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Pochettino vs Lambert ethically.


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I'm trying to understand the differing attitudes of people here towards Poch and Lambert.


Lambert leaves with two years left on his contract, at a time when we needed stability, for a relatively paltry sum of money to join his - as Saggy chops would call it - "spiritual home". Never was there a time that he didn't big Saints up, but as soon as Liverpool come knocking he's off like a rat up a drain pipe.


Pochettino said from the moment Cortese left, that he would see out the year then decide on his future. He left with one year left on his contract which is still not the most ethical thing to do, but at least thanks to Cortese's foresight in writing the contract Poch had to pay us back a couple of million.


Seems to me that Lambert made the more damaging and surprising exit, yet people here fall over themselves to praise him.


Both did a lot for SFC, but in my mind Lambert was the bigger traitor.

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I'm trying to understand the differing attitudes of people here towards Poch and Lambert.


Lambert leaves with two years left on his contract, at a time when we needed stability, for a relatively paltry sum of money to join his - as Saggy chops would call it - "spiritual home". Never was there a time that he didn't big Saints up, but as soon as Liverpool come knocking he's off like a rat up a drain pipe.


Pochettino said from the moment Cortese left, that he would see out the year then decide on his future. He left with one year left on his contract which is still not the most ethical thing to do, but at least thanks to Cortese's foresight in writing the contract Poch had to pay us back a couple of million.


Seems to me that Lambert made the more damaging and surprising exit, yet people here fall over themselves to praise him.


Both did a lot for SFC, but in my mind Lambert was the bigger traitor.


How many years was Lambert here compared to Poch?

How many times did Lambert say he is not worried about contract and will review he has a year than ****es off when its been mentioned quite a few times on threads leaked from the club they expected him to sign a new one offered?

Does Poch have a tattoo of Levy on his arm?

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No comparison in my book.




5 years outstanding service - fulfilled all expectations and more

Did not canvas or orchestrate a move (to our knowledge of course)

Always appeared completely committed to the cause

Left for his hometown club, quite understandable (his "spiritual home" as you call it)




NC took him off the dole in Spain for him to build a reputation, based on a squad assembled by others

Even in December when the spurs job came available, you sensed his 'head was turned'.

Was always "shifty" when any question of future mentioned (even in a December interview)

Was angling for his exit

Left at the first opportunity available, for a club where he had no connection, and a fairly unstable track record of keeping managers.

Left for £££ , pure and simple


Good luck to RL for his remaining years playing (except when he plays v Saints), and providing he does not become a 'tap' for other players going there.


MP , hope he's out on his arse by Christmas.

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I'm trying to understand the differing attitudes of people here towards Poch and Lambert.


Lambert leaves with two years left on his contract, at a time when we needed stability, for a relatively paltry sum of money to join his - as Saggy chops would call it - "spiritual home". Never was there a time that he didn't big Saints up, but as soon as Liverpool come knocking he's off like a rat up a drain pipe.


Pochettino said from the moment Cortese left, that he would see out the year then decide on his future. He left with one year left on his contract which is still not the most ethical thing to do, but at least thanks to Cortese's foresight in writing the contract Poch had to pay us back a couple of million.


Seems to me that Lambert made the more damaging and surprising exit, yet people here fall over themselves to praise him.


Both did a lot for SFC, but in my mind Lambert was the bigger traitor.


It is impossible to see just how you could come to such a conclusion. The rather big difference here is that the club decided (completely wrongly in my opinion) that we would benefit from Lambert leaving and instigated the move. In contrast we moved heaven and earth to keep Pochettino here but he just didn't want to know.

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It is impossible to see just how you could come to such a conclusion. The rather big difference here is that the club decided (completely wrongly in my opinion) that we would benefit from Lambert leaving and instigated the move. In contrast we moved heaven and earth to keep Pochettino here but he just didn't want to know.


Alternatively you could say that the club didn't particularly want either of them and let them wander off after accepting money to let them do so. We really don't know what went on, no point in pretending that we do. All in all we're 6 million £ + richer.

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No problem with Lambert gave great service to the Club and has left for arguably will be a last big payday before he retires, and if we were really truthful was probably past his prime now, think he will start to struggle to complete a full game next season. Poch well nothing I did not expect from him, as you would expect from non Europeans, no real loyalty and off to what appears to be a better offer at first moment. Anyway hope he enjoys his time off in March when Levy's axe fall in February if things are not going right.

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Relatively paltry sum was 4 times what we paid for him, he's now 32 and provided us with the goals and play required to guide us to two promotions, and seemed to get better with each new level he plays at.


I don't begrudge Lambert his move at all, I wish him all the best and thank him for what he did for us. My initial gripe when the transfer was announced was that it could have been delayed until after the WC but to no avail.


As for Pochettino? Meh. I look forward to the new chapter, win or lose.

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Anyone who can't see the difference is either an idiot or on a wind up.


Oh I dunno accusing either of being immoral or treacherous is a bit rich. Lambart will be remembered more fondly, as you say, for pretty obv reasons.

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I'm trying to understand the differing attitudes of people here towards Poch and Lambert.


Lambert leaves with two years left on his contract, at a time when we needed stability, for a relatively paltry sum of money to join his - as Saggy chops would call it - "spiritual home". Never was there a time that he didn't big Saints up, but as soon as Liverpool come knocking he's off like a rat up a drain pipe.


Pochettino said from the moment Cortese left, that he would see out the year then decide on his future. He left with one year left on his contract which is still not the most ethical thing to do, but at least thanks to Cortese's foresight in writing the contract Poch had to pay us back a couple of million.


Seems to me that Lambert made the more damaging and surprising exit, yet people here fall over themselves to praise him.


Both did a lot for SFC, but in my mind Lambert was the bigger traitor.


Nice try.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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The Lambert love in here is ridiculous. Yes the guy achieved loads while here but to me Lallana has achieved as much if not more and gets loads of stick and he hasn t even left.

Lambert has and a year ago I remember him saying he wanted to finish his career here.

Yes Liverpool is his spiritual home, and Lallana 's is Everton.

Don t think people will be saying the same thing of Lallana if he leaves one day for Everton.


As for Poch, wanted to go and has gone, I hope his move backfires as the grass is not always greener elsewhere.

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Oh I dunno accusing either of being immoral or treacherous is a bit rich. Lambart will be remembered more fondly, as you say, for pretty obv reasons.

Is you talkin all gansta coz youz down wiv the kids Bearsy or is you really Ali G

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At 26, Lambert had become a good player but he was still L1. It was Southampton who made him the player he is today but in football loyalty is mainly limited to the fans so it was no surprise that he would have opted to go if there was more money on offer BUT the club could have refused the bid, told him to wait to speak to the new manager and if he was wanted here, they could have required him to see out his contract. So its not entirely his fault that he left, it looks like he was almost pushed out of the door.

Pochettino is a different case. With only one year of his contact left trying to keep him against his will was quite impractical and whereas the club has plenty of players, it only has one manager. That he wanted to go after Southampton had resurrected his career is disloyal as is the rumour that he'd like to sign a player or players from here for his new club. Contempt might be too strong a word, but mainly because in hindsight I think he was overrated and I'm glad to see the back of him.

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Poch told the players at the end of the season that he was staying. He has played the club for fools for quite some time.


Difference between Poch and Lambert, is that Poch is a bullsh*tting c*nt and Lambert isn't.


Do you know this for fact?

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Incomprable. Lambert deserves this. Poch is a **** as Wade said.


The one that gets me is how anyone can say Poch is any different from Adkins. Poch only did to us what Adkins did to S****horpe FOR us, walked out as soon as a bigger job came along.

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I'm trying to understand the differing attitudes of people here towards Poch and Lambert.


Lambert leaves with two years left on his contract, at a time when we needed stability, for a relatively paltry sum of money to join his - as Saggy chops would call it - "spiritual home". Never was there a time that he didn't big Saints up, but as soon as Liverpool come knocking he's off like a rat up a drain pipe.


Pochettino said from the moment Cortese left, that he would see out the year then decide on his future. He left with one year left on his contract which is still not the most ethical thing to do, but at least thanks to Cortese's foresight in writing the contract Poch had to pay us back a couple of million.


Seems to me that Lambert made the more damaging and surprising exit, yet people here fall over themselves to praise him.


Both did a lot for SFC, but in my mind Lambert was the bigger traitor.

More difficult to understand would be Lambert v Hoddle

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Don't give a sh!te about either of them.


Talk of ethics is ******, people are perfectly entitled to work for whoever they want, they have done nothing wrong. I am also perfectly entitled to laugh like a drain when Lambert fails to start a game and turns into a fat lump on the Liverpool bench and when Pochetinno gets sacked in December.

Edited by aintforever
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Provided there is no fire sale, and I don't believe there will be one, then Potty Chino will have been exposed as leaving - not because of player sales - but because of self interest.


Lambert left to finish his career at home after years of loyalty. I can forgive Lambert - but Potty Chino appears to have been more mercenary.

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Provided there is no fire sale, and I don't believe there will be one, then Potty Chino will have been exposed as leaving - not because of player sales - but because of self interest.


Lambert left to finish his career at home after years of loyalty. I can forgive Lambert - but Potty Chino appears to have been more mercenary.


why is leaving for what he believes a better job, means he is 'exposed'.


its quite clear that spurs are a bigger club, with a better squad and a better chance of champions league football from us.

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The Lambert love in here is ridiculous. Yes the guy achieved loads while here but to me Lallana has achieved as much if not more and gets loads of stick and he hasn t even left.

Lambert has and a year ago I remember him saying he wanted to finish his career here.

Yes Liverpool is his spiritual home, and Lallana 's is Everton.

Don t think people will be saying the same thing of Lallana if he leaves one day for Everton.


As for Poch, wanted to go and has gone, I hope his move backfires as the grass is not always greener elsewhere.


Remind me again when Adam lived in Liverpool and attended Everton's academy? If Adam wants to go home like Lambert he should give Eddie Howe a call......

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Remind me again when Adam lived in Liverpool and attended Everton's academy? If Adam wants to go home like Lambert he should give Eddie Howe a call......

Everton is clearly Lallana's spiritual home.


Born in Hertfordshire and grew up in Dorset and spent his entire professional career at clubs on the South coast, including eight years at Southampton.


But clearly he is Everton through and through. He's probably up there with Graham Sharp, Howard Kendall, Bill Kenwright, Derek Hatton and Mike Parry off of Talksport.

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Something missing from the conversation is that until Osvaldo stuck one on Fonte, Rickie was halfway up the M3 to West Ham, quite possibly a move that he didn't really want to make. So I know if I knew that I was already in the surplus to requirements file and an opportunity like that offered to Rickie came up, the decision would not be the hardest to make.

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You are Mr Average doing a good job for your employer; someone offers you a promotion or more money doing the same job in a new location. You have responsibilities to a young family and no certainty of employment into your middle age, what should you do?


MP and LA are not Mr Average but why should different rules apply to them?


I know that when I have been offered a better deal elsewhere I have taken it because you never know when you will fall out of favour and have to accept something rather worse.

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You are Mr Average doing a good job for your employer; someone offers you a promotion or more money doing the same job in a new location. You have responsibilities to a young family and no certainty of employment into your middle age, what should you do?


MP and LA are not Mr Average but why should different rules apply to them?


I know that when I have been offered a better deal elsewhere I have taken it because you never know when you will fall out of favour and have to accept something rather worse.


You should probably hand in your notice and forego your loyalty bonus. Or you can be a **** and hang around spreading rumours about wanting to go but not actually handing in your notice because (although you're in a job where you're paid money beyond most people's wildest imaginings) you want to leave your job and get the loyalty bonus too - possibly so your young family can get a second outdoor football court built or something. Failing that you can just be a man and hand in your notice. You know, like Mr. Average has to.

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It's pretty simple really. Without Rickie Lambert, Southampton are a League One side. Without Pochettino, we're a Premier League team probably finishing five or so places lower down the table than we did. Lambert left for one of the best teams in the country, whom he has supported since childhood, knowing that his career is nearly over and he would probably never have a chance; Pochettino left for Spurs, a job everybody knows cannot be held for more than half a season, who finished two places above us, because they are paying him more. Managers keep going well into their sixties - he could have applied any time in the next 15 years and probably got the job, especially with Levy there.


Rickie Lambert is on the SWF banner and rightly so.

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Something missing from the conversation is that until Osvaldo stuck one on Fonte, Rickie was halfway up the M3 to West Ham, quite possibly a move that he didn't really want to make. So I know if I knew that I was already in the surplus to requirements file and an opportunity like that offered to Rickie came up, the decision would not be the hardest to make.


& around the same time Cortese was asked to leave the building...


After his service, no one can begrudge RL his move to his "spiritual home" (show me Harry's tattoo). I'm much happier that he has gone to liverpool rather than a team like west ham. He has probably extended his career by a couple of years because he wont be expected to play 70+ minutes every week. I hope he comes off the bench to score a few Champions League goals for them.


Perhaps I'm wrapped up in the Rickie, Roy of the Rovers Story. His goal against Scotland was the first England goal I have ever cheered - it was a strange conflict of interests. But, I think we have not seen the last of SRL @ SMS. He could go on to be a great coach/manager and we might be part of that story.


Pochettin-who?... Adkins and Pardew have played more important parts in our history.

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Do you think Lambert would have played the majority of games next season, or, would he have been on your list of players to replace/upgrade? Much as I appreciate everything he did for us and will miss watching him in some games next season, I was expecting us to upgrade that position in the Summer anyway. He was bought to do a job (basically get us to the Premiership) and he surpassed those expectations for 2 seasons. He leaves as a legend in my eyes.

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Do you think Lambert would have played the majority of games next season, or, would he have been on your list of players to replace/upgrade? Much as I appreciate everything he did for us and will miss watching him in some games next season, I was expecting us to upgrade that position in the Summer anyway. He was bought to do a job (basically get us to the Premiership) and he surpassed those expectations for 2 seasons. He leaves as a legend in my eyes.



Top post, wish I had written that!

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They both got offers that they felt they couldn't refuse and left.


Happens every day in workplaces up and down the country.


Football is no different an getting all wound up over it isn't going to make a scrap of difference.


I'd like to thank Poch and especially Ricky for their fantastic service whilst in employment at the club.

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They both got offers that they felt they couldn't refuse and left.


Happens every day in workplaces up and down the country.


Football is no different an getting all wound up over it isn't going to make a scrap of difference.


I'd like to thank Poch and especially Ricky for their fantastic service whilst in employment at the club.


Absolutely. Shake hands. Thanks for your time here. Wishing you the best of luck in your career.

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For me my only problem with Rickies move was the timing. It should've happened after the WC. I'll never forgive the timing



Can't possibly see what difference it makes really. Don't think ther transfer has been officialised by the FA yet, the rest is just paperwork. We sold him whilst he was still much in the public eye as a WC hotshot, now England have been eliminated in a sorry manner and he's just another ageing player. Should have got shot of the other 2 as well and be spending the swans already.

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For me my only problem with Rickies move was the timing. It should've happened after the WC. I'll never forgive the timing


Well as it looks like Rickies entire world cup contribution is going to be 3 minutes against Uruguay (he's not even starting against Costa Rica when Roy said he'd give

the rest of the squad a run out) I don't really think it makes much difference.

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I would loved to have been a fly on the wall during the Liverpool/Saints Lambert transfer negotiations. Who was/were doing the negotiations for Saints? It might not have been only Les Reed as I don't believe the Board had agreed on everyone's roles at the time. (it was only after the anger from supporters that Les stepped up and announced that there would be no more transfers before a manager was appointed.) It might have been the donut who claimed Saints had financial difficulties, and grabbed at the coppers, because the transfer fee was laughable.



As for Poch's move to Spurs, that imo was stitched up weeks before it was announced.

So as for ethics, was it a case of incompetence by Saints in Rickie's case, and cynicism by MoPo.


Heyho, who cares now?

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