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Open Letter To MP

Andy Durman

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Comes across as quite bitter to me.


He had another opportunity and he took it. We're going to hate him for it now?


I'm definitely looking forward to him failing and getting sacked. Hardly like he even tried to take us to the next level, just walked off to a club that is itself outside the big boys.

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It's odd

A manager goes to a bigger contract and bigger club, he is a ****


A player goes and we wish him all the best


MP did say to us that he would find it hard to stay here without cortese. Guess he kept his word


At least he didn't walk out mid season, I guess

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It's odd

A manager goes to a bigger contract and bigger club, he is a ****


A player goes and we wish him all the best


MP did say to us that he would find it hard to stay here without cortese. Guess he kept his word


At least he didn't walk out mid season, I guess


Depends on the length of service a player gives. Lambert 5 years, Mopo 16 months.

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Shouldn't be bitter about him leaving, we sack managers pretty easily, so he could hardly expect loyalty the other way round. He could easily have turned spurs down, then been sacked in a year if things went badly or the owner had another manager lined up that she preferred, happens all the time.

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Don't feel bitter - his employer effectively changed so he couldn't stay. Says something about the new Board though. Just hope we have enough to give them a tougher test than this season and can get a win. Certainly the team should know how to go about beating his Spurs side.

Edited by Saint Fan CaM
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It's odd

A manager goes to a bigger contract and bigger club, he is a ****


A player goes and we wish him all the best


MP did say to us that he would find it hard to stay here without cortese. Guess he kept his word


At least he didn't walk out mid season, I guess


I don't think you really get football do you Delldays/Jamie/Bret/Batman

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It's odd

A manager goes to a bigger contract and bigger club, he is a ****


A player goes and we wish him all the best


MP did say to us that he would find it hard to stay here without cortese. Guess he kept his word


At least he didn't walk out mid season, I guess


As I said before, very different circumstances as you well know. You must be gutted that Lallana and Shaw havent left yet.

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I do like a good "open letter". The person they are writing to never reads it.


It is just a attention seeking whinge about a bloke who got a better job. How many of us have left our jobs and gone to better paid work?


I support Saints not ex employees who leave for a better job.


So I would rather say "Cheers Poch and good luck in the new job"


Now lets move on, I have a club to support!!

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Squarez lawyer is suggesting squarez may be on the move after all



Also I saw a Facebook article where the Liverpool fans are quite angry at the signing of SRL some are suggesting he past it and that they were expecting the club to make world class purchases. . They are not happy up in Liverpool

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It's odd

A manager goes to a bigger contract and bigger club, he is a ****


A player goes and we wish him all the best


MP did say to us that he would find it hard to stay here without cortese. Guess he kept his word


At least he didn't walk out mid season, I guess


Agreed. I am more peed off that he left, but there must be a good reason. As for sir lambert, well what a 5 years he has had. I am made up for him, I really am... Still gutted though.

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Squarez lawyer is suggesting squarez may be on the move after all



Also I saw a Facebook article where the Liverpool fans are quite angry at the signing of SRL some are suggesting he past it and that they were expecting the club to make world class purchases. . They are not happy up in Liverpool


What on these sort of forums.... No one is happy. The true Liverpool fans will see his worth and the passion he will give.

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I disagree, thought it was a bit too petty and ill thought out.



I thought MP's letter was as well. It's akin to your girlfriend dumping you and then saying that you can still be friends (and then later trying to nick your prized possessions now she's comfortably shacked up with someone else). Let's not forget he was saying that he was on a contract and couldn't understand what the fuss was about in signing an extension. Nor forget that he was pimping himself around France. It would have been far better to not say anything rather than try and ingratiate himself with us.


I know that it is petty, but looking back on his tenure, he was one grumpy bastard. While it made a nice change from Adkins's happy clappy approach, he could have been more enthusiastic about life. Was he always grumpy or was it just at the end?

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I thought that was quite good... tell you why. After a **** week we've gained a little hope back that Les Reed and our Board might - just might - hold on to our better players and appoint a potentially better manager than Spurs have. :)


I thought it showed we are bigger than MoPo.


Future might be bright. Might.

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nicely worded. Wish I'd thought of it myself .:smug: but i might add.



you'll find out that managing a team of " egotistical over-paid superstars " in a club that (now) has a long history of not winning lots of trophies isn't the same as purring sweet-nothings to our Academy graduates.


However, in the long run you'll come out OK. ... because even getting sacked at New Year ....will mean a very nice pay-off on the remaining 4½ years of your contract.


But ..for old times' sake) ....I'll say.... Good luck - you may need a lot of it.

Edited by david in sweden
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