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Katharina Please Hurry Up and Sell

Junior Mullet

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Be careful what you wish for. So KL puts the club up for sale and stop investing and we end up like Villa for a while, then eventially we get sold to a nutter like Cardiff.


KL and the board are trying there best to steer the club through the first sticky time since they took over, NC didn't have to do this this because he stuck around whilst we were on an upward trajectory and jumped before it got choppy. We do seem to ave a cohort of payers determined to leave, and that is normally down to players not getting something that they have been promised. It's not that the ambition has changed because if any thinks that we can keep players here by claiming to be going for a CL spot then they are deluded.


It is my believe that NC over promised on wage increases, wages that SFC can not pay and wages that KL was not prepared to pay. So any discontent in the camp has been set up by the past regime and is being managed by this one.


Someone said where is Ralph K, well so many fans have moaned about him so he is taken a back seat and transfers have been given to Les.


Football really is **** now if the only way to get on is to hook up with a money laundering billionaire.


Do you know he jumped before it got choppy or did it get choppy after he was pushed? are you in the know?

Edited by Saint Without a Halo
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Do you know he jumped before it got choppy or did it get choppy after he jumped? are you in the know?

He jumped. That's all that matters.


For all the bed wetting about others leaving lets just remember who scarpered first.

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I have thought long and hard about a reasoned response to the original post, so here goes:


we have Katharina to thank for our meteoric rise from League 1, which is where we were when her father sadly passed away. I will be eternally grateful for everything she has done for us.


Anyone calling for her to sell, because we aren't going for Champions League, and somehow blame her for the greed of the modern disloyal player, is in my book, an absolute c*nt. Or even worse, a skate.

You should have thought longer and harder. Katharina did not suddenly take over when Markus died. She only actually took full control last summer. The Swiss probate system meant it took a long time and during that period the club was run by trustees (now that may have included KL but she was not in control and running things). She is not responsible for our rise from L1. We do not owe her a debt of gratitude for that. The best course of action would have been for her to sell last summer as Cortese had wanted. Would it have stopped players leaving, possibly not, but Poch would have stayed under Cortese and players may have thought twice. No one will ever know. The current board are very naive and at the moment the club is toxic and many are jumping ship as a result.

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Is that your prediction? With or without Morgan and Lovren?


I would hold off making any definite predictions until I know what the team actually looks like come the end of the transfer window. However I still think there will be plenty of teams who struggle more than us this coming season we might not finish as high up as last season but even without Morgan and Lovern I could still see us in mid table Victor, Jack Cork and Steven Davis is still a decent midfield Fonte , Yoshida and Clyne isn't a horrible defence.

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You should have thought longer and harder. Katharina did not suddenly take over when Markus died. She only actually took full control last summer. The Swiss probate system meant it took a long time and during that period the club was run by trustees (now that may have included KL but she was not in control and running things). She is not responsible for our rise from L1. We do not owe her a debt of gratitude for that. The best course of action would have been for her to sell last summer as Cortese had wanted. Would it have stopped players leaving, possibly not, but Poch would have stayed under Cortese and players may have thought twice. No one will ever know. The current board are very naive and at the moment the club is toxic and many are jumping ship as a result.


I love the way people assume it is easy to sell a football club to a good, mentally stable, free with their money rich owner............

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It's understandable that people are getting annoyed; it feels like each day brings a new kick to the balls (so to speak!). However I can't believe that Katharina is the one kicking us in the balls. Hopefully the outgoings will stop shortly, and then we will start seeing players coming in that excite people. Next season will be tough, but hopefully we will steer clear of a relegation battle and can move on again. We all need to stick together and stick two fingers up to the rest of the Premiership.

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The original post is CORRECT


Pity that YOU, the Supporters cannot see the wood from the trees


Ask yourself this.


If, under Katharina and Sir Les, SFC is such a great place, WHY are most of our best players making it very very plain that they want out ???


It is not simply the lure of the Champions League. It is because they don't see a future at St Mary's


All Les reed blabs on about is how wonderful Staplewood is, and he's doing everything in the best interests of SFC


He said, "We tried hard to keep him (Luke) " ...... now where have I heard that line before ??"


Yes, Staplewood is great, but money in the Bank nowhere near compensates for the Quality of player(s) being sold to the highest bidder


The (controlled) Firesale I forecast some time ago IS happening. If you don't believe me, see how many new names are in the starting eleven for the first Prem League match



Ooooooh you are so clever

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The reappearance of this thread makes me wonder if the loss of Cortese's ruthless ambition and steel is costing us our best players this summer. Les Reed has been given his chance, found the best manager he could, but is failing to retain.


Can't help but think Cortese would have provided the steel now to Les' football spotting. But we have Krueger instead, and he has brought what to the party since he arrived? Nothing that I can see.


Les and Nicola, that is a team I wish we still had. I guess KL has to shoulder the blame.

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Ever since Cortesse left the club have made choices that, to me, appear amateurish and naive. I feel a little bit embarrassed, once again as a Saints fan.


Get over it...there's **** all we can do about it.


Don't forget Cortese was going to sell Rickie to West Ham so don't tell me he would never have sold.


And £30m for an 18 yr old? Cortese would have been laughing all the way to the bank and the next £15m Italian flop.

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Get over it...there's **** all we can do about it.


Don't forget Cortese was going to sell Rickie to West Ham so don't tell me he would never have sold.


And £30m for an 18 yr old? Cortese would have been laughing all the way to the bank and the next £15m Italian flop.


Most people on here are clueless morons so your point is lost on them.

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If they were all so brilliant and we had such a good manager, why did we only get 56 points? Why did we throw so many points away? Why did we not win a single game from a losing position?


I know that there will be a big upheaval but that would have happened anyway with a new manager and new tactics. Maybe him bringing in a couple of players he knows and who know his tactics is the priority.

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We have a lot to be grateful to the Liebherr family, and I hope they maintain their interest in the club for years. So no, I do not want KL to sell, but I am concerned about the 'advisers' and those around her. Whatever Reed has achieved on the sporting side over the last few years, he still comes across as a bit of a PR disaster , especially if working in parallel with Kruegar.


John Williams might have given the board a bit more 'gravitas' and experience to handle things better.


The reappearance of this thread makes me wonder if the loss of Cortese's ruthless ambition and steel is costing us our best players this summer. Les Reed has been given his chance, found the best manager he could, but is failing to retain.


Can't help but think Cortese would have provided the steel now to Les' football spotting. But we have Krueger instead, and he has brought what to the party since he arrived? Nothing that I can see.


Les and Nicola, that is a team I wish we still had. I guess KL has to shoulder the blame.


Difficult to conclude this, perhaps NC's demands of working in way he was unaccountable to the owners for his spending of their money was an unacceptable demand ? With a bit more humility on his part perhaps NC might still be at the helm.

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FFS we have a 1963 page **** take of the skates on this forum, yet people are slagging off kl for not spending to take us to the next level. Peter Storrie used Gaydmaks money to take Pompey to the next level. Peter risdale took Leeds to the next level. I can't see much difference in the fantastic project of Nicola's than those two. OK , we may have supplemented our spending with a couple of home grown talents, but there's not that much difference.


One thing about the project that's always puzzled me is that Nicola wanted half the team to come through the youth system. Where are all these champions league academy players lined up to come in during the next couple of seasons. It was all pie in the sky nonsense. A solid premier league side maybe, but no chance of 5 home grown players playing in the champions league for Southampton, complete and utter nonsense. It probably only Barcelona or Ajax or somebody bigger, but Southampton, no ****ing chance. The only chance we ever had is for a benefactor to spend billions, and I can't even believe Marcus would have done that.

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Cortese was going to sell Rickie for £9m - not get ripped off by Liverpool and signal early to agents and players that saints were prepared to sell this summer.


What are you on about?


Cortese was going to sell Rickie for about £5m to Big Sam. What would you have preferred?

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FFS we have a 1963 page **** take of the skates on this forum, yet people are slagging off kl for not spending to take us to the next level. Peter Storrie used Gaydmaks money to take Pompey to the next level. Peter risdale took Leeds to the next level. I can't see much difference in the fantastic project of Nicola's than those two. OK , we may have supplemented our spending with a couple of home grown talents, but there's not that much difference.


. The only chance we ever had is for a benefactor to spend billions, and I can't even believe Marcus would have done that.


I'm glad to see someone else making these comparisons.


For all the big talk, NC was just frittering someone else's money and legacy. No wonder KL wanted to take an interest. We should be thankful she didn't just pull the plug, leaving the club to whither.


Anyway, what happened to the theory of Mr Big coming back on a white charger, with a wagon train of Arab's money to buy the club.*


* if not Arab money then Dalian Wanda's personal credit card.

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FFS we have a 1963 page **** take of the skates on this forum, yet people are slagging off kl for not spending to take us to the next level. Peter Storrie used Gaydmaks money to take Pompey to the next level. Peter risdale took Leeds to the next level. I can't see much difference in the fantastic project of Nicola's than those two. OK , we may have supplemented our spending with a couple of home grown talents, but there's not that much difference.


One thing about the project that's always puzzled me is that Nicola wanted half the team to come through the youth system. Where are all these champions league academy players lined up to come in during the next couple of seasons. It was all pie in the sky nonsense. A solid premier league side maybe, but no chance of 5 home grown players playing in the champions league for Southampton, complete and utter nonsense. It probably only Barcelona or Ajax or somebody bigger, but Southampton, no ****ing chance. The only chance we ever had is for a benefactor to spend billions, and I can't even believe Marcus would have done that.


Oh the old Peter Risdale/Peter Storrie one-two - because under Cortese we were hurtling our way towards financial oblivion. Pub idiot economics at its finest.

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Have people become so obsessed with NC's champions league bulls**t that they've forgotten the original 5-year plan also included

we have to be self sufficient. At present were living beyond our means, and are having to take a step backwards, to take a breath and move forward again. We over spent on Staplewood which needs to be paid for, and loans that also need paying off.

We have an exciting new coach in place who obviously new the state of affairs, but still chose to come here.

So why would we want a new owner who may may or may not be better. You just have to look at some other clubs not to far away to see the kind of s**t you can get into. Leeds are still in the deep brown stuff years & years after chasing the Champions league dream.

And looks like they have another lunatic in charge.

So excuse me but I'd rather stick with Katharina Thanks all the same.

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After the hysterical OP and some equally hysterical responses from half-a-dozen of the usual suspects, some sensible posts have begun to appear.


Who else would fans wish for as owner? To compete with the clubs hovering around our players, we'd literally need billions and even then, there's no guarantee that the fan base would grow sufficiently to sustain it nor the commercial income streams catching up. There's also the small matter of FAPP (dressed up to help medium-to-large clubs like Saints compete but in reality reinforcing the status quo).


Some of the worst moaners and children on here clearly didn't live through the Askham years where the club and fans were raped for every penny and then we had Secure Retirement and their £3m 'investment' to clear Guy's overdraft. How much has been invested since 2009 again? With KL, we don't know how lucky we are. Remember, Guan said we had a £35m transfer pot BEFORE any outgoings. Look at the considerable investment in our infrastructure too.


Those of us in the 14000 at the Doncaster game in 2009 would have given our right arm to be where we are today. Of course, I'm as gutted as everyone else about players going for more money when they are already wealthy but we'll bring in new heroes to support.

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In past close seasons we have been very slow to get in new players where needed. We have been lucky that some players have been better than we could have dreamt of. We are losing players at the moment, but lets wait and see what happens in July, hopefully we will see some quality coming into the club.


If we do nothing then I reckon we will end up getting relegated.

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After the hysterical OP and some equally hysterical responses from half-a-dozen of the usual suspects, some sensible posts have begun to appear.


Who else would fans wish for as owner? To compete with the clubs hovering around our players, we'd literally need billions and even then, there's no guarantee that the fan base would grow sufficiently to sustain it nor the commercial income streams catching up. There's also the small matter of FAPP (dressed up to help medium-to-large clubs like Saints compete but in reality reinforcing the status quo).


Some of the worst moaners and children on here clearly didn't live through the Askham years where the club and fans were raped for every penny and then we had Secure Retirement and their £3m 'investment' to clear Guy's overdraft. How much has been invested since 2009 again? With KL, we don't know how lucky we are. Remember, Guan said we had a £35m transfer pot BEFORE any outgoings. Look at the considerable investment in our infrastructure too.


Those of us in the 14000 at the Doncaster game in 2009 would have given our right arm to be where we are today. Of course, I'm as gutted as everyone else about players going for more money when they are already wealthy but we'll bring in new heroes to support.


Not that I don't agree with your post................... but is this becoming the forums favourite new word or something?

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I'm glad to see someone else making these comparisons.


For all the big talk, NC was just frittering someone else's money and legacy. No wonder KL wanted to take an interest. We should be thankful she didn't just pull the plug, leaving the club to whither.


Anyway, what happened to the theory of Mr Big coming back on a white charger, with a wagon train of Arab's money to buy the club.*


* if not Arab money then Dalian Wanda's personal credit card.



There are constant quotes about NC frittering away others money but all seem to forget that the value of the club was always increasing at a greater rate than the money invested! i.e. the money is in the asset (like buying a house)


The only difference between NC and KL was exactly when to cash in and sell off

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£5m? Not from the reports I've seen. Add a couple of million or so and you're getting warmer.


Easy to claim info when no one can call you out on any bs. Or were you privy to special reports from the Daily Star?

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The only difference between NC and KL was exactly when to cash in and sell off


That is something we'll never really know.


Personally, I suspect the owners 'request' to take an interest in events, and seeking some greater accountability was also a sticking point.

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You should have thought longer and harder. Katharina did not suddenly take over when Markus died. She only actually took full control last summer. The Swiss probate system meant it took a long time and during that period the club was run by trustees (now that may have included KL but she was not in control and running things). She is not responsible for our rise from L1. We do not owe her a debt of gratitude for that. The best course of action would have been for her to sell last summer as Cortese had wanted. Would it have stopped players leaving, possibly not, but Poch would have stayed under Cortese and players may have thought twice. No one will ever know. The current board are very naive and at the moment the club is toxic and many are jumping ship as a result.


Pochettino would have stayed under Cortese? You know that as a fact do you? The club is toxic? LOL. Do you really think someone like Koeman would join us if the club were "toxic." Not surprising people have left for more money and bigger clubs. We have come a long way in a short space of time and surprise, surprise, some people have decided to cash in their chips and move on. Life goes on. The club will go on. The club is not toxic and because it is in such good shape that is why many of our staff are coverted by other clubs.

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Easy to claim info when no one can call you out on any bs. Or were you privy to special reports from the Daily Star?


Behave you clueless cretin - did I claim any special info? Did I cherry pick a figure from the gutter press? I simply drew attention to a figure that was bandied about by even respectable news sources.

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Wanting Katharina Liebherr to sell up is laughable, I'm hugely grateful for what the lady has done for this club since 2010.


Just remember she didn't buy SFC, her father did. She inherited the club in lge 1 and could have cut and run immediately but she stayed with it and bankrolled us all the way back to the premier league.


Cortese was an amazing driver but it's easy to have grandiose plans when you aren't the one writing the cheques.


Katharina wants to run this club on an even footing and that is exactly how it should be, just remember back to the summer of 2009 and SFC's very existence on a knife edge if that strategy doesn't grab you.


As for Poch and the players moving on they all wanted to leave, they were offered big salaries and champs league football - not much the board could do except get the best price available.


Long may Katharina run this club, some fans may grumble because they want top 4 on a plate but she's done nothing really wrong as far as I can see. I like the low key style of her ownership, rather that than than some of the loons that have taken over various clubs - playing in blue shirts anyone?

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Wanting Katharina Liebherr to sell up is laughable, I'm hugely grateful for what the lady has done for this club since 2010.


Just remember she didn't buy SFC, her father did. She inherited the club in lge 1 and could have cut and run immediately but she stayed with it and bankrolled us all the way back to the premier league.


Cortese was an amazing driver but it's easy to have grandiose plans when you aren't the one writing the cheques.


Katharina wants to run this club on an even footing and that is exactly how it should be, just remember back to the summer of 2009 and SFC's very existence on a knife edge if that strategy doesn't grab you.


As for Poch and the players moving on they all wanted to leave, they were offered big salaries and champs league football - not much the board could do except get the best price available.


Long may Katharina run this club, some fans may grumble because they want top 4 on a plate but she's done nothing really wrong as far as I can see. I like the low key style of her ownership, rather that than than some of the loons that have taken over various clubs - playing in blue shirts anyone?

I believe the argument is that she didn't inherit the club in league one.


The estate only exited probate while we were in the premier league. Until then Cortese was a signatory of all her late father's companies.


We do't know who was in control of the purse strings.

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Like Katharina is doing a bad job!!! Look Katharina is doing a great job, and I do not want her to sell at all!!!!! I am the happiest I have ever been as a saints fan, and I really do think the club is in SAFE hands.


Katharina has my full support.

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The amount of abuse being directed at the OP is utterly ridiculous. Just because he offered a different opinion.


The fact is, despite all the guff said by Krueger and Reed, and all the ITK reports in the press and on here, we have NO idea how hard the club try to talk players out of leaving, and sell them a new post-Poch vision.


And to be honest, its all moot. All that counts is how we now assemble our squad for next season, and how quickly Koeman licks them into shape. According to the Echo, Koeman takes up his desk next week. If there isnt one signing done by the end of next week, its time to get worried, considering we are looking at needing 7-8...

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He jumped. That's all that matters.


For all the bed wetting about others leaving lets just remember who scarpered first.


He LEFT, because he had no alternative. When Katharina had changed the goalposts so much, the "Project" was nothing like it had been under Markus. ( Yes I know KL was there most of the 5 year Markus Plan) But, once she had honoured her Fathers Project, she changed the Rules , Big Time


Cortese left because of the change of direction by Katharina, followed by Pochettino, and now the Players. They want an Ambitious Club aiming upwards. We were in that category, but the Players now think we are not. And as next season will be a survival battle IMHO, our only "ambition" will be to stay in the Premier League

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The amount of abuse being directed at the OP is utterly ridiculous. Just because he offered a different opinion.


The fact is, despite all the guff said by Krueger and Reed, and all the ITK reports in the press and on here, we have NO idea how hard the club try to talk players out of leaving, and sell them a new post-Poch vision.


And to be honest, its all moot. All that counts is how we now assemble our squad for next season, and how quickly Koeman licks them into shape. According to the Echo, Koeman takes up his desk next week. If there isnt one signing done by the end of next week, its time to get worried, considering we are looking at needing 7-8...


You lot need the abuse and probably get off on it as are incapable it would seem of being able to cope with anything other than positive news. You seem to crave success but even if we finished 4th you would be moaning about something. Whinge and whine at every turn about everything. Not just you, many others but so tiresome. Imagine what your WBA equivalent is ranting about now.

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Behave you clueless cretin - did I claim any special info? Did I cherry pick a figure from the gutter press? I simply drew attention to a figure that was bandied about by even respectable news sources.


No you just claimed superior knowledge. There wasn't much to the rumours that was ever substantiated so you using it as if it were a positive for the previous regime was specualtive at best Mensa boy.

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He LEFT, because he had no alternative. When Katharina had changed the goalposts so much, the "Project" was nothing like it had been under Markus. ( Yes I know KL was there most of the 5 year Markus Plan) But, once she had honoured her Fathers Project, she changed the Rules , Big Time


Cortese left because of the change of direction by Katharina, followed by Pochettino, and now the Players. They want an Ambitious Club aiming upwards. We were in that category, but the Players now think we are not. And as next season will be a survival battle IMHO, our only "ambition" will be to stay in the Premier League


If our ambition is to 'stay in the Premier League' , I say what is wrong with that ?

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No you just claimed superior knowledge. There wasn't much to the rumours that was ever substantiated so you using it as if it were a positive for the previous regime was specualtive at best Mensa boy.


I don't think anyone of intelligence needs to substantiate the previous regime as positive. We have risen from league 1 to the EPL under Cortese.

We have sold Lallana, Shaw, Lambert with Schneiderlin and Lovren likely to follow, under the new regime.


Not too speculative that, is it ?

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He LEFT, because he had no alternative. When Katharina had changed the goalposts so much, the "Project" was nothing like it had been under Markus. ( Yes I know KL was there most of the 5 year Markus Plan) But, once she had honoured her Fathers Project, she changed the Rules , Big Time


Cortese left because of the change of direction by Katharina, followed by Pochettino, and now the Players. They want an Ambitious Club aiming upwards. We were in that category, but the Players now think we are not. And as next season will be a survival battle IMHO, our only "ambition" will be to stay in the Premier League


You write everything as if it were a cast iron fact. Is it? Or is it just an opinion you have formed based here-say, rumour and a personal agenda?

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He LEFT, because he had no alternative. When Katharina had changed the goalposts so much, the "Project" was nothing like it had been under Markus. ( Yes I know KL was there most of the 5 year Markus Plan) But, once she had honoured her Fathers Project, she changed the Rules , Big Time


Cortese left because of the change of direction by Katharina, followed by Pochettino, and now the Players. They want an Ambitious Club aiming upwards. We were in that category, but the Players now think we are not. And as next season will be a survival battle IMHO, our only "ambition" will be to stay in the Premier League


If someone was spending large amounts of your money without actually telling you, would you be happy to let it continue ?

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If someone was spending large amounts of your money without actually telling you, would you be happy to let it continue ?


how do you know that was the case?

what if she sanctioned every penny?


then there is the question that the club was in probate and she had no control and it was not her money at the time

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