of the PL we mean business and will be looking to push on from last season

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And a very promising CB in Stones. Seemingly if Stones and Barkley were with us Liverpool or Man U would be trying to lure them away. Everton's stability is hard not to be envious of.

Stones has played about 20 games for Everton. We haven't sold anyone remotely comparable.


If Stones has a Shaw like season next season, he'll be gone next summer.


And let's see come September on Barkley.

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