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STATEMENT: Player interest & Rickie Lambert

Saint Rees

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The statement is very clear. The board would rather not sell anyone prior to a new manager, but if they felt it was in the best interest of the club to do so, they will. In the case of Rickie , in their opinion it was in the best interests to get it done. Nobody on here knows what was in his contract, I can quite believe he had a clause making him the highest earner as that is quite common in the game. Therefore do not judge his fee on now, but 12 months time, when no longer an international ( probably dropped if he stayed with us) a year older, but earning an ever increasing salary, for a diminishing return. Add to that the fact he really wanted to go, Liverpool said take it or leave it, I think the board did the right thing.


Liverpool do seem to be trying to push us into a corner over Adam and they're either trying it on or know Suarez is on his bike. If Suarez goes to Real all of a sudden the price Liverpool pay for players goes up as everybody knows they've got 100mil sloshing around. Either way we should be able to hold firm. All quiet on the Luke front could be because they've got a new guy in charge, but could be because there's already a deal in place. Personally, its not Adams and Shaw I'm worried about as I think they'll go no matter what its lovren, Morgan, chambers ,clyne and those types we need to keep.

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How about they bring down the shutter and tell the footballing world to "f**k off" collectively ?


Just about any legal eagle with any ECHR or Employment Legislation knowledge would soon rip yer a new 'un/

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two tips re dealing with Alpine


Some people love to stir up controversy and drama for no apparent reason. Don’t buy in to their propaganda. Stay out of other people’s drama and don’t needlessly create your own.


Don’t spew hostile words at someone who spews them at you. Keep your composure and replace the stink of confrontation with the fragrance of resolution. The louder the opposition wants to yell, and the more drama they want to stir, the calmer and more confidently you need to think and speak. Don’t let them get to you.


Be an example of a pure existence; ignore their outlandish antics and focus on kindness. Communicate and express yourself from a place of peace, from a place of love, with the best intentions. Use your voice for good – to inspire, to encourage, to educate, and to spread the notions of compassion and understanding.


When someone insists on foisting their hostility and drama on you, ignore them and walk away.


2. The person you have failed to please a hundred times before.

Some people are impossible to please; you will not be able to break through to them no matter what you do. Accept this harsh as a fact of life.


Throughout your lifetime some people will discredit you, disrespect you and treat you poorly for no apparent reason at all. Don’t consume yourself with trying to change them or win their approval. And don’t make any space in your heart to hate them. Simply walk away and let karma deal with the things they do, because any bit of time you spend on them will be wasted, and any bit of hate and aggravation in your heart will only hurt you.

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So if someone bid £200m for Jos Hooveld they should turn it down?


If they did bid that they should be certified!

If we get one bid let alone multiple bids for Jos we should take it...... If he had a boyhood club he supported perhaps worth a phone call :-)))

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Provided we buy decent replacements does anybody really think we can't 1) replace Lambert, Lallana, Shaw and Osvaldo (has to go) and 2) further strengthen the squad with more very good players if we receive in the region of £60m on top of any transfer budget already allocated.


Whatever the strengths of these players they all had weaknesses that we have all moaned about. Up front we could add the pace we are missing. I would like to see all the present players except Osvaldo stay and add a number of players giving pace/goals in the front four, another CB, LB and GK. But personally I think nobody is irreplaceable. One caveat no more prima donna foreign stars that are over priced. I would prefer young British players in the mould of Caulker, Ings etc. so that we can foster the spirit already in the club. Alternatively value foreign players in the mould of Bony, Michu etc.

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Provided we buy decent replacements does anybody really think we can't 1) replace Lambert, Lallana, Shaw and Osvaldo (has to go) and 2) further strengthen the squad with more very good players if we receive in the region of £60m on top of any transfer budget already allocated.


Whatever the strengths of these players they all had weaknesses that we have all moaned about. Up front we could add the pace we are missing. I would like to see all the present players except Osvaldo stay and add a number of players giving pace/goals in the front four, another CB, LB and GK. But personally I think nobody is irreplaceable. One caveat no more prima donna foreign stars that are over priced. I would prefer young British players in the mould of Caulker, Ings etc. so that we can foster the spirit already in the club. Alternatively value foreign players in the mould of Bony, Michu etc.


I think Bony is a good player, and was value for it, but at £12m he wasn't exactly cheap. Having not played over here, it was a risk, one that paid off of course.


That's the trouble with transfers, it's always a gamble, some come off, some don't happens to all clubs. That said you have highlighted two very successful transfers for the same club, who actually have a decent hit rate.

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Provided we buy decent replacements does anybody really think we can't 1) replace Lambert, Lallana, Shaw and Osvaldo (has to go) and 2) further strengthen the squad with more very good players if we receive in the region of £60m on top of any transfer budget already allocated.


Whatever the strengths of these players they all had weaknesses that we have all moaned about. Up front we could add the pace we are missing. I would like to see all the present players except Osvaldo stay and add a number of players giving pace/goals in the front four, another CB, LB and GK. But personally I think nobody is irreplaceable. One caveat no more prima donna foreign stars that are over priced. I would prefer young British players in the mould of Caulker, Ings etc. so that we can foster the spirit already in the club. Alternatively value foreign players in the mould of Bony, Michu etc.


It's selling goals that worries me, sell Lambert + Lallana and cos Jay Rod's injury too we're short of like 40 goals from last season!


Buying goalscorers is v.risky, you might get a Bony or a Benteke, or you might get Osvaldo + Soldado + Wolfswinkel.

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Provided we buy decent replacements does anybody really think we can't 1) replace Lambert, Lallana, Shaw and Osvaldo (has to go) and 2) further strengthen the squad with more very good players if we receive in the region of £60m on top of any transfer budget already allocated.


Whatever the strengths of these players they all had weaknesses that we have all moaned about. Up front we could add the pace we are missing. I would like to see all the present players except Osvaldo stay and add a number of players giving pace/goals in the front four, another CB, LB and GK. But personally I think nobody is irreplaceable. One caveat no more prima donna foreign stars that are over priced. I would prefer young British players in the mould of Caulker, Ings etc. so that we can foster the spirit already in the club. Alternatively value foreign players in the mould of Bony, Michu etc.


Looking at it objectively, I'd rather have a £20m center forward and a £10m full-back than a £30m full-back. (Not that I want Shaw to go, but you get my point).

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players like Van Wolfswinkel (not to mention De Ridder) are what makes so sceptical of Dutch football. There's good and awful with not much in between.

oops, I didn't realise that was a real player, I thought that was just Bearsy making up a funny innuendo name!!

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They'd be daft to say they'd never accept an offer for the players. Every player has a price if you bid high enough.


This. If Real Madrid offered us £50m for Shaw, of course we'd take it, then build our 15k ground extension with it, or buy a new keeper, left back and striker. Just as Liverpool would have to consider £80m for Suarez, given their current rather dodgy finances (not much mentioned but I think they're on UEFA's watch list for FFP).

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It's selling goals that worries me, sell Lambert + Lallana and cos Jay Rod's injury too we're short of like 40 goals from last season!


Buying goalscorers is v.risky, you might get a Bony or a Benteke, or you might get Osvaldo + Soldado + Wolfswinkel.


You are absolutely right but we can look at Lambert, Lallana and Rodriguez as really good examples of players that score whatever league they are in. I think there are more around that can step up. Not cheap but not expensive either, Ings, Rhodes, Vokes for starters. We aren't going to replace Lambert with a clone as he is a one off as is Lallana but we can improve and strengthen by making us more incisive, a la Rodriguez up front.

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"There may be circumstances under which the club will feel it is right for a player to move on."


All the get-out clause they need.


..OR, how about:


"This lad dreamt from the age of 3 to play and score in front of the Kop. How could we stand in the way of this man, who has done so much for this club, fulfilling his life's ambition".


Because that's what the statement means.


That's what it says in as many words.


These were exceptional circumstances. And I, for one, admire our club not standing in the way of a fairytale ending for a man who deserves it.

A footballer who has given me back my faith in football.


I bet he didn't even ask his agent if they would pay him.

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..OR, how about:


"This lad dreamt from the age of 3 to play and score in front of the Kop. How could we stand in the way of this man, who has done so much for this club, fulfilling his life's ambition".


Because that's what the statement means.


That's what it says in as many words.


These were exceptional circumstances. And I, for one, admire our club not standing in the way of a fairytale ending for a man who deserves it.

A footballer who has given me back my faith in football.


I bet he didn't even ask his agent if they would pay him.


Didnt he do that for us then ?


As for the rest of your post - b*ll*cks. EPL football is now a billion-dollar industry; there is no room for such sentimentality any more. And I certainly dont believe our board did it out of sheer benevolence.

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Didnt he do that for us then ?


As for the rest of your post - b*ll*cks. EPL football is now a billion-dollar industry; there is no room for such sentimentality any more. And I certainly dont believe our board did it out of sheer benevolence.


No you wouldn't believe that because you lack any love in your heart.

Thankfully there are enough of us in the world who do believe in happy endings to compensate.

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To say they let Lambert go because he wanted to, is weak management. It undermined the Chairman's standing because it conflicted with what he had said in public and it encouraged bids for other players.

The Board's purpose is to pursue the interests of the club and when that conflicts with the wishes of an individual employee, to deal with it, not to cave in. There are perfectly good reasons why the Lambert bid could have been refused and a perfectly good explanation that could have been given to the player. If Lambert had subsequently done a 'Kenwyn Jones' and refused to play to his ability, he would have been the bigger loser by ending his career in such a way. The probability of Rickie behaving in that way was very low but even if he had, it could have been dealt with and given the paltry transfer fee, even the financial risk was low.

Otherwise, the statement is a positive step, even though it had to be worded so as to allow freedom of action. Actions that will now confirm or rebut the negative impressions that have been given but one action is whether we will keep the key players that Kruguer referred to.

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Well it's probably the best the Club can do at this point in time. Just reinforces the need to get the Managerial appointment finalised as soon as possible. The only doubt regarding the Lambert angle is the assertion that they will find a quality striker - something tells me they're thinking Gallagher, while most Saints fans are hoping more like Lukaku.

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Agreed. He just wrote it to get a rise out of people. Pretends to be a Saitns fan, but the way that was written I doubt it now.


Or maybe I just think he's a selfish c**t just like every other Premier League footballer ?


The "taking my family home" comment; do we all live in f**king mud huts on the plains of the Sahara desert or something ?


I am not looking to get a rise; I am p*ssed off and no amount of patronising comments from any corner or howling of the over-sentimental masses, happy the club has rolled over and had its tummy tickled, is going to change that.

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Or maybe I just think he's a selfish c**t just like every other Premier League footballer ?


The "taking my family home" comment; do we all live in f**king mud huts on the plains of the Sahara desert or something ?


I am not looking to get a rise; I am p*ssed off and no amount of patronising comments from any corner or howling of the over-sentimental masses, happy the club has rolled over and had its tummy tickled, is going to change that.

I can't believe you are still fuming about this 24hours later Alps. We had the best out of RL and I suspect the club staff felt he was getting to the end for us. Many match reports mentioned that RL was not his best, yes Gerrard in his ear must have made an impact but like an old car you upgrade before the gaskets and the engine is worn out
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Or maybe I just think he's a selfish c**t just like every other Premier League footballer ?


The "taking my family home" comment; do we all live in f**king mud huts on the plains of the Sahara desert or something ?


I am not looking to get a rise; I am p*ssed off and no amount of patronising comments from any corner or howling of the over-sentimental masses, happy the club has rolled over and had its tummy tickled, is going to change that.


it's not like he went on strike tho is it? I reckon it went down like:


Rickie: can i go to liverpool pls?

Board: Yes

Rickie: Oh pls it's my hometown club & their champions lea- wait... What?


I reserve my disappointment for the the dumb board! And I might even withdraw that if they sign two strikers who are both more good than Rickie.

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To say they let Lambert go because he wanted to, is weak management. It undermined the Chairman's standing because it conflicted with what he had said in public and it encouraged bids for other players.

The Board's purpose is to pursue the interests of the club and when that conflicts with the wishes of an individual employee, to deal with it, not to cave in. There are perfectly good reasons why the Lambert bid could have been refused and a perfectly good explanation that could have been given to the player. If Lambert had subsequently done a 'Kenwyn Jones' and refused to play to his ability, he would have been the bigger loser by ending his career in such a way. The probability of Rickie behaving in that way was very low but even if he had, it could have been dealt with and given the paltry transfer fee, even the financial risk was low.

Otherwise, the statement is a positive step, even though it had to be worded so as to allow freedom of action. Actions that will now confirm or rebut the negative impressions that have been given but one action is whether we will keep the key players that Kruguer referred to.


Couldn't disagree more with this. Cortese wanted to get rid in January and the deal was all but done until the new board took over and asked him to stay. He would have been here for the rest of his career if any club bar Liverpool, come calling and who saw that coming? Nobody on here and probably not Rickie himself. I know that if I were a pro footballer, who had worked my way through the leagues and Saints came calling for me, I'd be there like a shot!

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Or maybe I just think he's a selfish c**t just like every other Premier League footballer ?


The "taking my family home" comment; do we all live in f**king mud huts on the plains of the Sahara desert or something ?


I am not looking to get a rise; I am p*ssed off and no amount of patronising comments from any corner or howling of the over-sentimental masses, happy the club has rolled over and had its tummy tickled, is going to change that.


I wouldn't expect anything else from you Alps. Always good for a laugh you are.

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Have you even considered that when the Chairman spoke of 'transfers' he could be talking about players coming in? My informant tells me that the 'scouting team' are very active at present and NOT for the reason of selling players. And NO! I won't disclose my source.

PS. What's the odds on Koerman as the appointee?

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To say they let Lambert go because he wanted to, is weak management. It undermined the Chairman's standing because it conflicted with what he had said in public and it encouraged bids for other players.

The Board's purpose is to pursue the interests of the club and when that conflicts with the wishes of an individual employee, to deal with it, not to cave in. There are perfectly good reasons why the Lambert bid could have been refused and a perfectly good explanation that could have been given to the player. If Lambert had subsequently done a 'Kenwyn Jones' and refused to play to his ability, he would have been the bigger loser by ending his career in such a way. The probability of Rickie behaving in that way was very low but even if he had, it could have been dealt with and given the paltry transfer fee, even the financial risk was low.

Otherwise, the statement is a positive step, even though it had to be worded so as to allow freedom of action. Actions that will now confirm or rebut the negative impressions that have been given but one action is whether we will keep the key players that Kruguer referred to.


You seem to ignore the fact that we was off to WHU in Jan until NC was replaced & the move cancelled by OUR board. It's clear to everyone that he wasn't considered as a long term option.


He's gone, not to some sh*t like WHU, as he was going to go to, but to his boyhood team but it's clear he was going to be allowed to go regardless.

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You seem to ignore the fact that we was off to WHU in Jan until NC was replaced & the move cancelled by OUR board. It's clear to everyone that he wasn't considered as a long term option.


He's gone, not to some sh*t like WHU, as he was going to go to, but to his boyhood team but it's clear he was going to be allowed to go regardless.


that was when we had two other international strikers fit and sane

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1 The board want to keep the fans onside and acknowledge that there is a good deal of tension about, hence the statement.

2 There is still likely to be departures once Malky, ........ sorry the new manager arrives.

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Not sure the football puritans on here will allow us to wade in with big money and steal Danny Ings away from the club that has developed him into a top player. Pretty sure that kind of thing is simply awful and all that is wrong with the modern game and it makes me sick and what's the point and they are all self centred ***** and disloyal scum and Burnley should show some balls and put the shutters up and I'm disgusted and I wa nk myself to tears every night and kill me kill me kill me now.

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No you wouldn't believe that because you lack any love in your heart.

Thankfully there are enough of us in the world who do believe in happy endings to compensate.


Yup, I agree. If one wants to take the cynical approach then Rickie was probably not going to be such a central player for us in the coming seasons, so a £4M sale is very good for a player in decline. But if you want to take the more emotional approach that Rickie is a talisman for the club and that he is a role model for the young fans, then you're probably a softie like myself who can't help looking at the bigger picture in the amazing saga of Rickie Lambert. And I'm thankful that we played a part in the most important chapter about the symbiosis between SFC and Rickie Lambert. The Liverpool years will be an epilogue to end the story in style... I can't help being happy for the big guy.

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Well done to the club. Exactly what we asked for. I think they've been reading this message board and have taken the fans views onboard.


Now don't even think about selling our captain.


I read Rickies statement with a tear in my eye. Not sure he wrote it all though. ;)

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"We are staying true to our plan and vision and, as a result, we have no need to accept any offers. We are deep in the process of appointing a new manager who will continue to move our club forward. It remains our preference not to partake in any transfers until the new manager is in place. Our scouting & recruitment department continues to monitor targets we have identified to improve our squad, and the new manager will have final input into our recruitment process."

Read more at http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/news/article/02062014-statement-player-interest-rickie-lambert-1592309.aspx#jEx67JDRtH4T3D7o.99

Telling use of words there..not a definitive stance


It is another pitifully weak statement from the Board.


The club simply MUST NOT consider ANY transfers BEFORE the new manager is appointed. And he should be a party to all player movements, in or out.

For obvious reasons.


And we Saints supporters should make that adamantly clear by telling them in no uncertain terms. (imo)


The Rickie Lambert transfer to Liverpool is now history. But he was sold far too cheaply and that rankles.

(And incidentally Liverpool were not aware of his AVAILABILITY until Saints told them, which makes a mockery of Katherina's pledge not to sell players.


ps I don't begrudge Rickie his move to his boyhood club, but that is not the issue. The issue is that the Board are still failing to give strong direction. That can only help to deter a future suitable manager from coming here.

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