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Koeman - The expert's view


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After reading this bit I think Rickie Lambert jumped ship to soon sounds like RL would have fitted in perfectly to RKs style.


He placed a big Italian striker Graziano Pelle into the middle of the park and let the wingers bang crosses in for him. He likes using pace so look for him to bring through some speed to the Southampton attack.’

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I got the lowdown from a Feyenoord fan and a Dutch football expert.....




Thanks for this. Its great to get a better understanding of our new manager from those truly in the know.


Saints fans read what they want to read. This guy will be a failure.


Depends on what your expectations are for him this season. I'd be happy to have an average season, compared to last season, if it means he steadies the ship keeps us in the premier league and builds for next season and beyond. I think we are in good hands and have high hopes for the future of the club.


I think if the fans get behind him and give him time he will do a great job for us.


I enjoyed this quote from the Lowdown article...


"He has guts and isn’t afraid to try something completely new. As far as results go Saints were pretty good this year, and I do think Koeman needs some time to adapt, but I think he will do a good job, and that Saints have chosen a great manager."

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