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Dusan Tadic - DONE DEAL, official and everything


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Your initial comment seemed so confident, now seem to be struggling to convince yourself...

You seemed to miss my main point, who are these five players in each team, from Newcastle down to Hull, Wba, sunderland, west ham etc who the top 4 will be as keen to get as Shaw, Lallana, Schneiderlin, Lovren, Lambert? I think you are struggling to come up with five in total and maybe realise that we have been in an unique position where we have so many players of high ability at once.

Our first 11 was clearly not far off them - as seen by some of our performances. Unfortunately our squad was, and is likely to remain short in depth hence we cannot keep players here with CL football.



I reckon there's still, even if the next two leave, or us being around same as last season.

Of course so much depends on who comes in, and how manager starts. But subject of this thread, and Pelle, give me hope that we may be ok

Sorry I am not struggling to convince myself! I am convinced, you are not, that is the beauty of debate and differing opinions how boring would it be if we all thought the same! Or maybe you prefer a dictatorship where all say the same whether they believe it or not.


I believe it is not just remuneration and the attraction of the CL that has destabilised our ex manager and team and I believe the new board whether by choice or just Naivety have not dealt with the situation well and must shoulder some of the blame. Yes of course money and ambition has an influence on players but it is unlikely to be the sole prime cause in this case given how quickly it happened and the numbers of players allegedly thinking the same. That is my view and I respect yours!

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Dear old Ron, bit touchy today then? To help with your question, you tried to counter the assertion, I think by LeicesterSaint, that the board looked amateurish, and to make your counter, you praised the board for having got £50m income. Selling players who have been brought through the Academy and putting money in the bank instead of having those players on the pitch doesn't actually need any football expertise, which does leave the board open to the criticism LS made. To counter that criticism, the board need to spend that money on players, not just some of it, but all of it, as well as the funds we were told were already put aside for the new manager to invest in the squad. Until Tadic or Pelle are confirmed, they haven't actually recruited any players at all, but hopefully that will start to change in the next day or two.

Only touchy when I don't agree, how is getting that much amateurish you ignored that. The season doesn't start tomorrow and we have a small window left to get them in. Agreed we haven't signed anyone yet but how does that mean we have banked the money? We will see by Friday as that's first press conference.

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It means he's Serbian and not very good. I've just checked out Banega's wiki and he's still available so it's all good.


For someone who never heard of Ronald Koeman you sure know a lot about the Dutch league in which the 'poverty serb' plays.

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For someone who never heard of Ronald Koeman you sure know a lot about the Dutch league in which the 'poverty serb' plays.


but not as much about Banega - the underperforming midfielder Valencia had to loan back to a struggling Argentine league club and is available for a cut price £5.5m - less than Tadic.

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For someone who never heard of Ronald Koeman you sure know a lot about the Dutch league in which the 'poverty serb' plays.


The Dutch league is pretty poor. Not sure on the odds on success from that league to the prem

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but not as much about Banega - the underperforming midfielder Valencia had to loan back to a struggling Argentine league club and is available for a cut price £5.5m - less than Tadic.


Never mind. Jordan Rhodes is the answer to all our problems.

I suspect that growing up, Pastor was more chess club than football club.

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but not as much about Banega - the underperforming midfielder Valencia had to loan back to a struggling Argentine league club and is available for a cut price £5.5m - less than Tadic.


Banega's an exceptionally talented player, similar to Ossie he's just hit a bad spot. He's unquestionably more skillfull then Tadic. Is he actually available for 5.5mill? Fuk me, get on it Saints

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GCSE level stuff 'Prof'. The players wanted to go to double and quintuple in one case their wages. In the modern game you cant stop that. The board did what they could, which was to maximise income - a world record fee and an inflated fee. That is good work and we will be able to strengthen the team for less than we spent. Everything else is ****ing in the wind.


I hope you are right but in the past we have not been to good at using money to strengthen well when selling a top asset or two and this time we have to replace anywhere between 3 to 6 players particularly as our team was significantly and noticeably weakened last year every time just one of them was missing! This is a concern as well as the time needed to create a good functioning team from whoever remains with however comes in. Further concerns resulting from how we are currently conducting our business in a panic up to the seasons start means players and clubs can and will hold us to ransom on fees and wages also many players will be asking themselves who they might be joining and what is happening given the current exodus meaning cash and not motivation to play for us will be an even bigger factor.


The Premiere league it is a pretty unforgiving place one only has to look at how QPR did season before last with a large number of bought in expensive stars. As I supporter of course I hope we buy sensibly and quickly and our team gels ASAP which is of course very possible However there are great risks in the approach we are taking and I believe we did not need to be in the place we currently find ourselves in. For this the board must shoulder a fair degree of this responsibility rather than blame it all on the mercenary ambitions of the ex manager and a fair number of our key players.


I would have liked the board to admit they are in a difficult place and be honest with the supporters rather than pass it all off with crass statements about having done their best to keep the ex manager and players, not needing to sell, and strengthening to kick on again whilst all the evidence to date continues to point to the contrary. To me seems clear a decision to cash in on a number of players took place some time ago and yet little attention seems to have been paid to managing the consequences and mitigating the resulting risks in a timely and well managed manner.

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Anther hoary old cliche. The Dutch league doesnt have much depth . The top three or four clubs are excellent. Saints wouldnt beat Ajax, PSV or Feyenoord.


I could not care less who we could beat as a team or not.


It's individual players doing well over a whole prem season


I suspect we would lose up at celtic in a one off game, yet only two of their players at a push would remotely have the ability to succeed at saints

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I hope you are right but in the past we have not been to good at using money to strengthen well when selling a top asset or two and this time we have to replace anywhere between 3 to 6 players particularly as our team was significantly and noticeably weakened last year every time just one of them was missing!


I'm not in anyway saying its a good or desirable situation. We would likely have been stronger if all the players had wanted to stay. My point was that given a bad situation the board have done pretty well in terms of maximising the fees. The idea from some that we could force players to stay or let them rot in the reserves is comic book stuff that doesn't work in modern football. When clubs have so much money tied up in players as assets they simply cant afford to pay their wages and see their asset depreciate in order to make a point.


I agree Saints record of making good big money signings is poor. I hope we can break that trend this close season.

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Just like the national side is so inferior to England?


They have a bloody good manager and players better than ours, like robben, RvP, schnieder, de vrij, which of course, we won't be signing.


In fact, I doubt we will sign anyone of note from that side

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They have a bloody good manager and players better than ours, like robben, RvP, schnieder, de vrij, which of course, we won't be signing.


In fact, I doubt we will sign anyone of note from that side


And those excellent players were transferred from the Dutch league, like Tadic. :mcinnes:

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Banega's an exceptionally talented player, similar to Ossie he's just hit a bad spot. He's unquestionably more skillfull then Tadic. Is he actually available for 5.5mill? Fuk me, get on it Saints


Have you watched Tadic play ? At all ? Have you even watched Benega play ? Do you base anything on anything in reality or are you just a FM plum ?


Dont know who Koeman is ? Your clueless mate, lets get Rhodes in to lead the line eh ?

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And those excellent players were transferred from the Dutch league, like Tadic. :mcinnes:


Tim - you have a habit of making dim points. Most of those players left Holland at a very early age - probably couldn't wait to get shot of the place -and the Dutch league was arguably better back then. That's very different from making an assessment of a player in their prime who's made their name solely in the Eredivisie.

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Ffs. We'll do well to stay up next season at this rate


Tadic hasn't signed for Everton, even if he did why does that mean Saints will be relegated? Even without Shaw, Lallana, Lambert and potentially Lovren & Schneiderlin there is a lot of quality still at the club for Ronald Koeman to build on.


Have you seen the squads of the sides below us last season and the newly promoted sides? They really are nothing special. It'll take a disastrous summer of recruitment for Saints to be in the relegation zone next May. Ronald Koeman hasn't left a Champions League club for a laugh, his appointment is a show of ambition in itself. More so than for example West Brom appointing Alan Irvine don't you think?

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When the names of targets are out there for over two weeks there is always the danger of that happening. Could just be paper talk, could be something in it.


We really need to get some deals over the line, need an average of one addition a week until the end of the window now.

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Tadic hasn't signed for Everton, even if he did why does that mean Saints will be relegated? Even without Shaw, Lallana, Lambert and potentially Lovren & Schneiderlin there is a lot of quality still at the club for Ronald Koeman to build on.


Have you seen the squads of the sides below us last season and the newly promoted sides? They really are nothing special. It'll take a disastrous summer of recruitment for Saints to be in the relegation zone next May. Ronald Koeman hasn't left a Champions League club for a laugh, his appointment is a show of ambition in itself. More so than for example West Brom appointing Alan Irvine don't you think?


Comparing us to WBA is no recipe for success


It was only 10 months or so that you were using Everton as the example of why we can get the top 4 a challenge

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Tadic hasn't signed for Everton, even if he did why does that mean Saints will be relegated? Even without Shaw, Lallana, Lambert and potentially Lovren & Schneiderlin there is a lot of quality still at the club for Ronald Koeman to build on.


Have you seen the squads of the sides below us last season and the newly promoted sides? They really are nothing special. It'll take a disastrous summer of recruitment for Saints to be in the relegation zone next May. Ronald Koeman hasn't left a Champions League club for a laugh, his appointment is a show of ambition in itself. More so than for example West Brom appointing Alan Irvine don't you think?


Palace were nothing special yet still had a decent season. Team spirit and togetherness counts for so much and we will have lost an awful lot of that by this mass exodus.

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Palace were nothing special yet still had a decent season. Team spirit and togetherness counts for so much and we will have lost an awful lot of that by this mass exodus.


Cut out the poison and this could be rectified. Get rid of those looking to go ASAP IMO.

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Tadic hasn't signed for Everton, even if he did why does that mean Saints will be relegated? Even without Shaw, Lallana, Lambert and potentially Lovren & Schneiderlin there is a lot of quality still at the club for Ronald Koeman to build on.


Have you seen the squads of the sides below us last season and the newly promoted sides? They really are nothing special. It'll take a disastrous summer of recruitment for Saints to be in the relegation zone next May. Ronald Koeman hasn't left a Champions League club for a laugh, his appointment is a show of ambition in itself. More so than for example West Brom appointing Alan Irvine don't you think?


No question we need to start seeing things happen very soon though. Nearly all that you say makes sense but is in theory rather than reality.


Koeman had already left Feyenoord when we came in, he was unemployed so any semi decent PL offer would have appealed to him, I'm sure. He was touting himself heavily for the Swansea job when Laudrup left and they arent a massive club.


Need actions now rather than words or people saying we have lots of time, first friendly not far away and we need to sign and gel a completely new attack. Unprecedented in the PL.

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Cut out the poison and this could be rectified. Get rid of those looking to go ASAP IMO.


We will never be able to reproduce the understanding and camaraderie fostered over a number of seasons. It's going to be so difficult to get all the new faces to gel.

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We really need to get some deals over the line, need an average of one addition a week until the end of the window now.


Agree about the need to complete Tadic and Pelle - if those deals fall apart we might start to struggle to attract new signings. Conversely if they happen everything is going to become easier and less pressurised. Besides them we only need perhaps one more key player, depending on any more departures.

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We will never be able to reproduce the understanding and camaraderie fostered over a number of seasons. It's going to be so difficult to get all the new faces to gel.


Agreed, but having people who are happy to be here and want to play is a good start!

There are a few from the academy who could play well for us this year, albeit not to the same level as those that will have gone. This gives us a measure of continuity.

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Agree about the need to complete Tadic and Pelle - if those deals fall apart we might start to struggle to attract new signings. Conversely if they happen everything is going to become easier and less pressurised. Besides them we only need perhaps one more key player, depending on any more departures.


Disagree on the bottom bit. If we get them we will have replaced Lambert and Lallana.


We still need to replace Shaw and probably Lovren and Schneiderlin.


Then anyway we needed another striker with Osvaldo going and Jay Rod out injured plus another CB to effectively replace Hooiveld and a goalkeeper.


If not a wide player as well seeing as Pelle will need crosses coming into the box.


Still loads to do, squad painfully thin.

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Disagree on the bottom bit. If we get them we will have replaced Lambert and Lallana.


We still need to replace Shaw and probably Lovren and Schneiderlin.


Then anyway we needed another striker with Osvaldo going and Jay Rod out injured plus another CB to effectively replace Hooiveld and a goalkeeper.


If not a wide player as well seeing as Pelle will need crosses coming into the box.


Still loads to do, squad painfully thin.


Fair point about additional striker re Rodriguez. I was focussing more on what we needed to do to replace those we've lost. I agree we need more signings to address weaknesses in some positions and in squad depth if we are to improve, or to replace any future departures.

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