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will we see Suarez in our first match? (Answer: No.)


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Bloody hell chicken with a banjo What friggin planet are you on ? Squarez is a total thug and cheat and that sort of behaviour has no place in the game .

If you think it does then your a bigger ****t than what I give you credit for


Maybe he's just frustrated with the plumes of outrage rising over a man biting another man in a football stadium. Think everyone knows it's wrong, and he's going to punished accordingly.


You can judge me how you like, but I watched it and found it amusing from first to last. FIFA will be the judge of Suarez, along with the quick-to-rage crowd too, it'd seem :)

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I can see what chickenwithabanjo was on about if you consider Paul Davis's cowardly assault on Glenn Cockerill in the 88/89 season. That was an assault that should have got Davis a criminal record for GBH...instead it got him a 9 game ban and a fine. Suarez's pathetic record for biting is not to be applauded but in comparison it's a mere nibble.

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I can see what chickenwithabanjo was on about if you consider Paul Davis's cowardly assault on Glenn Cockerill in the 88/89 season. That was an assault that should have got Davis a criminal record for GBH...instead it got him a 9 game ban and a fine. Suarez's pathetic record for biting is not to be applauded but in comparison it's a mere nibble.

wonder if you'd say the same if your son or daughter got bitten after some scamp copied the harmless nibble they saw on tv.

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wonder if you'd say the same if your son or daughter got bitten after some scamp copied the harmless nibble they saw on tv.


You should be more upset if your son or daughter had their jaw broken while they weren't looking. With the police deciding it wasn't worth prosecuting because it happened on a football pitch.

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You should be more upset if your son or daughter had their jaw broken while they weren't looking. With the police decideing it wasn't worth prosecuting because it happened on a football pitch.

I'm not saying either is ok. You're suggesting what suarez did was harmless.

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I don't want to go over the top about the incident, it's more (IMO) the fact that it is the third time. If FIFA / UEFA / Uruguay / Liverpool can no longer guarantee the safety of opposing players when Suraez is playing then that's a massive problem.


I'm not convinced any punishment will be significant, but would be interesting if civil action was bought.

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Hope our scouting network has identified an appropriate centre back to deal with Suarez on the opening day:



Believe Koeman is working his Dutch contacts to bring in Abraham Van Helsing to further shore up the defence in time for the crunch clash.

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Sorry to see a few people think this is funny. Violence like this doesn't even belong in the school playground let alone in professional football and certainly not something to joke about. Twice Suarez has been punished for it before and a strong governing body would ban him for life. FIFA is not a strong governing body, with the corruption of money close to the surface, but enough of a public outcry might have some effect.

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Sorry to see a few people think this is funny. Violence like this doesn't even belong in the school playground let alone in professional football and certainly not something to joke about. Twice Suarez has been punished for it before and a strong governing body would ban him for life. FIFA is not a strong governing body, with the corruption of money close to the surface, but enough of a public outcry might have some effect.


You must be a joy to have at parties.

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Sorry to see a few people think this is funny. Violence like this doesn't even belong in the school playground let alone in professional football and certainly not something to joke about. Twice Suarez has been punished for it before and a strong governing body would ban him for life. FIFA is not a strong governing body, with the corruption of money close to the surface, but enough of a public outcry might have some effect.


You can get that stick removed on the NHS, y'know ;)

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The trouble with human bites is that medically they are worse than a dog bite for infection risk if the skin is broken.


The video clearly shows a voluntary additional neck extension and biting action, not merely a passive bumping of teeth and shoulder.


Then, realising the foolishness of his actions, after a split but distinct second, he feigns tooth pain...


The chap's a psychopath. God only knows what his poor wife has to suffer behind closed doors.

Edited by adrian lord
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The question was 'will we see Suarez in our first match'? As I said in an earlier post to some clown who suggested we would go 0-5 down to Liverpool. NO! He will be gone,Gerrard will now struggle and commit more cynical fouls and we will stuff their overtures for our players right up their 'Wengers'. Liverpool will not finish in the top six this season because,just like the England squad they are over rated by the Press.


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What a flocking bunch of hysterical c%nts you all are. He bit someone, the referee missed it and he stayed on the pitch. He should've got a red card. He didn't get one. That's where it should end. None of this retrospective action crap. Worst of all is the dehumanisation of the guy and the media scavenging frenzy which is about to ensue. This frenzy itself is the more shameful animalistic behaviour not the bite. What is so horrific about a little bite during a high stakes physical encounter. He didn't bite his ear or his finger off or sever a major artery. He gave him a little bite because the Italian player was being a c%nt. I can't believe the sh%t I read on here. Most of you people are another species to me it's clear.


I guess we are!

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Italian fooballer Georgio Chiellini was taken to hospital yesterday after having been bitten by a mongrel Uruguayan buck-toothed pitbull terrier during a World Cup football match. He was given a tetanus jab and a precuationary rabies injection. Apparently this same dog has bitten two other footballers previously and faces being put down. FIFA are considering a lengthy quarantine whilst it is examined by an animal bahavioural psychiatrist, much to the chagrin of its scouse owners

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After the latest biting incident, my guess is that he will get a very long suspension


Have to feel sorry for him really, after all when your top set front teeth resemble the front bucket on a J.C.B, then the urge to sink them into something must be huge.

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Listening to R5L phone in. Lots of Scousers defending him and saying that the PL would be worse off without him.


What a surprise.


Running true to form.


Not sure how the fans views sit with those of the club's American owners who are prepared to ditch him.


Whether that is a moral stance, or a pragmatic one as they think he is damaging the brand, it's a policy that is sure to bring the owners into conflict not only with those lovable, witty Scouse fans but Brendan Rogers who knows Suarez carries their title hopes on his unbitten shoulders.

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