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Two gone...how many to follow?

Saint Charlie

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Another man down. Five players and Pochettino.


I took a lot of stick on here earlier this summer for saying Poch and players would go and unfortunately many of my thoughts have come to pass...but even I didnt think Chambers would go.


This has turned out much worse than even my most pessimistic outlook was suggesting.


There is simply no positive spin to be made out of this. It is a complete and utter demolition of a football club.

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the other thing about the 'wait and see, the transfer window is 6 weeks away' comments,in the first month of the season we are potentially playing quite a few of our rivals which might be vital at the end of the season

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This has turned out much worse than even my most pessimistic outlook was suggesting.


There is simply no positive spin to be made out of this. It is a complete and utter demolition of a football club.


If there wasn't a huge question mark over Morgan before there must be now. Why on earth would he want to stay if there are CL clubs interested in him? Furthermore, if you where Fonte or Cork would you sign a new contract as it stands? Another 3 who could be on there way before seasons start. Could be only Boruc and Davis left from the starting line-up against Man Utd at this rate.

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Schneiderlin should go, sure he will. Makes no sense to stay. Fonte, Cork and JR should keep their options open as they are doing. See how it develops.


More chance of Cortese coming back than of Rodriguez ever signing another contract at Saints though, and you can't blame him.


Clyne is in the same boat as Jay contract wise, would be suprised if he doesnt also go next summer - possibly to Liverpool.

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Interesting all the players who have left have put pressure on Saints to sell them. Heavy pressure in some cases.


Perhaps we can start getting our targets to do that to their clubs?


In the modern game one has to wonder which is the greater evil in the game.......... Match fixing or conning the club for a transfer after being secretly in liaison and negotiation with the eventual club they move for.


Nowadays players can contact by direct message on Twitter and no one is any the wiser. Except in the case of Luke Shaw some strange tweets would appear and then soon got deleted arousing suspicions by those who kept close watch.

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If we don't start spending some money soon then the atmosphere will be poisonous at the first home game next season.


surely it now must be this season?

Summer transfer window starts the season, or are our friendly games right now an aftermath to last season?

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Simon Peach ‏@SimonPeach 1m

I am told Schneiderlin & Rodriguez are close to linking up with former #SaintsFC boss Pochettino at #THFC. It never rains but it pours.


If we actually sell an injured player, then I think it may be time for protests. Something is up, big time.

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lets wait and see, there is 6 weeks until the window closes. The club has a deadline,.............. how many can they sell in that 6 weeks


If this happens then I think we will see the management resign and spend a very long season stuck at the foot of the table, a laughing stock. Like a little miser in his leaky wooden shed counting his dirty money over and over again whilst all around the reminders of a once glorious past fade into dust. Like a Dickansian novel.

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If the latest rumour is true, I wonder if The FA are paying close attention to what is going on here. If somebody bought a club and sold this many first team regulars in such a short space of time, they'd be investigating the owner quite quickly.


Did KL have to pass the fit and proper persons test?

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If this happens then I think we will see the management resign and spend a very long season stuck at the foot of the table, a laughing stock. Like a little miser in his leaky wooden shed counting his dirty money over and over again whilst all around the reminders of a once glorious past fade into dust. Like a Dickansian novel.



Why do they have to resign.


They are selling offt he "cream" as per the Kat's instructions


Markus must be turning in his grave by now

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  • 4 weeks later...

It is illuminating, reading back through this thread and refreshing my memory as to the hysterical nature of many of the posts. Also some posters should be ashamed of their personal and childish insults aimed towards KL. We have replaced the manager, we have replaced the players who have left. We have added additional players to enlarge the squad with back-up and are still looking for a further couple of players before the window shuts. It was claimed by many that we would be nowhere near as strong at the start of season as we were when we finished the previous season. On paper, it is arguable that we are, although one match isn't enough to make a reasoned judgement either way.


I hope that some of those hysterical posters have a good look at themselves and learn to be more circumspect the next time around. But then again, I don't think that most of them are the types to take these sorts of lessons on board.

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It is illuminating, reading back through this thread and refreshing my memory as to the hysterical nature of many of the posts. Also some posters should be ashamed of their personal and childish insults aimed towards KL. We have replaced the manager, we have replaced the players who have left. We have added additional players to enlarge the squad with back-up and are still looking for a further couple of players before the window shuts. It was claimed by many that we would be nowhere near as strong at the start of season as we were when we finished the previous season. On paper, it is arguable that we are, although one match isn't enough to make a reasoned judgement either way.


I hope that some of those hysterical posters have a good look at themselves and learn to be more circumspect the next time around. But then again, I don't think that most of them are the types to take these sorts of lessons on board.


Exactly, they should apologise to KL for the ridiculous assertions and insults.

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It is illuminating, reading back through this thread and refreshing my memory as to the hysterical nature of many of the posts. Also some posters should be ashamed of their personal and childish insults aimed towards KL. We have replaced the manager, we have replaced the players who have left. We have added additional players to enlarge the squad with back-up and are still looking for a further couple of players before the window shuts. It was claimed by many that we would be nowhere near as strong at the start of season as we were when we finished the previous season. On paper, it is arguable that we are, although one match isn't enough to make a reasoned judgement either way.


I hope that some of those hysterical posters have a good look at themselves and learn to be more circumspect the next time around. But then again, I don't think that most of them are the types to take these sorts of lessons on board.


Wes, I am not anyone should be so critical of opinions no matter how 'outlandish' they may appear in hindsight. Football is a passionate sport for fans, getting 'carried away' is a natural part of that and so the reaction what was and remain any inexplicable (whatever so called in the knows suggest) dismantling of a side that had huge potential and could have seen us improve again this season.


I am am sure there are some on here who seem more obsessed with the 'told you so' attitude, than anything else, which is odd. ALL fans want to see us do well. We all want to seethe board succeed and demonstrate we are is safe hands, we all want to see the side assembled to even better and in effect prove any concerns and worries totally unfounded... It's a case where being wrong is brilliant, being right the opposite.


I still maintain that the unprecedented volume of sales was not planned or encouraged by the board so on that front they have nothing to nastier for. However, they lost an semblance of control over the situation - and the public statements by Krueger and Reed were shown to lack credibility and just made them look silly.


Yes the signs against Liverpool were encouraging, that perhaps we will not be dead Certs for bottom 5, but I maintain we would be better had we kept those players and just added one or two - and until I see the published accounts, I don't buy the whole financial mess thing, given a 110mil odd turnover last season.


Time me will tell on how this crop does and whether we can rebuild, but the thought of loosing, Schneiderlin, JWP, maybe Tadic and possibly COrk for nothing come the summer should we do OK, is the real issue. Are you happy just benga feeder club that sells and rebuilds every summer? Because as 'realistic' as that may be, it's just pretty sad if its all we can aspire to and worse still that so many seem to think its acceptable.


Ultimately it's just football and means feck all in the grand scheme of things, not worth getting worked up about, but as this is a football forum, where this is discussed, is it really a surprise that folks get over emotive about it?

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Wes, I am not anyone should be so critical of opinions no matter how 'outlandish' they may appear in hindsight. Football is a passionate sport for fans, getting 'carried away' is a natural part of that and so the reaction what was and remain any inexplicable (whatever so called in the knows suggest) dismantling of a side that had huge potential and could have seen us improve again this season.


I am am sure there are some on here who seem more obsessed with the 'told you so' attitude, than anything else, which is odd. ALL fans want to see us do well. We all want to seethe board succeed and demonstrate we are is safe hands, we all want to see the side assembled to even better and in effect prove any concerns and worries totally unfounded... It's a case where being wrong is brilliant, being right the opposite.


I still maintain that the unprecedented volume of sales was not planned or encouraged by the board so on that front they have nothing to nastier for. However, they lost an semblance of control over the situation - and the public statements by Krueger and Reed were shown to lack credibility and just made them look silly.


Yes the signs against Liverpool were encouraging, that perhaps we will not be dead Certs for bottom 5, but I maintain we would be better had we kept those players and just added one or two - and until I see the published accounts, I don't buy the whole financial mess thing, given a 110mil odd turnover last season.


Time me will tell on how this crop does and whether we can rebuild, but the thought of loosing, Schneiderlin, JWP, maybe Tadic and possibly COrk for nothing come the summer should we do OK, is the real issue. Are you happy just benga feeder club that sells and rebuilds every summer? Because as 'realistic' as that may be, it's just pretty sad if its all we can aspire to and worse still that so many seem to think its acceptable.


Ultimately it's just football and means feck all in the grand scheme of things, not worth getting worked up about, but as this is a football forum, where this is discussed, is it really a surprise that folks get over emotive about it?


Great post, Frank.

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Wes, I am not anyone should be so critical of opinions no matter how 'outlandish' they may appear in hindsight. Football is a passionate sport for fans, getting 'carried away' is a natural part of that and so the reaction what was and remain any inexplicable (whatever so called in the knows suggest) dismantling of a side that had huge potential and could have seen us improve again this season.


I am am sure there are some on here who seem more obsessed with the 'told you so' attitude, than anything else, which is odd. ALL fans want to see us do well. We all want to seethe board succeed and demonstrate we are is safe hands, we all want to see the side assembled to even better and in effect prove any concerns and worries totally unfounded... It's a case where being wrong is brilliant, being right the opposite.


I still maintain that the unprecedented volume of sales was not planned or encouraged by the board so on that front they have nothing to nastier for. However, they lost an semblance of control over the situation - and the public statements by Krueger and Reed were shown to lack credibility and just made them look silly.


Yes the signs against Liverpool were encouraging, that perhaps we will not be dead Certs for bottom 5, but I maintain we would be better had we kept those players and just added one or two - and until I see the published accounts, I don't buy the whole financial mess thing, given a 110mil odd turnover last season.


Time me will tell on how this crop does and whether we can rebuild, but the thought of loosing, Schneiderlin, JWP, maybe Tadic and possibly COrk for nothing come the summer should we do OK, is the real issue. Are you happy just benga feeder club that sells and rebuilds every summer? Because as 'realistic' as that may be, it's just pretty sad if its all we can aspire to and worse still that so many seem to think its acceptable.


Ultimately it's just football and means feck all in the grand scheme of things, not worth getting worked up about, but as this is a football forum, where this is discussed, is it really a surprise that folks get over emotive about it?


I am happy with our status. I think it is also very important to remain solvent and if we do go down 'yoyo' back up. Norwich have started well and will do precisely that, keeping finances in a good state and build a good team for a couple of years in the Prem. We should follow their example.

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I will happlily apologise for my insults if the board apologise for their mis-handling of Pochettino and their p*ss-poor communication.


Pochettino wasn't mis-handled - trust me. The guy is/was very slippery.


Poor communication has been apologised for I thought? One of Les Reeds latest interviews I thought mentioned that and the fact they couldn't comment.

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Can't sell them in January then?


What footballer with half a brain would allow a transfer with 4/5 months left on his contract with a Bosman pending. Don't forget it is a three way negotiation-you can't just transfer a player against his will. Or in other words the transfer value you would get now as a seller will be much, much more than you would get in January 2015 as the player is holding all the cards at that point.

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First up... Need to turn off the fricken auto correct on the iPad.... Gets me every time. Sorry Dalek you are Wrong. Typical of those who have succumb to the belief that football is all about money.... It's not its sport and sport is about being the best. It's the clubs that are obsessed with just being in the prem for the cash, that are are worst, as they have lost those sporting ideals, happy to just feed at the trough and nothing more.... Stagnating and feeding off the 'undying loyalty' that is expected of 'real fans'


Sorry but that undying loyalty thing is a load of juvenile, archaic and romantic idealism. Ironic then that those who go on about these virtues also seem to talk of realism whenever ambition is mentioned... Nope, the fact that you think yo yo ing is acceptable is sadly what has become of fans... Your ambition to be the best eroded by the an acceptance that we can never be really good.... Accepting of a 'place' and in effect accepting of failure.... And that defeatism makes you a joke (if it were not for your obvious Wind up) - but you are symbolic of the crap attitude we seem to have... Accepting of the plucky loser tag


Football fans in this country need to wake up and see that they are being taken for mugs by the armchair millions, many of whom are aboard and the ruling bodies - because if they don't the game will just drift further away. Until your crap attitude of accepting mediocrity or worse defeat is removed, what is the point of taking part if you never aspire to win?

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If we keep Morgan, it'll certainly show up those divs who led us to believe that we were utterly powerless to resist offers from the bigger clubs. Now they are taking the moral high ground and want an apology for being wrong. :lol:


One wonders what might have been had the board shown more fight or picked up on the mood of supporters earlier. Either way, the sequencing of our transfer strategy -once the decision was to sell players, regardless how many- has left alot to be desired.

Edited by shurlock
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Wes, I am not anyone should be so critical of opinions no matter how 'outlandish' they may appear in hindsight. Football is a passionate sport for fans, getting 'carried away' is a natural part of that and so the reaction what was and remain any inexplicable (whatever so called in the knows suggest) dismantling of a side that had huge potential and could have seen us improve again this season.


I am am sure there are some on here who seem more obsessed with the 'told you so' attitude, than anything else, which is odd. ALL fans want to see us do well. We all want to seethe board succeed and demonstrate we are is safe hands, we all want to see the side assembled to even better and in effect prove any concerns and worries totally unfounded... It's a case where being wrong is brilliant, being right the opposite.


I still maintain that the unprecedented volume of sales was not planned or encouraged by the board so on that front they have nothing to nastier for. However, they lost an semblance of control over the situation - and the public statements by Krueger and Reed were shown to lack credibility and just made them look silly.


Yes the signs against Liverpool were encouraging, that perhaps we will not be dead Certs for bottom 5, but I maintain we would be better had we kept those players and just added one or two - and until I see the published accounts, I don't buy the whole financial mess thing, given a 110mil odd turnover last season.


Time me will tell on how this crop does and whether we can rebuild, but the thought of loosing, Schneiderlin, JWP, maybe Tadic and possibly COrk for nothing come the summer should we do OK, is the real issue. Are you happy just benga feeder club that sells and rebuilds every summer? Because as 'realistic' as that may be, it's just pretty sad if its all we can aspire to and worse still that so many seem to think its acceptable.


Ultimately it's just football and means feck all in the grand scheme of things, not worth getting worked up about, but as this is a football forum, where this is discussed, is it really a surprise that folks get over emotive about it?


Yes, of course emotions can run high when it seems on face value that a very successful side is being systematically dismantled, but is that a valid excuse for the puerile name-calling, the unfounded accusations against the owner and the board?


Under these circumstances, people can and did jump to conclusions that have largely proven to be groundless. So why shouldn't it be brought to their attention that the sensible position was always to wait and see how things turned out and to take at face value the assertions that were made by the board that the players who departed would be replaced.


In an ideal fantasy world, we would have kept the players that we had developed and added to, and then tweak the team further to improve it year on year. But anybody who believes that possible, even had we kept Cortese and Pochettino, is pretty naive. One -club players like Le Tiss, in teams at our level are an anachronism. The default situation which applies right up to Man Utd, Arsenal et al, is that no player cannot be bought if the price is right. One can't really fault many of our fans for not realising this I suppose, as even Ricky Lambert sought to blame the board for him and them leaving, rather than acknowledging that he and they all left because of the lure of personal glory and vastly higher wage packets.


As you say, anybody who really is outstanding in this season's campaign is likely to be targetted by the bigger clubs once more. Are the board to be blamed again if we have to sell them? Even if many find that scenario unacceptable, there is little we can do about it, is there? It is up to the footballing authorities to do something, but they won't, in case it upsets the glory clubs.

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It is illuminating, reading back through this thread and refreshing my memory as to the hysterical nature of many of the posts. Also some posters should be ashamed of their personal and childish insults aimed towards KL. We have replaced the manager, we have replaced the players who have left. We have added additional players to enlarge the squad with back-up and are still looking for a further couple of players before the window shuts. It was claimed by many that we would be nowhere near as strong at the start of season as we were when we finished the previous season. On paper, it is arguable that we are, although one match isn't enough to make a reasoned judgement either way.


I hope that some of those hysterical posters have a good look at themselves and learn to be more circumspect the next time around. But then again, I don't think that most of them are the types to take these sorts of lessons on board.


You're having a laugh if you think we're as strong as we were last season......Last seasons Saints would have ****ing hammered that **** poor Liverpool team we played on Sunday

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If we keep Morgan, it'll certainly show up those divs who led us to believe that we were utterly powerless to resist offers from the bigger clubs. Now they are taking the moral high ground and want an apology for being wrong. :lol:


One wonders what might have been had the board shown more fight or picked up on the mood of supporters earlier. Either way, the sequencing of our transfer strategy -once the decision was to sell players, regardless how many- has left alot to be desired.


I think that there is a fault in your argument that you appear to have overlooked. We have received mega-inflated prices for those other players and the reasoning might have been that they were all replaceable with players of equal or better ability from the money we received. In the case of Schneiderlin, it hasn't been proven that the board succumbed to fans' pressure to stop his sale. It might always have been the case that he was a player that we didn't want to sell. Furthermore, the ludicrous sum of money that might have had us thinking twice about selling him, would be set at about £27/30 million. Spurs are kicking tyres with a derisory offer far below that and Arsenal also appear to have backed away from the price we want. As it also appears that we might well have dug our heels in and played hardball with Schneiderlin if he went on strike, he seems to have recognised that he will not get his move at this particular time and will have to wait until January or next summer.


Yes, the divs were those who stated categorically that Schneiderlin had played his last game for the club. However many on here took the postion that if he went on strike, the club should let him rot in the reserves to make an example out of him. Whether the club takes notice of the attitudes of fans about positions like that, I don't know, but I very much doubt it.

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You're having a laugh if you think we're as strong as we were last season......Last seasons Saints would have ****ing hammered that **** poor Liverpool team we played on Sunday


Are you adding Rodrigues into that team? Then equally you might as well have to accept that Suarez would have to play too. And the p*ss poor team included two of our last team's players, so your argument seems a bit full of holes.


But if you care to read my post properly, you will say that I did state that on paper it seemed to be arguably, and then I qualified it further by saying that after one game it was hard to make a reasoned judgement either way


And were Liverpool p*ss poor because they are, or because we made them look that way?

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Are you adding Rodrigues into that team? Then equally you might as well have to accept that Suarez would have to play too. And the p*ss poor team included two of our last team's players, so your argument seems a bit full of holes.


But if you care to read my post properly, you will say that I did state that on paper it seemed to be arguably, and then I qualified it further by saying that after one game it was hard to make a reasoned judgement either way





And were Liverpool p*ss poor because they are, or because we made them look that way?

what do mean "on paper"
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First up... Need to turn off the fricken auto correct on the iPad.... Gets me every time. Sorry Dalek you are Wrong. Typical of those who have succumb to the belief that football is all about money.... It's not its sport and sport is about being the best. It's the clubs that are obsessed with just being in the prem for the cash, that are are worst, as they have lost those sporting ideals, happy to just feed at the trough and nothing more.... Stagnating and feeding off the 'undying loyalty' that is expected of 'real fans'


Sorry but that undying loyalty thing is a load of juvenile, archaic and romantic idealism. Ironic then that those who go on about these virtues also seem to talk of realism whenever ambition is mentioned... Nope, the fact that you think yo yo ing is acceptable is sadly what has become of fans... Your ambition to be the best eroded by the an acceptance that we can never be really good.... Accepting of a 'place' and in effect accepting of failure.... And that defeatism makes you a joke (if it were not for your obvious Wind up) - but you are symbolic of the crap attitude we seem to have... Accepting of the plucky loser tag


Football fans in this country need to wake up and see that they are being taken for mugs by the armchair millions, many of whom are aboard and the ruling bodies - because if they don't the game will just drift further away. Until your crap attitude of accepting mediocrity or worse defeat is removed, what is the point of taking part if you never aspire to win?


I understand what you are saying. But, I am being a realist. look what has just happened the moment there was a sniff of a chance of Saints making it into the big time. We got broken up, and this was because money talks. 30 years ago, we could have done a Nottingham Forest or an Ipswich, but not now. We have to wait until something changes. Maybe the allure of the premier league will die away, nothing is permanent. In the meantime it is better to enjoy achieving the achievable and also to make the most of our time in the premier and see relegation and promotion as part of the drama.

Far worse is to bankrupt ourselves and have a repeat of 2005 etc or find ourselves like that lot down the road from us. For the time being if you want to see your club win the league, become a plastic.

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