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Seventy mil transfer budget?


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It doesnt say rising to 90m with sales.


It says 70 and that we might make 90m through sales.


Its a lot of money, but the cost of replacing anyone we lose will be high.


Had to edit that before you replied, soz.


Yeah, sounds something of a weird statement re-reading it. We're spending 70m but expect to make 90m? Covering debts?

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According to @SkySportsAmy on Twitter, Koeman has been handed a 70m transfer budget. We're expecting 90m if we sell players.


Anyone know how real this is?


Quite a bit of money, if true.


You've miss-quoted her tweet. She actually said...


Amy Lewis@SkySportsAmy 29m

I'm told Koeman will be handed up to £70m to spend on transfers by Southampton who expect to raise up to 90m if they sell star players


Which goes against Les Reed saying all money from player sales would be reinvested in the team. So if no players were sold, would Saints spend nothing on transfer fees this summer?

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You've miss-quoted her tweet. She actually said...


Amy Lewis@SkySportsAmy 29m

I'm told Koeman will be handed up to £70m to spend on transfers by Southampton who expect to raise up to 90m if they sell star players


Which goes against Les Reed saying all money from player sales would be reinvested in the team. So if no players were sold, would Saints spend nothing on transfer fees this summer?


What everyone has missed (I think) is that although I believe Les Red when he states any revenues will go back into the team, I do not recall him stating a timescale for this, ie not necessarily this window!!



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They obviously wouldnt spend nothing, but they wouldn't spend £70m either. Probably about half that like previous years.


Im sure Reed didnt mean literally every penny would tally up and Im sure Sky Girl has probably plucked the figure out the air.


Makes sense if you rake a load of cash in to also pay off existing fees or part of the TG money.


Pretty clear its not the case that we budgeted 70m then will chuck another 90m on top if raised.

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They obviously wouldnt spend nothing, but they wouldn't spend £70m either. Probably about half that like previous years.


Why after receiving £90m extra compared to both 2012/13 and 2013/14 do you think they'd only spend the same again in 2014/15? On what is that based?

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70 plus 90.


Quite clearly if we are going to spend approx 70m or 90m that already has player sales factored in.


If we were not anticipating sales we would be spending less. Quite simple surely?


Why on earth have you added the £70m and £90m together?


Amy is saying Saints will have £70m to spend, if we recoup £90m.


I'm saying Les Reed has indicated it will be all money from player sales (lets use the £90m figure again) plus the existing transfer budget if we hadn't sold anyone. Based on the first two seasons back in the Premier League that is around £35m.


So it would be £90m plus for example £35m = £125m.

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If we spend over 100m this summer I will buy you a Saints pencil case. Won't happen.


Also Reed has never said the cash would be reinvested in addition to existing budget, and he never said over which timeframe the reinvestment would happen.


Anyone who thinks we will spend over 100m in two months is mad.


What a two fingers to the whole Academy thing it would be if we just bought 10 * 10m players.


IMO of course.

Edited by Saint Charlie
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You will see when we fail to spend 160m FFS.


:lol: True dat. If we did sell £90m of players we would be stupid to spunk it all away in one window on any ole bro we can get our hands on. We would be more than stupid, we would be "Spurs".

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Amy is saying Saints will have £70m to spend, if we recoup £90m.


I think she's saying we have 70m - and is saying that if we sell players we couls raise 90m - probably just based on the numbers in the press. Not saying we will spend 70 is we recoup 90!


I think that the 90m in sales is unrelated and her just speculating by adding Shaw 40m, Lallana 30m, Louvren 20m

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I think she's saying we have 70m - and is saying that if we sell players we couls raise 90m - probably just based on the numbers in the press. Not saying we will spend 70 is we recoup 90!


I think that the 90m in sales is unrelated and her just speculating by adding Shaw 40m, Lallana 30m, Louvren 20m


Doesn't matter what she's saying, it's crap.

Hope I'll not get an infraction for that for "trampling on posters' dreams"

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I think she's saying we have 70m - and is saying that if we sell players we couls raise 90m - probably just based on the numbers in the press. Not saying we will spend 70 is we recoup 90!


I think that the 90m in sales is unrelated and her just speculating by adding Shaw 40m, Lallana 30m, Louvren 20m


No she isn't.


Amy Lewis@SkySportsAmy 50m

I'm told Koeman will be handed up to £70m to spend on transfers by Southampton who expect to raise up to 90m if they sell star players

That means it is "up to £70m" and how close they get to that figure is dependant on how many players are sold which could be £90m.


We aren't going to spend £70m if no player is sold.

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I think she's saying we have 70m - and is saying that if we sell players we couls raise 90m - probably just based on the numbers in the press. Not saying we will spend 70 is we recoup 90!


I think that the 90m in sales is unrelated and her just speculating by adding Shaw 40m, Lallana 30m, Louvren 20m


That's my understanding of it.


A budget of £70M to spend regardless.


Up to £90M in incoming transfer fees should players, i.e. Shaw, Lallana and Lovren, be sold.


The two are separate.


Not saying either or both will happen but that's what she appears to be saying.

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So thats assuming Shaw, Lallana and Lovren are sold then i assume.


So lose 3 players + 1 already gone in Lambert.


£70M would get you 7 £10M players, i think we would probably come out of that with a stronger squad than we ended the season with IMO.

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That's my understanding of it.


A budget of £70M to spend regardless.


Up to £90M in incoming transfer fees should players, i.e. Shaw, Lallana and Lovren, be sold.


The two are separate.


Not saying either or both will happen but that's what she appears to be saying.


Then you've misunderstood it, see my post #19 above.


Where would Saints be getting a £70m transfer budget from if they didn't sell anyone beforehand? i


Saints will have a transfer budget this summer of say £25m to £35m, they'd then add to that with money from players sold. Amy is suggesting it then rises to £70m, we sell £90m of players.


Which is very different from the picture Les Reed and Ralph Krueger painted where they indicated there was already a healthy transfer pot and all money from player sales would go back into the team.

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Behave! No way that would have been what we were planning to spend!


Its double what NC spent in the last summer.


That's if you assume what she is saying is true - which I doubt anyway.


Also as someone pointed out - them saying the money being reinvested didnt specify spanking it right away

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Then you've misunderstood it, see my post #19 above.


Where would Saints be getting a £70m transfer budget from if they didn't sell anyone beforehand? i


Saints will have a transfer budget this summer of say £25m to £35m, they'd then add to that with money from players sold. Amy is suggesting it then rises to £70m, we sell £90m of players.


Which is very different from the picture Les Reed and Ralph Krueger painted where they indicated there was already a healthy transfer pot and all money from player sales would go back into the team.


I won't disagree with you but if that's what she means then she should have said "provided they raise £90M" or "if they raise £90M".


Regardless, I wouldn't expect Saints to spend £70M.

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That's if you assume what she is saying is true - which I doubt anyway.


Also as someone pointed out - them saying the money being reinvested didnt specify spanking it right away


True. Clearly if we sell then we will end up spending a fair bit, but mostly to replace the quality we have let go.


To successfully do that and then address the weak areas we had last season will be very, very difficult. But hopefully we give it a good try.

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Then you've misunderstood it, see my post #19 above.


Where would Saints be getting a £70m transfer budget from if they didn't sell anyone beforehand? i


Saints will have a transfer budget this summer of say £25m to £35m, they'd then add to that with money from players sold. Amy is suggesting it then rises to £70m, we sell £90m of players.


Which is very different from the picture Les Reed and Ralph Krueger painted where they indicated there was already a healthy transfer pot and all money from player sales would go back into the team.


The fact is that it has not been said how much the transfer budget is prior to any sales and nor should it be publicised or not will it. What you and most are doing is making a deduction based on everything you read and hear from all your own particular sources, itk if not, coupled with your own understanding and rationale. It's is very possible that the budget is 25-35m, it could equally be double that or anything else. Stop guessing and assuming and get back to being pedantic and stating facts. Far better use of your posts.



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True. Clearly if we sell then we will end up spending a fair bit, but mostly to replace the quality we have let go.


To successfully do that and then address the weak areas we had last season will be very, very difficult. But hopefully we give it a good try.


"But hopefully we give it a good try." You really dont have a very high regard for those running the club do you?

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The express reported 50 million on the first of June.




from that article


"However, the amount available for transfers at Southampton is likely to be increased should any of the club's stars command substantial fees"


easily believable its gone up to 70 WITHOUT players going out, as KL is likely to want to prove commitment going forward.

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"But hopefully we give it a good try." You really dont have a very high regard for those running the club do you?


Ha. I didn't mean anything by that, been happy with our recruitment last 3 years or so. But its going to be tough IF we need 7 or so players because it always is, especially if you arent a top side that can nearly always get their first choices.

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The express reported 50 million on the first of June.




from that article


"However, the amount available for transfers at Southampton is likely to be increased should any of the club's stars command substantial fees"


easily believable its gone up to 70 WITHOUT players going out, as KL is likely to want to prove commitment going forward.


70m to spend without player sales might make a few wantaways take notice.


Might just be wishful thinking on our part, tho'.

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No she isn't.


Amy Lewis@SkySportsAmy 50m

I'm told Koeman will be handed up to £70m to spend on transfers by Southampton who expect to raise up to 90m if they sell star players

That means it is "up to £70m" and how close they get to that figure is dependant on how many players are sold which could be £90m.


We aren't going to spend £70m if no player is sold.


You dont possibly know that, you are summising and interpreting it your way the same as everyone else. In theory she cpuld mean it one way or another.


Its also possibly crap though I was told its 35m plus sales in which case that figure would be somewhat realistic in reality

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The fact is that it has not been said how much the transfer budget is prior to any sales and nor should it be publicised or not will it. What you and most are doing is making a deduction based on everything you read and hear from all your own particular sources, itk if not, coupled with your own understanding and rationale. It's is very possible that the budget is 25-35m, it could equally be double that or anything else. Stop guessing and assuming and get back to being pedantic and stating facts. Far better use of your posts.



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Most definately this.

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My view is


We get £90m in for the sale of players


£70m goes to RK to spend, £20m goes to pay off the residual fees that we still owe


Therefore all proceeds reinvested into the playing side


But we won't get the 90 million all at once so we'll still owe money, money is a mere accounting notion in football anyway.

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My view is


We get £90m in for the sale of players


£70m goes to RK to spend, £20m goes to pay off the residual fees that we still owe


Therefore all proceeds reinvested into the playing side


Bit of an ambiguous tweet by Sky Sports Amy, but this interpretation seems to make the most sense to me.

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