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I have decided that TMS has become stale and needs love. I will provide this love. I will post a nice picture of a nice animal on a regular basis. The love will return.


Today we have a KOMODO DRAGON




FACTS: The Komodo Dragon runs at speeds of up to 46mph and is feared in it's natural habitat of Indonesia. It feeds on small children.


It is closely related to the Badger and will rip your f****** arm off it meets you in the wild.


David Attenborough actually sh*t himself during the filming of one.


Conservationists are scared of them.


I have other facts but for now that is all.


I am also interested in ppl who have sex with animals. Particularly women. I have been investigating bout it on internet, here is some testimony from birds who sex their dogs:


The first question is hard to answer simply because I haven't kept track. I'd have to say at least 50+ times.

I owned a red Doberman. We started out with just him performing oral on me, typically any night I was home alone. I had him while I lived with my parents, so I had to maintain a watchful eye for when they would be home, when they left, so on and so forth. I only was bold enough to try the full-blown sex when he had shown he was interested and I knew my parents wouldn't be home for a while.

I have had six human lovers in total, three of which have known of my interest and participation. One was apathetic, one was excited, and the last was unsettled by it but not enough at the time to break it off with me.

The upsides are that I do not have to worry about the dog suffering from premature ejaculation. The orgasms are of a different variety than a human can give, not necessarily always better, but awesome in their own way. They don't complain about silly things, go down without hesitation, and seem to genuinely appreciate what effort you've put forth for them.

The downsides are the scratches, as my dog didn't like wearing socks. The knot can be painful if the dog is impatient to separate from you. Not all people are understanding that just because it's not what they would do, that doesn't make it wrong. I guess in my case now, another downside would be the fact that I can't own my own dog, so I'd have to 'borrow' one from a willing owner.


What is "the knot" you wonder?


Knotting is when a dog's penis swells near the base, essentially to 'plug' the vagina. This is to ensure that all the semen that the dog has is deposited in the female. Knotting can last upward of 10 minutes, my experiences were typically between 20 and 30 minutes long after ejaculation. The bulb feels extremely pleasurable against the inside of the vagina, and multiple orgasms can be had that way. It can be painful if the dog tries to pull out too soon, but it's not so painful that he would seriously injure me if he did pull out right away.
  Bearsy said:
I am also interested in ppl who have sex with animals. Particularly women. I have been investigating bout it on internet, here is some testimony from birds who sex their dogs:




What is "the knot" you wonder?


Less so now.


I once saw two dogs stuck together by knob/fanny while in Thailand. The dogs were stray, boned each other then tried to go their separate ways (just like humans checking out of a Travelodge or something), however his plug dic got a knot or whatever and they were stuck together. It was funny as it looked like he had already forgotten about the sex and was just confused as to why his knob being pulled backwards by the ***** behind him.

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