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  CanadaSaint said:
Yeah, that caught my eye too.


My first and continuing thought is that Katharina doesn't like how things are going and is taking a closer personal involvement, which might not augur well for Ralph.


Think Ralph will be OK he is the chairman but the invisible CEO????

Was a bizarre appointment any way, WTF is his name???

Posted (edited)

Echo what everyone else said about posting your insights Guan. Appreciated. This is the type of rational and informative thread that this forum has been lacking over the last few years. Keep posting sir.


P.s. mods - please upgrade this man's status to full member :)

Edited by trousers
  SarniaSaint said:
Think Ralph will be OK he is the chairman but the invisible CEO????

Was a bizarre appointment any way, WTF is his name???


Gareth Rogers. I think he's primarily the finance guy, so I'm not sure how he got to be CEO - especially when there were people like John Williams supposedly available.


He is probably heavily involved in trying to grow the revenue base, but that still doesn't make him a CEO. Either Ralph is effectively the CEO or nobody is really fulfilling that role.


But then, like nearly everyone else on here, what the hell do I know.


Best thread on here by a country mile. :)


Disappointing if true about Lallana, but would make it easier to imagine selling him.


Cheers Guan, much appreciated by all. (Does anyone else start hearing Mrs Doyle from father ted when they read Guan?)




Edit: You will now.



Reading between the lines here, but could Guan's source being unwilling to even hint re: the new manager suggest Koeman is not as big a favourite for the job as some (myself included) believe him to be?


Right now it is Koeman's name that is most prominently linked with the job, plus his agent has publicly stated he would be interested. Seems like there is little to gain from keeping quiet over a name that is already out there.


Thanks for the info Guan. I've not really picked up on your previous postings regarding a certain badge kissing individual but makes interesting reading regarding his attitude (maybe Clottenburg was right after all).


All this is happening at the worst possible time for us. If we'd have had one extra year under our belts, I'm sure that we would have been better placed to counter what amounts to a feeding frenzy on our club. That said, we seem to need to take a step backwards and build again. First and most important step is to get a new manager in - the best fit we can find. If we get that wrong, no end of money will help us. If we get it right then we just begin chapter two of our new premier league story and rise again.


It would be nice though to see us appoint someone with clout (Koeman?) soon and have him and the club lay down the law about no players leaving until he's had a proper pre-season with the lads. They were used to Pochettino but that shouldn't mean that his departure makes us a nothing club. The players have to understand (and believe) that we have a new culture growing at the club. The good times they knew are gone but, if they want to be part of something else good, a place in the new project is available.


If money IS available, I'd get two forwards and a left-back in, show Ramirez (or Davis for that matter) that he can take the creative role that Lallana had and bench Shaw and Lallana until they get a chance to see what we're building here. If they still want to go then let them go when the buying club makes the right offer. If they don't make the right offer then the players can make whatever comments they'd like to make to the buying club via the press and they can sort it out that way.


I'm sure we are a selling club still. And with our best players sat on 5 year deals, we should be a selling-at-the-right-price club.

Posted (edited)

My appreciation to Guan also for sharing this.


My interpretation is that Lallana is a mouthy trouble-maker and its time for him to leave - but not at any price. The deal has to make sense for the club, and so they are playing hardball.


The secrecy surrounding Shaw indicates to me that the club either want to keep him or fancy their chances at keeping him with a new high-profile managerial appointment, or the deal that being cut will really not be to the fans liking. It may also indicate a second club is waiting in the wings (Chelsea ?). All very mysterious.


The secrecy surrounding the managerial appointment is perfectly understandable; the club dont want to be gazumped.


I get the impression, perhaps mistakenly, that these two are the only risks of imminent departure; non-reference/discussion indicates to me that Lovren, J-Rod, Chambers, Wanyama, Fonte and Cork are a long way off from departing - at the moment, of course.

Edited by alpine_saint

This bit about Adam is interesting


It is also thought that a raise from any top 10, instead of top 4 club, would be enough to have him causing disruption once more


So it's not even champions league he'd leave for but top 10 ....think we should sell him Stoke then:p Loyal local boy my arse.


I think 'Torrent of Abuse' has hit the proverbial nail on the head by stating we need to become a 'selling at the right price club'. The reality is that we are not at the top footballing table (and possibly never will be, especially in terms of titles over the longer term and supporter base) but as long as clubs like us strive to have a season or even small periods of time where we can and do challenge for the very top then football is alive and well. If that possibility becomes less and less possible simply because of money then the sport is dead in the water, or at least we then move much closet to a European league and our league becomes second rate. So if we continue to develop players at the rate we have inevitably if they progress quicker than the clubs standing at any moment (a moment being a transfer window or two) then most if not all may want to leave. And fair enough, mostly. What we as fans have to hope for is that the club management are string enough to keep players (not against their will of course) through individual and collective motivation for as long as possible; a) to enhance the club as much as possible and b) to maintain the development path in front of the academy players so that they do not look to go too early.

This is of course precisely where we find ourselves now and because this is the strongest position we have ever been in its very hard for most of us to accept that players will/do want to move on. But some individuals have only just mind you, outgrown the club on current standing hence their wishes to move. It's very unlikely that we will constantly be in a position every summer where 6-8 players are highly sought after. The obvious key this year is only to sell 3, maybe 4 ON OUR TERMS and for us as supporters to accept that we have to be ( like almost every single club) a selling one but when we do we are big enough and strong enough to get the right price for us.

The other key aspect to this going forward is that players sales do not finance anything other than player purchases rather than sustaining the business (like under Lowe). This should be the aim and the reality.



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  doddisalegend said:
This bit about Adam is interesting


It is also thought that a raise from any top 10, instead of top 4 club, would be enough to have him causing disruption once more


So it's not even champions league he'd leave for but top 10 ....think we should sell him Stoke then:p Loyal local boy my arse.


Have any other posters heard this about Lallana?


Just wondering whether he's always been like it or whether it is more latterly.


I hope that GUan,s contact is wrong, and that when AL does go it is with our best wishes and not under a cloud so to speak.


Thanks for posting Guan and it seems my faith in Ralph was well placed. Kat has earnt a right to expect patience and our support. Once the mess they inherited is resolved then we can look forward with optimism to the board dealing with things that are only positive and creative.

  angelman said:
One question that has been nagging me for a while, and resurfaced with the bit about MP not rating AL enough to bid for him......why in the last few games of the season was AL replaced with 20-30 minutes remaining?


Last game if the season, meant nothing as well. Game was essentially dead for us in the second half as well. Woy probably gave him a nudge as well.

  Guan 2.0 said:
Hello all.


Now a word of warning first. This is going to be a lengthy post, so those of little patience may want to skip it! Also, it is slightly more 'politicised' than a smiley, due to the source and the timing. Everyone has an agenda, after all. Think of this as more re-tweet than Op-Ed!


With that caveat in mind, let us plough ahead.


1. Lallana. As you may see from my posting history, things I have been privy to from inside the club have meant I have never warmed to a certain badge kissing individual as much as others. His lack of care at his internal end of season review (including his statistical input input into matches) had alarm bells ringing, as did his apparent contrasting attitudes in discussing his future with those inside and outside the club. Some within the club are happy that the Blackmore tweet broke, as it showed that the Loyal local lad may not have Saints as his number one thought. It is also thought that a raise from any top 10, instead of top 4 club, would be enough to have him causing disruption once more. Whether or not he will hand in a transfer request, or Liverpool will Negotiate a lump sum settlement with Bournemouth remains to be seen. Intresting that his former boss does not rate him enough to bid for him (all alleged). Whatever happens, don't expect a 'goodtimes' highlights reel if he does leave.


2. Lambert. The Club had received a number of enquiries for Rickie, but he batted them away. The board was mindful that within a few days of meeting the players (December), Rickie had managed to insert Liverpool into most conversations, such was his passion for his home-town club. They were also grateful for his courteous, patient behaviour upon hearing of the offer, and there was genuine good feeling on both sides when goodbyes were made. Unlike some others.


3. Budget. The 35 Million is still in place. The board are hesitant to confirm the amount added to this now, as prices will be artificially inflated even without more sales.


4. Katharina Liebherr. Despite the prevailing view on here, she does care for the club, and our future. One thing my source was unclear on (because they couldn't get a handle on it yet) is whether she genuinely thinks RK and Reed are doing a sufficient job on a learning curve, or whether their is an imminent reshuffle. One thing is certain though, there has been an increase in 2 person meetings as opposed to group meetings.


5. Cortese. Though in the immediate aftermath and at the end of the season Cortsese was active in engaging the press, it is not thought that the whispered campaign against the club originates from him, but it does stem from his leaving as


6. The press. The club sought out untapped Journos to tell 'their side' as Cortese departed. But they underestimated how much access and coverage the media would demand in return, and as a result, conventional agreements were ignored, and many more interesting than 'helpful' stories have appeared. There may be an appointment soon to help restore balance.


7. The Manager. "Too Sensitive" I asked for a nationality or initials. "No". They want the business done before national management positions become vacant though


Sorry I've had to censor the amount and quality of Info (I'm not allowed to discuss Shaw, for instance. At all).


A lot of interesting information keeping your caveats in mind! :toppa:


Points 2 and 3 make me quite happy. First point is a huge surprise and rather disappointing, but as Cascadia Saint wrote in #56 it "would make it easier to imagine selling him"...

  ratio_decidendi said:
Isn't that post going to ex-Lazio boss Vladimir Petkovic?


Ah thanks. That maybe so I didn't realise that. Curiouser and curiouser then..... :0)


One reverse leak and everyone is up for stringing Lallana up. Thank you for the information, insight into behind the scenes is always interesting. However, let's not forget the club, like the players have their own agenda. This leak about Adam could easily be to help soften reaction to selling him. One bit of gossip and half on here are ready to kneecap him without a question being asked.

  Tokyo-Saint said:
One reverse leak and everyone is up for stringing Lallana up. Thank you for the information, insight into behind the scenes is always interesting. However, let's not forget the club, like the players have their own agenda. This leak about Adam could easily be to help soften reaction to selling him. One bit of gossip and half on here are ready to kneecap him without a question being asked.


I was thinking exactly the same thing.

  Tokyo-Saint said:
One reverse leak and everyone is up for stringing Lallana up. Thank you for the information, insight into behind the scenes is always interesting. However, let's not forget the club, like the players have their own agenda. This leak about Adam could easily be to help soften reaction to selling him. One bit of gossip and half on here are ready to kneecap him without a question being asked.


  Saint_clark said:
I was thinking exactly the same thing.


Open a Hyperbole Shop lads; this is the English Premier League in 2014, not Belfast during the troubles.

  Tokyo-Saint said:
One reverse leak and everyone is up for stringing Lallana up. Thank you for the information, insight into behind the scenes is always interesting. However, let's not forget the club, like the players have their own agenda. This leak about Adam could easily be to help soften reaction to selling him. One bit of gossip and half on here are ready to kneecap him without a question being asked.
No, what has got on everyone's nerves so much is Lallana agitating for a move via Blackmore etc, in the public eye and making Saints position weaker. So this isn't 'one leak'. Feel free to stick up all the leaks that run contrary to this and show that Lallana is actually keen to stay or work with the club?


This ITK source is reliable and doesn't really look to have any angle or agenda.


Who's said that SM? All I am saying is take all information with a pinch of salt with the knowledge that everyone, club, players, managers have an agenda.


It's all about view points and opinions. I am sure the other ITK on here who is mates with lallana's dad will have a different view/opinion on things. Monk may have a different one to that.

  Tokyo-Saint said:
Who's said that SM? All I am saying is take all information with a pinch of salt with the knowledge that everyone, club, players, managers have an agenda.


It's all about view points and opinions. I am sure the other ITK on here who is mates with lallana's dad will have a different view/opinion on things. Monk may have a different one to that.


Whether it's true or not this is the sort of leak that will make the board look better because lets face it AL will eve in due course so they need him to be the villain of the piece don't they?

  Webby said:
What's going on on this forum? I've just read the word 'augur' twice in 2 mins!


One more and it will be the Brian Auger Trinity, which will be much better than being on the Oblivion Express.

  Tokyo-Saint said:
Who's said that SM? All I am saying is take all information with a pinch of salt with the knowledge that everyone, club, players, managers have an agenda.


It's all about view points and opinions. I am sure the other ITK on here who is mates with lallana's dad will have a different view/opinion on things. Monk may have a different one to that.

Yeah the bloke that is mates with Lallana's Dad might present things differently, thanks for that :lol:
  trousers said:
Echo what everyone else said about posting your insights Guan. Appreciated. This is the type of rational and informative thread that this forum has been lacking over the last few years. Keep posting sir.


P.s. mods - please upgrade this man's status to full member :)


Couldn't put it better myself, so won't try. Very much appreciated.

  Scoobysaint said:
Thank you for thorough and informative post. Disappointed to hear that Lallanas love affair with Saints has died but ultimately not too surprised. Interesting about the manager and national appointments, Koeman to replace Van Gaal? The futures not as bleak as some on here love to believe.



Hiddink replaces Van Gaal, isn't that it ???


One thing we know for certain about Lallana is he was our best player last season and one of the best in the country. Losing him will be a huge (but seemingly inevitable) loss regardless of his relationship with the board.

  adriansfc said:
Lallana is a big blow and I don't really blame him in many ways, 26, England team rather than squad, CL football within reach.


From our point of view you can't replace the link up play quickly, they know each other's games inside out. What up can improve is the goal return. Lallana's finishing wasn't always great and for his talent he should have got more. Too often we dominated games and failed to score so that is still the issue to solve.


What's there to replace? A crucial part of that link up play has gone with Lambert (admittedly Jrod is still around). Whether Lallana stays or goes, new understandings will have to be built up.


Pleased to see question marks raised over Reed. I think stronger Governance is needed at a football level than him making the decisions. If we do spend lots this summer it could be disastrous if the wrong decisions are made.

  Tokyo-Saint said:
One reverse leak and everyone is up for stringing Lallana up. Thank you for the information, insight into behind the scenes is always interesting. However, let's not forget the club, like the players have their own agenda. This leak about Adam could easily be to help soften reaction to selling him. One bit of gossip and half on here are ready to kneecap him without a question being asked.


I forgive the club their agenda, they are being mercilessly slaughtered by a vociferous rabble, only too ready to believe that MP and AL are some kind of deity, therefore everyone other than those two must be at fault. There is no doubt a wider agenda to put little old Saints back in their box. I find the OP very plausible. Our club are behaving with dignity, in stark contrast to the press / agents and the sucked in fans.

Posted (edited)

Let the little fart think long and hard over the next few weeks.


The FACT that he doesn't have the BALLS to slap in a written transfer request says it all.


Man up.


Act like a man - use Luke Shaw (18) as your role model.


Pathetic behaviour from a 26 year old.

Edited by Channon's Sideburns

Guan, I too, would like to offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for posting this latest information. Definitely the best post in ages and must say I slept so well after reading it. Lallana's head has grown so big that we'll need to add a further 10 million onto our valuation. When I recall him pictured struggling to carry all the fan and player awards I see him now as a scheming and gloating Judas with the 30 pieces of silver.

I ask myself if he ever had any intentions of remaining at the club, whether he's even asked the club to match Liverpool's offer to him financially. Whether he did and was turned down? I fear he didn't, and was just prepared to betray the club, the fans, his colleagues, the young players who idolised him.

Pleased to see question marks raised over Reed.

I've heard Reed is causing a lot of ill feeling with the camp with many players unhappy with the way he conducts both himself and his business.

  Guan 2.0 said:
One thing I forgot to mention was the Player/Board relations. There is a recognition that there has to be refocussing back towards the players. Not only was the Apple comment mid interview by RK described as 'Cringeworthy', but an incident towards the end of the season where players with contracts running out were guaranteed talks, the issue left to 'float' for a few days, then approached as part of a larger group to take part in a club media even, with no follow up or acknowledgement on the talks!


I must admit I have avoided reading or listening to any of RK's interviews so can someone shed some light on this for me please..


Am I the only one to have noticed that Lallana isolated himself from the group on the lap of appreciation after the Man U game? I remember telling my mate 'that'll be the last we see of him in a Saints shirt' (despite the badge thumping).


Maybe all the business relating to Mark Clattenburg's comments regarding Lallana getting cocky ever since being selected to play for England makes more sense now.

Let the little fart think long and hard over the next few weeks.


The FACT that he doesn't have the BALLS to slap in a written transfer request says it all.


Man up.


Act like a man - use Luke Shaw (18) as your role model.


Pathetic behaviour from a 26 year old.


I don't think it's a case of manning up - but rather he will lose his right to a cut if the transfer fee if he submits a written transfer request.


Certainly used to be the case.


So it's all down to money again.


As we’ve moved up the leagues we’ve replaced inferior players with better players. Now some of our players are replacing us for what they perceive to be better clubs. It’s no great mystery; it happens at every club throughout the land; it’s football. However, IMO, there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about it; Lambert is a prime example of the former; if everything I’m reading about Lallana is correct, he is rapidly turning into a prime example of the latter.


Whilst I don't doubt that this information has come from within the club I am clearly amazed how everyone here takes it as gospel truth and many seem to be turning on Lallana.


If this has come from within the club it could easily be released as bad PR for Lallana making it far more palatable for fans to accept it when we do finally accept an offer. It not to far to stretch the imagination to suggest that it could be used to justify accepting a bid lower than we original asked for.


personally its hardly a surprise after 12 years at the club with his stock riding high at the peak of his career that he may want to try his luck at a club where he has realistic chance of winning trophies and playing in a better side. The only reason he has to stay is an affinity to saints and the fans but there are even more reasons to go if we are all honest.


I think a lot of misinformation is being released by both sides to gain strength in their own position. One thing that looks likely is that he will be gone come August and me for one will chose to look back on Lallana as great player for saints over number of years and that for me counts and deserves respect.


Sure he had a few offers coming in from clubs that we might see not significantly better than saints as the time but I am sure if he pushed for a move he would have had better ones.


Yes, Lambert scored the goals and was a bit of a fairy story (my second fave player behind MLT) but Lallana runs a close second for me.


Gutting that my favourite player is treating us like this. Imagine the horror of having to only be paid a good years salary in a week, captain a premier league team and play at the world cup!


Probably his agent putting poisonous thoughts in his head more than him just deciding he's much too good for us etc. Agents are the biggest problem with the modern game.

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