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Katharina Please Hurry Up and Sell

Junior Mullet

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If someone was spending large amounts of your money without actually telling you, would you be happy to let it continue ?



What was the price of the club that ML paid and what was its price and the price of the players when NC left. If the Delta was greater than the money he spent (and their is no reason to think it wasn't) then NC actually created wealth for KL and did not squander it!


As I said before the only difference between them was when to cash in the chips! NC felt the value could increase further with more spend KL wasn't convinced! That led to disappointment and broken promises to the manager and players and that is the principal reason we are now where we are!

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What was the price of the club that ML paid and what was its price and the price of the players when NC left. If the Delta was greater than the money he spent (and their is no reason to think it wasn't) then NC actually created wealth for KL and did not squander it!


As I said before the only difference between them was when to cash in the chips! NC felt the value could increase further with more spend KL wasn't convinced! That led to disappointment and broken promises to the manager and players and that is the principal reason we are now where we are!


We are where we are now because we are Provincial PL Club with a very good Academy


The previous CEO/Chairman had ideas which were totally unrealistic


We will sell Morgan Adam and Luke who have been at the club since the days of Lowe and have every right to move on to earn more money and get more success

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What was the price of the club that ML paid and what was its price and the price of the players when NC left. If the Delta was greater than the money he spent (and their is no reason to think it wasn't) then NC actually created wealth for KL and did not squander it!


As I said before the only difference between them was when to cash in the chips! NC felt the value could increase further with more spend KL wasn't convinced! That led to disappointment and broken promises to the manager and players and that is the principal reason we are now where we are!


I'm not sure what your point is. KL obviously didn't want to spend what it took to fulfil Cortese's Champions League dream (£100-200mill min), you can't blame her for that. Cortese jumped ship because he didn't fancy the alternative and left us where we are now.


It's pointless moaning unless we have another billionaire lined up willing to lose a few hundred million.

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how do you know that was the case?

what if she sanctioned every penny?


then there is the question that the club was in probate and she had no control and it was not her money at the time


No need to disclose how I know this is the case, but I do not think any of us would be happy if our own personal money was being spent without full disclosure.

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What was the price of the club that ML paid and what was its price and the price of the players when NC left. If the Delta was greater than the money he spent (and their is no reason to think it wasn't) then NC actually created wealth for KL and did not squander it!


As I said before the only difference between them was when to cash in the chips! NC felt the value could increase further with more spend KL wasn't convinced! That led to disappointment and broken promises to the manager and players and that is the principal reason we are now where we are!


Irrelevant, we all know ML got for a bargain. But the fact remains if we gave our cash cards to friends and they said they needed a tenner, but you find out they actually took 50 quid, you wouldn't be impressed. We are talking millions rather than tens or twenties.

Edited by Ed Rooney
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there is, if you want to be believed


Do not care if I am believed or not, as people will make up there own minds on what happened and I will happily let them do so. I would certainly not disclose a source of information on this forum, but it has not come via a rumour mill

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Irrelevant, we all know ML got for a bargain. But the fact remains if we gave our cash cards to friends and they said they needed a tender but you find out they actually took 50 quid, you wouldn't be impressed. We are talking millions rather than tens or twenties.


And you know he took more than she sanctioned for a fact? I would bet as a banker all spend was fully sanctioned once the estate was out of probate however it was the fact that demands for future (unspent) funds were not sanctioned that led to him departing as he could see the consequences we are all now seeing!


Otherwise there would be a legal case for him to answer!

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And you know he took more than she sanctioned for a fact? I would bet as a banker all spend was fully sanctioned once the estate was out of probate however it was the fact that demands for future (unspent) funds was not sanctioned that led to him departing as he could see the consequences we are all now seeing!



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As a person holding authority to sign cheques on behalf of the club a fraud case would not stand up, as he wasn't committing fraud, he did what his job allowed him to. However it is not his club, his money and no doubt the owner of the club and the money would like to be kept informed of spending and not kept in the dark on spending. I will say no more, everyone will make there own mind up on NC and what happened.

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We are where we are now because we are Provincial PL Club with a very good Academy


The previous CEO/Chairman had ideas which were totally unrealistic


We will sell Morgan Adam and Luke who have been at the club since the days of Lowe and have every right to move on to earn more money and get more success


Where did I disagree with anything you say? I have supported Saints since 1968 and am well aware of who and what we are

and as I said before NC and KL only disagreed on when to cash in it was timing only. However for the new board to continue to claim what is happening is progress assumes we are naïve!

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As a person holding authority to sign cheques on behalf of the club a fraud case would not stand up, as he wasn't committing fraud, he did what his job allowed him to. However it is not his club, his money and no doubt the owner of the club and the money would like to be kept informed of spending and not kept in the dark on spending. I will say no more, everyone will make there own mind up on NC and what happened.


Sorry this is crap! if you have an authority to sign cheques that authority is approved and limited by the company owners or shareholders i.e sanctioned ! if you go outside your authorised limits (and are unsanctioned) you will be sued! Ask any lawyer, accountant or indeed banker

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Sorry this is crap! if you have an authority to sign cheques that authority is approved and limited by the company owners or shareholders i.e sanctioned ! if you go outside your authorised limits (and are unsanctioned) you will be sued! Ask any lawyer, accountant or indeed banker


No it isn't crap, but hey hi you know it all

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I'm not sure what your point is. KL obviously didn't want to spend what it took to fulfil Cortese's Champions League dream (£100-200mill min), you can't blame her for that. Cortese jumped ship because he didn't fancy the alternative and left us where we are now.


It's pointless moaning unless we have another billionaire lined up willing to lose a few hundred million.



That is exactly my point! NC thought we could go further in increasing the value of the club KL didn't when the manager and players saw the investment dry up they jumped ship as they are entitled to


My objection is to the current board trying to pass off what is happening as some sort of plan for progress and making statements they cant possibly comply with when indeed it is nothing more than the need to go back to being a small provincial self financing club all be it with a current good academy .

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No I don't know it all but in this particular case I almost certainly do as I am authorised to sign large cheques on behalf of my company!


It depends on your remit. If there is a clear and defined limit to the amount you can write then clearly you'll be in trouble if you exceed it. If, however, there is no limit cast in stone, or it is ambiguously worded, or you yourself wrote your own terms of employment, then you could do what you like with impunity.

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It depends on your remit. If there is a clear and defined limit to the amount you can write then clearly you'll be in trouble if you exceed it. If, however, there is no limit cast in stone, or it is ambiguously worded, or you yourself wrote your own terms of employment, then you could do what you like with impunity.


Correct but in this case your shareholders owners have given you unlimited sanctions and therefore you cannot spend unsanctioned funds. KL can always add the sanctions at any point which is probably what happened.


However I said I doubted NC had spent any money that was not within his powers to do so otherwise he would have been sued and as a banker he would not have been that stupid.

Edited by Saint Without a Halo
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No I don't know it all but in this particular case I almost certainly do as I am authorised to sign large cheques on behalf of my company!


As am I in my own company, but that doesn't make me an expert in legal proceedings, as I am sure you being able to sign cheques on behalf of a company doesn't make you a legal expert. There are steps to follow in a case of being able to sue and avenues to take to avoid the need for this course of action. As the other poster states if it is in your remit to sign cheques for an unlimited amount then you can do so. BUT if you do this without providing feedback to your employer of how much you ar spending then I would not think you will be in that job for much longer.

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That is exactly my point! NC thought we could go further in increasing the value of the club KL didn't when the manager and players saw the investment dry up they jumped ship as they are entitled to


My objection is to the current board trying to pass off what is happening as some sort of plan for progress and making statements they cant possibly comply with when indeed it is nothing more than the need to go back to being a small provincial self financing club all be it with a current good academy .


That's exactly how I see it.. but lets wait and see what July brings.. I'm sure there are more surprises to follow.

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As am I in my own company, but that doesn't make me an expert in legal proceedings, as I am sure you being able to sign cheques on behalf of a company doesn't make you a legal expert. There are steps to follow in a case of being able to sue and avenues to take to avoid the need for this course of action. As the other poster states if it is in your remit to sign cheques for an unlimited amount then you can do so. BUT if you do this without providing feedback to your employer of how much you ar spending then I would not think you will be in that job for much longer.



Sorry you said you know for a fact he spent unsanctioned funds (see post 109) your opinion with no evidence.

I said if he did he can be sued and wasn't. So I doubted a banker would be so silly to do this. My view is he wanted additional funds which were not forthcoming which I believe to be far more likely.


If she indeed gave him unlimited powers then she is not in a position to complain if he uses them.


Anyway my opinion versus yours


End of

Edited by Saint Without a Halo
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Sorry you said you know for a fact he spent unsanctioned funds (see post 109) your opinion with no evidence.

I said if he did he can be sued and wasn't. So I doubted a banker would be so silly to do this. My view is he wanted additional funds which were not forthcoming which I believe to be far more likely.


My opinion versus yours


End of


I have said from first involvement in this topic, that money was being spent without the knowledge of the person who provides the money. When it was discovered that money was being spent which went against plans, agreements and feedback to the owner, this unfortunately resulted in serious trust issues. You decided to use words like unsanctioned, whether you believe or not that this has come via people that would be privy to information on this is up to you, and as you say it's your opinion against my opinion.


Cortese thought this was his club and it wasn't

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What ever way anyone looks at it and what ever anyone's feelings about NC or KL the fact is the Liebherrs have a colossal return for their investment and we have had five breathtakingly successful fun years, good all round up to now. NC deserves praise all round, don't see him getting it, sadly

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I have said from first involvement in this topic, that money was being spent without the knowledge of the person who provides the money. When it was discovered that money was being spent which went against plans, agreements and feedback to the owner, this unfortunately resulted in serious trust issues. You decided to use words like unsanctioned, whether you believe or not that this has come via people that would be privy to information on this is up to you, and as you say it's your opinion against my opinion.


Cortese thought this was his club and it wasn't



He may well have thought it was his club that is not the issue


I suggest you re read post 108 and 109 where you clearly said "yes" to the question "do you know for a fact he spent unsanctioned funds?".


If she allowed him extensive powers to legally spend her money she cannot complain when he does it. I suspect he had extensive powers under the probate as an executor of the will as left to him by ML which she then wanted to curb after inheriting and that caused the difference.

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He may well have thought it was his club that is not the issue


I suggest you re read post 108 and 109 where you clearly said "yes" to the question "do you know for a fact he spent unsanctioned funds?".


If she allowed him extensive powers to legally spend her money she cannot complain when he does it. I suspect he had extensive powers under the probate as an executor of the will as left to him by ML which she then wanted to curb after inheriting and that caused the difference.


Sorry I was unaware you were using the wording Unsanctioned in the legal term and that would lead you to talk about suing. I read your Unsanctioned as mr c you have told me this will cost x so therefore you can spend x on that, that is what I will sanction for spending on that. Surely you are not suggesting she can't complain when she feels money is being spent in a way that is not in accordance with plans and proposals, if course she will complain as any boss would.


Last on this conversation, we shall see how the season pans out and how much we miss the messiah and how much we suffer with this useless board

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If someone was spending large amounts of your money without actually telling you, would you be happy to let it continue ?

The assumption that Saint Richmond would be in possession of large sums of money is worthy of derision, I'm afraid. Nothing in any of his posts suggests that he would be capable of accumulating such sums, so the hypothetical situation would never arise.

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I suspect he had extensive powers under the probate as an executor of the will as left to him by ML which she then wanted to curb after inheriting and that caused the difference.


This, and NC did not appreciate 'interference' as NC saw it, or 'proper governance' as KL saw it

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What is happening is not the boards fault. It is because every time a Saints player gets into the England squad they get tapped up to move to so called big club. This goes back many years back to when the prem league started and all those meaningless fifa friendlys.

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The acid test will obviously be the coming season. If we have sold the family silver and not invested wisely with the proceeds there will be a lot of told ya so's crowing. If RoKo pulls the proverbial rabbits out of the hat and we secure another top 10 finish then a fair few moist mattress munters with have egg on their mush when this post is dug up next May.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Correct but in this case your shareholders owners have given you unlimited sanctions and therefore you cannot spend unsanctioned funds. KL can always add the sanctions at any point which is probably what happened.


However I said I doubted NC had spent any money that was not within his powers to do so otherwise he would have been sued and as a banker he would not have been that stupid.



Markus Leibherr put in place a Five Year Plan


The person he appointed to run his Five Year Plan was Nicola Cortese


Cortese saw out those Five years (most of which was overseen by Katharina, after Markus passed away)


If Cortese had abused his position within Markus's Five Year remit, then he would have been brought to account (legally) But he hasn't been


Makes me laugh when people accuse Cortese of "mismanagement"


He was working to Markus's instructions as laid down in the Five Year Plan


Katharina changed the emphasis re "ambition" when her Father's Five years finished

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I worry about just how much damage is being done in the meantime. Don't get me wrong, the club is so much stronger now that when Markus took over but we are going backwards at a serious rate. It's not long until the new season kicks off - we will do well to stay up.

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yeah this. We, the fans, should buy KL out and have the fans run the club then we could see real ambition we could keep all our best players, sell our crap ones for loads of money, while putting massive bids in for the top teams best players all while pushing on to win the Champions league running a mid size provincial football club is easy why can't the owners and board do it right morons...........



.......mean while back in the real world of modern football


Do you have a colour TV yet? Or is your entire view of the world still black and white?

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  • 2 months later...

So, thought this would be an interesting one now.


Do people still think that KL should sell the club? She has mentioned that she no longer has any interest investing money into the club, and from now on we need to self-sustainable. Is it better that we are like this, have to sell a player or so a season much in the same way Everton have or do people want KL to sell up to a potential overseas consortium or the like?


Personally, I am happy with the self-sustainable model under KL, with FFP coming in I think the days of mega-spending oligarchs is over.

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So, thought this would be an interesting one now.


Do people still think that KL should sell the club? She has mentioned that she no longer has any interest investing money into the club, and from now on we need to self-sustainable. Is it better that we are like this, have to sell a player or so a season much in the same way Everton have or do people want KL to sell up to a potential overseas consortium or the like?


Personally, I am happy with the self-sustainable model under KL, with FFP coming in I think the days of mega-spending oligarchs is over.




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So, thought this would be an interesting one now.


Do people still think that KL should sell the club? She has mentioned that she no longer has any interest investing money into the club, and from now on we need to self-sustainable. Is it better that we are like this, have to sell a player or so a season much in the same way Everton have or do people want KL to sell up to a potential overseas consortium or the like?


Personally, I am happy with the self-sustainable model under KL, with FFP coming in I think the days of mega-spending oligarchs is over.

100% self sustaning, money is killing the sport of football, it's now a business and I will lose all interest in Saints if we turn into a Man City/ Chelsea. I'd honestly rather play in the Championship.
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I would like us to be self-sustainable, who wouldn't, but is it possible in today's top flight? Wenger has tried at Arsenal and was helped by being able to pick up our young stars but even he has had to buy big now (Ozil for example). We will only be self sustained by constantly selling our star players, we've got away with it this time (brilliantly) but it's high risk and I wouldn't want to bet on such success a second time. Neither would I want another summer like we've just had. Bad for dicky tickers!

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Having read back over this thread, there were some real gems. Thank God that Katharina hasn't given up on us, as we are arguably in as good a position under her ownership as we've ever been.


Whilst listening to the chanting for Markus on Saturday, I wondered when there will be a chant showing our appreciation of her.

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What you missed, was lallana, shaw and Lambert all wanting to leave. Possibly a few others. Your crying over players who left you. Why can you get behind Southampton and the squad that have stayed loyal. You criticise Katrina but I am fully convinced she loves the club.I was looking through old photos and she is in the directors box in many, Bournemouth 2010 being one example, and she was with her nephew/son. It is her money, the liebhers saved us, and they continue to try their best for us. In contrast your post summarises a stance from the fans that is at best ungrateful, and at worst pathetic, selfish and ignorant.


Look at me look at me!!! Vindication!!! HaHa beatches!

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I would like us to be self-sustainable, who wouldn't, but is it possible in today's top flight? Wenger has tried at Arsenal and was helped by being able to pick up our young stars but even he has had to buy big now (Ozil for example). We will only be self sustained by constantly selling our star players, we've got away with it this time (brilliantly) but it's high risk and I wouldn't want to bet on such success a second time. Neither would I want another summer like we've just had. Bad for dicky tickers!


FFP means we will have to sell at least 1 player for big ££ every season or so.


Everyone bar the biggest will have to.

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I think the vast majority of sensible Saints fans would prefer us to be self-sustaining, even at the risk of not breaking into the top four and competing in the Champs League.


Like everybody else, I would like to believe that the FFP rules will eventually even things out so that clubs like us can compete.


However, I am not naieve enough to think that the FFP rules will ever really hit the biggest clubs, who will continue to drive a coach and horses through them to maintain the differential between themselves and the others.

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