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Dejan Lovren hands in transfer request


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So rather than getting the right man we should rush and Appoint just anyone as long as they're appointed by 6pm tonight?


They've had bags of time since he left and by their own admission knew he'd left in reality weeks before(with just compo to be hammered out). Getting it released before media is solely interested in world cup would have been ideal. I just think it should have been sorted by now. The longer it goes the more it eats into our ability to pursue potential transfer targets & provides time for more of our star players to be unsettled enough to hand in transfer requests.

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They've had bags of time since he left and by their own admission knew he'd left in reality weeks before(with just compo to be hammered out). Getting it released before media is solely interested in world cup would have been ideal. I just think it should have been sorted by now. The longer it goes the more it eats into our ability to pursue potential transfer targets & provides time for more of our star players to be unsettled enough to hand in transfer requests.


2 weeks. It's been two bloody weeks. People are on holiday, doing things with the world cup etc. Stories are Koeman is currently on holiday until sunday. It took Cortese 3 weeks to appoint Adkins when he sacked Pardew and that was during the season when he'd been planning to sack him for weeks before. What are the timelines you think we should be working to? How quickly do you think this should have been sorted? You're screaming board incompentecy because the board aren't working to the timelines that you think they should be.

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You're screaming board incompentecy because the board aren't working to the timelines that you think they should be.


This is the basis of most fan accusations... not that what is happening is any different to most of the real world, but that it doesn't match their own demands and expectations.


Anyone who has ever done any recruitment knows that even for the most basic position, it can take weeks, for a whole host of reasons.

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This is the basis of most fan accusations... not that what is happening is any different to most of the real world, but that it doesn't match their own demands and expectations.


Anyone who has ever done any recruitment knows that even for the most basic position, it can take weeks, for a whole host of reasons.


apparently they are not working to the demands and expectations of their employees and assets though. whether the players are being disingenuous is another matter, but the fans can legitimately be concerned about the running of the club when the atmosphere generated around the club is so disastrous.

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I'd rather every player who wanted to go was sold as long as their value was met. Other then Shaw all of them can be replaced with a better player for the money so f#ck the lot of them. I'd almost rather they were sold even if we got in a big name manager like Mancini and they changed their minds, they've had the chance to show their character and they have done appallingly.

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apparently they are not working to the demands and expectations of their employees and assets though. whether the players are being disingenuous is another matter, but the fans can legitimately be concerned about the running of the club when the atmosphere generated around the club is so disastrous.


Is the atmosphere around the club so disastrous? I think we were told it was JRod and some medical staff about, and that's it. So, it would seem that you might be being a little melodramatic.

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2 weeks. It's been two bloody weeks. People are on holiday, doing things with the world cup etc. Stories are Koeman is currently on holiday until sunday. It took Cortese 3 weeks to appoint Adkins when he sacked Pardew and that was during the season when he'd been planning to sack him for weeks before. What are the timelines you think we should be working to? How quickly do you think this should have been sorted? You're screaming board incompentecy because the board aren't working to the timelines that you think they should be.


2 weeks since he officially left. Krueger happily admitted the deal to let Potchettino go to spurs was done well before that and delay was getting legalities out of the way. Cortese learnt from Pardew situation and had a target lined up to replace Adkins beforehand. If it's sorted in the next few days i'll happily apologise for frustrated criticism but won't apologise for being unhappy that it is dragging on.

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Is the atmosphere around the club so disastrous? I think we were told it was JRod and some medical staff about, and that's it. So, it would seem that you might be being a little melodramatic.


it began before the season ended with all the keep pochettino pleas and nobody will talk to me about my expiring contract. it's only carried on and intensified.


it is disastrous because at a time when the club should be selling season tickets there is huge uncertainty which looks like it's already seen a lot of renewals lost.


even the newspaper that the club first seemed to have found a haven with is now publishing articles, putting words into the mouth of rodriguez and naming players who are destined to leave.


the players are mostly not at the club's premises. granted. great comfort that, while they still find time to instruct the press or their agents to voice and sew discontent.


i've not checked with swansea fans at any length but I do not recall anything of this sort happening without financial collapse or relegation.

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apparently they are not working to the demands and expectations of their employees and assets though. whether the players are being disingenuous is another matter, but the fans can legitimately be concerned about the running of the club when the atmosphere generated around the club is so disastrous.


As angelman says, I'm not sure it is 'disastrous', just that you and some feel it is, for whatever reason.


Fans can of course have concerns, but what we have are some fans making their minds up that the Board are not doing things correctly and passing judgement based only on their own perception of what is happening. If the players are being disengenuous, or the media are, or other outside influences is not 'another matter' - it is entirely part of the same matter, and should all be considered.


No one is saying the club are perfect and will do nothing wrong - it may well be that they could've communication better with players, we simply don't know. But to judge the club so finally as some are doing based on minimal information is rather one-sided.

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apparently they are not working to the demands and expectations of their employees and assets though. whether the players are being disingenuous is another matter, but the fans can legitimately be concerned about the running of the club when the atmosphere generated around the club is so disastrous.


Atmosphere generated by who? The media? The "fan" base??

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2 weeks since he officially left. Krueger happily admitted the deal to let Potchettino go to spurs was done well before that and delay was getting legalities out of the way. Cortese learnt from Pardew situation and had a target lined up to replace Adkins beforehand. If it's sorted in the next few days i'll happily apologise for frustrated criticism but won't apologise for being unhappy that it is dragging on.


And so did we. How do you know like with Poch the deal hasn;t been done already but we are also getting the legatlities sorted, whatever they might be. Within a few days of Pochetino quiting we had interviews going on. So it isnt dragging on. It's your percetion that it's dragging on because you've decided how quickly they need to act based on nothing but impatience. Last week we were told the club interviewed candidates, this week we were told that there was a shortlist of 4 with a prefered candidate being identifed and paper work holding things up. What that is we dont know but what we do know is the club isn't working very hard behind the scenes to carry out their due diligence and make sure we get the best man for the job. Not just anyone to appease the whingers that are demanding everthing be done immdiately. You're talking about multimillon pound contacts as well as the futures of other staff at the club that the manager may not want there. it's not like employing a £6 an hour office receptionist you know.

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As angelman says, I'm not sure it is 'disastrous', just that you and some feel it is, for whatever reason.

If anyone is of the opinion that a player agent driven media ****storm is insignificant, that's fine.


I suggest they apply the same reasoning to the resultant forum ****storm and ignore it.


personally i'm not too concerned about the speed of the managerial appointment in isolation. I'm more concerned about the sequence of failure and the token appointments that have lead up to it. Hoffstetter is supposed to have expertise in corporate governance. I wonder where the idea came from to appoint an invisible accountant as CEO and an underqualified spokesperson in key positions.

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If anyone is of the opinion that a player agent driven media ****storm is insignificant, that's fine.


I suggest they apply the same reasoning to the resultant forum ****storm and ignore it.

Who said it was insignificant? No one. Just that it is just one part of a much bigger situation, most of which we don't know enough about, and all of which should be taken into consideration.


And trust me, I do tend to ignore any forum '****storm', other than to try and understand why people feel the need to create said '****storm' in the first place.


personally i'm not too concerned about the speed of the managerial appointment in isolation. I'm more concerned about the sequence of failure and the token appointments that have lead up to it. Hoffstetter is supposed to have expertise in corporate governance. I wonder where the idea came from to appoint an invisible accountant as CEO and an underqualified spokesperson in key positions.


All of this is just your opinion though. Now it may be that you have knowledge and experience of all of these people, their professional experience, and suitability for the roles they've taken on but... and I'll apologise now if I'm wrong... I suspect you don't. So this 'sequence of failure' is your own perception based on... what exactly? Genuine question... why do you feel that way? It might help put your posts into some sort of context.

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2 weeks. It's been two bloody weeks. People are on holiday, doing things with the world cup etc. Stories are Koeman is currently on holiday until sunday. It took Cortese 3 weeks to appoint Adkins when he sacked Pardew and that was during the season when he'd been planning to sack him for weeks before. What are the timelines you think we should be working to? How quickly do you think this should have been sorted? You're screaming board incompentecy because the board aren't working to the timelines that you think they should be.


Fair points re the timeframe - problem is the impact of that timeframe mid season (closed window) v open window. I doubt there was/is anything the board could do to speed up the process if indeed they are as advanced as Les said - but without being able to communicate what is happening to players, there does seem to be a vacuum that is causing a fair bit of unrest?


Things we do not know for certain and thus open to speculation:


1. Has a manager decision really been made - are we really close, or still more negotiations?

2. Have players been given any kind of reassurance/time line etc to avoid them (and their agents) getting the hump?

3. Have the players guessed who the manager will be .... and dont like it?


I know what you think of NC, but whatever he did, whatever faults he had, he did seem to be the glue that held things together, and its the fracturing of last season's squad that is causing concern... the perception we are left with is that the board is struggling to maintain the strong bonds from last season. Now whether they believe they can restore these once the new man is in place or are happy to let the new man rebuild from scratch we dont know..... but if it is rebuild from scratch, then that is a dangerous game, given the likely need for a completely new spine... gelling etc... that is why some are worried.

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it began before the season ended with all the keep pochettino pleas and nobody will talk to me about my expiring contract. it's only carried on and intensified.

I think that, by the sounds of it, it is a little unfair to blame the club for this. He came out and stated he had a contract and didn't know what the fuss was about so didn't see the need to sign an extension. It's pretty obvious he didn't intend to, whatever the spurioous reasons (ie NC leaving) given.


it is disastrous because at a time when the club should be selling season tickets there is huge uncertainty which looks like it's already seen a lot of renewals lost.

I renewed a long time ago and got a postcard yesterday from the club saying it was almost with me. I'm still going to support Saints and deciding to give up on them because there is no manager and one of our players has left to join Liverpool isn't really good enough reason. I am sure by the sound of it your criteria for continuing to support the team are different from mine. Oh I know more will most likely leave but so be it. Half of me actually wants all these players to go, even if it means we finish bottom half, then at least we can be left alone by the big clubs. The other half want KL to say sod it, lets pump big money in.


even the newspaper that the club first seemed to have found a haven with is now publishing articles, putting words into the mouth of rodriguez and naming players who are destined to leave.

newspapers need sensationalism as they do much better.


the players are mostly not at the club's premises. granted. great comfort that, while they still find time to instruct the press or their agents to voice and sew discontent.

Lallana and Lovren seem to have, and maybe Shaw. Agents do all sorts of things. Maybe Lovren is ****ed off at his agent, maybe he isn't. Whatever the case, he's got the biggest game of his life this evening so I think he has his mind on other things.


i've not checked with swansea fans at any length but I do not recall anything of this sort happening without financial collapse or relegation.

I seem to recall recent post-season articles saying that Swansea were facing an exodus. Maybe they and us can hold hands while we spiral into oblivion.

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It would be interesting to know the wording of the email, not least because that can fundamentally change things.


There's a big difference between, "I want out", "I want to see ambition", "I am concerned", "My preference is". As Lovren has said, he has a contract with Saints - short of going on strike he can be held to that. He's an important player for us (him and Wanyama were at the heart of our defensive strength) - and he's one of the spine that I think we need to keep hold of.


Liverpool's dealing by press is getting shady and I, for one, hope they crash out of the CL next year whilst scrapping a Top 6 finish. Watch then as they ***** about the tabloid-ificiation of Suarez to Real rumours etc.


They achieved CL qualification off the back of phenomenal run of wins post Christmas (some of which were quite spawny). They will undoubtedly get better with signings but there's a chance that, with the added burden of games, they hit a rut.

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It would be interesting to know the wording of the email, not least because that can fundamentally change things.


There's a big difference between, "I want out", "I want to see ambition", "I am concerned", "My preference is". As Lovren has said, he has a contract with Saints - short of going on strike he can be held to that. He's an important player for us (him and Wanyama were at the heart of our defensive strength) - and he's one of the spine that I think we need to keep hold of.


Liverpool's dealing by press is getting shady and I, for one, hope they crash out of the CL next year whilst scrapping a Top 6 finish. Watch then as they ***** about the tabloid-ificiation of Suarez to Real rumours etc.


They achieved CL qualification off the back of phenomenal run of wins post Christmas (some of which were quite spawny). They will undoubtedly get better with signings but there's a chance that, with the added burden of games, they hit a rut.


I'm pretty sure we're going to see a different Man Utd next year too, so it wont be as easy for Liverpool to get top 4. They still rely on Suarez quiet heavily & there's still allot of the summer left

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Interesting that reports suggest that Lovren handed in his request at the end of May, and that the story co-incidentally breaks cover again the day after the club release positive sounding news to the world. The timing and repeating of this suggests a strong possibility that someone, somewhere is worried about this club, that we're becoming a threat and are deliberately trying to undermine our efforts to build on the successes of last season.


Who is responsible for this and why?

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See the tatter on the Brazil Croatia game said Lovern hand in a transfer request yesterday.


The Daily Mail story which broke cover the day after the club released the Les video, quoted sources saying that he handed it in on the 30th May... I think that because it was only made public yesterday, by whom?, that it's an easy assumption to make it was done yesterday. Nothing quite like checking facts etc....

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See the tatter on the Brazil Croatia game said Lovern hand in a transfer request yesterday.

**** poor ITV as usual, apparently John Miller who played for Corinthians and introduced football to Brazil, during the opening ceremony. They really are a bunch of idiots.

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Interesting that reports suggest that Lovren handed in his request at the end of May, and that the story co-incidentally breaks cover again the day after the club release positive sounding news to the world. The timing and repeating of this suggests a strong possibility that someone, somewhere is worried about this club, that we're becoming a threat and are deliberately trying to undermine our efforts to build on the successes of last season.


Who is responsible for this and why?


Brendan Rodgers

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Would laugh my f**king tits off if the FA get rid of Woy and make Rodgers a financial offer he cannot refuse after the WC..........


That would be sweet, sweet justice.

Brendan Rodgers gets a new job paid about five million quid a year. Roy gets paid off and probably retires having at least achieved being England manager at a WC. Liverpool hire a huge name to replave Rodgers, still signing Lallana. Who is getting served "sweet justice" in this scenario?

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Brendan Rodgers gets a new job paid about five million quid a year. Roy gets paid off and probably retires having at least achieved being England manager at a WC. Liverpool hire a huge name to replave Rodgers, still signing Lallana. Who is getting served "sweet justice" in this scenario?


Hiring a "huge" name is no guarantee of success. Its better to stick with what you have that works. I guess that is why most Saints fans have an issue with our squad being tapped up by Liverpool.


It would be hillarious watching Liverpool scrabble to recover (and maybe losing the likes of Suarez just like we lost SRL) if Rodgers were made a millionaire by the FA.

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Its Rogers I want to screw up, not the team. He loves himself and he is ultimately the guy unsettling our players. The press love him, but he blew it last year. Just needed to tighten up against Chelsea and accept a 0-0 and shut up shop against palace. He thought he could blow away José and then disrespected palace by trying for more goals. I hope he's found out next season.

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