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Lovren vs Neymar


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Please can you provide a list of player who wouldn't go to Liverpool given chance.


And that makes him alright? And it's about the fact that he has asked to leave, tbf to Rickie, he was not looking to move. But the likes of Lovren, Lallana and Shaw are no longer my players anymore, don't get any more pride in them anymore, in fact think I get more pride in seeing Rickie do well, ironically the only one to leave so far!


and your answer doesn't come across as someone with any passion for supporting SFC.

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And that makes him alright? And it's about the fact that he has asked to leave, tbf to Rickie, he was not looking to move. But the likes of Lovren, Lallana and Shaw are no longer my players anymore, don't get any more pride in them anymore, in fact think I get more pride in seeing Rickie do well, ironically the only one to leave so far!


and your answer doesn't come across as someone with any passion for supporting SFC.


Totally. I'd love to see Rickie score and do well in the WC, but Lallana and Lovren can do one and I hope they get shown up to being out of their depth. Nothing against Shaw atm, he comes across as a decent bloke and I couldn't see him kicking up a fuss and getting above himself.

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If you guys want to delude yourselves into thinking any of our players would stay here given chance to play for Liverpool in the CL you are deluding yourselves. No I don't like it but it's a fact of football. The closest we have to an exception is Lallana who is Southampton born and bread but even he appears to fancy a move to a bigger club.


GCS I was talking Saints players specifically.


You can either accept it or call every player who ever plays for us childish names.

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Totally. I'd love to see Rickie score and do well in the WC, but Lallana and Lovren can do one and I hope they get shown up to being out of their depth. Nothing against Shaw atm, he comes across as a decent bloke and I couldn't see him kicking up a fuss and getting above himself.


I'm one of the few people who's a big fan of your posts normally even when most people are slating you, but come on...


If Lovren's leaving its to join a bigger club who pay him more money. That's the reality of football these days. He isn't a Southampton fan but he's given everything for the club so far and if he'd like to leave its disappointing but sod it. That's football nowadays.


The bitterness is daft.

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Totally. I'd love to see Rickie score and do well in the WC, but Lallana and Lovren can do one and I hope they get shown up to being out of their depth. Nothing against Shaw atm, he comes across as a decent bloke and I couldn't see him kicking up a fuss and getting above himself.


And you believe everything you read in the papers?


Wasn't it funny how the papers didn't ever report anything about rickie moving and he's still a club legend.

Lovren and Lallana haven't left or shown any intention to and you're abusing them.

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And you believe everything you read in the papers?


Wasn't it funny how the papers didn't ever report anything about rickie moving and he's still a club legend.

Lovren and Lallana haven't left or shown any intention to and you're abusing them.



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Totally. I'd love to see Rickie score and do well in the WC, but Lallana and Lovren can do one and I hope they get shown up to being out of their depth. Nothing against Shaw atm, he comes across as a decent bloke and I couldn't see him kicking up a fuss and getting above himself.


Pat tleast Lovren has done the decent thing and handed in a transfer request. Lallana and shaw haven't.

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And you believe everything you read in the papers?


Wasn't it funny how the papers didn't ever report anything about rickie moving and he's still a club legend.

Lovren and Lallana haven't left or shown any intention to and you're abusing them.


Really? handing in a transfer request doesn't show intention to leave:?

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Not sure if mentioned elsewhere but did you notice he got a free kick for exactly the same tackle on the left wing that wasn't given against Spurs away last season. Wish the events had been given the other way. I was really miffed at loosing to Spurs. I really feel we would of finished above them if we had won at WHL.

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I'm one of the few people who's a big fan of your posts normally even when most people are slating you, but come on...


If Lovren's leaving its to join a bigger club who pay him more money. That's the reality of football these days. He isn't a Southampton fan but he's given everything for the club so far and if he'd like to leave its disappointing but sod it. That's football nowadays.


The bitterness is daft.


It's not really bitterness, I've got nothing against players who leave in a dignified manner like Lambert, Theo or Bale. I expect a level of professionalism from both the club and its players and that includes honoring contracts. I was just as annoyed with the club when we screwed over Sharp and Adkins, its unprofessional and not the correct way to go about things. If Lovren wants to leave then he should respect the fact that he only recently signed a four year contract on his own free will and should only be allowed out of that if we choose to let him. Putting in a transfer request in what can only be described as a transitional period after our most successful season in recent history is appalling behavior

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Not sure if mentioned elsewhere but did you notice he got a free kick for exactly the same tackle on the left wing that wasn't given against Spurs away last season. Wish the events had been given the other way. I was really miffed at loosing to Spurs. I really feel we would of finished above them if we had won at WHL.


He made it hard for the ref by falling on top of the ball. When that happens it's easier for them to just give the free kick than have to deal with a player trying to kick the ball out from underneath another.

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It's not really bitterness, I've got nothing against players who leave in a dignified manner like Lambert, Theo or Bale. I expect a level of professionalism from both the club and its players and that includes honoring contracts. I was just as annoyed with the club when we screwed over Sharp and Adkins, its unprofessional and not the correct way to go about things. If Lovren wants to leave then he should respect the fact that he only recently signed a four year contract on his own free will and should only be allowed out of that if we choose to let him. Putting in a transfer request in what can only be described as a transitional period after our most successful season in recent history is appalling behavior




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They were never ever your players in the first place


jesus some people on here clearly have no idea what makes up a football fan, i will help;


1 its my team, so they're my players

2 sometimes i think we are the best team in the world

3 CL football is something i think about for 'my' team

4 i love my players and hate a lot of those that leave, as well as managers

5 i'm just a Saints fan dreaming of glory, the realism bit is what ruins it.

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FIFA (read Sepp Blatter)'s refusal to use available technology for more than just the occasional goal-line decision leaves every game open for even bigger mistakes. At this level - it's utterly disgraceful.


For Two BILLION people to have watched the Brazil v. Croatia game and see what REALLY happened whilst the ref. had his own script is so farcical it defies any sort of excuse / explanation. Blatter out!

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